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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Been a rough go!


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Hello all

im at 18.5 mos. I’ve done way better than I currently am. I had got into some ticks and got really sick. Had to get antibiotics and a short hospital stay. As I started to fell better I got this weak and shaky feeling. It’s been a couple weeks and I can’t shake it. I have pretty much been laying in bed. I know I have to push myself but can’t seem to do anything. Constant worry and some fear had been there. I’ve been so much better but in a bad place. Feel like I should be healed. Anyone out the go through this? Any sillier would help. I feel like I’m losing the battle after all I’ve gone through. 


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I push myself to my hardest limit to go on powerwalks and gymming! Laying in bed do it much worse! The brain heals from using your body. The whole gaba thing we destroyed with pills learns to get a feel good kick that lasts a couple of hours. 

Try it.


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I have been active till this sickness. I have felt really bad. Just now I have been battling not wanting to move. But you’re right I just need to donit. Thank you!

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