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The Long Hold Support Group


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Good morning LHSG or should l say the CV support group.Holy God l don't want any of you around me in a crisis 😕. Honestly you all need to calm down yes these are scary times however they will pass and you are not out running around so get a grip.l have to agree with GP here.Yes some people are vulnerable and we should be cautious however that is easy keep your hands clean and don't touch anyone.This is a virus and it can be contained however it is up to us if we get it or not.

Please remember you are feeding your fears with watching all the news coverage so please refrain from overwatching.

Happy birthday my twin l really hope you have a good one.l know you are scared honey but please keep your fears under control.Rich is doing the right thing.l know you can't see that however it isn't possible for everyone to hold up in their home for several months.Try to understand this will pass my lovely.love you my lST X

Morning Val have to say l read your post and l thought WHY?Are you not suffering enough?Why are you adding insult to injury?l don't really get it however if you feel you must cut take a nail file and chip a bit off.As for Johnson l really hope he holds his nerve.l agree with his policies at this time however it will change not now l hope.As for the NHS it seems to be holding its own at the moment so fingers crossed all will be grand.love you.X

. Morning GP at last a bit of common sense.Good to see it.As for politics not even remotely interested 😠.l hope the ab help honey.love you.X

Morning Suzy try to keep calm pet you will be grand.l know all this hype is awful but we will get through it like everything else.You are doing great.love you.X

Morning Stephen if you were ok before this you will be grand.l know the social aspect will be lacking now however you can do this on your own.Keep phone contact with your friends etc and know this isn't going to last forever.love to you.X

Morning Final l am glad you are still going out and about.l think walking helps tremendously.l would consider holding your taper for now or adjusting the amount you are tapering.l know you have suffered however you are moving forward and that is amazing.love to you.X

Morning Olive how are you honey.Are you holding up ok?l hope so.This is not an easy time for any of us however you are doing amazingly well honey.Keep your chin up.love you.X

Morning NJ l hope you get your med ok l don't really see why you wouldn't.Please try to remain calm honey.l know your son is vulnerable however he seems a clever boy and he can keep himself safe.As for your mum all nursing facilities are following strict protocols and hopefully they will be safe.We can only do what we can and hopefully it will be enough.love to you.X

Morning Lady Mary awe Hen have you lost the calm 😳?Tim is being sensible honey not everyone has the luxury of being able to work from home.l am perfectly sure he is taking the proper precautions and he will be grand.Try not to worry so much.Now hold your dose and let everything settle down.All ok this end so we will see how this plays out.love you my lady Mary HenX

. Morning Intend Gilly Valley Free Meems Esperanza Nova Miyu Bill and everyone here sending you my love.X


Sorry Stut, I trust Tim to do what he should, but a family birthday party with people I have known for years, and know some won't be as careful as they should,  really didn't want Tim or me to get sick.

Wish he didn't have to work, but understand that isn't optional, so I don't fuss about that.  A birthday party can be postponed and really not important right now.  So I am calm again.  Hope you and your loved ones are safe and the babies.  Love you, Mary 💚💚💚💚


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Thanks Stut!  At last, the voice of reason.  I wish we had rationing here.  You sound well.


Happy Birthday Trishy.  Please try to have a great day!


Good morning LHSG.  Hope everyone feels better today.  I think AB is finally working as I did not cough as much last night and my chest isn’t burning.  But I sure did get up to pee a lot.  Maybe too much water?

Awe GP that is good news honey hopefully that will get you better.You deserve a break.Well l don't know about rational etc 😵. Anyway you send back my granny boots and you and me will be good 😡.X

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Good morning LHSG or should l say the CV support group.Holy God l don't want any of you around me in a crisis 😕. Honestly you all need to calm down yes these are scary times however they will pass and you are not out running around so get a grip.l have to agree with GP here.Yes some people are vulnerable and we should be cautious however that is easy keep your hands clean and don't touch anyone.This is a virus and it can be contained however it is up to us if we get it or not.

Please remember you are feeding your fears with watching all the news coverage so please refrain from overwatching.

Happy birthday my twin l really hope you have a good one.l know you are scared honey but please keep your fears under control.Rich is doing the right thing.l know you can't see that however it isn't possible for everyone to hold up in their home for several months.Try to understand this will pass my lovely.love you my lST X

Morning Val have to say l read your post and l thought WHY?Are you not suffering enough?Why are you adding insult to injury?l don't really get it however if you feel you must cut take a nail file and chip a bit off.As for Johnson l really hope he holds his nerve.l agree with his policies at this time however it will change not now l hope.As for the NHS it seems to be holding its own at the moment so fingers crossed all will be grand.love you.X

. Morning GP at last a bit of common sense.Good to see it.As for politics not even remotely interested 😠.l hope the ab help honey.love you.X

Morning Suzy try to keep calm pet you will be grand.l know all this hype is awful but we will get through it like everything else.You are doing great.love you.X

Morning Stephen if you were ok before this you will be grand.l know the social aspect will be lacking now however you can do this on your own.Keep phone contact with your friends etc and know this isn't going to last forever.love to you.X

Morning Final l am glad you are still going out and about.l think walking helps tremendously.l would consider holding your taper for now or adjusting the amount you are tapering.l know you have suffered however you are moving forward and that is amazing.love to you.X

Morning Olive how are you honey.Are you holding up ok?l hope so.This is not an easy time for any of us however you are doing amazingly well honey.Keep your chin up.love you.X

Morning NJ l hope you get your med ok l don't really see why you wouldn't.Please try to remain calm honey.l know your son is vulnerable however he seems a clever boy and he can keep himself safe.As for your mum all nursing facilities are following strict protocols and hopefully they will be safe.We can only do what we can and hopefully it will be enough.love to you.X

Morning Lady Mary awe Hen have you lost the calm 😳?Tim is being sensible honey not everyone has the luxury of being able to work from home.l am perfectly sure he is taking the proper precautions and he will be grand.Try not to worry so much.Now hold your dose and let everything settle down.All ok this end so we will see how this plays out.love you my lady Mary HenX

. Morning Intend Gilly Valley Free Meems Esperanza Nova Miyu Bill and everyone here sending you my love.X


Sorry Stut, I trust Tim to do what he should, but a family birthday party with people I have known for years, and know some won't be as careful as they should,  really didn't want Tim or me to get sick.

Wish he didn't have to work, but understand that isn't optional, so I don't fuss about that.  A birthday party can be postponed and really not important right now.  So I am calm again.  Hope you and your loved ones are safe and the babies.  Love you, Mary 💚💚💚💚

Well glad you are feeling better today hen.The madness continues here shopping like crazy so if you have any good recipes for toilet paper let's have them 😱.l hope it end soon so that the rest of us can get what we need.How is little Sly after his visit to the vet?l hope everything is ok your end my lovely?X

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:happybday: :happybday: :happybday:  to you,  :happybday: dear Trishy,  :happybday: to you!

:clap: :clap: :clap::balloon: :balloon: :balloon:    🎂🍨🍭🍭.      🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈


Eat that cake you are baking and have a big glass of Diet Cake.  Since it's your birthday, you get to use a normal amount of TP  :laugh:;D


Love you, Too Many !!    Mary 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉

Awe nooooo what size is apple butt now 🎂😂? Twiny step away from the cake 😘.X

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I agree about that birthday party Mary.  I wish he wouldn’t go either.


He postponed it yesterday afternoon!!  I feel much better  :D :D

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Hi guys.


I really don't have the energy to read the posts or write a long post, but I'm just checking in to say I'm OK to put DD's mind at ease  :)


I'm depressed and in panick mode worrying about the possibility of leaving my daughter alone if I die or if I don't how my finances are being so drastically effected and how unemployment here after this shitshow is going to be 20% so I don't know how everyone's going to live including myself. So I'm in shock. I hope you guys are holding up fine.


I'm reading this is a manouver from China and Russia to buy big shares of Western companies at bargain price. They have bought a lot, and my country has today restricted share buys from investors outside the EU to only 10% of each company. I think too late because China has already bought many shares of our companies. To summarize: when this is over, we'll be ruled by China and Russia. I hope this is not a political post. Who's birthday is it? Trishy? Trishy don't worry we're going to look like Katharine Hepburn after this (as skinny as her). I'm not even hungry (and that's very rare for me).


Take care all. This totally and completely sucks, but what can we do? Just live day by day and see what's the best we can be each day and see if that day had something good and keep going. Gosh how I wished I weren't on meds, but well...

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Hi V,

You did put my mind at ease checking in. I can only imagine your anxiety. I am up and down with it.  I did find this link from Calm. https://www.calm.com/blog/take-a-deep-breath?utm_source=lifecycle&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=difficult_times_nonsubs_031720


I hope it works, they say it's free because of this crisis. I hope it works and helps you to get some relaxation and try hard not to catastrophize. I knowit's hard. I dont believe BBC you are going to die. Love you, keep the faith ❤❤☘🙏🙏

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Thanks Stut,

I'm ok now. I fed into the news hype again. Duh. If we follow the protocol,  I believe we be ok. If we get it it looks like so many ppl recover. No sx today and still alive. Love you Suzy


Happy birthday tt! Enjoy your cakel and diet coke! Ly dd


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Vali, hold on girlfriend, you are going to get through this, you are much stronger than you think.  Please come here and talk when you need to get thing out.  Talking about it is so much better than carrying it alone.  Love to you and your daughter, Mary 💜💜
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Gp, The glad that lung infection is getting better!  Hope you can 5ake the dogs out for a walk soon. Nice weather coming!
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:happybday: :happybday: :happybday:  to you,  :happybday: dear Trishy,  :happybday: to you!

:clap: :clap: :clap::balloon: :balloon: :balloon:    🎂🍨🍭🍭.      🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈


Eat that cake you are baking and have a big glass of Diet Cake.  Since it's your birthday, you get to use a normal amount of TP  :laugh:;D


Love you, Too Many !!    Mary 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉

Awwww you're the best Mary! You remembered! Did I hint too much, nah I don't think so 😉 🤥

Please have a slice of my virtual cake! It looks lovely, did you bake it with your own virtual hands? :laugh: :laugh:

Love you girl! ❤️

TT ❤️



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:happybday: :happybday: :happybday:  to you,  :happybday: dear Trishy,  :happybday: to you!

:clap: :clap: :clap::balloon: :balloon: :balloon:    🎂🍨🍭🍭.      🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈


Eat that cake you are baking and have a big glass of Diet Cake.  Since it's your birthday, you get to use a normal amount of TP  :laugh:;D


Love you, Too Many !!    Mary 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉

Awwww you're the best Mary! You remembered! Did I hint too much, nah I don't think so 😉 🤥

Please have a slice of my virtual cake! It looks lovely, did you bake it with your own virtual hands? :laugh: :laugh:

Love you girl! ❤️

TT ❤️


Love you 2, Too Many, MM.  :D;D:laugh: :laugh:    Happy 🎈 Birthday 🎉

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:happybday: :happybday: :happybday:  to you,  :happybday: dear Trishy,  :happybday: to you!

:clap: :clap: :clap::balloon: :balloon: :balloon:    🎂🍨🍭🍭.      🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈


Eat that cake you are baking and have a big glass of Diet Cake.  Since it's your birthday, you get to use a normal amount of TP  :laugh:;D


Love you, Too Many !!    Mary 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉

Awe nooooo what size is apple butt now 🎂😂? Twiny step away from the cake 😘.X

Hey twinny, have you bought me a wagon for the Trishy trunk? It may be time to get one 😳  I like red  :laugh: :laugh:

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:happybday: :happybday: :happybday:  to you,  :happybday: dear Trishy,  :happybday: to you!

:clap: :clap: :clap::balloon: :balloon: :balloon:    🎂🍨🍭🍭.      🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈


Eat that cake you are baking and have a big glass of Diet Cake.  Since it's your birthday, you get to use a normal amount of TP  :laugh:;D


Love you, Too Many !!    Mary 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉

Awwww you're the best Mary! You remembered! Did I hint too much, nah I don't think so 😉 🤥

Please have a slice of my virtual cake! It looks lovely, did you bake it with your own virtual hands? :laugh: :laugh:

Love you girl! ❤️

TT ❤️


If I baked it, you better hope it was virtual  :2funny: :2funny:  ;)

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Hi guys.


I really don't have the energy to read the posts or write a long post, but I'm just checking in to say I'm OK to put DD's mind at ease  :)


I'm depressed and in panick mode worrying about the possibility of leaving my daughter alone if I die or if I don't how my finances are being so drastically effected and how unemployment here after this shitshow is going to be 20% so I don't know how everyone's going to live including myself. So I'm in shock. I hope you guys are holding up fine.


I'm reading this is a manouver from China and Russia to buy big shares of Western companies at bargain price. They have bought a lot, and my country has today restricted share buys from investors outside the EU to only 10% of each company. I think too late because China has already bought many shares of our companies. To summarize: when this is over, we'll be ruled by China and Russia. I hope this is not a political post. Who's birthday is it? Trishy? Trishy don't worry we're going to look like Katharine Hepburn after this (as skinny as her). I'm not even hungry (and that's very rare for me).


Take care all. This totally and completely sucks, but what can we do? Just live day by day and see what's the best we can be each day and see if that day had something good and keep going. Gosh how I wished I weren't on meds, but well...

Katherine Hepburn huh?? It could be worse 😂.. she actually lived in my State in old saybrook.


Take care V I know this is a hell we never could have imagined. I'm in the dumps too.. But it's so out of our control 😞


Be well my friend,

Trishy ❤️

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Happy Birthday 🎉🎊🎁🎂🎈 Trishy.💕❤️🙏🏼❤️💕💋

Aww Free thank you so much! I hope you're doing ok. I think of you often.

Lots of love and hugs,

Trishy ❤️

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:happybday: :happybday: :happybday:  to you,  :happybday: dear Trishy,  :happybday: to you!

:clap: :clap: :clap::balloon: :balloon: :balloon:    🎂🍨🍭🍭.      🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈


Eat that cake you are baking and have a big glass of Diet Cake.  Since it's your birthday, you get to use a normal amount of TP  :laugh:;D


Love you, Too Many !!    Mary 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉

Awwww you're the best Mary! You remembered! Did I hint too much, nah I don't think so 😉 🤥

Please have a slice of my virtual cake! It looks lovely, did you bake it with your own virtual hands? :laugh: :laugh:

Love you girl! ❤️

TT ❤️


Love you 2, Too Many, MM.  :D;D:laugh: :laugh:    Happy 🎈 Birthday 🎉


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:happybday: :happybday: :happybday:  to you,  :happybday: dear Trishy,  :happybday: to you!

:clap: :clap: :clap::balloon: :balloon: :balloon:    🎂🍨🍭🍭.      🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈


Eat that cake you are baking and have a big glass of Diet Cake.  Since it's your birthday, you get to use a normal amount of TP  :laugh:;D


Love you, Too Many !!    Mary 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉

Awwww you're the best Mary! You remembered! Did I hint too much, nah I don't think so 😉 🤥

Please have a slice of my virtual cake! It looks lovely, did you bake it with your own virtual hands? :laugh: :laugh:

Love you girl! ❤️

TT ❤️


If I baked it, you better hope it was virtual  :2funny: :2funny:  ;)


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Thanks Stut!  At last, the voice of reason.  I wish we had rationing here.  You sound well.


Happy Birthday Trishy.  Please try to have a great day!


Good morning LHSG.  Hope everyone feels better today.  I think AB is finally working as I did not cough as much last night and my chest isn’t burning.  But I sure did get up to pee a lot.  Maybe too much water?

Thank you Gp! I hope you're feeling better. Push those fluids and sleep as much as you can.

Thinking of you. 😘❤️

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Thanks Stut,

I'm ok now. I fed into the news hype again. Duh. If we follow the protocol,  I believe we be ok. If we get it it looks like so many ppl recover. No sx today and still alive. Love you Suzy


Happy birthday tt! Enjoy your cakel and diet coke! Ly dd

Thank you DD! I already ate cake and of course had plenty of diet Coke!  :laugh: :laugh: 😘❤️

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Just an update here.


:happybday: Trish!! 🎂 🍰


So, we have tremendous panic here over the virus. People will not stop buying out the stores. Restrictions finally put on TP, paper towels, and those Purell wipes, but not on food.


And to top it off, we had a 5.7 magnitude earthquake at 7:09 am this morning. Local news stations going off and on all morning.


And Mary and Brad moving back in about 2.5 weeks. Brad has new job at St. Marks hospital as head of perfusionist team.


Now because of virus and this added problem of this earthquake, people urged to stay off the streets completely. The quake hit in Magna, Utah which is 11 miles from the airport. So the airport is now closed, but for all the damage, crews moving fast to repair everything.


Dan nearly literally lost his mind and jumped out of bed, and then I turned on the tv to watch all these frantic reporters. Then neighbors texting me non stop to see if we are ok. (Actually very concerned about us, which is a good thing.)


Paul next door came home to check on Corin, and Dan was still ranting and raving. Then Paul wanted to take Dan for a ride to help him calm down. Paul is a very good man, and it did help Dan calm down.


Then Blake came to check our gas meter to make sure no leaks. So no leaks. Then as he is in mining engineering, he explained the quake.


There is big work going on at the airport, and the building of the new prison out by the great Salt Lake. This area is built on an ancient lake called Bonneville Lake filled with salt. So there is building going on right there. In order to build, it’s necessary to drive cement pylons below the sand 140 ft down to hit bedrock to secure this building. And as the pylons go through the sand, the sand shifts to accommodate. So we felt the sand shifting.


So between Paul and Blake, Dan calmed down and now is back in bed napping.


And Mary has bought us food through amazon. It came yesterday with more to come today. It is hard to just stay in the house all the time. So as I shouldn’t leave, it’s also next to impossible to find anything you need unless you go out and look. I’m well aware of online shopping and Corin does this. But her last order was completely nixed at Walmart as they were sold out again.


Just had 4.6 pt aftershock which is the biggest we’ve had yet this morning.




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