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Ugh!! Only 11,000 people so far tested in the US wtf?!! South Korea testing 10k A DAY!! This is infuriating 😤🤬


:tickedoff: :tickedoff:  I'm with ya Too Many, LY 💜💜💜

President was with the Brazilian guy last week and he has now tested positive for covid 19 , President should be tested and stop meeting with other leaders but we know he does as he pleases :tickedoff: .. He's now with Ireland's prime minister Leo Varadkar..I wish we would hear from my twin the LHSG queen👸.. Where is she? I hope she gets that internet thing worked out fast..


Ly many mmmmm's!

Too many ❤️

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Hi fh,

I am sorry about your eyes. Mine are very sensitive. More than they have ever been. Sometimes I feel like its cream or makeup. Maybe it's your facial wash. It's so weird. If the steroid cream is helping i think you should be ok. I've had to use flonase. The weather messes up my eyes. I feel like I need to live in a bubble. Hoping you feel better, becareful there in nYC. Oh, I saw you new group on baylissas Facebook page. Your a celebrity!

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Ok the POTUS is now saying the death rate is low bc of the actions he took..I knew it was coming!! 🤥 🎺 Toot toot🤮🤮
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Hi everyone,


I am so sorry njstrenth.  I am so sorry alot of you guys are in hot spots. This is unbelievable. I'm hoping if we keep washing and keep our distance from ppl we will be ok. My opinion is no traveling.  :-[

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Hi fh,

I am sorry about your eyes. Mine are very sensitive. More than they have ever been. Sometimes I feel like its cream or makeup. Maybe it's your facial wash. It's so weird. If the steroid cream is helping i think you should be ok. I've had to use flonase. The weather messes up my eyes. I feel like I need to live in a bubble. Hoping you feel better, becareful there in nYC. Oh, I saw you new group on baylissas Facebook page. Your a celebrity!


Thanks DD. Havent used anything different on my face and I dont use makeup right now. 

I feel very vulnerable right now and because my mind isn't working right, its hard to comfort myself. 


Thanks for mentioning that my group is on Baylissa's site.  I'll take a look. N


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I understand. My mind is off too. Very frustrating. You are doing so good. I have those days. That's when I distract cuz I cant think straight. Ly dd❤
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Ugh!! Only 11,000 people so far tested in the US wtf?!! South Korea testing 10k A DAY!! This is infuriating 😤🤬


:tickedoff: :tickedoff:  I'm with ya Too Many, LY 💜💜💜

President was with the Brazilian guy last week and he has now tested positive for covid 19 , President should be tested and stop meeting with other leaders but we know he does as he pleases :tickedoff: .. He's now with Ireland's prime minister Leo Varadkar..I wish we would hear from my twin the LHSG queen👸.. Where is she? I hope she gets that internet thing worked out fast..


Ly many mmmmm's!

Too many ❤️


I hope he is scared like others are, of course he can be given a test and taken great care of  >:(

She said I believe she had quite a few Dr appointments for sis and I am not sure about the Internet.

I don't think they have many cases in Ireland, I hope not.  LY girlfriend, Mary 💜💜

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Ugh!! Only 11,000 people so far tested in the US wtf?!! South Korea testing 10k A DAY!! This is infuriating 😤🤬


:tickedoff: :tickedoff:  I'm with ya Too Many, LY 💜💜💜

President was with the Brazilian guy last week and he has now tested positive for covid 19 , President should be tested and stop meeting with other leaders but we know he does as he pleases :tickedoff: .. He's now with Ireland's prime minister Leo Varadkar..I wish we would hear from my twin the LHSG queen👸.. Where is she? I hope she gets that internet thing worked out fast..


Ly many mmmmm's!

Too many ❤️


I hope he is scared like others are, of course he can be given a test and taken great care of  >:(

She said I believe she had quite a few Dr appointments for sis and I am not sure about the Internet.

I don't think they have many cases in Ireland, I hope not.  LY girlfriend, Mary 💜💜

I hope she's ok too Mary uhggg..


I do ok for the most part but there are times throughout the day that my mind gets the better of me and I'm terrified but then it passes. The way they're talking about it makes it seem like we're all going to get it. What I don't understand is that they say there risk of contracting there virus is very low. If that's the case then why the hell is it running rampant all over the world, doesn't make sense to me 🤷



Too many 😷

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Good afternoon all - had Benzo flu last couple days. Nausea and bad headache so I’ve been resting.  But I wanted to check in cause I was browsing my twitter feed and Katie Hill, former congresswoman from LA county Tweeted


“Wondering how soon supplies of Ativan and Xanax become as scarce as toilet paper and pasta.”


Not sure if that was a joke because. toilet paper is flying off the shelves but I was like “whoa.” 


Oh shit.  Mom needs me right now, I’ll be back in a bit. 



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Good afternoon all - had Benzo flu last couple days. Nausea and bad headache so I’ve been resting.  But I wanted to check in cause I was browsing my twitter feed and Katie Hill, former congresswoman from LA county Tweeted


“Wondering how soon supplies of Ativan and Xanax become as scarce as toilet paper and pasta.”


Not sure if that was a joke because. toilet paper is flying off the shelves but I was like “whoa.” 


Oh shit.  Mom needs me right now, I’ll be back in a bit. 




Everything ok Meems?  Damn I hope that's not another thing to add to our list.  Mom ok? 

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Hi Mary- ya all is ok.  So I have had an epiphany.  So I know there is a mind/body connection and it’s so important for us to take care of ourselves in all ways when we are in bwd.  Well I don’t do FB much anymore.  But I think I mentioned that I got into a bad political brawl with a group of politically opposed people.  Ever since then, I’ve been sick mentally and physically.  Twitter doesn’t bother me.  It’s all anonymous people and I choose the people I follow and who follow me.  But I have to stay off and away from toxic people, toxic words, etc.  I’ve been off.  Haven’t done my writing or meditation readings or talked to you guys much.  I’ve just been anxious and sick.  Gah 😖


Moms ok but I worry about her.  She has dialysis three days a week.  Health care centers with sick people and elderly people are most vulnerable and should be tested.  But I’m powerless and I buy antibacterial gel and hand soap and I can’t follow her around the house to make sure she washes her hands.  She doesn’t take this seriously. 


We have rain here today in LA and it’s actually a nice sound and Maggie is sitting on me right.  I love animals!  Her energy is healing.  ❤️  I don’t know what I’m gonna do about her dental work.  It’s stalled right now as she has improved from the fluids and antibiotics. 


How are you doing?  Feeling ok? 



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Hi Mary- ya all is ok.  So I have had an epiphany.  So I know there is a mind/body connection and it’s so important for us to take care of ourselves in all ways when we are in bwd.  Well I don’t do FB much anymore.  But I think I mentioned that I got into a bad political brawl with a group of politically opposed people.  Ever since then, I’ve been sick mentally and physically.  Twitter doesn’t bother me.  It’s all anonymous people and I choose the people I follow and who follow me.  But I have to stay off and away from toxic people, toxic words, etc.  I’ve been off.  Haven’t done my writing or meditation readings or talked to you guys much.  I’ve just been anxious and sick.  Gah 😖


Moms ok but I worry about her.  She has dialysis three days a week.  Health care centers with sick people and elderly people are most vulnerable and should be tested.  But I’m powerless and I buy antibacterial gel and hand soap and I can’t follow her around the house to make sure she washes her hands.  She doesn’t take this seriously. 


We have rain here today in LA and it’s actually a nice sound and Maggie is sitting on me right.  I love animals!  Her energy is healing.  ❤️  I don’t know what I’m gonna do about her dental work.  It’s stalled right now as she has improved from the fluids and antibiotics. 


How are you doing?  Feeling ok?


I am okay, still lowering on my dlmt, trying to get to my 5 %  ;). Animals are healing.  I would be worried about my mom too.  I don't know what you can do if she won't take it seriously, especially taking her to dialysis 3 days a week.  You please take care of what you can, you do all the right things.

Hope Maggie doesn't need the dental work.  Give her pets and kisses for me.  Don't get in argument that will upset you, just not worth it.  I have never done well with drama.  You keep us posted on what's going on.  We love you Meems, Mary 💜💜

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Hey Meems, I'm sorry to hear about the mom stresses.. I get it! I get along great with my mom but I am worried about her! She is not very worried about all of this, she is still going out and doing things. She and I went shopping today to stock up on food but she thought I was being silly. She humored me anyway so at least we have a bunch of food in the house now.


Every time I go on facebook I am WAY more stressed about this than I was before.  I think it is good for us to stay off. I actually find reddit to be much more palatable, if you must social media. My feed is filled with cat photos and videos. There are hundreds of cat subreddits, it's the best! Also good support groups to be found there.



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Good afternoon all - had Benzo flu last couple days. Nausea and bad headache so I’ve been resting.  But I wanted to check in cause I was browsing my twitter feed and Katie Hill, former congresswoman from LA county Tweeted


“Wondering how soon supplies of Ativan and Xanax become as scarce as toilet paper and pasta.”


Not sure if that was a joke because. toilet paper is flying off the shelves but I was like “whoa.” 


Oh shit.  Mom needs me right now, I’ll be back in a bit. 




Meems, I've had the benzo flue too and then it makes me feel I have the real flu.  Nausea and brain fog. 


I hope it lifts for both of us soon. 

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Hi all,

I've just read that Ireland has closed it's schools and universities. I also read they have  I think 47 CV cases. Some in northern Ireland where our Stut is. I hope she checks in tomorrow. 😟 I'm sure she's fine but I would just like to hear from her.


TT ❤️

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Just lost my post! Dammit! I'm done with the news. Its causing too much anxiety. It's probably benzo anxiety as well. My throat is scratchy. Wtf. Probably in my head. I hope everyone is staying calm and feeling ok. Maybe we should wear gloves in the house. I cannot keep up with not touching my face. I mean are we supposed to lysol our whole house. Make sure to clean your tablets and phones too. Ugh
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Thinking of you Stut. Please stay safe. I'm sure your inter et is out and you are just fine. Check in when you can. Love Suzy
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Hi all,

I've just read that Ireland has closed it's schools and universities. I also read they have  I think 47 CV cases. Some in northern Ireland where our Stut is. I hope she checks in tomorrow. 😟 I'm sure she's fine but I would just like to hear from her.


TT ❤️


Oh no, me too.  She is already struggling with withdrawal.  I really hope she is okay.  Stut we need to hear from you please.  Is your daughter staying home I hope?  Love you my Queen, your Lady Mary x Hen 💚💚💚

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Hi all,

I've just read that Ireland has closed it's schools and universities. I also read they have  I think 47 CV cases. Some in northern Ireland where our Stut is. I hope she checks in tomorrow. 😟 I'm sure she's fine but I would just like to hear from her.


TT ❤️


All schools in my county are now closed as of 3 p.m. tomorrow. We have more cases in our part of NJ than any other part of the state. I have to say this is giving me more anxiety than I have had in a very long time. I am just so worried about my mom in the nursing home and my so with the compromised immune system. And honestly, things are going to get much worse before they improve.

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Hi all,

I've just read that Ireland has closed it's schools and universities. I also read they have  I think 47 CV cases. Some in northern Ireland where our Stut is. I hope she checks in tomorrow. 😟 I'm sure she's fine but I would just like to hear from her.


TT ❤️


All schools in my county are now closed as of 3 p.m. tomorrow. We have more cases in our part of NJ than any other part of the state. I have to say this is giving me more anxiety than I have had in a very long time. I am just so worried about my mom in the nursing home and my so with the compromised immune system. And honestly, things are going to get much worse before they improve.


We desperately need a government to help us.  I am so sorry you are going through all of this.  Anyone would be very anxious NJ.  Love and health to your family 💜💜💜

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I wrote a post and lost it. My grandkids schools are closed. I am about a 45/50 minute drive from New Rochelle but it doesn't matter bc CT has positive cases too. I'm very anxious.

NJ I'm right there with you in your anxiety. I'm very worried. This doesn't feel real, feels like a horror movie. I don't want to panic but I'm close to that point. I'm shaking as I type this.

Don't know where to put this fear. I may have to call my therapist tomorrow and get a phone or Internet session in with her.

Love to all,

TT ❤️

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Oh tt,

I felt that way. We have to get a grip. Take a break from the news it's making you worse. Distract, do something else. I knowit's scary, but your going to make yourself sick. We need to stay calm. Good hygiene and keep distance from ppl. It's going to be ok. Ly dd

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Oh tt,

I felt that way. We have to get a grip. Take a break from the news it's making you worse. Distract, do something else. I knowit's scary, but your going to make yourself sick. We need to stay calm. Good hygiene and keep distance from ppl. It's going to be ok. Ly dd

True I need to stop watching.. It just keeps changing so fast that I feel like I need to keep watching to keep up to date. It's definitely not helping me though. I think I keep watching in hopes that I might hear some good news ☹️


I'm washing like a crazy person 🧼🚿 I have cleanest hands in country 😏

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Oh, I understand tt. I do that too. It just gets to overwhelming and we get overwhelmed easy in this state. I just want you to rela and feel better. Maybe only allow yourself a certain amount of time to listen. I know this whole thing sucks! Ly dd
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