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Why can't I get no help!


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I can't get any f**king help, none. All I do is help others on Facebook but when I need help no one is there for me. I'll ask questions and be lucky to get one comment, why is my case so much worse then everyone else? I tried staying away from thoughts like that because I think it's not fair to everyone going through their own hell but it's getting harder and harder to move away from these thoughts that there's never been a more neurologically injured person that I've seen. It's so bad that I get jealous whenever I see someone with the basics of symptoms like insomnia, anxiety, rage to cognitive issues. I wish that was all there was... I'm over here losing my function to move my body without feeling this resistance and delay that sends me into anxiety. How am I 27 months out and still so bad? Worse I'm getting actually worse.

All I can do is lay in bed all day but even laying still makes me worse, eatting and drinking anything makes me worse, taking my medication makes me worse. I have no one, everyone is so tired of me complaining and I get it, I'm tired to.

Has anyone ever felt like their left body is numb, weak, heavy with a mild hint of inability to move their arm and leg with food sensitivity and come out of this okay?

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Yes I having this , exactly this or variations of this...

WELL can you relax please.


in reality, you already know which answers and tips you will like and which ones you won't agree with.

you can say you already know the answers to all questions but are looking for confirmation and authority.

I know you suffer like all of us here and you need a support.


I can say only 1 thing .

Laying in bed will make you worse. At the least you can eat xD


Taking you medication will make you worse ( they are not designed to make you better)

My morning starts from waking up in horrible anxiety( fear of death, fear what I can't enjoy sunny day and I am just dying )

Numbness in right leg and hand.

Paradoxes thinking, random voices in my head, scary intrusive though,  looping thoughts,

+ 100 other symptoms.

I have a bottle of benzos close to me . I know I can start it anytime to numb myself and play this short game ( till I reach tolerance) I pretty sure I won't survive this again ( but who knows)

If you have. NO fkn choice,  you just go extreme.

It helping me to do everything opposite to what I am doing right now.

Go homeless.

I can guarantee you after 4 days without proper food , sleeping at shopping malls or train station. You will appreciate your house , your food , and even start to ignore some symptoms.

It just works for me.  Sorry but no sorry . I watching video of people suffering of cancer and deadly diseases and I start thinking. Typing here , laying at my bed, even tho my body is floating burning , and I got schizophrenia is not that bad comparing to someone going through sarcoma or operations on brain or bones.


I don't know if it helps you. I push myself to feel even more worse and after that my baseline suffering feels better. Slowly your getting better ( if No other MED or no other sicknesses)


I start to do it because no way for me. Or take benzo it 1 way ticket to my end... well I will enjoy some time, but what if tolerance , what if I lose access to pills.

And another way, accept it, clutch your teeth and live through because no point to complain it will make you even more angry.

Crying is helping.

You not alone , if it makes you feel better.


When I feel angry I hit walls , sometimes I throw my samsung into wall so it crushes.

Lol then I buy the new one. But pain when u don't have mo ey and you need a new smartphone .

Sport is better. Running is better.

Swimming is even more better.

Base jumping with parachute  ;)


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Yes I having this , exactly this or variations of this...

WELL can you relax please.


in reality, you already know which answers and tips you will like and which ones you won't agree with.

you can say you already know the answers to all questions but are looking for confirmation and authority.

I know you suffer like all of us here and you need a support.


I can say only 1 thing .

Laying in bed will make you worse. At the least you can eat xD


Taking you medication will make you worse ( they are not designed to make you better)

My morning starts from waking up in horrible anxiety( fear of death, fear what I can't enjoy sunny day and I am just dying )

Numbness in right leg and hand.

Paradoxes thinking, random voices in my head, scary intrusive though,  looping thoughts,

+ 100 other symptoms.

I have a bottle of benzos close to me . I know I can start it anytime to numb myself and play this short game ( till I reach tolerance) I pretty sure I won't survive this again ( but who knows)

If you have. NO fkn choice,  you just go extreme.

It helping me to do everything opposite to what I am doing right now.

Go homeless.

I can guarantee you after 4 days without proper food , sleeping at shopping malls or train station. You will appreciate your house , your food , and even start to ignore some symptoms.

It just works for me.  Sorry but no sorry . I watching video of people suffering of cancer and deadly diseases and I start thinking. Typing here , laying at my bed, even tho my body is floating burning , and I got schizophrenia is not that bad comparing to someone going through sarcoma or operations on brain or bones.


I don't know if it helps you. I push myself to feel even more worse and after that my baseline suffering feels better. Slowly your getting better ( if No other MED or no other sicknesses)


I start to do it because no way for me. Or take benzo it 1 way ticket to my end... well I will enjoy some time, but what if tolerance , what if I lose access to pills.

And another way, accept it, clutch your teeth and live through because no point to complain it will make you even more angry.

Crying is helping.

You not alone , if it makes you feel better.


When I feel angry I hit walls , sometimes I throw my samsung into wall so it crashes.

Lol then I buy the new one. But pain when u don't have mo ey and you need a new smartphone .

Sport is better. Running is better.

Swimming is even more better.

Base jumping with parachute  ;)

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Yes, Mustang, I have had that can't move a muscle thing.  Like, immobilised.  Sit, unable to move.  It's much better now, and I can get up without thinking about it too much. 


My crackpot theory is that it's the Freeze part of Fight and Flight. 


Frozen, unable to move.  It gets better.  I learned to force myself, even if to put a cup in the sink.  :-\


Lots of us think we are the worst case Mustang.  I know I have.  Little wonder, it's truly horrible, but gets better.  Keep the faith. 



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I am 51 months out and starting to accept I'll never be the same again. I have other health issues too and it is too much of a trauma for my body and mind to heal. If I do heal I figure it'll be years and years, possibly decades down the road. By then it'll be too late to have done alot of things. I've already lost so much due to poor health.
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What happened between month 9 where you were turning a corner and month 10 to 13?

I ask because I've seen people having setbacks from flu/ covid jabs , probiotics and alsorts.

Please take care

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  • 2 months later...
Couldn't tell you, I did nothing differently and all of the sudden I was right back in acute where all symptoms leveled up and new ones came to town and wrecked shop. I even wrote a success story around that time because I felt really good, still had some food sensitivities but it's nothing like what it's been lately. Had horrible symptoms such as half of my body going numb, feeling like it's drooping or overly heavy and tight, visual issues I haven't seen to head sensations and pain I haven't seen
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