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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Head Pressure


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What do you think causes it? Mine also gets worse when sitting/standing up, moving around and walking on an incline. Anyone else? Perhaps a POTS type bend on mine but who the heck knows. 


I can feel head rushes at times with the pressure. Feels like blood isn't flowing properly in there. 

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I’m pretty sure it is muscle related.  Like every other muscle in my body, the muscles in my head can’t relax either.  And that particularly sucks because that’s where your brain is housed.  I can’t think with this head pressure. 

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I have bad head pressure. . It constantly feels like my brain is moving around in my head. My whole body vibrates from the time I get up to the time I go to bed. The akathasia is horrible also.

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From what I read the head pressure comes from muscle contraction in the neck and shoulders that pull on the muscles around the head. The muscles are contracted because GABA is not present at high enough levels. GABA is a critical neurotransmitter in muscle relaxation and without it the muscles tense up. A heating pad and possibly a massage can be helpful but really you just have to wait it out. It goes away as you heal. 

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I have noticed the lower my blood pressure, the worse this is. Your head rushing is a result of a drop in blood pressure. I take Clonidine for anxiety. It used to be prescribed as a blood pressure reducer. Anyway, if I take too much I get such bad head pressure. Hope it resolves for you soon!

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I think it’s either the meninges surrounding the brain sending pain signals or the actual skin.  It really sucks. I hate it. Sometimes I lift my eyebrows to see if it’s still tight up there…and yep. 

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