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How long to stabilize on a Valium hold?


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Due to several serious unexpected health conditions since January 1st, 2023.  I had to reinstate Valium.  I have had 4 operations including 2 very serious heart surgeries.  My system has been so destabilized.  I have been also recovering from a 4 month cold Turkey 4 months previously from years of intermittent low dose (2.5-5mgs) Ambien use  2-3 times a week.    I was suffering PAWS when my serious health issues hit this year.

I am now taking 8mgs Valium for the last month but I am hoping to stabilize at that dose before tapering off of it gradually.  I am still suffering the same PAWS I had from Ambien and was hoping the 8mgs of Valium might cover the PAWS from years of Ambien since I rarely averaged much more than 1.0mgs of Ambien per day for years.  

I’m thinking I might need a long hold at 8mgs Valium per day to stabilize.  Has anyone else benefitted from a long hold and if so how long did it take to stabilize?




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Hi Investartist,

I'm so sorry you are going through this. My husband is currently holding to stabilize after experiencing an accidental cold turkey last month (problem with the meds that I'm still trying to wrap my mind around). I had read a really nice thread where one buddy had actually put together SO many quotes about holding and how beneficial it is. I'll try to find it for you- I am fairly certain that I have saved/ bookmarked it.

The gist of it is- give your body time. Your body will tell you when it's safe to resume. Tapering while experiencing severe symptoms can make the taper unnecessarily difficult. I wish I could tell you it's all good by x time. What I CAN tell you is that stability feels good and it's worth it to work towards it.

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