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I never feel full


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Has anyone ever experienced this never feeling full it doesn’t matter how much I eat or how much water I drink I live each day every hour with a constant feeling of hunger I have gained 55 pounds since September 1 if I don’t eat I feel very aggressive very emotional not too pleasant to be around as long as I’m eating I feel more content that’s just one of the hundreds of symptoms that I’m dealing with but it’s got to be unhealthy.

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Hello Grateful Welcome to the forum

We are glad you are here. Can you tell us a little about your benzodiazepine situation and support requirements so we can best help you.  The type of benzo you take or have taken, have you started or finished your taper.


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Hello Grateful

You've been through a lot, and you should be so proud of yourself, you have come so far. I am glad you have made some progress,  It does help us to believe we will get better when we see improvements.  I know you will continue to get better and you’ve come to a great place for support.  I am sorry you've had difficulty logging in to the forum, but you are here now and we are glad to have you with us,  We have a great community here, you will get plenty of support to help you through the rest of your journey.


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Grateful, I have the exact opposite feeling you are having. Due to muscle tension in my upper body, I always feel full from the feeling of pressure....go figure.

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11 hours ago, [[G...] said:

Has anyone ever experienced this never feeling full it doesn’t matter how much I eat or how much water I drink I live each day every hour with a constant feeling of hunger I have gained 55 pounds since September 1 if I don’t eat I feel very aggressive very emotional not too pleasant to be around as long as I’m eating I feel more content that’s just one of the hundreds of symptoms that I’m dealing with but it’s got to be unhealthy.

Hi Grateful, I have been tapering klonopin for almost 11 months now and for the past 2 months I have been feeling exactly like what you described. I even went to my doctor to inquire why am I feeling so hungry all the time and I don’t feel satiated. I thought maybe it’s my under active thyroid but was told my thyroid is under control now, I’m not on any anti depressants so this could be a symptom of benzo withdrawal. It’s horrible, I’m always hungry and gained so much weight in two months. I hope this goes away soon. 

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I went through having no appetite when I was tapering and now that I am 90 days off, I am often very hungry and I notice my stomach churns and growls like it is digesting rapidly.  I can be full from eating and an hour later I feel super hungry, like I have to eat or I'm going to freak out.  Damn, this is all so weird!

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I'm the opposite. Always Nassau and can't eat solid food. Lost 6kg since december. I miss being hungry lol.

You made a good job :giggle:

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I also never feel full because I lost feeling in my stomach. I don’t know how to deal with this much longer. 
it is horrific. 

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