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I noticed you’ve posted a few symptom related questions


It makes sense to want to be reassured that the symptoms you are experiencing are indeed benzo related, and I encourage you to continue to reach out for confirmation and comfort wherever needed. I’m sure you’ll receive feedback from other members experiencing similar symptoms.


However, I just feel I want to let you know that although it’s normal to focus on various symptoms, it can sometimes become problematic if we look at our symptoms as though they were puzzles that somehow need to be figured out…


We can easily become overly consumed by our symptoms, which then only increases stress, and this added stress then directly impacts the CNS, creating a cycle within which we then only intensify the very symptoms we’re trying to keep at bay.


It’s just something worth keeping in mind.

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Hi Pink Glitter,

Sounds like your severe acute WD is stil in full force... so sorry your'e experiencing all this.

I noticed you posted a few times, so rather than responding to multiple posts, I've consolidated your posts and my responses here:

Here are the posts I read:


-"Like Heat waves inside body all over the plac3 and pins and needles everywhere but if I touch my my head, spine or face it also gives me these symptoms. So I get these symptoms but if if not having them in the moment if I touch those areas it brings the symptoms."


-"Can anyone feel their nerves in their head eyes and body going crazy and it hurts"


-"Does anyone get like heat waves in all different parts of body? Like warmness touching different parts of the body inside"


I think you're asking if anyone else has had these symptoms - I think you're trying to normalize these symptoms to ensure they're not abnormal- is that correct?


Short answer to your many symptoms: Yes - I have felt pins and needles in my arms/legs. When I'm not having the symptoms but touch my arm/legs it does NOT bring the symptoms on for me.


I can occasionally feel heat on and in my body. It's not 'hot' but there is heat. It comes and goes.


You also asked about pressure in the brain. One of my most prevalent symptoms is pressure in my head. I try to drink tons of water, get lots of sunshine and breathe deeply. If I get a migraine I have medication I can use. But I try not to use it as it can cause ulcers.


Your symptoms are consistent with Benzo withdrawl.

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