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All, I’m in a long line at the grocery store.  I’m doing everything I can to not hyperventilate.  It’s loud and the lights are bright.  The shelves are empty.  I made a list and a lot of what I want and they don’t have a lot of it.  I don’t know if I can do this with my anxiety and DR.  Breathe...


I’m sorry to be so dramatic but this is my fear.  This is insane.  I hate going out in public places even when I’m in a window. 


People everywhere.  The whole world is going to hell on a hand basket and our President is giving out autographed charts of the stock market to his big CEO cronies. 




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I used to wear military boots Trishy.  Still do at times.  I love my witchy boots now.  I’m thinking Stevie Nicks style.


Yes that counts as on3 Squat. N :laugh:

Oh I love Stevie Nick's and her style..  :thumbsup:

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All, I’m in a long line at the grocery store.  I’m doing everything I can to not hyperventilate.  It’s loud and the lights are bright.  The shelves are empty.  I made a list and a lot of what I want and they don’t have a lot of it.  I don’t know if I can do this with my anxiety and DR.  Breathe...


I’m sorry to be so dramatic but this is my fear.  This is insane.  I hate going out in public places even when I’m in a window. 


People everywhere.  The whole world is going to hell on a hand basket and our President is giving out autographed charts of the stock market to his big CEO cronies. 




Just breathe Meems..I know how scary this is, my husband and I are searching for a grocery store right now to get some meat if we can find any. Is there any chance you can go early in the morning or late at night? It'll be less crowded and less anxiety inducing.

It's going to be ok meems just think of it as temporary like a 9/11 kind of situation. The grocery stores will keep stocking and we'll get our medication. What your psychiatrist said is very unlikely to happen with the meds. Just focus on getting what you need supplies wise and try going on the off hours.

Pay no attention to the orange blob, I'm only listening to Dr fauci he's the only one I trust.


Hang on my friend  :mybuddy:❤️

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GP I love your footwear too. You could post a Pic of your favorite boots.


Trishy I've been coughing for a whole month now, all day. It's exhausting. I'm exhausted. I too have nasal drip and it must be related. What can we do about it Trishy? Imagine, we're on lockdown and can only go out to buy food or medicine. Imagine when people see me coughing in the store. I try not to cough but it's impossible. What can we do? You think the heater is to blame?

Hey V,

Omg God forbid you cough or sneeze in a store now people run including me :laugh: :laugh:


Yes, I think it's from the heat and the dry air from it, a little dust too. We've been using the heat since October so that's a long time. I haven't coughed once all day so it has to be from the dryness and it happened while I was in bed in lying down position so it makes sense that it was probably post nasal drip.


We're living in a horror movie right now 😱😷

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I know Trishy. It's the same here. I'm just trying to focus on what I can control. Food will come back. When you're stocked up on food you'll have more peace of mind. You're going through the stage we went through here last week. Stock up and prepare mentally for a long lock down. There's nothing else we can do. I hope we all get through this, plus the darn taper.
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I know Trishy. It's the same here. I'm just trying to focus on what I can control. Food will come back. When you're stocked up on food you'll have more peace of mind. You're going through the stage we went through here last week. Stock up and prepare mentally for a long lock down. There's nothing else we can do. I hope we all get through this, plus the darn taper.

I stocked up last weekend and the week before bc I was watching news and the first time they said we should prepare I was out there door 😳 I went to a big box store here and got a lot of frozen food but didn't get meat or enough bread or eggs. But I've been buying purell and disinfecting wipes and soap before the mad rush came. I knew it was going to get crazy so I went. Unfortunately I thought I had gotten all I needed but nope! I kinda went off the seat of my pants on what I might need. So I had to go get a few more necessary things. This is all so nuts! :crazy: who'd of ever thought this was going to happen. 😷

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I ordered groceries online ... earliest pickup is Wednesday and I am not sure if I will get what I ordered. We are out of Purrell and disinfecting wipes. I ran what will be my last errands today other than grocery store and medication refills. I am supposed to see my psychiatrist for refills Wednesday and I am hoping that he might do a phone call instead. I am just trying to do all I can to keep our circle tight to protect my immune compromised son. The weather has been nice here so I have been out for walks which is good. But I feel like people are not taking this seriously enough. The malls where I live based on their parking lots were less busy for a Saturday but still pretty crowded. People were at Chuck E. Cheese!!! Seriously, how could you take a child there now.


The stories out of Italy are scary and our government is still not doing enough to avoid that from happening here!


Stay safe everyone and do yoga, meditate, read, whatever you can to help mitigate the anxiety. My fitbit says I had 69 active minutes today, and for me, moving really helps.


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I ordered groceries online ... earliest pickup is Wednesday and I am not sure if I will get what I ordered. We are out of Purrell and disinfecting wipes. I ran what will be my last errands today other than grocery store and medication refills. I am supposed to see my psychiatrist for refills Wednesday and I am hoping that he might do a phone call instead. I am just trying to do all I can to keep our circle tight to protect my immune compromised son. The weather has been nice here so I have been out for walks which is good. But I feel like people are not taking this seriously enough. The malls where I live based on their parking lots were less busy for a Saturday but still pretty crowded. People were at Chuck E. Cheese!!! Seriously, how could you take a child there now.


The stories out of Italy are scary and our government is still not doing enough to avoid that from happening here!


Stay safe everyone and do yoga, meditate, read, whatever you can to help mitigate the anxiety. My fitbit says I had 69 active minutes today, and for me, moving really helps.

NJ, I think you're right people aren't taking this seriously. On my way to the grocery store which was around lunch time my husband and I drove by restaurants and they were busy. I also overheard a guy in the grocery store saying " I'm sure this will all blow over in a couple weeks" ! People on FB are making jokes about it and that really pisses me off. How are we ever going to get this spread to slow down if people won't take it seriously 🤬 I'm amazed at the ignorance I'm seeing. Young people don't care bc if it doesn't affect them they just don't give a damn  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

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That would be the ones I almost wore to Wicked.  You remember, the ones I borrowed from Stut?


Yep, I remember!!    ;);D

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I ordered groceries online ... earliest pickup is Wednesday and I am not sure if I will get what I ordered. We are out of Purrell and disinfecting wipes. I ran what will be my last errands today other than grocery store and medication refills. I am supposed to see my psychiatrist for refills Wednesday and I am hoping that he might do a phone call instead. I am just trying to do all I can to keep our circle tight to protect my immune compromised son. The weather has been nice here so I have been out for walks which is good. But I feel like people are not taking this seriously enough. The malls where I live based on their parking lots were less busy for a Saturday but still pretty crowded. People were at Chuck E. Cheese!!! Seriously, how could you take a child there now.


The stories out of Italy are scary and our government is still not doing enough to avoid that from happening here!


Stay safe everyone and do yoga, meditate, read, whatever you can to help mitigate the anxiety. My fitbit says I had 69 active minutes today, and for me, moving really helps.

NJ, I think you're right people aren't taking this seriously. On my way to the grocery store which was around lunch time my husband and I drove by restaurants and they were busy. I also overheard a guy in the grocery store saying " I'm sure this will all blow over in a couple weeks" ! People on FB are making jokes about it and that really pisses me off. How are we ever going to get this spread to slow down if people won't take it seriously 🤬 I'm amazed at the ignorance I'm seeing. Young people don't care bc if it doesn't affect them they just don't give a damn  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:


Trish and NJ,


POTUS does have a significant following who only watch FOX news when they watch any news at all. Many of these people are the ones who think this virus is nothing but a hoax cooked up by the opposition party. They would never consider watching CNN or NBC, MSNBC, CBS or ABC news.


And POTUS himself likes to watch FOX also as we all know, and gets furious when he sees anyone from the scientific community show up on a Fox show where the host really is willing to listen. I don’t watch FOX myself, but I recognize Chris Wallace as being a very good and honest journalist there. He will have anyone on his show and challenge them if he feels he must. Shepherd Smith is another one, but he left Fox several months ago.


Yes I watch these Sunday shows because they give good information and they are willing to listen to “both sides of the coin.” And the other night, I watched Rachel Maddow who had Dr. David Ho. He is an epidemiologist who was one of the first to explore the growing crisis of HIV almost 40 years ago. And he worked along with other great scientists to discover medication that helped to cure hepatitis C,and the swine flu.


An entire team  of researchers in the NIH and the CDC have spent most of their adult lives studying these epidemics/pandemics with funding from the federal government. And in 2018, our now “fantastic” President dismantled most of that because he just didn’t believe it was even necessary. So as we have watched China and then South Korea fly into action to help anyone who was sick no matter who they are with great success,  we have also watched this president tear down these institutions until we are now terrified.


We really have no leadership at all. I’ve seen this so much, that it disgusts me. The president now surrounds himself with “yes men” who fear him for unknown reasons, but in reality are as concerned as I am. Be very glad that we still have the media to let everyone know. And finally, I will say that believe it or not, the president REFUSED the needed TEST KITS that the World Health Organization gave to all other countries that asked for them. He insisted that the US use only test kits made here.


So we are now very much behind in testing the ones who need it most. It does seem that the only thing that caught his attention was the huge crash of the stock market as money appears to be the only thing he cares about. It’s really awful for me to watch a great man like Anthony Faici have to try so hard to tread lightly so as not to anger this president and yet still do his job.


All that I written here is fact with my opinion that you sense thrown in.



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I ordered groceries online ... earliest pickup is Wednesday and I am not sure if I will get what I ordered. We are out of Purrell and disinfecting wipes. I ran what will be my last errands today other than grocery store and medication refills. I am supposed to see my psychiatrist for refills Wednesday and I am hoping that he might do a phone call instead. I am just trying to do all I can to keep our circle tight to protect my immune compromised son. The weather has been nice here so I have been out for walks which is good. But I feel like people are not taking this seriously enough. The malls where I live based on their parking lots were less busy for a Saturday but still pretty crowded. People were at Chuck E. Cheese!!! Seriously, how could you take a child there now.


The stories out of Italy are scary and our government is still not doing enough to avoid that from happening here!


Stay safe everyone and do yoga, meditate, read, whatever you can to help mitigate the anxiety. My fitbit says I had 69 active minutes today, and for me, moving really helps.

NJ, I think you're right people aren't taking this seriously. On my way to the grocery store which was around lunch time my husband and I drove by restaurants and they were busy. I also overheard a guy in the grocery store saying " I'm sure this will all blow over in a couple weeks" ! People on FB are making jokes about it and that really pisses me off. How are we ever going to get this spread to slow down if people won't take it seriously 🤬 I'm amazed at the ignorance I'm seeing. Young people don't care bc if it doesn't affect them they just don't give a damn  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:


Trish and NJ,


POTUS does have a significant following who only watch FOX news when they watch any news at all. Many of these people are the ones who think this virus is nothing but a hoax cooked up by the opposition party. They would never consider watching CNN or NBC, MSNBC, CBS or ABC news.


And POTUS himself likes to watch FOX also as we all know, and gets furious when he sees anyone from the scientific community show up on a Fox show where the host really is willing to listen. I don’t watch FOX myself, but I recognize Chris Wallace as being a very good and honest journalist there. He will have anyone on his show and challenge them if he feels he must. Shepherd Smith is another one, but he left Fox several months ago.


Yes I watch these Sunday shows because they give good information and they are willing to listen to “both sides of the coin.” And the other night, I watched Rachel Maddow who had Dr. David Ho. He is an epidemiologist who was one of the first to explore the growing crisis of HIV almost 40 years ago. And he worked along with other great scientists to discover medication that helped to cure hepatitis C,and the swine flu.


An entire team  of researchers in the NIH and the CDC have spent most of their adult lives studying these epidemics/pandemics with funding from the federal government. And in 2018, our now “fantastic” President dismantled most of that because he just didn’t believe it was even necessary. So as we have watched China and then South Korea fly into action to help anyone who was sick no matter who they are with great success,  we have also watched this president tear down these institutions until we are now terrified.


We really have no leadership at all. I’ve seen this so much, that it disgusts me. The president now surrounds himself with “yes men” who fear him for unknown reasons, but in reality are as concerned as I am. Be very glad that we still have the media to let everyone know. And finally, I will say that believe it or not, the president REFUSED the needed TEST KITS that the World Health Organization gave to all other countries that asked for them. He insisted that the US use only test kits made here.


So we are now very much behind in testing the ones who need it most. It does seem that the only thing that caught his attention was the huge crash of the stock market as money appears to be the only thing he cares about. It’s really awful for me to watch a great man like Anthony Faici have to try so hard to tread lightly so as not to anger this president and yet still do his job.


All that I written here is fact with my opinion that you sense thrown in.

Hi intend, I stay away from Fox news. I can't stand Tucker Carlson and Shaun Hannity. I watch CNN. I used to watch both MSNBC and CNN for my world news.


I'm aware of everything you mentioned above. I follow politics pretty closely, the only exception being was a reprieve from it bc of wd.


You are right they are all "yes" men and the extent to which they constantly flatter him while addressing the nation is nauseating🤢🤮 apparently they are very aware that they need to stroke his ego or most likely hear " your fired" . He's let go more people than any other President in our history. His incompetentcy to lead this country is beyond terrifying.


I listen only to Dr fauci as we can trust him and he's brilliant. So when he speaks I listen. I don't care for Dr Burke at all, she may have done great work in her field with HIV but I feel she's somewhat of a kiss ass too.


Anyway, it's very nice to hear from you intend, how have you and Dan been? How are you guys holding up with all that's going on? Did you stock up? I hope you're both staying home.


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So far Dan and I are ok except we are both in that vulnerable area.We are over the age of 60, and I’m in withdrawl aside from having idiopathic subglottic stenosis, and Dan has type 2 diabetes, his head injury and a heart condition.


I suppose it could be worse all things considered. I will just say that we get things done. I have stocked up to a certain extent, but I’m on my way in awhile to stock up further. You all know that I live in an LDS neighborhood and all of them keep stocked up on a regular basis.


I don’t like to stay home at all because I still have my days when I have to stay home due to withdrawl. I’ve mentioned before that I have to run my entire schedule around that aspect. Apparently, yesterday, the Winco store  downtown was completely bare of certain items, but I’m going to the one in the next city over and I don’t need very much.


Blake bought us one of those neat pressure cookers so now cooking beans is very easy. And Mary and Brad flew to Europe a week ago and are flying back today. We have been texting, and all the difficulties at heathrow airport in London did not happen to them fortunately. I kept relaying the information I got here, as they went to France also, and now it seems that France is on the CDC’s list of countries to not go to. But from my understanding, all these countries having trouble with this virus can get those test kits from WHO and can then help the people who need help.


I’m glad you responded Trish. Seems like I may have “scared off” the others on this group. I know I’m blunt, but the truth must be told. Truth is a precious commodity.

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I was out for a walk today with my husband, we went yesterday as well.  Again, the city is active but calm.  And my wave has lifted, which is such a relief.


There are people out and some restaurants open.  The grocery stores have food and I think will continue to be the case.


I know you all know this but because we have 24 hour news clearly, they have to provide constant content.  Content that is meant to grab your attention and keep you in a high state of alertness.  It causes our adrenals to pump out adrenaline, which keeps up in fight or flight.  Put that on top of benzo withdrawal and things are 10x worse.  I know I'm preaching to the choir here. 


I have limited my news watching, checking occassionalluy, but making a conscious effort to not watch hardly all. I'm not in denial, I'm in mental health survival.  I'm just to fragile to take in the, "breaking news" alerts.


I think what everyone is doing here, stocking up supplies and meds is smart.  I also believe we will be okay. 


Take care everyone. 


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So far Dan and I are ok except we are both in that vulnerable area.We are over the age of 60, and I’m in withdrawl aside from having idiopathic subglottic stenosis, and Dan has type 2 diabetes, his head injury and a heart condition.


I suppose it could be worse all things considered. I will just say that we get things done. I have stocked up to a certain extent, but I’m on my way in awhile to stock up further. You all know that I live in an LDS neighborhood and all of them keep stocked up on a regular basis.


I don’t like to stay home at all because I still have my days when I have to stay home due to withdrawl. I’ve mentioned before that I have to run my entire schedule around that aspect. Apparently, yesterday, the Winco store  downtown was completely bare of certain items, but I’m going to the one in the next city over and I don’t need very much.


Blake bought us one of those neat pressure cookers so now cooking beans is very easy. And Mary and Brad flew to Europe a week ago and are flying back today. We have been texting, and all the difficulties at heathrow airport in London did not happen to them fortunately. I kept relaying the information I got here, as they went to France also, and now it seems that France is on the CDC’s list of countries to not go to. But from my understanding, all these countries having trouble with this virus can get those test kits from WHO and can then help the people who need help.


I’m glad you responded Trish. Seems like I may have “scared off” the others on this group. I know I’m blunt, but the truth must be told. Truth is a precious commodity.

The two of you need to be very careful. I know it's going to be very hard to stay home but not much choice in the matter. Go get your things and then settle in. We have a long duration of being relatively isolated from the world. No movies for awhile or restaurants and no socializing.


I have been washing my hands like a crazy person, I hope you're doing the same. Although, the new study that just came out that they now believe asymptomatic spreading is what's driving the spread. I just hope we can flatten the curve sooner rather than later. I don't want to end up like Italy. My State has doubled today in the number of positive cases since yesterday. My nerves are a little frazzled but as we say here in benzo land no way out but through.


Your Mary is getting home just in time. I think it's Monday that the next travel ban goes into affect.


My mother used to have a pressure cooker and she loved it, I'm sure the ones they have today are so much better than the ones from her day. Dan's going to have you making beans all the time now  :laugh:


You go get what you need and then you two buckle down. Unfortunately Rich is still working and I'm praying they close the plant.. But we'll see 🤷




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I don’t watch the news constantly either FH. But it doesn’t set me off or keep me awake at night. At night, Dan and I watch the shows we like. That would be the NCIS group, Seal Team and Swat. I like

Dateline and 48 Hours if we just watch from the beginning so we don’t have to guess what’s going on.


Frankly, hearing all this info about this virus becomes boring after awhile. I’ve watched so much about it now that I could recite it backwards and forwards. We went to get our  taxes done this last Thursday and the traffic going and coming back was completely normal. Everyone rushing to get somewhere as fast as they can.


I would just like to see our country get back on track if possible. We are lapsing into authorianism (a dictator) or an oligarchy (several autocrats) and this country was structured  as a republic/democracy.

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So far Dan and I are ok except we are both in that vulnerable area.We are over the age of 60, and I’m in withdrawl aside from having idiopathic subglottic stenosis, and Dan has type 2 diabetes, his head injury and a heart condition.


I suppose it could be worse all things considered. I will just say that we get things done. I have stocked up to a certain extent, but I’m on my way in awhile to stock up further. You all know that I live in an LDS neighborhood and all of them keep stocked up on a regular basis.


I don’t like to stay home at all because I still have my days when I have to stay home due to withdrawl. I’ve mentioned before that I have to run my entire schedule around that aspect. Apparently, yesterday, the Winco store  downtown was completely bare of certain items, but I’m going to the one in the next city over and I don’t need very much.


Blake bought us one of those neat pressure cookers so now cooking beans is very easy. And Mary and Brad flew to Europe a week ago and are flying back today. We have been texting, and all the difficulties at heathrow airport in London did not happen to them fortunately. I kept relaying the information I got here, as they went to France also, and now it seems that France is on the CDC’s list of countries to not go to. But from my understanding, all these countries having trouble with this virus can get those test kits from WHO and can then help the people who need help.


I’m glad you responded Trish. Seems like I may have “scared off” the others on this group. I know I’m blunt, but the truth must be told. Truth is a precious commodity.

The two of you need to be very careful. I know it's going to be very hard to stay home but not much choice in the matter. Go get your things and then settle in. We have a long duration of being relatively isolated from the world. No movies for awhile or restaurants and no socializing.


I have been washing my hands like a crazy person, I hope you're doing the same. Although, the new study that just came out that they now believe asymptomatic spreading is what's driving the spread. I just hope we can flatten the curve sooner rather than later. I don't want to end up like Italy. My State has doubled today in the number of positive cases since yesterday. My nerves are a little frazzled but as we say here in benzo land no way out but through.


Your Mary is getting home just in time. I think it's Monday that the next travel ban goes into affect.


My mother used to have a pressure cooker and she loved it, I'm sure the ones they have today are so much better than the ones from her day. Dan's going to have you making beans all the time now  :laugh:


You go get what you need and then you two buckle down. Unfortunately Rich is still working and I'm praying they close the plant.. But we'll see 🤷


Oh we are being careful Trish. It’s just going to do the things we have to do. We had to get our taxes done, and then there’s the dentist and the eye doctor. And Dan will have what’s call Mohs surgery on that squamous cell carcinoma.


It is time to “baton down the hatches for sure.” No socializing or being in big groups and all these other instructions.


We’re not big socializers anyway so that’s not even a problem. Just a little grocery shopping or picking up medications wears both of us completely out. A lot of that is this traffic also.


And as you say, it’s that unsymptomatic spreading that is seriously dangerous. Well, I’m going to get ready to leave. We have a storm blowing in and I want to get home before dark.

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I don’t watch the news constantly either FH. But it doesn’t set me off or keep me awake at night. At night, Dan and I watch the shows we like. That would be the NCIS group, Seal Team and Swat. I like

Dateline and 48 Hours if we just watch from the beginning so we don’t have to guess what’s going on.


Frankly, hearing all this info about this virus becomes boring after awhile. I’ve watched so much about it now that I could recite it backwards and forwards. We went to get our  taxes done this last Thursday and the traffic going and coming back was completely normal. Everyone rushing to get somewhere as fast as they can.


I would just like to see our country get back on track if possible. We are lapsing into authorianism (a dictator) or an oligarchy (several autocrats) and this country was structured  as a republic/democracy.


I get it Intend.  I've been watching tons of Law and Order.  Even though I've seen almost all of them, I just get pulled in.


I too want a better country and even though you and I are not supposed to diagnose anyone we havent seen as a patient, I will say generally there is something really wrong with that man.  Very damaged. 


That's all my politics for now. 

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I don’t watch the news constantly either FH. But it doesn’t set me off or keep me awake at night. At night, Dan and I watch the shows we like. That would be the NCIS group, Seal Team and Swat. I like

Dateline and 48 Hours if we just watch from the beginning so we don’t have to guess what’s going on.


Frankly, hearing all this info about this virus becomes boring after awhile. I’ve watched so much about it now that I could recite it backwards and forwards. We went to get our  taxes done this last Thursday and the traffic going and coming back was completely normal. Everyone rushing to get somewhere as fast as they can.


I would just like to see our country get back on track if possible. We are lapsing into authorianism (a dictator) or an oligarchy (several autocrats) and this country was structured  as a republic/democracy.


I get it Intend.  I've been watching tons of Law and Order.  Even though I've seen almost all of them, I just get pulled in.


I too want a better country and even though you and I are not supposed to diagnose anyone we havent seen as a patient, I will say generally there is something really wrong with that man.  Very damaged. 


That's all my politics for now.


I completely agree FH.

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Checking in. I’m still on a long hold. My wife and I have been saving money and trying to figure out what was next for me. I was going to see a therapist regularly, working on building coping mechanisms to finally finish my taper and then all of this happened. I feel like I’m in a bit of a wave right now and I’m not sure what to do to calm it down.
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Stephen, are you still holding since 2016?  If so, you are probably in tolerance and should try to taper very slowly.  Looking at your signature, you flew through your first taper, way to fast.  So you updosed to only 5 mg of V.  IMO, that was too low.  K is so strong, my guess you were going through k withdrawal and Valium withdrawal.  K is .5 equivalence to 10 mg Valium, 3 mgs of k is 60 Valium. 

But if you have been holding since 2016, I still think you are in tolerance.  Tapering extremely slowly and see how you are doing.  It's been over 3 years.  Good job on seeing the therapist to learn new ways to cope.  Hope some others come on to help too.


Good luck.  Mary 💜

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Morning LHSG.  Thinking of you all .  Please post if you can so we know how you are.  If anyone has any good ideas please tell us about them.  ;). Love you all and know we will get through this together.

Mary 💜💜💜

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Morning Mary and everyone,

So I just looked into possible grocery delivery and it's been suspended. Also grocery pick up. This is very concerning bc I don't want to go out to the stores in the coming weeks. Just wanted to let everyone know so if you need more food get it now before things get worse as they expect it too.


Be well everyone,

Trish ❤️



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So far Dan and I are ok except we are both in that vulnerable area.We are over the age of 60, and I’m in withdrawl aside from having idiopathic subglottic stenosis, and Dan has type 2 diabetes, his head injury and a heart condition.


I suppose it could be worse all things considered. I will just say that we get things done. I have stocked up to a certain extent, but I’m on my way in awhile to stock up further. You all know that I live in an LDS neighborhood and all of them keep stocked up on a regular basis.


I don’t like to stay home at all because I still have my days when I have to stay home due to withdrawl. I’ve mentioned before that I have to run my entire schedule around that aspect. Apparently, yesterday, the Winco store  downtown was completely bare of certain items, but I’m going to the one in the next city over and I don’t need very much.


Blake bought us one of those neat pressure cookers so now cooking beans is very easy. And Mary and Brad flew to Europe a week ago and are flying back today. We have been texting, and all the difficulties at heathrow airport in London did not happen to them fortunately. I kept relaying the information I got here, as they went to France also, and now it seems that France is on the CDC’s list of countries to not go to. But from my understanding, all these countries having trouble with this virus can get those test kits from WHO and can then help the people who need help.


I’m glad you responded Trish. Seems like I may have “scared off” the others on this group. I know I’m blunt, but the truth must be told. Truth is a precious commodity.

The two of you need to be very careful. I know it's going to be very hard to stay home but not much choice in the matter. Go get your things and then settle in. We have a long duration of being relatively isolated from the world. No movies for awhile or restaurants and no socializing.


I have been washing my hands like a crazy person, I hope you're doing the same. Although, the new study that just came out that they now believe asymptomatic spreading is what's driving the spread. I just hope we can flatten the curve sooner rather than later. I don't want to end up like Italy. My State has doubled today in the number of positive cases since yesterday. My nerves are a little frazzled but as we say here in benzo land no way out but through.


Your Mary is getting home just in time. I think it's Monday that the next travel ban goes into affect.


My mother used to have a pressure cooker and she loved it, I'm sure the ones they have today are so much better than the ones from her day. Dan's going to have you making beans all the time now  :laugh:


You go get what you need and then you two buckle down. Unfortunately Rich is still working and I'm praying they close the plant.. But we'll see 🤷


Oh we are being careful Trish. It’s just going to do the things we have to do. We had to get our taxes done, and then there’s the dentist and the eye doctor. And Dan will have what’s call Mohs surgery on that squamous cell carcinoma.


It is time to “baton down the hatches for sure.” No socializing or being in big groups and all these other instructions.


We’re not big socializers anyway so that’s not even a problem. Just a little grocery shopping or picking up medications wears both of us completely out. A lot of that is this traffic also.


And as you say, it’s that unsymptomatic spreading that is seriously dangerous. Well, I’m going to get ready to leave. We have a storm blowing in and I want to get home before dark.

Hey intend,

Best of luck to Dan on his up coming surgery. Stay well.  :smitten:

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Hi Mary, I haven't caught up but I saw what you said to Steve which was great advice I think. We're locked up at home and this is growing very fast so I'm just trying to limit drastically the amount of news I read /watch, but on the other hand things move fast so it's not reasonable to stay away from news completely. I'm cooking better meals as I have time, and started using my long forgotten eliptic. I'm dying to make a cut on my Valium, but I still have the sleep jolts, neuro memories and neuro emotions if I ever try to nap. This tells me how altered my brain is and that it might be a bad idea to start cutting. My psychiatrist said no tapering while I have symptoms. But maybe they'll never go away. I know it's not the best time to taper, but it's not the best time to be dependent on a drug either. I really hope you get that prescription but I have read what meds could suffer a shortage and benzos don't seem to be on the list. My country's system is beyond overwhelmed now with the CV. God forbid I have to be admitted into a hospital. Nobody would even care about my benzo with this shitshow going on. And it's getting worse every day. I never leave the house now. I hope the internet delivery keeps working. Very difficult, I log in at twelve at night to be among the first to order. And yesterday even that wasn't enough. If I can't get an order and I'm running out of fruits and veggies, l will then go to the supermarket with gloves and mask, but the supermarkets are full of germs, people touch everything, so I will avoid it for as long as I can. At my age, most people pass the virus at home, but there are more exceptions than we'd like I'm afraid. I know I'll probably get sick eventually, but I'm trying to get it after a few months, when hopefully the medical system is no longer collapsed. Mary you said you have a heart condition. Please, just stay at home.


Hi DD I hope you could buy food.


I hope everyone is dealing as best as possible.

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Hey V,

Our national news stations reported on your current conditions in your area. I'm glad you're keeping yourself busy..I think we'll be following suit soon. It was reported this morning that we're now up to or close to 3,000 infected and 60 deceased but they said these numbers are grossly under estimated. Uhggg.. Here we go ❤️

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