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Morning Mary and everyone,

So I just looked into possible grocery delivery and it's been suspended. Also grocery pick up. This is very concerning bc I don't want to go out to the stores in the coming weeks. Just wanted to let everyone know so if you need more food get it now before things get worse as they expect it too.


Be well everyone,

Trish ❤️


Thanks for letting everyone know Trishy.  Tim and I decided I shouldn't go with him this morning and it ended up being over run with people.  My grocery store is even doing commercials, saying they are restocking every night, closing an hour early to clean, and people just don't need to be acting like this.

People are just making things worse.  :(. I really wanted to go, but glad I didn't.  He said a lot of people were being rude, carts were left in everyone else's way, just a mess.  That would have made me pretty anxious  :(. Only 2 more days and I will have tapered a half mg.  Then I will definitely be ready to hold until this is over.  You and Rich take care of each other.  Love you Too Many, MM.

:smitten: :smitten:

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Hey V,

Our national news stations reported on your current conditions in your area. I'm glad you're keeping yourself busy..I think we'll be following suit soon. It was reported this morning that we're now up to or close to 3,000 infected and 60 deceased but they said these numbers are grossly under estimated. Uhggg.. Here we go ❤️


Yes Trishy it's like a domino set I'm afraid. I don't understand how trump isn't closing the borders from UK, as UK is the only country in Europe that's not going to implement a lock down. That is Boris Johnsons decision.

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Hey V,

Our national news stations reported on your current conditions in your area. I'm glad you're keeping yourself busy..I think we'll be following suit soon. It was reported this morning that we're now up to or close to 3,000 infected and 60 deceased but they said these numbers are grossly under estimated. Uhggg.. Here we go ❤️


Yes Trishy it's like a domino set I'm afraid. I don't understand how trump isn't closing the borders from UK, as UK is the only country in Europe that's not going to implement a lock down. That is Boris Johnsons decision.


He is Vali, they announced it this morning and it starts tomorrow or around then.  You keep you and your daughter safe girlfriend, we love you.  Mary 💜💜

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Hey V,

Our national news stations reported on your current conditions in your area. I'm glad you're keeping yourself busy..I think we'll be following suit soon. It was reported this morning that we're now up to or close to 3,000 infected and 60 deceased but they said these numbers are grossly under estimated. Uhggg.. Here we go ❤️


Yes Trishy it's like a domino set I'm afraid. I don't understand how trump isn't closing the borders from UK, as UK is the only country in Europe that's not going to implement a lock down. That is Boris Johnsons decision.


He is Vali, they announced it this morning and it starts tomorrow or around then.  You keep you and your daughter safe girlfriend, we love you.  Mary 💜💜


I'm glad Mary. What's the point of having a lock down if people are coming freely with more virus? This man Boris Johnson is either a psychopath, or he knows something we don't know. In the aftermath we'll see how all this experiment has turned out for each country and for the world. Some rules will have to respond to blood crimes.

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Morning Mary and everyone,

So I just looked into possible grocery delivery and it's been suspended. Also grocery pick up. This is very concerning bc I don't want to go out to the stores in the coming weeks. Just wanted to let everyone know so if you need more food get it now before things get worse as they expect it too.


Be well everyone,

Trish ❤️


Thanks for letting everyone know Trishy.  Tim and I decided I shouldn't go with him this morning and it ended up being over run with people.  My grocery store is even doing commercials, saying they are restocking every night, closing an hour early to clean, and people just don't need to be acting like this.

People are just making things worse.  :(. I really wanted to go, but glad I didn't.  He said a lot of people were being rude, carts were left in everyone else's way, just a mess.  That would have made me pretty anxious  :(. Only 2 more days and I will have tapered a half mg.  Then I will definitely be ready to hold until this is over.  You and Rich take care of each other.  Love you Too Many, MM.

:smitten: :smitten:

Hey Mary,

Tim was right good thing you didn't go with him. That was our experience yesterday in the grocery store. It was obvious people were on edge and bc of that patience was non existent. I might go out one more time tomorrow morning very early in the morning as soon as the grocery store opens and try to get more soda. I'm more worried about not getting my soda fix then I am food.. Yes I know :idiot::crazy:

Stores here are now having different hours so they can clean and restock.

The news was reporting that people are still packing the bars and restaurants and I don't see how this will do any of us any good if people don't take this serious.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

I actually think we should do a lock down except for grocery stores and pharmacies bc they are necessary for survival. 😷

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Another walk to the river today with my husband.


Again, very calm with some people out with this dogs and kids.  Not a ton of people but people trying to get fresh air.


We went the local CVS pharmacy and again it was busy but not frantic.  The shelves were stocked except for in the cleaning section.   


There are still some restaurants open work a few people inside. 


The strangest thing is the lack of traffic and people on the streets.  There are some but the city is quiet. 


So I'm okay in NYC.  Just wish I was off these damm benzos while I was going though this time. 

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Logged on earlier this morning.


Right away got texts from people full of anxiety over the virus.


Then a call from Mary who is back in Sacramento. She says that amazon sells food on “amazon fresh.”


Had tons of trouble yesterday at the two grocery stores we went to.


Mary’s going to order from amazon fresh and have it shipped to us. Hope that works.

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Morning Mary and everyone,

So I just looked into possible grocery delivery and it's been suspended. Also grocery pick up. This is very concerning bc I don't want to go out to the stores in the coming weeks. Just wanted to let everyone know so if you need more food get it now before things get worse as they expect it too.


Be well everyone,

Trish ❤️


Thanks for letting everyone know Trishy.  Tim and I decided I shouldn't go with him this morning and it ended up being over run with people.  My grocery store is even doing commercials, saying they are restocking every night, closing an hour early to clean, and people just don't need to be acting like this.

People are just making things worse.  :(. I really wanted to go, but glad I didn't.  He said a lot of people were being rude, carts were left in everyone else's way, just a mess.  That would have made me pretty anxious  :(. Only 2 more days and I will have tapered a half mg.  Then I will definitely be ready to hold until this is over.  You and Rich take care of each other.  Love you Too Many, MM.

:smitten: :smitten:

Hey Mary,

Tim was right good thing you didn't go with him. That was our experience yesterday in the grocery store. It was obvious people were on edge and bc of that patience was non existent. I might go out one more time tomorrow morning very early in the morning as soon as the grocery store opens and try to get more soda. I'm more worried about not getting my soda fix then I am food.. Yes I know :idiot::crazy:

Stores here are now having different hours so they can clean and restock.

The news was reporting that people are still packing the bars and restaurants and I don't see how this will do any of us any good if people don't take this serious.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

I actually think we should do a lock down except for grocery stores and pharmacies bc they are necessary for survival. 😷


I just would like to be comfortable going out.  The people going out that get CV, will regret going out.

But I guess people have to do whatever feels right for them, but they better not be the people clearing off the grocery shelves.  >:(

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Vali, just wanted you to know I just saw the news on Spain.  You take special care of you and your daughter.  Thinking about you, love you, Mary 💜💜💜

Me too ☹️

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Another walk to the river today with my husband.


Again, very calm with some people out with this dogs and kids.  Not a ton of people but people trying to get fresh air.


We went the local CVS pharmacy and again it was busy but not frantic.  The shelves were stocked except for in the cleaning section.   


There are still some restaurants open work a few people inside. 


The strangest thing is the lack of traffic and people on the streets.  There are some but the city is quiet. 


So I'm okay in NYC.  Just wish I was off these damm benzos while I was going though this time.

Hello to you and the big 🍎.. it sounds like you enjoyed your walk. It's a good thing if you can find some peace, not easy to come by these days. I think I'll go walking tomorrow with Rich and get out of here. I think everyone feels better out in nature. Too much gloom going on.


One step, one day, one minute at a time...❤️

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Logged on earlier this morning.


Right away got texts from people full of anxiety over the virus.


Then a call from Mary who is back in Sacramento. She says that amazon sells food on “amazon fresh.”


Had tons of trouble yesterday at the two grocery stores we went to.


Mary’s going to order from amazon fresh and have it shipped to us. Hope that works.

Good luck intend. Hopefully Amazon fresh is up and running bc local grocery stores have stopped home delivery in my area. If I get the courage to go back to the grocery store I'll try early in the morning before the crowds come.

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I ordered food for pick up and hopefully will have some delivered. I don't know though if I will get everything I ordered. I hope this will help keep us safe. The next town over from me, the virus is spreading like wildfire, everyone has been asked to self quarantine. Obviously though they can go to the grocery store. My son's doctor did not look well when we saw him on Wednesday, and he lives in that town. My anxiety is really starting to ramp up. My son is on two drugs that lower his immune system. He definitely has a cold.


I am supposed to see my psych for my refills and I want to know if he can just call in or mail me the prescriptions.


Val, definitely thinking of you. ALL governments need to do more RIGHT NOW. The hospitals here are already in bad shape from what I understand.



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Logged on earlier this morning.


Right away got texts from people full of anxiety over the virus.


Then a call from Mary who is back in Sacramento. She says that amazon sells food on “amazon fresh.”


Had tons of trouble yesterday at the two grocery stores we went to.


Mary’s going to order from amazon fresh and have it shipped to us. Hope that works.

Good luck intend. Hopefully Amazon fresh is up and running bc local grocery stores have stopped home delivery in my area. If I get the courage to go back to the grocery store I'll try early in the morning before the crowds come.


I’m going to try another one tomorrow Trish. And I’m also going to call the two that we went to yesterday and ask if they are going put up restrictions on how much of any item that people can buy like they said they were.


Really, they are only hurting themselves. If people stop coming to their stores, everyone will soon get laid off, and the store will go out of business!



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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

I must say this is not going to improve anytime soon so really l haven't much to add to anything that has been posted here.l am not happy with the impact this has had on my mental health however all you ever hear is bad news so l really am not surprised.l must say l feel very sorry for people in the service industry that have to deal with this panic on a daily basis.

Val l hope you and your daughter are ok and coping the best you can? Boris l have no doubt is a psychopath most politicians are however we will see how this plays out.l would imagine we will go into lockdown soon however I am not convinced it will work.Hang in there honey.X

Lady Mary, Trish,NJ,GP,Suzy,Troch,Bill, Olive, Gilly, Final and all here please try to keep a cool head l am actually more worried regarding food supplies at this time.l have not been stock piling nor will l be as it is actually impacting the more vulnerable members of our society.Our shops are rationing out goods and l really hope they increase that as time passes.l don't think this virus will be stopped the best we can hope for is herd immunity and or a vaccine.Only time will tell if those are even a possibility.Stay safe my dear friends and remember to keep your hands washed.love to you all.X

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Checking in. I’m still on a long hold. My wife and I have been saving money and trying to figure out what was next for me. I was going to see a therapist regularly, working on building coping mechanisms to finally finish my taper and then all of this happened. I feel like I’m in a bit of a wave right now and I’m not sure what to do to calm it down.

Morning Stephen were you stable before this virus hit the headlines?I really don't know your history honey however if you anyway stable before this setback then you should allow yourself a little more time for everything to settle down before you restart your taper.l know tolerance means you will never feel great however if the symptoms are manageable that really is the best you can hope for.Just my thoughts.X

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Hi twin 😞,

Doing my best to hang in there. I think the entire world is on edge. Everything here is now shutting down, bars, restaurants, schools all over the country.


I'm very worried about Rich working. He works for a very big corporation, he's an aircraft mechanic for the military's helicopters. I don't know if they will shut his plant down bc of that. I'm hoping he gets some word today about what might happen. The salary/ office people are now allowed to work from home but that's obviously not possible for Rich.


I never could have imagined in my wildest dreams that something like this would happen.


I'm so sorry about your food situation that sounds terrible. There's no lack of food in this country but yet we have starving people especially children here. It's unthinkable in a country like this that anybody could be hungry, yet there is. Greedy corporate America! 🤬 I love my country but there is a lot of greed here. There are also some very, very good people who fight for the less fortunate here.  Ahhh well twin baton down the hatches the storm is gonna be a long one. 😞


Love you,

LST ❤️



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Hi Stut,


This really does impact mental health. I am just trying to be as careful as I can for the safety of myself and others. Not going to over buy as I dont think it's fair to others. Stores having a hard time here from ppl panicking and hoarding. I especially toilet paper? Very strange. Funny how medicine is there. Just thought of that. Becareful out there. I try to limit the news it gets in your head bad. To overwhelming in bwd or not. Let us know how you are doing. Love youvSuzy

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Checking in. I’m still on a long hold. My wife and I have been saving money and trying to figure out what was next for me. I was going to see a therapist regularly, working on building coping mechanisms to finally finish my taper and then all of this happened. I feel like I’m in a bit of a wave right now and I’m not sure what to do to calm it down.

Morning Stephen were you stable before this virus hit the headlines?I really don't know your history honey however if you anyway stable before this setback then you should allow yourself a little more time for everything to settle down before you restart your taper.l know tolerance means you will never feel great however if the symptoms are manageable that really is the best you can hope for.Just my thoughts.X


I was very stable, given my overall situation (too fast taper, followed by a long hold and my mom passing away in the middle of all that). I have held for possibly too long, but my wife and I were trying to set ourselves up such that we had the savings so I could stop working completely if need be, taking some pressure off of me in terms of cog fog at work or insomnia.


In that process, though, my biggest symptom was cog fog. Otherwise I was very stable. I was working at a high level and we managed to get the savings we wanted. My wife just got a job offer that enabled me to do whatever I wanted in terms of work.


I feel like I should also regress to the mean. It’s happened before. What scares me right now is that in the past I regressed to the mean in a normal context. Right now I’m having to fight off a lot of catastrophic thoughts about how this all works out.  :'(


I learned back in 2016 when I had an episode of high anxiety and insomnia (I’ve had a few of them) that structure helps me a lot. And being social with co-workers helps a lot. So in addition to the overall stress and uncertainty I don’t even have that in-person work structure right now and the confidence it gives me.


Anyway, hoping I stabilize like I have in the past. I know acceptance plays a big part in that.

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Hey everyone,

I hope everyone will check in today. I think check ins are important right now. We're all so anxious and rightly so. A quick post would do if you can  :thumbsup:


Love to all,

Trish ❤️

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Hey everyone,

I hope everyone will check in today. I think check ins are important right now. We're all so anxious and rightly so. A quick post would do if you can  :thumbsup:


Love to all,

Trish ❤️


I think so too Trishy.  This is a very scary situation and everyone needs to feel supported and cared for, but we can only do that if you reach out.  Please post  :). Mary 💜💜💜

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Hey everyone,

I hope everyone will check in today. I think check ins are important right now. We're all so anxious and rightly so. A quick post would do if you can  :thumbsup:


Love to all,

Trish ❤️


I think so too Trishy.  This is a very scary situation and everyone needs to feel supported and cared for, but we can only do that if you reach out.  Please post  :). Mary 💜💜💜

I agree, we need to stick together and be there for one another for what looks like a very long duration of anxiety.


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Hey everyone,

I hope everyone will check in today. I think check ins are important right now. We're all so anxious and rightly so. A quick post would do if you can  :thumbsup:


Love to all,

Trish ❤️


I think so too Trishy.  This is a very scary situation and everyone needs to feel supported and cared for, but we can only do that if you reach out.  Please post  :). Mary 💜💜💜

I agree, we need to stick together and be there for one another for what looks like a very long duration of anxiety.



Yep, I don't know about others, but I feel the need to talk, about anything, not necessarily the virus, just stuff.  Missing a lot of you !!

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So I'm blowing the dog whistle for everyone to come home and check in!

DD, GP, FH, meems, Vnm, intend, NJ, Bill, and everyone else that I may have forgotten, my brain can only do so much in the names department but you know who you are.


Check in peeps please! 🙏

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Hi Everyone,


I'm doing okay except for red itchy eyes. 


My mood is benzo blah.  I'm trying to use this time to do some deep cleaning but but my motivation is tamped down due to the meds.  But I'm going keep  trying little areas a time.


Again, the city is calm and there is food in the grocery stories.  Not a lot of canned food or cleaning stuff but we have enough on hand.

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