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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×



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I am almost 5 months off a cold turkey and experiencing bad physical and mental symptoms. I have been working a new job for about 5 or 6 months now. I am very nervous there and think people don't like me. I get paranoid coworkers are talking about me...and on and on. The physical symptoms are non stop and horrible. 

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Hello thomas, welcome to BenzoBuddies,

Oh boy, you're telling my story, I quit cold turkey too and experienced paranoia, these darn drugs really put us through the wringer.  

5 months is still very early in recovery but it does get better, although our poor brains won't let us believe this.  Are you recording your symptoms and their severity?  I wish I would have done this so I could have seen in black and white that I was indeed getting better, instead I believed the lies the drug was telling me.

We're glad you're here, you'll find many you can relate to, this is a nightmare process but the good news is, we can recover so have a look around and again, welcome.


P.S. Kudos to being able to work, especially starting a new job.  I know its tough but the distraction from your symptoms this can provide is important. 

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It must be very tough for you thomas, and as Pam said if you can work, its a good distraction.   The symptoms will get easier with more time, but i know how difficult it is coping with symptoms,  especially when the paranoia kicks in.  You will get through this, just remind yourself, they are symptoms, they won't harm you, they are not permanent and they will eventually go away.  Distraction is key, going for walks, listening to music, meditation. try doing something you like doing.

Hang in there


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I feel people hate me and can tell I'm going through this hellish thing. It's so stupid but I cant stop thinking like this. Some of them actually do give me a hard time and I get really nervous. What if they think I'm crazy?

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2 hours ago, [[t...] said:

I feel people hate me and can tell I'm going through this hellish thing. It's so stupid but I cant stop thinking like this. Some of them actually do give me a hard time and I get really nervous. What if they think I'm crazy?


1 hour ago, [[t...] said:

Does anyone feel this way? It's like people hate you and you are really sensitive. 

thomas it doesnt matter what anyone thinks, you know you are not crazy, we know you're not crazy.  This is withdrawal and stinking thinking, paranoia  are symptoms, I had both.  One day it will get better, give it time, i promise you will recover from this ordeal 


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29 minutes ago, [[G...] said:

Yes, I feel like everyone hates me.  I don’t want people around when they are, then want people around when I’m alone.  I’m 5+ months from C/T and I don’t think I can do this.  All day, every day I remind myself the Earth is round floating in space and has no grounding.  Too scared to keep typing this.

Thats just how I was Gonzo, I wanted company, but when they came, I wanted them all to go. The fake smile would hurt like mad.  5+ months out is early!  give it more time.  Yes you can do this Gonzo!  Keep telling yourself, this is all temporary and remind yourself, it will go away one day.  It could be tomorrow, or next week, or in a few months time, I know its longer than we hoped but you will eventually get better.   Withdrawal from these drugs is a battle, and its one that you will win.

Keep hanging in, it will change


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