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Does a slow taper cause more damage?


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Hi everyone, I have been sick on a benzo for 2 years now. I am constantly researching and trying to find the best way to come off of the clonazepam. My doctor believes a slow taper is best and I appreciate that she is not rushing me off. However she often feels that my symptoms are too severe to taper and she has had me holding for 3 months. I've just come across a couple of people on the Facebook groups who say that if you are having severe symptoms on the drug then a slow taper is causing harm. However I do know that when I have tried to taper too quickly symptoms become unbearable. I guess I'm confused about how to proceed. If the drug is doing damage it seems a fast taper is best. But when a fast taper causes unbearable symptoms, it seems a slow taper is actually necessary. What are your thoughts on this? I find myself confused again this morning and doubting the slow taper even though I don't think my body can take a fast taper.
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Hi AnnaMeg


Hopefully you’ll receive some feedback soon from other members. I would like to go through this with you myself right now, but I’ve hit a heavy mental wall and really need to get some rest. However, I will come back to this thread once I’ve rested to share my own views. I also meant to get back to your previous thread concerning having to deal with multiple other health issues, and I will also reply to that soon.


Just in brief… I do think you already answered your own question by expressing how unbearable the symptoms became when you tried a faster taper…


I will get back to you once I’ve had some sleep, or, at least rested up some.


Like I said… hopefully others will add their thoughts soon.





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Hi AnnaMeg,


My symptoms also became unbearable after my doctor made me reduce 40%. Therefore my baseline has been extremely horrible this entire taper but the cuts are a bit easier not doing more than 5%.

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Thank you, Cocodot. Ok, so things are evening out? I know I can't hold anymore. I need to taper. I guess I'll keep going on the slow route. Reducing a little under 1% each time or possible switching to a DMT. I got scared because I read a post this morning on facebook that said a slow taper is just causing more harm. But, maybe that doesn't apply to those of us who have tried to move faster and just cannot.
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I've just come across a couple of people on the Facebook groups who say that if you are having severe symptoms on the drug then a slow taper is causing harm.


I don't understand why a slow taper would be causing harm. Did they explain their reasoning? What do they say severe symptoms are indicative of?

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Hi jelly, yes, the person posting said that when suffering severe symptoms like I have been means the drug is causing damage. Especially since all of the symptoms began while taking the drug and before tapering. The post indicated that this is a sign that the drug is actively harming the nervous system. The problem is whenever I have tried to taper even at 5% a month symptoms become even worse. So it seems a slow taper is really the only choice. I'm hoping and praying that symptoms might improve as tapering continues since some have reported this.🙏
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I do also believe it causes damage taking this and continuing to take this, but it's still safer to go slow, especially if you're not paradoxal.
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Yes, need the safest option for sure. I do inherently feel that a quick taper may cause even more serious issues.
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Hi jelly, yes, the person posting said that when suffering severe symptoms like I have been means the drug is causing damage. Especially since all of the symptoms began while taking the drug and before tapering. The post indicated that this is a sign that the drug is actively harming the nervous system. The problem is whenever I have tried to taper even at 5% a month symptoms become even worse. So it seems a slow taper is really the only choice. I'm hoping and praying that symptoms might improve as tapering continues since some have reported this.🙏


The most likely explanation is tolerance in your case - if you started symptoms before tapering. I don't believe in active harming of the nervous system - whatever that means. I know we casually talk about damage, but in my opinion it's more like an injury we need to recover from. I don't think there's "more" damage being done if we slowly taper the meds. People keep thinking they have to get off because every second they stay on the "more damage" it's doing to their brains. I don't subscribe to this philosophy. I only believe if you never plan to taper there's an increased risk of severe tolerance. If these drugs were truly causing more damage then we wouldn't have the reports of people feeling better as they taper to lower doses.


Also, if they say you should taper faster, what constitutes a fast taper? 10%, 20%, 30%? If you taper at 20% and you are incapacitated then why not just taper at 40% or 50% and get it over with, what's the difference then? Can you see where I'm going with this? No girl, you just listen to your brain and body and follow what it allows you.  :smitten:

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Hi AnnaMeg


It seems like your concerns have already been well covered by JB, so I don’t think there’s any need to add to the thread… unless you have other questions, of course. 


I hope you feel more comfortable with the idea of slow tapering now.

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Thank you jelly, and everyone. This puts my mind at ease a little more. The post yesterday about a slow taper causing more damage really concerned me and you all have helped calm me down. I really think a fast taper would be devastating and could cause much more harm in the long run. My symptoms are already very severe keeping me mostly bed and couch bound. I have seen others in this position who say they have improved as they have gotten lower and gotten off. I'm really hoping this is the case here. Thank you all so much for your encouraging responses and for helping me think through this. I'm so grateful.
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I'm glad you're feeling better about your choices. You know you best and this process is so hard without putting extra pressure on yourself.  :smitten:
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I haven't tried water, but I am thinking of switching to a liquid compound in order to make reductions smaller and more frequent instead of larger and spread so far apart. I think it will allow for a gentler way off. I hope.
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Hi my experience has been if I cut to much and I did in the beginning because I didn't know what I was doing caused such severe withdrawals I could not function and ended up in bed for days. I had to hold to stabilize and it took some time. For me tapering slowly has allowed me to function more although I still have symptoms. I'm just able to manage them more. I have had the same concerns of how doing a slow taper is causing more damage but I really don't have a choice because I get so sick when I go to fast. I can say though if I look back a year ago compared to now my symptoms aren't as debilitating. so I like to think I am healing as I taper. Just my thoughts but I'm not an expert in any way on tapering. I hope you are able to find what works for you.
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