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Slammed by a wave

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I've been tapering since November of last year. Had been at 1.25mg K for several months at that point. I've had some tough moments but this latest one has got me on the ropes. I'm down to .10mg AM and .10mg PM and starting around 7 days ago the symptoms have been relentless. Depression, floating/detached feeling, anxiety, brain fog and now some GI stuff. God they all piled up and hit at once. My doses, though small, do help, but I'm still in a really rough place.

It's been 14 days since my cut from .13mg AM and .13mg PM. I'm gonna ride this out and then slow down. That was about a 23% cut. Learned my lesson! Stay strong everyone! :boxer:

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I'm just going to reply to myself here. Sorry if it's a little weird, but it helps me. Depression and anxiety continues, not a good time. Staying the course but it's tough. My props to people who go through symptoms like this for weeks or months :-[

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2 minutes ago, [[j...] said:

How you  doing MRN?    Has your wave settled down?   I sure hope so.

Thanks for the check-in! My main things right now are

  • Wakefulness at night. I'm able to sleep but I wake up 4 or 5 times. I know it could be much much worse so I'm still thankful.
  • Fatigue for the first half of the day. Just fighting to keep my eyes open and concentrate. It doesn't feel like sleepiness from bad sleep, it feels like a weight in my head. After my AM dose it tends to get better... I don't really understand it, but again, thankful.
  • Perpetual negativity swirling around my head. I must try to refute like a thousand negative thoughts a day. Or get in there and shut down whole trains of thought. It's tiresome but has to be done.

Just trying to push through!

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Hi M, you answered your own question, even though you are way down in dosage, you cut 23% and your Brain did not like that, take some time maybe, before you start tapering again, it needs to catch up with your cut. I found when I was tapering, if I made a boo-boo, it hit me like a hammer with sx, so I would just hold till I felt better. So in the end I just walked off in fumes and very minor sx and thankfully no acute. Hang in there, you are going to be OK. 💖Peace and Healing💦

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MRN, keep pushing through!    I am in the midst of a terrible wave and have been holding for 6 weeks now.   I didn't make any big reductions the past few months but believe my bigger cuts (for me) 4-5 months ago caught up with me.

Lord, help us get through and give us hope!


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