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I'm going to search them right now Trishy. Thank you 😘😘


Can you believe I've just googled Aiden Wilson Tozer and his bio comes up with a picture and he looked a lot like my psychiatrist! Honestly he could be his reincarnation 🤣. I'm going to look for those verses right now.

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Trishy you take care too. I hope things don't get so bad there.


Yes Mary a good purse sure boosts our mood too. But for many years I've had bad shoulder pain so I can only use small ones and crossed over so not too chic I'm afraid. Trishy sweetie delete my country from your post please as I've become paranoid with being found by "friends". Also, that's why I'm not posting lately because I can't share what's going on without explaining where it's going on. It's difficult 😫


Trishy thanks for your kind words. We have a few very tough months ahead of us. Globally.


I have no idea what's wrong Vali, are you sure you can't talk to us?  You sound so afraid, it breaks my heart.  :(

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It's OK Mary don't worry. I just decided to stop sharing my origin as I would be very easy to find by my ex, or other unwelcome family members. I'm very worried about the situation in Europe and in my country and in the world. We don't have the discipline of South Koreans, actually we're very very stupid here, and then our governors seem even more stupid. I don't fear death as much as I fear chaos. I don't want to express my fears too much so as not to scare others.
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It's OK Mary don't worry. I just decided to stop sharing my origin as I would be very easy to find by my ex, or other unwelcome family members. I'm very worried about the situation in Europe and in my country and in the world. We don't have the discipline of South Koreans, actually we're very very stupid here, and then our governors seem even more stupid. I don't fear death as much as I fear chaos. I don't want to express my fears too much so as not to scare others.


I understand , our country is far, far behind in keeping up with the CV too.  We are here for you if you change your mind  :smitten: :smitten:

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Oh v,

I am sorry, I hope it settles down were you ate soon. We are here for you anytime you need us. This CV virus sucke. Listening to this shit in bwd is sereal. Wtf! We will get through this too. Stay safe and wash wash wash!

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Thank you so much Mary and DD. We've learned the hard way that the safe thing is to stay at home. So really, just stay at home if you can and if you go out, wear latex gloves and don't touch face etc. Staying at home is going to be the only way to stop this and I think eventually al affected countries will have to do the same. So stock up. For some strange reason people are obsessed with toilet paper. We have memes like : year 2022 "mom, what's for dinner?" "toilet paper with tomato". "again!!??". I have food like for one month at least. I'm trying to convince my daughter we don't need to eat it all up in one week 🤣🤣. Gnight 😘😘
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Lol Val.  No toilet paper here at 2 stores.


I am now peeling after my sun.  I kind of resemble a snake.  I thought the moisturizer would be able to hold it off but alas, no. 


I prefer a cute pair of boots!  I don’t change my purse often, but I do love my boots.  :laugh:

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hi all - after going to the grocery store today and seeing the apocalypse- I freaked out.  So I texted my psychiatrist and asked her about the possibility of running out of drugs here in the US being that our drugs are manufactured outside the US.  Here was her response:

“It isn’t impossible.  The risk is not that high, especially if China gets back to relatively normal in the relatively near future, as seems to be the case.  If you want to pay cash for extra prescriptions through GoodRx, it’s ok with me.” 


I trust her and she is also on staff at UCLA.  However, I don’t trust the psychopath in the White House to allow food or medicine into the United States from any outside countries.  So I think I’m going to get those extra prescriptions and not chance it. 


I waited in line for two hours at one place for toilet paper and the other place for almost an hour to buy food and most all the aisles of food, water and household goods were empty.  The seafood and meat station was shut down.  No fish and hardly and chicken or other meats. 


Just thought I’d share that. 


Stay healthy my friends,






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Hi v,

I won't be going out much. I was thinking the same thing! Why so much toilet paper, I cant figure out out. Nothing at the stores. We made chicken soup today. Figured might as well try to boost the immune sx. I honestly dont believe this I was reading about your Country. I just hope this dam virus dies off. Girl on the news had it and she is ok. Try to stay calm. You are safe in the house. Love you Suzy  :o :o

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Hey folks who are nervous about the empty shelves at the store, I have a friend in Germany who said that all their stores emptied out about 2 weeks ago, and everyone was worried but now 2 weeks later they are restocked again. This will be the case in the US as well.


Vali, I relate to your chaos fear. I am more afraid of the chaos than I am of the virus (though that is scary too)

Everyone just stay home and ride it out. We know how to do that better than anyone!


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GP I didn't know you were a boot collector 🙂. I wonder what type of boots you wear. Is it cowgirl boots or all sorts of boots? I used to love high heeled boots, I think that's all I wore until my early 40s. Now my feet and knees hurt so I need to wear comfortable, nearly orthopedic sneakers, so my sexiness is seriously compromised.


DD and GP yes, what's the thing with toilet paper???  I don't get it. I have bought three packages but if it ran out we do have a bidet, for Christ's sake don't people have a bidet? DD I do hope you get some supplies to stock up. I think you will. Stores empty up when people freak out but after a week I think they will have all you need again.


Olive K yes, chaos is really the scariest outcome so I really hope our governments know how to control this. My government is very very useless. I'm not sure the opposition would be doing much better though, but still... I mean imagine the people on lock down who have no money for food because they're not working (thousands that is). I hope our genious rulers have thought of a solution for that.


About the meds running out, I think everyone should try tu do like meems and get extra prescriptions I have a Valium stash for nine months and gabapentin for six months. So I hope that's enough? Anyway I'll ask my psychiatrist on Monday if I can get some extra prescription, of course not telling him about the stash. I think he'll say no, but still. He always told me "don't stash meds, don't stash meds!". Well you see? He was wrong there. Shit happens in life. Praying for all of us to be safe 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🐕🐶🐈🦓🐆🦌🐩



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Hi everyone,

I woke up in the night not being able to breath through my nose. I have a dry cough but I'm not worried yet, I don't have a fever. I did find out that a Dr in a hospital I was just in for Rich's breathing test is positive for the virus. What a nightmare 🤦‍♀️


Hope you all have as good a day as possible given the circumstances.


V, I saw on the news about your area.. Stay safe.


Love to all,

Trish ❤️

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hi all - after going to the grocery store today and seeing the apocalypse- I freaked out.  So I texted my psychiatrist and asked her about the possibility of running out of drugs here in the US being that our drugs are manufactured outside the US.  Here was her response:

“It isn’t impossible.  The risk is not that high, especially if China gets back to relatively normal in the relatively near future, as seems to be the case.  If you want to pay cash for extra prescriptions through GoodRx, it’s ok with me.” 


I trust her and she is also on staff at UCLA.  However, I don’t trust the psychopath in the White House to allow food or medicine into the United States from any outside countries.  So I think I’m going to get those extra prescriptions and not chance it. 


I waited in line for two hours at one place for toilet paper and the other place for almost an hour to buy food and most all the aisles of food, water and household goods were empty.  The seafood and meat station was shut down.  No fish and hardly and chicken or other meats. 


Just thought I’d share that. 


Stay healthy my friends,



I hope my Dr will do that.  I have almost 2 months, another month would make me feel a lot better.

I go March 30th, I am going to ask her.  Our biggest grocery chain came on the news this morning and told people they are restocking everyday and the panicking needs to stop.  They assured us, it's not necessary.  They are a great grocery store so I believe them.  I think begood had a really good idea, go as soon as they open.  Then the store will have less people and more stock!! How's Maggie Meems ?  LY, 💜

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Mary, here if you go when they open there are two hour queues. I go at lunch time and grab what's left, with latex gloves. But I have quite a stock now. I really hope you can all get more meds.


Trishy take a deep breath and see if you can't fill up your lungs. That could be a symptom. But I want to think you're OK and it's allergy or a cold. I have cough, constant, and stuffed nose but it's allergic. Of course nobody would want to be near me now with this cough.


I see you guys have woken up super early today. Obviously your sleep is suffering from this. In my group we're sharing funny whatsapps all day. That really helps.


Be safe everyone.

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Mary, here if you go when they open there are two hour queues. I go at lunch time and grab what's left, with latex gloves. But I have quite a stock now. I really hope you can all get more meds.


Trishy take a deep breath and see if you can't fill up your lungs. That could be a symptom. But I want to think you're OK and it's allergy or a cold. I have cough, constant, and stuffed nose but it's allergic. Of course nobody would want to be near me now with this cough.


I see you guys have woken up super early today. Obviously your sleep is suffering from this. In my group we're sharing funny whatsapps all day. That really helps.


Be safe everyone.


You too Vali.  We don't do queues here.  People just go when then they want.  Not saying that may not happen but I can't imagine how they would pull it off.  You entertain yourself as much as you can .

LY, Mary 💜💜

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Same to you Mary. Usually we don't queue up in front of supermarkets. It's started now, with the cv panic. But the mass of people go first thing in the morning. I have plenty of good but I'm getting more, because as I said, I fear chaos more than the virus. Get your prescription and get your food stock.
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Vali, I am a old fashioned witchy boot type girl.  All different colors.


I slept like a log last night woke up once 6 am then feel asleep til 9.  Poor REba got a late breakfast.


I made my 10k steps yesterday!

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Mary, here if you go when they open there are two hour queues. I go at lunch time and grab what's left, with latex gloves. But I have quite a stock now. I really hope you can all get more meds.


Trishy take a deep breath and see if you can't fill up your lungs. That could be a symptom. But I want to think you're OK and it's allergy or a cold. I have cough, constant, and stuffed nose but it's allergic. Of course nobody would want to be near me now with this cough.


I see you guys have woken up super early today. Obviously your sleep is suffering from this. In my group we're sharing funny whatsapps all day. That really helps.


Be safe everyone.

Hey V,

I'm good  :thumbsup: cough disappeared after I got up and had my coffee. I think it's dust and post nasal drip. The damn heat has been on for months now! I'm so tired of it. I keep the heat very low at night but dust gathers up quickly here in the winter,  it's hard to stay on top of it.



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Vali, I am a old fashioned witchy boot type girl.  All different colors.


I slept like a log last night woke up once 6 am then feel asleep til 9.  Poor REba got a late breakfast.


I made my 10k steps yesterday!

I like your style in Boots GP, I like them too but mine look more like military style boots that lace up high on the ankle. They look cute with jeans.. My very tight jeans at the moment 😜


Good for you getting those steps in. I picked up a cookie off the floor I figure that counts for one squat 😂

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Vali, I am a old fashioned witchy boot type girl.  All different colors.


I slept like a log last night woke up once 6 am then feel asleep til 9.  Poor REba got a late breakfast.


I made my 10k steps yesterday!

I like your style in Boots GP, I like them too but mine look more like military style boots that lace up high on the ankle. They look cute with jeans.. My very tight jeans at the moment 😜


Good for you getting those steps in. I picked up a cookie off the floor I figure that counts for one squat 😂


:2funny: :2funny:  That's my girl.    :smitten: :smitten:

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I used to wear military boots Trishy.  Still do at times.  I love my witchy boots now.  I’m thinking Stevie Nicks style.


Yes that counts as on3 Squat. N :laugh:

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GP I love your footwear too. You could post a Pic of your favorite boots.


Trishy I've been coughing for a whole month now, all day. It's exhausting. I'm exhausted. I too have nasal drip and it must be related. What can we do about it Trishy? Imagine, we're on lockdown and can only go out to buy food or medicine. Imagine when people see me coughing in the store. I try not to cough but it's impossible. What can we do? You think the heater is to blame?

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That would be the ones I almost wore to Wicked.  You remember, the ones I borrowed from Stut?


Yes, I do remember your witch boots 😊

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