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Switching from accord to teva


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32 minutes ago, [[r...] said:

That List of fillers is not right . It has colloidal silicon dioxide  thats bad stuff .  please check it out.

The list of ingredients was taken directly from the official FDA drug label for Teva clonazepam dated 4/2023 at:


(Scroll to page 20 for the ingredients in the 0.5mg tablet.)

As you can see, colloidal silicon dioxide is not included.  Might I ask what information source you used?


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41 minutes ago, [[r...] said:

That List of fillers is not right . It has colloidal silicon dioxide  thats bad stuff .  please check it out.


This is the oficial teva page. Look at the drug ingridients at the bottom. I couldnt find the colloidal sislicon dioxide...



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I called the manufacture.  they said there was none of that ingredint in it but there is providone in it.  I was wondering if that might be causeing my trouble or maybe it is just the taper.

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I really could use some help.  I just take afew off and I get the burning stomach and tremors really bad. I went from 0.311 to 0.309.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone, I am new on here but I have found it very helpful to hear your experiences. I have been on accord for about 5 years, 0.5mg twice a day, and my anxiety was very stable with that. I am going to have to switch to Teva now that Accord is out everywhere. I had an emergency stock of Accord but I only have about 7 pills left, so I am going to have to make the switch to Teva. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to switch from accord to Teva, should I just go from one the other immediately or should I take my remaining accord in the morning and my Teva in the evening? Thanks for any help!

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I was able to switch from accord without major issues although I did a blending period of almost three weeks.  I explained above how I did it.

I was almost at the end of my taper and had to updose so that's why I was a bit careful when I faced the change. I have to say that I feel better now with teva that I did with accord.

The main issue that I noticed is that I feel more of a drawsiness. Noticed too that Teva doesn't desintegrate in my mouth as fast as Accord. That shows that T will stand the harsh conditions of the digestive system better compared to accord. It will desintigrate late in the digestive track where it will have more effect. Like others say the later plus that it seems to have more of the drug may explain why I get more sleepy.

If I were in your shoes I would probably start Teva at night and use the Accord during the day till completely run out of A. 

Try not to put too much attention to it. Just think that you don't have other option. I think Teva is a much better quality pill than Accord.

You are going to be ok!


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5 hours ago, [[m...] said:

You are going to be ok!


Mice, thank you for your reply, I am going take the teva at night and the accord in the morning until I run out of the accord which is now 6 more pills. Reading everyones post makes me feel confident that I to can do this, I might expect a ruff couple of weeks, but eventually it should all level out and I may even feel better on the teva. 

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I forgot ! the other option is taking half of T at night and half in the morning combined both with half A. And then on the seventh day full T. I think it would be less shocking using both doses.


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I remember years ago specifically asking the pharmacist for teva over something else that I can't remember. I could feel teva worked cleaner. I wouldn't worry about the switch.  Teva may be more effective (stronger?)if I was able to tell the difference. Maybe even try a bit of reduction when switching. Keep your eye on the target. Get off of the poison and get your brains/soul back. 

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Up date about switching to Teva. 

After Updosing from .125 to 0.5, 2 months ago, and having switched from Accord to Teva, slowly, mixing both for almost 4 weeks I think my CNS finally found peace and I  feel more stable. There are a spike of symptoms here and there, mine more mental and tinnitus related but not near to what I suffered two months ago. I feel way better now with Teva than accord. Probably as it was said above Teva may have more of the drug or less nasty fillers. I noticed that it takes more time to get disolved resulting in a more effective asimilation standing the digestive system enviroment.

Having being so close to the end and have to updose when I reached 0.125 after a long year of tapering was very frustrating. Then a lot of stress situations and the fact of being in the critical low dose, turned everything upside down. I up dosed gradualy but the only number that will keep me stable and funtional was at 0.5. Still a progress from the 0.750 where I started from more than a year ago. So I concider what hapened a big bump on the road but i'm still riding and soon I will start my taper again.

If it can help others this is what I expirience and what I would suggest:

-I  learned that we have to be extremely cautious when reached low doses. I would say at 3/4 of the taper. Thats when we have to apply the brakes quite a bit.

-Control as much as posible the stress situations specially during the last stretch. From now on I will probably program hold periods and more  if something       stressful is coming. 

-Keep eating as clean as possible, paying attention at High instamine foods. I noticed that food is a big trigger of symptoms. Bacon in my case!

-Moderate exercise. I was overdoing it. Although I am able to exercise,thank god! I was going to extrems and didn't feel well afterwards. Still a must if you   want to get out of this situation.

-I spend less time coming to BB. We have to be careful what we read. Some of the stories can trigger symptoms and what we want is take this drugs out of our mind.  

I'm planing slowly start to taper again in a few weeks. Will be, as I did it in the past, with pills and liquid suspension with ora plus. Hopefully the third time's the charm!

wish me luck! 




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