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Switching from accord to teva


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Did any have a blending period when switching from accord 0.5 to same Teva. There has been some posting about this issue but mainly that accord is not longer available. 

I just want to know if anybody just switch in one day or introduced the Teva brand slowly. Also how you did with Teva compared with accord.

I'm taking .25 X2 daily and I'm thinking to split .125 Teva and .125 accord for a week or so and then .25 of each every other day.

Thanks in advance for any comments about this issue.


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If it were me, I would try to introduce it slowly or at least hold for a period as you adjust to the new manufacturer. I've heard Teva and Accord "hit" differently, but numerous people have made the switch. I'm sure it'll go well for you, dana, even if it's a bit tough in the beginning.

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I switched all at once and for the first week felt pretty much the same. The second week I got severe migraines and then the most insane depression I've had in so long (I've been fine for over a year with everything), then started going all over the place, losing weight, panicking, having surges in the middle of the night, akathesia, etc. It's been brutal. It felt like a major updose to me. I have always handled even minor updoses poorly...worse even than cuts, and this felt like one right away. It left me way too sedated, woke up feeling hung over, took all the joy out of life. So I've just switched to liquid K from a compounding pharmacy last week and I'm trying to adjust to that (not easy either). So to answer your question, I did it all at once and felt nothing for a week. Should I have done it gradually? I'm not sure, I mean most people who switch successfully feel like they stabilize in a week or two and I started getting worse at that point and it only went downhill from there. So for me I think Teva and my body just didn't work, but the initial week was a non event. I've heard from a differing site that crossing over 25% per week is a good strategy so soften the blow so that might work for you. But I have heard a lot from people that Teva hits stronger and more potent than Accord, and I can say for sure it does. Just something to consider as you adjust. And that might be a good thing for some, but for me it wasn't. We are all so unique.

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Did any have a blending period when switching from accord 0.5 to same Teva. There has been some posting about this issue but mainly that accord is not longer available. 

I just want to know if anybody just switch in one day or introduced the Teva brand slowly. Also how you did with Teva compared with accord.

I'm taking .25 X2 daily and I'm thinking to split .125 Teva and .125 accord for a week or so and then .25 of each every other day.

Thanks in advance for any comments about this issue.


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That's what I've heard about Teva as well, but hopefully you have a smoother transition. If Teva doesn't work, there's a new kid on the block that you could consider: Advagen. It was just approved this year.

I'm so sorry that happened to you, @[mi...]. I hope the compounded liquid works out well.

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I was on Accord and one day its like, here is your Rx and it was Teva. I just switched directly over and was not a happy camper for about 2 weeks before I got used to the Teva. I now get 2 prescriptions at 2 different pharmacies to avoid manufacturer changes. We've got enough to deal with! If you don't have an option, then yeah what @[he...] said. Introduce it slowly.

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Thankfully I was able to stay on Accord for the duration of my taper by moving to a local pharmacy, but it is my understanding that it is now unavailable for the time being. I was also able to build a stockpile to hedge against any shortages or discontinuations. I would recommend doing this as you're able so you're not left in another bad situation.

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I have built about a 6 month stockpile of Teva since they started filling that earlier this year while I used up my Accord stockpile hoping it would return. My liquid compound has failed, the withdrawal and stomach pain was out of this world. So back to Teva. I would like to think that for tapering purposes (not therapeutic), we should all be able to adjust to most generics given enough time. I mean, When I first got switched to Clonazepam inpatient two years ago it took me months before i felt like it was working, literally months. In fact I felt worse on it for the longest time and after sometime my body settled down and it stabilized me nicely. I do have to keep tapering or I start feeling toxic but I don't have to taper fast, just keep it moving. Wonder if I'll stabilize on Teva if that's what I have to do.

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I hope @[mi...] you are able keep going with the Teva. I never "stabilized" per se ever, as my baseline symptoms were pretty darn terrible, but I was able to keep going and get off. I'm sorry your liquid K didn't work. I was also unable to use a liquid. Both the homebrew and compounded liquids I tried immediately induced much worse symptoms. I stuck with the compounded version for four days until I couldn't do it anymore and switched to scale and nail file.

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@[he...] I would prefer to do that all the way down since it has worked for me thus far. I was VERY stable for over a year, with hardly anything but a few bumps. I would go as far as to say from .300 to .180 I felt better than I had for years, better even than I felt back when I was on Ativan as needed for two decades before it became an every day thing and I was switched to K. Accord should be coming back eventually from what I've read, just a question of when. A few people on another message board said they talked to Accord and they said it should be coming back but probably not for a few months. So there is hope. Regarding the scale, how did you do it with accuracy issues going low and also as the cuts got smaller and smaller. What % were your cuts?

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19 hours ago, [[m...] said:

Regarding the scale, how did you do it with accuracy issues going low and also as the cuts got smaller and smaller. What % were your cuts?

Hi @[mi...], my scale measures to .0001 grams, so accuracy was not really an issue, and I jumped at .050 mg, so my total pill weight was .017 g split into two doses. I averaged around 5.5 to 6%/14 for the first part of my taper, but sped up for the last nine months and got up to 10.25%/14 by the end.

Glad to hear Accord is coming back. Hope they got their quality issues worked out.

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5 hours ago, [[h...] said:

Hi @[mi...], my scale measures to .0001 grams, so accuracy was not really an issue, and I jumped at .050 mg, so my total pill weight was .017 g split into two doses. I averaged around 5.5 to 6%/14 for the first part of my taper, but sped up for the last nine months and got up to 10.25%/14 by the end.

Glad to hear Accord is coming back. Hope they got their quality issues worked out.

@[he...] sorry just want to clarify. When you jumped:

  • Total pill weight was 17 mg (split into 2 doses)
  • Total medication was .05 mg

Using 170 mg as the weight of a full K .5 mg pill. So 17mg/170mg = .1 and .1 * .5mg = .05mg of K. Is the math right? Thanks.

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On 7/24/2023 at 12:47 PM, [[m...] said:

I switched all at once and for the first week felt pretty much the same. The second week I got severe migraines and then the most insane depression I've had in so long (I've been fine for over a year with everything), then started going all over the place, losing weight, panicking, having surges in the middle of the night, akathesia, etc. It's been brutal. It felt like a major updose to me. I have always handled even minor updoses poorly...worse even than cuts, and this felt like one right away. It left me way too sedated, woke up feeling hung over, took all the joy out of life. So I've just switched to liquid K from a compounding pharmacy last week and I'm trying to adjust to that (not easy either). So to answer your question, I did it all at once and felt nothing for a week. Should I have done it gradually? I'm not sure, I mean most people who switch successfully feel like they stabilize in a week or two and I started getting worse at that point and it only went downhill from there. So for me I think Teva and my body just didn't work, but the initial week was a non event. I've heard from a differing site that crossing over 25% per week is a good strategy so soften the blow so that might work for you. But I have heard a lot from people that Teva hits stronger and more potent than Accord, and I can say for sure it does. Just something to consider as you adjust. And that might be a good thing for some, but for me it wasn't. We are all so unique.

Thanks Mike. 

Intersting, I also called accord and they didn't know when they would start to produce it again. 

I started the blending two days ago spliting my night dose of .25 in .125 accord+.125 Teva.Probably next week or so Im gonna start full .25 Teva at night. I will continiue the  .25 Accord in the morning.At one point I thought to add a dose in the afternoon (.125) but knowing now that teva has more of the drug I will wait and see. Afternoons are the worst in my case. I've been pushing not to add that one yet. So now I have to deal with the drug change. Hopefully is going to be ok. 

I have the same problem as you when I had to updose and change the media from liquid that I was tapering with to full pill . I got in a very bad depression and anxiety. I'm loosing weight too, 10 pounds in a month or so. I have a very healthy diet and exercise so it may be that in part. Did you gain some weight when you got  used to teva?

My depression and extreme anxiety relatively stop when I got to .5. I had started the taper at 0.75 a year ago so being now at .5 at least I got an improvement. Still Very Very frustraed for the effort of almost 1 year tapering but it is what it is. 

I have been dealing with this crap for the last five years. I was two years off of it till last year a supplement and herbal teas put me back in accute. I sould have pushed it but I barely could go to work so I reinstated.

If I were you I would take all the time needed but most of all watch what you take and eat.  if so far you have made it continiue the same way without adding or taking anything. I would also go for the long run than cut it sooner.

Thanks for you comments and advice to both you and here for help.




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Hi Libertas!! I just saw you reading the post.

You have always been my expert adviser. Anything that you can tell me about my situation will be greatly appreciated. I'm experienced in most of the stuff but this time I'm steping in unknown territories. 

Any comments to my situation will be appreciated.!


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34 minutes ago, [[m...] said:

Thanks for you comments and advice to both you and here for help.

I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all this nonsense again. I hope you can get off smoothly and be done with this garbage for good, mice.

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Hello, micedana.  Good to see you as always.  By ‘your situation’ do you mean the switch from one manufacturer of clonazepam to another?  If so, the gradual, ‘low and slow’ approach you’ve outlined seems prudent given the other adjustments you’ve had to make in your taper recently. 


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8 minutes ago, [[h...] said:

I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all this nonsense again. I hope you can get off smoothly and be done with this garbage for good, mice.

Apriciated HFH !!! I'll keep the post updated as I progress . As you know we are mostly alone or not understood during this process. I'll really appreciate whenever you can chime in!



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2 hours ago, [[L...] said:

Hello, @micedana.  Good to see you as always.  By ‘your situation’ do you mean the switch from one manufacturer of clonazepam to another?  If so, the gradual, ‘low and slow’ approach you’ve outlined seems prudent given the other adjustments you’ve had to make in your taper recently. 

Yes,the plan is to switch to full Teva at night some time next week . I dont know if thats too soon...

I don't know if start to do the same thing with the morning dose now or wait to see what happens with the night dose and then do the same like I did with the night one...

Very frustrated that I couldn't finish my taper. I'm at .5 now from .75 still a progress after more than a year but I wont continiue the taper any time soon. At least until be more stable. 

Hope the teva makes me feel better than the accord. Some people  say it's easier to taper from. Something is for sure is going to be more slow and with a lot of holds.


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This happened to me also. The tevea is killing my stomach.  I had it compounded too and the weights are all over the place. I was going to compound the liquid but now i'm afraid. I never had problems on Accord but like you know you cant't get it.  I don't know what to do. 


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3 hours ago, [[m...] said:

Yes,the plan is to switch to full Teva at night some time next week . I dont know if thats too soon...

I don't know if start to do the same thing with the morning dose now or wait to see what happens with the night dose and then do the same like I did with the night one...

Very frustrated that I couldn't finish my taper. I'm at .5 now from .75 still a progress after more than a year but I wont continiue the taper any time soon. At least until be more stable. 

Hope the teva makes me feel better than the accord. Some people  say it's easier to taper from. Something is for sure is going to be more slow and with a lot of holds.


Hello again, micedana.  What is your typical withdrawal pattern?  That is, how many days does it typically take for the effects from a dose change to emerge, peak, and stabilize?  I suggest you use that to inform the speed of your changeover.

You are wise to defer tapering until you are more stable.  Your system has experienced a series of ‘upsets’— It may take a while for it to settle down again.

I share your hope that you’ll feel better soon on the Teva.  The ingredients it contains are quite similar to those of Accord (see details below) plus my general impression is that Teva’s quality control standards are higher than those of some of the other generic manufacturers. During my tenure here, I personally can recall less than a handful of members who reported issues with Teva clonazepam and even they adjusted to it given sufficient time. 







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I read somewhere else that some think providing has some extended release properties to it that keeps the drug around longer. Maybe that’s what makes it feel stronger for some. Can’t remember where I read it but it’s in Teva and not accord

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Difficult to say libertas. But I use my tinnitus as indicator although it can be also disturbed by what I eat stress etc. It's been four days since I mix the night dose and last night the tinnitus was really bad. So I'm probably reacting to a "change" now in day number 4/5. It is the typical 3 in the morning cortisol wake up but for sure it was more intense than other days.

On the positive side I can notice already that I have a different feeling on the night dose with the Teva. Agree with Mike is a more extended calm action compared with accord. 

May be it's a psychological issue too for the change.  I probably stick to the night change for a week or two then go full dose at night and see what happens. Then do the transition with the morning dose. Hopefully I will not increase the total dose because of this. It's not much what I can do really. Pay too much attention to it may be counterproductive.

Thanks Libertas! 



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That List of fillers is not right . It has colloidal silicon dioxide  thats bad stuff .  please check it out.

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