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Hi Stut,


My psychologist wants me to take  the Seroquel for a week to see how it goes.

I 'd rather have another kind of  sleep tablet. But am going to please her this time.

She wants me to reduce my visits to BB to 15 minutes once a week.

So this is it for now.


Hope to be back next week


Take care everyone.

Good to know Troch l always worry when people disappear.l can't disagree with her this can be a very scary place when you are feeling vulnerable.Hope to hear from you next week.X

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Woohoo 🎊🎉 lady Mary Hen are you there over 😋? How's the eye this morning?X


Damn eye is blurry but I can get on for a couple hours at a time and take breaks and manage to keep up with everyone.  I miss you my Queen.  I really hope you feel better soon.  Is the Internet fixed?

We haven't really even started testing here, but when we do, cases will sky rocket.  Because of our President who almost shut the department down we need now, 2 years ago, we are way behind the 8 ball.  I am sure you can understand what I would like to write about him.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

Tim and I are doing our best to follow all the rules and so many places are putting wipes and hand sanitizer out, so they are trying hard too.  You need to take care too Stut, you don't need another damn virus.  I know you accept it might happen but please be careful.  I love you woman, Lady Mary x Hen ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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Woohoo 🎊🎉 lady Mary Hen are you there over 😋? How's the eye this morning?X


Damn eye is blurry but I can get on for a couple hours at a time and take breaks and manage to keep up with everyone.  I miss you my Queen.  I really hope you feel better soon.  Is the Internet fixed?

We haven't really even started testing here, but when we do, cases will sky rocket.  Because of our President who almost shut the department down we need now, 2 years ago, we are way behind the 8 ball.  I am sure you can understand what I would like to write about him.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

Tim and I are doing our best to follow all the rules and so many places are putting wipes and hand sanitizer out, so they are trying hard too.  You need to take care too Stut, you don't need another damn virus.  I know you accept it might happen but please be careful.  I love you woman, Lady Mary x Hen ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Awe damn l hope the eye problem eases off honey you have suffered enough.l was talking to a woman two days ago who had just came back from Rome l told her not to come near me 😡.l think people are absolutely ridiculous and that will be the reason this will spread.l know you all hate that man with the hair however the government isn't really the problem it's the stupidity and selfishness of people that is the problem however it isn't airborne so if we follow the guidelines we should be grand.l can't see people self isolating for 2 weeks l think they should put a sniper outside their doors 🤔😱.

Anyway how's my friend Tim is he keeping his hands washed? Have you trained Sly yet 😂😂.X

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Woohoo 🎊🎉 lady Mary Hen are you there over 😋? How's the eye this morning?X


Damn eye is blurry but I can get on for a couple hours at a time and take breaks and manage to keep up with everyone.  I miss you my Queen.  I really hope you feel better soon.  Is the Internet fixed?

We haven't really even started testing here, but when we do, cases will sky rocket.  Because of our President who almost shut the department down we need now, 2 years ago, we are way behind the 8 ball.  I am sure you can understand what I would like to write about him.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

Tim and I are doing our best to follow all the rules and so many places are putting wipes and hand sanitizer out, so they are trying hard too.  You need to take care too Stut, you don't need another damn virus.  I know you accept it might happen but please be careful.  I love you woman, Lady Mary x Hen ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Awe damn l hope the eye problem eases off honey you have suffered enough.l was talking to a woman two days ago who had just came back from Rome l told her not to come near me 😡.l think people are absolutely ridiculous and that will be the reason this will spread.l know you all hate that man with the hair however the government isn't really the problem it's the stupidity and selfishness of people that is the problem however it isn't airborne so if we follow the guidelines we should be grand.l can't see people self isolating for 2 weeks l think they should put a sniper outside their doors 🤔😱.

Anyway how's my friend Tim is he keeping his hands washed? Have you trained Sly yet 😂😂.X


My sil reached to hug me and I wouldn't let her.  I said I love you, but no hugs until CV is over.

Oh, yes, Sly is trained  :D on how to be spoiled but so sweet Stut :(. Tim is washing his hands, using sanitizer, and wipes.  He has really dry hands the best of times, they crack open, I hope that doesn't happen before this has even gotten started.  Steve called him the other day, worried about the virus.

He works around people he doesn't know all the time but him and Tim talked awhile and he felt better after they talked.  ;)

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My 2nd cousin is in self quarantine, he works with politicians. He was at meetings with people from China and Italy and shortly after I think a few days came down with dry cough and shortness of breath. He was refused a test bc they said he didn't meet CDC criteria. This is the problem throughout the country, even when we get the test kits many are being denied the test! Where China and South Korea were testing 5 to 10 thousand people a day! This is ridiculous, they say we have 1,000 cases in this country but that's really an estimate. We don't have actual numbers bc testing has been slow and denied! I have a good guess why the testing is slow and people have to meet certain criteria.. Someone needs a strong economy, someone wants the numbers kept low.. You know who he is but I will say no more than that so I don't get into trouble here. I need to stay connected to all of you, these are hard times 🤬😷🤦‍♀️🙏❤️
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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning GP how are you doing?Are you recovering after your cut?l know you will probably be feeling flat after being away however l hope you are holding your own.love you.X

. Morning Trish chin up girl.We are living in uncertain times however it will pass.l know you are scared honey we all are however we will survive this.The good news is it doesn't seem to be as hard on kids so that is a bonus.Did Rich get his results yet?Hang in there.love you my lST X

Morning Suzy that is a good one l must say.lf l were you l would wait and see where this goes.lf your symptoms don't settle down then perhaps there is some truth in the diagnosis.Anyway physiotherapy will help withdrawal symptoms.love you.X

Morning Final l really hope the group is successful.You have a good understanding of withdrawal and l hope you get through to people that one size does not fit all.let us know how it goes.love to you.X

Morning Olive how are you doing?Are you still managing to get out and about?l hope your mom is well? love you.X

Morning Troch how did you sleep last night?l would suggest you use sparingly l am not anti drugs however l am not a fan of the widespread use of antipsychotics.They do appear to be the flavour of the month.love you.X

Morning lady Mary is the play date still on?l hope so l think Sly will be grand.You seem to be doing ok thus far long may it continue.Sis is doing ok and went to see auntie yesterday she was ok also.Still in the wave so hanging in there.Have appointments tomorrow so probably won't be on.Hopefully back on Friday.My girls send their love.Speak soon Hen.love you my lady Mary HenX

. Morning NJ l agree the market will bounce back.We just have to hold our nerve.As for your son he will do what he wants he does seem a very sensible boy so l don't think he will take any unnecessary risks.love to you.X

Morning Intend Gilly Valley Free Bill Miyu Meems Esperanza Janice and everyone here sending you my love.X

Hi twinny!

Yes Rich got results and they were very good. The Dr said basically no change, mild COPD/ emphesema same thing really. He's lucky man! We are grateful for the good news. Dr prescribed him chantix to help him quit but he has yet to pick it up from pharmacy. I'm worried about chantix. Sxs and all that but it's his decision.


I'm so grateful children are doing very well with this, that's a huge relief to me however the downside is that they can spread it 😩 that doesn't bode well for me and Rich. We are in contact with our grandchildren on the regular. Rich's Dr said we only need to keep away from them if they're sick but everyone knows that people are contagious before symtoms develop. Anyway, we're very happy that our little ones will be ok with this. It would be so much more worrisome to us if that weren't the case.


These are hard times twin, buckle up and baton down the hatches we're in for the long haul 😩


Love you woman, please stay healthy as best you can.

LST ❤️



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Trishy (and everyone) can you get your rx by mail? I recently had mine switched over to Postal Prescriptions, it is working very well.

Sorry you are close to the cluster. Keep practicing good hygiene and social distancing.

Love to all of you.

You know that's a good idea but I have to sign for my Xanax.. Wonder how that would work but I like that idea. I know they offer that. I may be looking into it.

Stay healthy, was, wash, wash ❤️

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I'm sad too Trishy.


On top of trying to get off these benzos, we have the stress of this virus.


I have to hold onto the faith that we will get through this time.

I know FH it's a real bitch! We will just do what we can. So we'll keep the faith and wash, wash and wash some more. It is so unfair but such is life I guess.

Stay well my friend, ❤️


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My 2nd cousin is in self quarantine, he works with politicians. He was at meetings with people from China and Italy and shortly after I think a few days came down with dry cough and shortness of breath. He was refused a test bc they said he didn't meet CDC criteria. This is the problem throughout the country, even when we get the test kits many are being denied the test! Where China and South Korea were testing 5 to 10 thousand people a day! This is ridiculous, they say we have 1,000 cases in this country but that's really an estimate. We don't have actual numbers bc testing has been slow and denied! I have a good guess why the testing is slow and people have to meet certain criteria.. Someone needs a strong economy, someone wants the numbers kept low.. You know who he is but I will say no more than that so I don't get into trouble here. I need to stay connected to all of you, these are hard times 🤬😷🤦‍♀️🙏❤️


You know I am here for you girlfriend and all others on here.  We are going to start testing and numbers will explode.  But remember, still 80% mild.  We were so low on tests because of our Orange man, they were trying to hold on for first responders.  Now that we have tests, that crap should stop happening.  Did they just send him home and not self quarantine?  He should have been tested :tickedoff:  you are right, the people on that cruise ship were left on there longer than needed because he wanted a way to send the non US people home before they could count here.  So everyone was going around in circles in the ocean, hope that's where he ends up.  Of course, he was golfing this weekend while people are working around the clock trying to fix this problem.  :laugh:


Passengers are unloading here in San Antonio, they are showing them on the news now.  You have to have faith.  I am ready to hear the real numbers and I am preparing to not let it scare me.  It is what it is.  Love you Too Many, Mary 💜💜

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My 2nd cousin is in self quarantine, he works with politicians. He was at meetings with people from China and Italy and shortly after I think a few days came down with dry cough and shortness of breath. He was refused a test bc they said he didn't meet CDC criteria. This is the problem throughout the country, even when we get the test kits many are being denied the test! Where China and South Korea were testing 5 to 10 thousand people a day! This is ridiculous, they say we have 1,000 cases in this country but that's really an estimate. We don't have actual numbers bc testing has been slow and denied! I have a good guess why the testing is slow and people have to meet certain criteria.. Someone needs a strong economy, someone wants the numbers kept low.. You know who he is but I will say no more than that so I don't get into trouble here. I need to stay connected to all of you, these are hard times 🤬😷🤦‍♀️🙏❤️


You know I am here for you girlfriend and all others on here.  We are going to start testing and numbers will explode.  But remember, still 80% mild.  We were so low on tests because of our Orange man, they were trying to hold on for first responders.  Now that we have tests, that crap should stop happening.  Did they just send him home and not self quarantine?  He should have been tested :tickedoff:  you are right, the people on that cruise ship were left on there longer than needed because he wanted a way to send the non US people home before they could count here.  So everyone was going around in circles in the ocean, hope that's where he ends up.  Of course, he was golfing this weekend while people are working around the clock trying to fix this problem.  :laugh:


Passengers are unloading here in San Antonio, they are showing them on the news now.  You have to have faith.  I am ready to hear the real numbers and I am preparing to not let it scare me.  It is what it is.  Love you Too Many, Mary 💜💜

Mary he self quarantined himself. He was suppose to be traveling with a 77 yr old politician whom he won't give his name. He said that he didn't want to risk getting him sick our others. Here's assuming he has the virus but he doesn't know bc he was refused a test.

He used to work for Christopher Dodd, maybe he was going to be traveling with him? I don't know I'm not close to this cousin. He's my second cousin and I heard this through my daughter. My cousin, his mother told her and then just yesterday she and I talked through FB. She's furious and worried.

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My 2nd cousin is in self quarantine, he works with politicians. He was at meetings with people from China and Italy and shortly after I think a few days came down with dry cough and shortness of breath. He was refused a test bc they said he didn't meet CDC criteria. This is the problem throughout the country, even when we get the test kits many are being denied the test! Where China and South Korea were testing 5 to 10 thousand people a day! This is ridiculous, they say we have 1,000 cases in this country but that's really an estimate. We don't have actual numbers bc testing has been slow and denied! I have a good guess why the testing is slow and people have to meet certain criteria.. Someone needs a strong economy, someone wants the numbers kept low.. You know who he is but I will say no more than that so I don't get into trouble here. I need to stay connected to all of you, these are hard times 🤬😷🤦‍♀️🙏❤️


You know I am here for you girlfriend and all others on here.  We are going to start testing and numbers will explode.  But remember, still 80% mild.  We were so low on tests because of our Orange man, they were trying to hold on for first responders.  Now that we have tests, that crap should stop happening.  Did they just send him home and not self quarantine?  He should have been tested :tickedoff:  you are right, the people on that cruise ship were left on there longer than needed because he wanted a way to send the non US people home before they could count here.  So everyone was going around in circles in the ocean, hope that's where he ends up.  Of course, he was golfing this weekend while people are working around the clock trying to fix this problem.  :laugh:


Passengers are unloading here in San Antonio, they are showing them on the news now.  You have to have faith.  I am ready to hear the real numbers and I am preparing to not let it scare me.  It is what it is.  Love you Too Many, Mary 💜💜

Mary he self quarantined himself. He was suppose to be traveling with a 77 yr old politician whom he won't give his name. He said that he didn't want to risk getting him sick our others. Here's assuming he has the virus but he doesn't know bc he was refused a test.

He used to work for Christopher Dodd, maybe he was going to be traveling with him? I don't know I'm not close to this cousin. He's my second cousin and I heard this through my daughter. My cousin, his mother told her and then just yesterday she and I talked through FB. She's furious and worried.


I don't blame her.  I would have a reporter at my house telling them he Can't be tested!!  He would be tested , I would be telling my councilman, my governor, and making threats to blame Orange man on the news.  I bet he gets a test then.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

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Mary I like that your tablet automatically capitalizes Can’t 😂🤣 Mine does too.


Hang in there everyone. I know it’s stressful right now.

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Hi Stut,

You are right. I'm going to pt. I just have to make the call. My eyes are good now! I hope you are ok and your wave is letting up. I agree with you. People need to be careful of what they are doing. A matter of fact, I need to wash my dried out hands. Dam sanitizer. It stinks going places now. You cant touch anything, you really have to be aware of everything. Thank god it's not airborne. Phew. Ly Suzy.

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I'm sad.. I'm very sad. I'm so close to the cluster in NY. Schools are closing down in my State, not all but a couple so far and it's just a matter of time before more do. It's very difficult to cope when you have very little in the way of a healthy nervous system. It's a struggle when your benzo compromised. I'm trying to get enough beta blocker to last 3 months in case we get locked down like new Rochelle in NY. Uhggg.. I don't want to bring everyone down here but man this is a real bitch. 🤦‍♀️😷


Sorry Trishy, I was just shutting down when you posted last night. Try not to be sad, just be as proactive as possible.  I am sure your Dr will give you 90 days on the beta blocker, no reason not too.

All my meds are 90 days except a couple.  You can't let this take over your days, it could go on for awhile.  You could do the mail delivery or most pharmacies here deliver.  I don't want to sign up fo that yet, because I want to pick up my benzo's and estrogen patches.  If things get worse, I will think about it.  It's a scary situation, no doubt about it, but you can't let it rule your life.  We just got our first plane load from the cruise ship and expecting another one today.  While the last cruise ship, those people are being released.  Sitting home by yourself, which so many of us do, it's easy to let the thoughts start looping.  Nobody can control your thoughts or how you choose to handle this but you.

We are going through withdrawal, that's effecting me now.  The CV is an issue, but there is a very good chance, you nor Rich will get it.  I love you, hate to think you are just sitting there scaring yourself.  Mary 💜💜💜💜💜

Aww my sweet Mary I missed this post from you. I'm so sorry you're feeling the wd, you do an absolutely amazing job at handling yourself during the worst of times. Thanks again for being my shoulder behind the scenes 😉 you're a good egg my Mary! Love you woman.

TT too many ❤️

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Morning LHSG, thinking of you all.  Love you very much.  Please follow the guidelines and post if you are feeling up to it?  ♥️ :smitten: :smitten: ♥️.  Mary


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I feel like Trishy ... overall am feeling overwhelmed. My mom lives in a nursing home, closed to visitors since Monday but with the amount of staff there I am sure the virus will find its way there. My son's school is closing as of today and going remote next week. My husband will be working from home beginning next week. I work from home now so I am happy to close our circle of exposure but I am still concerned. Just called the pharmacy to get a refill on my asthma inhaler. My son's health issues put him at high risk of life-threatening complications should he contract the virus. I am at risk due to my asthma.


I am not getting much work done at home. It is what it is I guess. And we had a trip scheduled for the week after next staying in an airbnb and it doesn't look like we can get our money back if we cancel, which is very unfortunate as we will still need to make the trip another time (to look at colleges).


I feel more anxious than I have in a very long time. These are hard times for everyone (although my sister continues to believe this is an over-reaction and that nothing should be closed, so I guess not hard for her). I hope everyone can take good care of themselves and do what they need to do to stay safe.

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I feel like Trishy ... overall am feeling overwhelmed. My mom lives in a nursing home, closed to visitors since Monday but with the amount of staff there I am sure the virus will find its way there. My son's school is closing as of today and going remote next week. My husband will be working from home beginning next week. I work from home now so I am happy to close our circle of exposure but I am still concerned. Just called the pharmacy to get a refill on my asthma inhaler. My son's health issues put him at high risk of life-threatening complications should he contract the virus. I am at risk due to my asthma.


I am not getting much work done at home. It is what it is I guess. And we had a trip scheduled for the week after next staying in an airbnb and it doesn't look like we can get our money back if we cancel, which is very unfortunate as we will still need to make the trip another time (to look at colleges).


I feel more anxious than I have in a very long time. These are hard times for everyone (although my sister continues to believe this is an over-reaction and that nothing should be closed, so I guess not hard for her). I hope everyone can take good care of themselves and do what they need to do to stay safe.


You have a lot of life issues NJ, and now your whole way of life is upside down because of the CV.  Everyone at home while you are trying to work.  Those people should have given you your deposit back.  Just really hoping Our Medical Experts and not our President begin running the health care of our country and let's get the testing started so we know what is actually happening here. 

Hope your family does well through this, Mary 💜

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I feel like Trishy ... overall am feeling overwhelmed. My mom lives in a nursing home, closed to visitors since Monday but with the amount of staff there I am sure the virus will find its way there. My son's school is closing as of today and going remote next week. My husband will be working from home beginning next week. I work from home now so I am happy to close our circle of exposure but I am still concerned. Just called the pharmacy to get a refill on my asthma inhaler. My son's health issues put him at high risk of life-threatening complications should he contract the virus. I am at risk due to my asthma.


I am not getting much work done at home. It is what it is I guess. And we had a trip scheduled for the week after next staying in an airbnb and it doesn't look like we can get our money back if we cancel, which is very unfortunate as we will still need to make the trip another time (to look at colleges).


I feel more anxious than I have in a very long time. These are hard times for everyone (although my sister continues to believe this is an over-reaction and that nothing should be closed, so I guess not hard for her). I hope everyone can take good care of themselves and do what they need to do to stay safe.


You have a lot of life issues NJ, and now your whole way of life is upside down because of the CV.  Everyone at home while you are trying to work.  Those people should have given you your deposit back.  Just really hoping Our Medical Experts and not our President begin running the health care of our country and let's get the testing started so we know what is actually happening here. 

Hope your family does well through this, Mary 💜


Mary, airbnb is only allowing refunds in countries like South Korea, Italy and China. But obviously people in US should not travel either, or at least many like in our situation they should not. And our medical experts need test kits. It's ridiculous the nation's response to this virus. We had enough lead time to get things ready and we failed here.

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Hi Everyone,


I hope everyone is feeling decent today. 


I am feeling anxious and I'm trying to stabilize after most recent cut.  I also have been struggling with a rash around my eyes. Not in the eyes but red eye lids and now redness around the lower eyes and near the eyebrows.  I did a teledoctor appt yesterday and he said is was eczema, which I don't think is the case.  He prescribed a low dose steroid creme and as much as don't like that stuff, I used a little last night.  Its slightly better and I will try one more day.  Dont know what caused its if it's a withdrawal thing or an allergic reaction.


Anyway, not  in the best mindset and feeling really tired from this whole process. 


Take care. 

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Hi Everyone,


I hope everyone is feeling decent today. 


I am feeling anxious and I'm trying to stabilize after most recent cut.  I also have been struggling with a rash around my eyes.  More in the eyes but red eye lids and now redness around the lower eyes and near the eyebrows.  I did a teladoctor appt yesterday and he said is was eczema, which I don't think is the case.  He prescribed a low dose steroid creme and as much as don't like that stuff, I used a little last night.  Its slightly better and I will try one more day.  Dont know what caused its if it's a withdrawal thing or an allergic reaction.


Anyway, not  in the best mindset and feeling really tired from this whole process. 


Take care.


FH, I know several people with rash on lids and around eyes, so it is probably a wd symptom.  I know that doesn't help much, but at least you don't have to worry about it being some weird disease .  It also cleared up, so try not to worry.  Hope it clears up soon, LY, Mary 💜

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Ugh!! Only 11,000 people so far tested in the US wtf?!! South Korea testing 10k A DAY!! This is infuriating 😤🤬


:tickedoff: :tickedoff:  I'm with ya Too Many, LY 💜💜💜

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Hi Everyone,


I hope everyone is feeling decent today. 


I am feeling anxious and I'm trying to stabilize after most recent cut.  I also have been struggling with a rash around my eyes.  More in the eyes but red eye lids and now redness around the lower eyes and near the eyebrows.  I did a teladoctor appt yesterday and he said is was eczema, which I don't think is the case.  He prescribed a low dose steroid creme and as much as don't like that stuff, I used a little last night.  Its slightly better and I will try one more day.  Dont know what caused its if it's a withdrawal thing or an allergic reaction.


Anyway, not  in the best mindset and feeling really tired from this whole process. 


Take care.


FH, I know several people with rash on lids and around eyes, so it is probably a wd symptom.  I know that doesn't help much, but at least you don't have to worry about it being some weird disease .  It also cleared up, so try not to worry.  Hope it clears up soon, LY, Mary 💜


You read about them on the site Mary?  That would be good to know. 

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Hi Everyone,


I hope everyone is feeling decent today. 


I am feeling anxious and I'm trying to stabilize after most recent cut.  I also have been struggling with a rash around my eyes.  More in the eyes but red eye lids and now redness around the lower eyes and near the eyebrows.  I did a teladoctor appt yesterday and he said is was eczema, which I don't think is the case.  He prescribed a low dose steroid creme and as much as don't like that stuff, I used a little last night.  Its slightly better and I will try one more day.  Dont know what caused its if it's a withdrawal thing or an allergic reaction.


Anyway, not  in the best mindset and feeling really tired from this whole process. 


Take care.


FH, I know several people with rash on lids and around eyes, so it is probably a wd symptom.  I know that doesn't help much, but at least you don't have to worry about it being some weird disease .  It also cleared up, so try not to worry.  Hope it clears up soon, LY, Mary 💜


You read about them on the site Mary?  That would be good to know.


Yes, I believe it was Intend and maybe DD.  Plus I read a lot of bb and have heard of others posting about it.  Maybe Cant.  I read so much I can remember what I read, but it's The Who I can't remember.

Suggestion, go to search engine and type in eye rash, I think it is fairly common.  :)

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