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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Intrusive thoughts!!!!


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Please, I'm desperate! I'm almost at the end of my taper ( there are literally grains of the pill to go) and I'm so scared of people and the thoughts in my head! Everything bad I've ever heard is at the forefront of my mind! Please, what can I do? Tapering has been soooo slow yet there's no relief! My world is g- rated so there's no input from anywhere ( been in house 6 months).

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Hi Bulldog14,

Congrats on being at the end of your taper! That’s a huge accomplishment even though you can’t feel it right now. I know exactly what you are talking about. I’m currently experiencing the same thing. I’m starting to realize that this is what our minds do in benzo withdrawal. They literally make us feel like everything is horrible, no one likes us, and all our fears are true. But it’s not true AT ALL. And when you regain some mental clarity you will see all of it isn’t true and it was just your mind playing tricks on you. We are in it together. Hold on, you are stronger than you think :)

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There's not a great deal you can do unfortunately. You need to try and accept them and detach yourself from them. Let them wash over you. It's not actually the thoughts that are causing you pain, after all they're just thoughts. It's your emotional response to them that's the problem. By accepting them for what they are, just some random thoughts you're experiencing as your brain heals. You remove the emotional response to them, and they lose their power. 

I had mental akathisia for the 1st year or so, and never really found any other way to cope with them. Acceptance is a powerful tool. I'm not sure if you've heard of Claire Weekes? But she's a psychiatrist from the 70's I think. She specialised in nervous illness and healing through acceptance. She has audiobooks, some if not all are free on YouTube. I found them very useful as have others.


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15 minutes ago, [[B...] said:

Yep, we're all in the same boat. Life is hell and I'm  not functioning very well.

Good for you being nearly done with your taper! What an accomplishment! I imagine that it's disappointing, though, to be so close to the light at the end of the tunnel and still be feeling so poorly! But you should be proud of yourself! What you're doing is so incredibly difficult but you're managing it. And it's OK not to be functioning well. I think everyone here understands that. 

I really, really hope that you feel much better soon.



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