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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×



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I’m so depressed. It’s been four months since c/t of 3mg Klonopin daily for three years. I don’t have any motivation whatsoever to do the simplest of things. I don’t care to shower, get dressed or even brush my teeth. I feel as though I’m just existing as a blob who just eats and sleeps. I know I need to push myself to do things, but I have no push left. I’m screaming on the inside and I cannot even cry to feel better. I feel powerless. I upped my Pristiq from 50mg to 100mg last month. It hasn’t helped at all. I suppose I still have another week or two before I can truly say it hasn’t helped. I feel so mentally weak. It’s so crippling. I’m so desperate for relief. I plan to get into therapy despite feeling like I want to give up on life. Going back on benzos isn’t an option. My memory is too bad to ever go back on them. Any input or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Annamal  Welcome to Benzobuddies

I am sorry you’ve been through such an awful time.   Cold turkey can bring on some very severe symptoms, benzos should be tapered off slowly.  What you are feeling is normal in withdrawal, Its not unusual to still be suffering at 4 months out.  You will get better, the withdrawal symptoms are awful and can take a while to ease off, but symptoms do eventually go.   You will get plenty of support and encouragement here to help you through this. Please post questions, our members are very helpful.

Check out The Ashton Manual,  It is a great resource for understanding the effect benzo’s have on our body, Chapter III reassured me that symptoms are temporay.

Here is a link to the Ashton manual



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Hi Annamal, I just wanted to tell you you are not alone.  I am still tapering and feel much like you do.  I just posted a separate post about feeling detached and it is greatly concerning.  I go through the motions every day, some days better than others but nothing at all great.  Hang in there friend.  

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Stingrae is correct annamal. You’re not alone and it’s part of this horrible process we go through to heal. It’s not easy. Try to keep your head up and push forward. A lot of people here understand and are here to help!


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start off doing things slowly. Get up and walk around your house. then walk around your block. make a meal.  force yourself out of bed and get a shower, get dressed . Keep building from there till you can start interacting with people etc.... Social interaction along with the right medication is the biggest thing that helps people recover from depression

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