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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Final yes a lot of skin problems on this site during tapering and after.l would apply the cortisone cream it definitely sounds like eczema.Waves are always hard to cope with however they do pass.l know you were optimistic last week and you will be again.Don't lose sight of how far you have come my lovely.love you.X

. Morning Trish stay away from the news please.You won't find anything calming there not for some time.Yes the South has shut down a bit premature in my opinion however l am British and we haven't yet.l know you are scared honey however this is not airborne so do the hand washing etc.This is not something that can be changed however we can do things to prevent the virus spreading.Good news regarding Rich's results woohoo 🎊🎉.l think that got lost in all this panic.Love you my lST X

Morning NJ l know your mum and son are at risk however again we can keep this at bay with proper hand hygiene.Your mum is vulnerable however the home is trying it's best to keep the virus under control.There is nothing more we can do.Try to not let the anxiety take over honey.Stay strong.love to you.X

Morning Suzy how are you honey? Holding your own l hope?l am glad you are not feeding into the panic.We just have to let this play out and see where we are at the end of it.love you.X

Morning Meems l am glad your kitty is doing better.l know you are passionate regarding politics however fighting is not going to help you in anyway.Just let it wash over you honey your health is more important.Look after yourself and your mum.X

Morning lady Mary awe Hen what a palaver 😱.How we managed to get through world wars etc is a mystery to me.How are you honey?l hope you are feeling ok?Has Sly been to the vet's yet?My daughter is being careful she was supposed to go to Dublin yesterday and cancelled it.l have been to the appointments and will be going today as well l am not worried.My girl is home tonight so we will probably have a chill out weekend.l am still in a wave so hopefully it will pass soon.Have a good weekend honey.love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Intend Gilly Valley Free Esperanza Nova Bill GP Olive Troch and everyone here sending you my love.X

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Final yes a lot of skin problems on this site during tapering and after.l would apply the cortisone cream it definitely sounds like eczema.Waves are always hard to cope with however they do pass.l know you were optimistic last week and you will be again.Don't lose sight of how far you have come my lovely.love you.X

. Morning Trish stay away from the news please.You won't find anything calming there not for some time.Yes the South has shut down a bit premature in my opinion however l am British and we haven't yet.l know you are scared honey however this is not airborne so do the hand washing etc.This is not something that can be changed however we can do things to prevent the virus spreading.Good news regarding Rich's results woohoo 🎊🎉.l think that got lost in all this panic.Love you my lST X

Morning NJ l know your mum and son are at risk however again we can keep this at bay with proper hand hygiene.Your mum is vulnerable however the home is trying it's best to keep the virus under control.There is nothing more we can do.Try to not let the anxiety take over honey.Stay strong.love to you.X

Morning Suzy how are you honey? Holding your own l hope?l am glad you are not feeding into the panic.We just have to let this play out and see where we are at the end of it.love you.X

Morning Meems l am glad your kitty is doing better.l know you are passionate regarding politics however fighting is not going to help you in anyway.Just let it wash over you honey your health is more important.Look after yourself and your mum.X

Morning lady Mary awe Hen what a palaver 😱.How we managed to get through world wars etc is a mystery to me.How are you honey?l hope you are feeling ok?Has Sly been to the vet's yet?My daughter is being careful she was supposed to go to Dublin yesterday and cancelled it.l have been to the appointments and will be going today as well l am not worried.My girl is home tonight so we will probably have a chill out weekend.l am still in a wave so hopefully it will pass soon.Have a good weekend honey.love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Intend Gilly Valley Free Esperanza Nova Bill GP Olive Troch and everyone here sending you my love.X

Hey twinny,

I'm doing my best to hold it together albeit shaky though. This is more challenging than wd in my opinion but I sure am glad to have a little stash of Xanax right now.


You and your daughter have a good weekend, stay in!!! Watch a marvel marathon but for British sakes, I made that up, be careful!! We are now entering a very long period of uncertain times. So buckle up your British britches lady and don't take any unnecessary trips out of the house pleeeeeeease. You are definitely the more stubborn twin :laugh: :laugh:


I'm thinking of you, please keep yourself well and know that I love ya dearly!

LST ❤️

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I just ordered that book you mentioned in Stuff, Mary. I can’t. Wait to get it.  You always give sensible advice  :smitten:


And a shout out to Trishy and Stut and DD. Thank you all

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I just ordered that book you mentioned in Stuff, Mary. I can’t. Wait to get it.  You always give sensible advice  :smitten:


And a shout out to Trishy and Stut and DD. Thank you all


I saw it on another post.  I am going to order it too!!  We need all the help we can find right now, and that sounded like a good book for us  :smitten: :smitten:  LY, GP and Reba  :D

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Hi guys. I'm lost for words but I wanted to share this email I just got from the Dare app.


As the coronavirus continues to raise people's anxiety level, we want you to know that we are here to support you.


We are therefore making the DARE ebook available for free all weekend on Amazon. Share this link with anyone you think might be dealing with high anxiety or panic attacks.


Yes, all this uncertainty is worrying so allow yourself to feel that. Don't push the anxiety away, in fact expect to feel anxious over the coming weeks and allow it to be present without resistance.


The more accepting and compassionate you can be towards yourself during this period the faster the anxious emotion will express itself and run its course.


We also understand that your friends or family might be feeling more anxiety




We are therefore making the DARE ebook available for free all weekend on Amazon. Share this link with anyone you think might be dealing with high anxiety or panic attacks.


Also, in case you missed it last week, we have released my 7 Day training on 'Overcome Health Anxiety' for free to everyone in the DARE app.

The program helps you keep your health anxiety in check.




This short program is totally free and is accessed through the DARE app www.dareapp.co

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Hi guys. I'm lost for words but I wanted to share this email I just got from the Dare app.


As the coronavirus continues to raise people's anxiety level, we want you to know that we are here to support you.


We are therefore making the DARE ebook available for free all weekend on Amazon. Share this link with anyone you think might be dealing with high anxiety or panic attacks.


Yes, all this uncertainty is worrying so allow yourself to feel that. Don't push the anxiety away, in fact expect to feel anxious over the coming weeks and allow it to be present without resistance.


The more accepting and compassionate you can be towards yourself during this period the faster the anxious emotion will express itself and run its course.


We also understand that your friends or family might be feeling more anxiety




We are therefore making the DARE ebook available for free all weekend on Amazon. Share this link with anyone you think might be dealing with high anxiety or panic attacks.


Also, in case you missed it last week, we have released my 7 Day training on 'Overcome Health Anxiety' for free to everyone in the DARE app.

The program helps you keep your health anxiety in check.




This short program is totally free and is accessed through the DARE app www.dareapp.co


Thanks Vali, just got the ebook.  You take care of yourself and your daughter.  We love you  :smitten: :smitten:

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Morning LHSG, thinking of you all.  Please be taking care of yourself, I know this is a hard time for all of us, anxiety very high between withdrawal and CV.  Let's hang together and keep in touch.  Support each other as we always do.  Thanks Val for the free book.  Love you guys!    :smitten: :smitten:
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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Final yes a lot of skin problems on this site during tapering and after.l would apply the cortisone cream it definitely sounds like eczema.Waves are always hard to cope with however they do pass.l know you were optimistic last week and you will be again.Don't lose sight of how far you have come my lovely.love you.X

. Morning Trish stay away from the news please.You won't find anything calming there not for some time.Yes the South has shut down a bit premature in my opinion however l am British and we haven't yet.l know you are scared honey however this is not airborne so do the hand washing etc.This is not something that can be changed however we can do things to prevent the virus spreading.Good news regarding Rich's results woohoo 🎊🎉.l think that got lost in all this panic.Love you my lST X

Morning NJ l know your mum and son are at risk however again we can keep this at bay with proper hand hygiene.Your mum is vulnerable however the home is trying it's best to keep the virus under control.There is nothing more we can do.Try to not let the anxiety take over honey.Stay strong.love to you.X

Morning Suzy how are you honey? Holding your own l hope?l am glad you are not feeding into the panic.We just have to let this play out and see where we are at the end of it.love you.X

Morning Meems l am glad your kitty is doing better.l know you are passionate regarding politics however fighting is not going to help you in anyway.Just let it wash over you honey your health is more important.Look after yourself and your mum.X

Morning lady Mary awe Hen what a palaver 😱.How we managed to get through world wars etc is a mystery to me.How are you honey?l hope you are feeling ok?Has Sly been to the vet's yet?My daughter is being careful she was supposed to go to Dublin yesterday and cancelled it.l have been to the appointments and will be going today as well l am not worried.My girl is home tonight so we will probably have a chill out weekend.l am still in a wave so hopefully it will pass soon.Have a good weekend honey.love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Intend Gilly Valley Free Esperanza Nova Bill GP Olive Troch and everyone here sending you my love.X


Thank you Stut. This wave has been hard and I'm hoping its peaking now.  I was a wreck yesterday and today have had a lot of inner trembling.  It's been overcast and grey the past two days and I havent been put since Wendesdsy.

My eye rash is better so even though I don't like using the creme, it has helped.  Does eczema just suddenly appear like that?


I'm sorry you are in a wave as well Stut. I'm praying that it lifts for both of us soon.  I'm glad you have your daughters company this weekend. 


As far as the news, I live in NYC and despite all the rapidly changing news stories and NY being declared a state of emergency, there is no rioting or chaos here.  There are people going to work, deliveries being made and a tone  of civility.



Lots of things have shut down like Broadway shows, and sports events but the city is calm.  I live close to Times Square so I'm in the heart of the city.  I say this to keep myself and others as calm as possible.


Take good care. 

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Final yes a lot of skin problems on this site during tapering and after.l would apply the cortisone cream it definitely sounds like eczema.Waves are always hard to cope with however they do pass.l know you were optimistic last week and you will be again.Don't lose sight of how far you have come my lovely.love you.X

. Morning Trish stay away from the news please.You won't find anything calming there not for some time.Yes the South has shut down a bit premature in my opinion however l am British and we haven't yet.l know you are scared honey however this is not airborne so do the hand washing etc.This is not something that can be changed however we can do things to prevent the virus spreading.Good news regarding Rich's results woohoo 🎊🎉.l think that got lost in all this panic.Love you my lST X

Morning NJ l know your mum and son are at risk however again we can keep this at bay with proper hand hygiene.Your mum is vulnerable however the home is trying it's best to keep the virus under control.There is nothing more we can do.Try to not let the anxiety take over honey.Stay strong.love to you.X

Morning Suzy how are you honey? Holding your own l hope?l am glad you are not feeding into the panic.We just have to let this play out and see where we are at the end of it.love you.X

Morning Meems l am glad your kitty is doing better.l know you are passionate regarding politics however fighting is not going to help you in anyway.Just let it wash over you honey your health is more important.Look after yourself and your mum.X

Morning lady Mary awe Hen what a palaver 😱.How we managed to get through world wars etc is a mystery to me.How are you honey?l hope you are feeling ok?Has Sly been to the vet's yet?My daughter is being careful she was supposed to go to Dublin yesterday and cancelled it.l have been to the appointments and will be going today as well l am not worried.My girl is home tonight so we will probably have a chill out weekend.l am still in a wave so hopefully it will pass soon.Have a good weekend honey.love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Intend Gilly Valley Free Esperanza Nova Bill GP Olive Troch and everyone here sending you my love.X


Thank you Stut. This wave has been hard and I'm hoping its peaking now.  I was a wreck yesterday and today have had a lot of inner trembling.  It's been overcast and grey the past two days and I havent been put since Wendesdsy.

My eye rash is better so even though I don't like using the creme, it has helped.  Does eczema just suddenly appear like that?


I'm sorry you are in a wave as well Stut. I'm praying that it lifts for both of us soon.  I'm glad you have your daughters company this weekend. 


As far as the news, I live in NYC and despite all the rapidly changing news stories and NY being declared a state of emergency, there is no rioting or chaos here.  There are people going to work, deliveries being made and a tone  of civility.



Lots of things have shut down like Broadway shows, and sports events but the city is calm.  I live close to Times Square so I'm in the heart of the city.  I say this to keep myself and others as calm as possible.


Take good care.


I'm jealous I love NYC and would love to live there.. Ok maybe not right now lol! I love the city and I like your governor. He is being proactive and getting that testing done. It must be so fun to live there. I love that it's always hopping.. I love that hustle bustle kind of life. Do you take walks through Central Park much? There's just so much to do there and omg the food, muah delish! :D


I hope you feel better FH, stressful times going on..


TT ❤️

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Final yes a lot of skin problems on this site during tapering and after.l would apply the cortisone cream it definitely sounds like eczema.Waves are always hard to cope with however they do pass.l know you were optimistic last week and you will be again.Don't lose sight of how far you have come my lovely.love you.X

. Morning Trish stay away from the news please.You won't find anything calming there not for some time.Yes the South has shut down a bit premature in my opinion however l am British and we haven't yet.l know you are scared honey however this is not airborne so do the hand washing etc.This is not something that can be changed however we can do things to prevent the virus spreading.Good news regarding Rich's results woohoo 🎊🎉.l think that got lost in all this panic.Love you my lST X

Morning NJ l know your mum and son are at risk however again we can keep this at bay with proper hand hygiene.Your mum is vulnerable however the home is trying it's best to keep the virus under control.There is nothing more we can do.Try to not let the anxiety take over honey.Stay strong.love to you.X

Morning Suzy how are you honey? Holding your own l hope?l am glad you are not feeding into the panic.We just have to let this play out and see where we are at the end of it.love you.X

Morning Meems l am glad your kitty is doing better.l know you are passionate regarding politics however fighting is not going to help you in anyway.Just let it wash over you honey your health is more important.Look after yourself and your mum.X

Morning lady Mary awe Hen what a palaver 😱.How we managed to get through world wars etc is a mystery to me.How are you honey?l hope you are feeling ok?Has Sly been to the vet's yet?My daughter is being careful she was supposed to go to Dublin yesterday and cancelled it.l have been to the appointments and will be going today as well l am not worried.My girl is home tonight so we will probably have a chill out weekend.l am still in a wave so hopefully it will pass soon.Have a good weekend honey.love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Intend Gilly Valley Free Esperanza Nova Bill GP Olive Troch and everyone here sending you my love.X


Thank you Stut. This wave has been hard and I'm hoping its peaking now.  I was a wreck yesterday and today have had a lot of inner trembling.  It's been overcast and grey the past two days and I havent been put since Wendesdsy.

My eye rash is better so even though I don't like using the creme, it has helped.  Does eczema just suddenly appear like that?


I'm sorry you are in a wave as well Stut. I'm praying that it lifts for both of us soon.  I'm glad you have your daughters company this weekend. 


As far as the news, I live in NYC and despite all the rapidly changing news stories and NY being declared a state of emergency, there is no rioting or chaos here.  There are people going to work, deliveries being made and a tone  of civility.



Lots of things have shut down like Broadway shows, and sports events but the city is calm.  I live close to Times Square so I'm in the heart of the city.  I say this to keep myself and others as calm as possible.


Take good care.


I'm jealous I love NYC and would love to live there.. Ok maybe not right now lol! I love the city and I like your governor. He is being proactive and getting that testing done. It must be so fun to live there. I love that it's always hopping.. I love that hustle bustle kind of life. Do you take walks through Central Park much? There's just so much to do there and omg the food, muah delish! :D

I hope you feel better FH, stressful times going on..


TT ❤️


Hi Trishy,


I do like living here tonight though the I haven't been out in the city much during the past year and a half.  I mainly walk to the Hudson river.  There is a pier there and it takes about 25 mins to get there and back.  Heavenly been to Central Park in awhile. 

One of my goals, when I am better is to take advantage more of the museums and shows. 


When I was a teenager, our family moved to Norwalk, CT and my husband and I owned in Norfolk, CT for a awhile.  It is a beautiful town

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Thanks mm for that book. I am going to check it out. I have heard of her. Thx! ❤❤


Hi v, you cant leave your house? If it makes you feel any better my mother said 70,000 ppl have healed and are doing fine. Your not at a high risk either. Just follow the rules wshing, distance. I believe you will be ok. Ly Suzy


Hi Stut thank you, I am good. Trying not to worry. I hope you feel better. I know you have been in a bad wave. I am too. On almond off. I always feel like I'm in a x. wave and window  everyday, but always symptoms, stay safe! Ly Suzy


Hope everyone is ok. I know it's scary. I believe we will all be ok. ❤❤

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Thank you Mary. Read the news. We can't leave the house. We're scared AF. 😭😭


Oh girl, I am so sorry.  Try not to be worried. Your daughter is a good age and you are stronger than you realize.  We love you.  If you need to talk about your fears, please post and we will try to support you all we can.  :smitten: :smitten:

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Thank you Mary and DD. This is very scary because of things you hear from drs in the hospitals, apart from all the businesses that will go bankrupt.


Thank you so much for encouraging me girls. Since all this have gotten so bad (we're right behind Italy), I spend all day in my whatsapp group of friends. Withdrawal is in the background. I guess I have waves but the level of general anxiety for the situation is such that I really can't tell the difference. I was of course much worse in summer in acute wd, with the scary intrusive thoughts, but that had a solution (holding after the updose), and this... Well I don't know.


GP I like free too. I hope you still have a tan from the cruise. A tan and good perfume makes life so much better.

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Thank you Mary and DD. This is very scary because of things you hear from drs in the hospitals, apart from all the businesses that will go bankrupt.


Thank you so much for encouraging me girls. Since all this have gotten so bad (we're right behind Italy), I spend all day in my whatsapp group of friends. Withdrawal is in the background. I guess I have waves but the level of general anxiety for the situation is such that I really can't tell the difference. I was of course much worse in summer in acute wd, with the scary intrusive thoughts, but that had a solution (holding after the updose), and this... Well I don't know.


GP I like free too. I hope you still have a tan from the cruise. A tan and good perfume makes life so much better.


There's our Vali......  Tan and good perfume , lets not forget a fabulous purse  :D

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Trishy you take care too. I hope things don't get so bad there.


Yes Mary a good purse sure boosts our mood too. But for many years I've had bad shoulder pain so I can only use small ones and crossed over so not too chic I'm afraid. Trishy sweetie delete my country from your post please as I've become paranoid with being found by "friends". Also, that's why I'm not posting lately because I can't share what's going on without explaining where it's going on. It's difficult 😫


Trishy thanks for your kind words. We have a few very tough months ahead of us. Globally.

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Trishy you take care too. I hope things don't get so bad there.


Yes Mary a good purse sure boosts our mood too. But for many years I've had bad shoulder pain so I can only use small ones and crossed over so not too chic I'm afraid. Trishy sweetie delete my country from your post please as I've become paranoid with being found by "friends". Also, that's why I'm not posting lately because I can't share what's going on without explaining where it's going on. It's difficult 😫


Trishy thanks for your kind words. We have a few very tough months ahead of us. Globally.

Ok V will do!

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Trishy you take care too. I hope things don't get so bad there.


Yes Mary a good purse sure boosts our mood too. But for many years I've had bad shoulder pain so I can only use small ones and crossed over so not too chic I'm afraid. Trishy sweetie delete my country from your post please as I've become paranoid with being found by "friends". Also, that's why I'm not posting lately because I can't share what's going on without explaining where it's going on. It's difficult 😫


Trishy thanks for your kind words. We have a few very tough months ahead of us. Globally.

Ok V will do!

Hang in there we're all here for eachother.. Oh the big orange blob is talking now!🤬

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Trishy you take care too. I hope things don't get so bad there.


Yes Mary a good purse sure boosts our mood too. But for many years I've had bad shoulder pain so I can only use small ones and crossed over so not too chic I'm afraid. Trishy sweetie delete my country from your post please as I've become paranoid with being found by "friends". Also, that's why I'm not posting lately because I can't share what's going on without explaining where it's going on. It's difficult 😫


Trishy thanks for your kind words. We have a few very tough months ahead of us. Globally.

Ok V will do!

Hang in there we're all here for eachother.. Oh the big orange blob is talking now!🤬


Thank you Trishy ☺️😘


As for the orange one, I really don't like him but I think closing the borders is a wise decision. We should have done that in Europe right away like putin did. No CV in Russia.

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Trishy you take care too. I hope things don't get so bad there.


Yes Mary a good purse sure boosts our mood too. But for many years I've had bad shoulder pain so I can only use small ones and crossed over so not too chic I'm afraid. Trishy sweetie delete my country from your post please as I've become paranoid with being found by "friends". Also, that's why I'm not posting lately because I can't share what's going on without explaining where it's going on. It's difficult 😫


Trishy thanks for your kind words. We have a few very tough months ahead of us. Globally.

Ok V will do!

Hang in there we're all here for eachother.. Oh the big orange blob is talking now!🤬


Thank you Trishy ☺️😘


As for the orange one, I really don't like him but I think closing the borders is a wise decision. We should have done that in Europe right away like putin did. No CV in Russia.

He waited too long V , he knew this was coming weeks in advance and did nothing. We had a pandemic team put in by Obama and he let them go! He just said he doesn't want everyone to get this test!! I'm so angry right now I'm going to spit nails!! We are so far behind that this country has no real idea of many cases we have here and people in this country are showing up in hospitals with covid 19 symtoms and are being denied a test! All bc they might not meet one specific thing on the criteria for testing, like not having been to an affected country! It's absolutely bullshit, he needs these numbers to remain low to get reelected along with a strong economy. He even said it out of his own big idiotic mouth that he wants these numbers low.. He's crazy!  :idiot: I have listened to epidemiology experts who think I'm two more weeks we could be like Italy bc so far we are almost identical in number of cases that they were at this time, now look at them. So saddddd ☹️

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I think it's going to be the officials on the local and state level that are going to have to try to slow this down, like what they've already started to do like close schools and cancel large events and mass gatherings. If anybody saves the day it'll be our state and local officials putting their own plans into action.
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I'm sorry Trishy. I really am. Here we're only eight days from the numbers in Italy, and the president has kind of admitted today that we'll reach that number. They didn't shut the countries down for fear of the impact in the economy and now, doing it so late, it will cost many more lives and a lot more money. Sometimes I'm anxious beyond belief but at some moments I suddenly feel this acceptance like there's nothing I can do. The financial worry too. So anyway, as I know you're into faith like I am, I just want to tell you that at night when I can't sleep, I'm playing a free audio book called "Pursuit of God", by Aiden Wilson Tozer. I think you might like it too. I wont talk more about it as it's not allowed to talk religion here, but it helps see things from a distance.
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I'm sorry Trishy. I really am. Here we're only eight days from the numbers in Italy, and the president has kind of admitted today that we'll reach that number. They didn't shut the countries down for fear of the impact in the economy and now, doing it so late, it will cost many more lives and a lot more money. Sometimes I'm anxious beyond belief but at some moments I suddenly feel this acceptance like there's nothing I can do. The financial worry too. So anyway, as I know you're into faith like I am, I just want to tell you that at night when I can't sleep, I'm playing a free audio book called "Pursuit of God", by Aiden Wilson Tozer. I think you might like it too. I wont talk more about it as it's not allowed to talk religion here, but it helps see things from a distance.

Thank you V, I'll check that out.. Also read psalm91 and Philippians 4-6 .. And that's all I'll say lol!! Don't want to get into trouble either.


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