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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Bill l am delighted you had a good holiday.l am sure you are feeling a little more symptomatic probably due to over exertion.Give yourself time and l believe you will be grand.Well done with your taper it is working for you and you will get off this poison.Keep on keeping on.love to you.X

Morning Trish well honey you are taking the necessary precautions and that is all any of us can do.l really hope Rich's results are ok.l have everything crossed for you.I think tapering really is not that important at this time.We must do what is right for us.Now please don't panic if I thought panicking would work l would do it 😉. Like everything else in life this will pass.Stay strong my lovely twiny.Love you my lST X

Morning NJ l have to say you do sound depressed however l don't see how you wouldn't be.l know your son is a worry however he sounds very sensible and l really hope he takes allthe precautions necessary to keep himself well.As for your mum l would imagine they will limit visitors etc.Try to take a little time for yourself honey.You need to focus a little more on your own recovery my lovely.love to you.X

Morning Final how did your group meeting go?l think blah is the norm.l believe you are definitely going to be one of the lucky ones that feel better the lower you go.Enjoy the pup they are a little joy when going through this crap.love to youX

Morning lady Mary awe Hen you must be exhausted looking after my twin 😁.I am delighted you met the little beauty l haven't met one with red hair very unusual.I think you should get another dog honey I don't think it would be too much for you.Whether Sly would like it is a totally different story 😡.It took muffin a long time to tolerate Daisy and they really aren't the best of friends even now.l am in the middle of another damn wave so really not great 😱.Lt will pass.Internet on at times and it's very hit and miss at the moment.l am away to see sis tomorrow so won't be on then have to take sis to appointments later in the week so will be on when l can.Look after those eyes honey and rest them when necessary.Give my boys a hug from me 😘. love you my lady Mary HenX.

Morning Intend Olive Gilly Valley Free Meems Esperanza NJ Nova Miyu GP Troch Suzy and everyone here sending you my love.X


I am so sorry you are in a wave.  I really wish you didn't have all those appointments.  I know you know what to do, but you have to trust other people to do it too, so you be extra careful, especially feeling so bad.  The feelings between Sly and the new pup is what worries me most.  If it wasn't going well, I would be very anxious and I don't want to deal with that, if I knew they were going to get a long and be buddies right away, I would be much more inclined to get one.  They show some of the best shelter dogs on our local news in the morning, Tim and I never miss it.  The little red Teddy, really looks like he should be Tim's , both with red hair.  :D;D:D.  He played and loved on us the whole hour we were there.  I got so many kisses :laugh: :laugh:    Great little shelter puppy, she truly couldn't have done better.  I love you my Queen, sending healing and love to you and fanily.  Love babies.  Please be careful with CV.  Lady Mary, who eats whipped peanut butter  :P :P  ;D

Awe lady Mary Hen don't worry l am being careful l know you are looking out for me.l know the only reason this is spreading is because people are not following the advice of self isolation and that is the biggest problem.Anywho l think Sly will be grand if it doesn't work out just go home.Walk him round the house before you take him in.Then just let them get on with it.Try not to panic.Awe chunky all the way 😋. love you my lady Mary HenX

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Anyone that has been on Seroquel or is on it at the moment?  My sleep is next to nothing right now ( after last week 's EMDR therapy).  Should I try it at 12,5 mgs for a couple of nights or wait a little longer, to see wether my sleep improves again? Any tips or advise?  I need to sleep so badly.


I have used it for years Trouch.  Way before benzo's.  Migraines, sleep is like the most important thing if you have migraines.  I am using 50 mgs and most nights sleep very well.  A lot of people here, don't like it at all.  Just another one of the meds we all have different reactions to.  Low doses are definitely recommended, imo, somewhere between 25 and 100, as always with any new med, start low and judge how you do.  As I said, I have used it for years.  Good luck, let me know what you decide.  Sleep is so important.  LY, Mary 💜💜💜


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Anyone that has been on Seroquel or is on it at the moment?  My sleep is next to nothing right now ( after last week 's EMDR therapy).  Should I try it at 12,5 mgs for a couple of nights or wait a little longer, to see wether my sleep improves again? Any tips or advise?  I need to sleep so badly.

Hi Troch l would assume with time this will settle down.l know you need to sleep so perhaps a low dose of seroquel will help.l have never taken it so l can't comment however you may get start up symptoms.l see a lot of people on it.l personally am not able to comment.Do what you have to do honey.Hopefully others will give you their opinions.X

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Bill l am delighted you had a good holiday.l am sure you are feeling a little more symptomatic probably due to over exertion.Give yourself time and l believe you will be grand.Well done with your taper it is working for you and you will get off this poison.Keep on keeping on.love to you.X

Morning Trish well honey you are taking the necessary precautions and that is all any of us can do.l really hope Rich's results are ok.l have everything crossed for you.I think tapering really is not that important at this time.We must do what is right for us.Now please don't panic if I thought panicking would work l would do it 😉. Like everything else in life this will pass.Stay strong my lovely twiny.Love you my lST X

Morning NJ l have to say you do sound depressed however l don't see how you wouldn't be.l know your son is a worry however he sounds very sensible and l really hope he takes allthe precautions necessary to keep himself well.As for your mum l would imagine they will limit visitors etc.Try to take a little time for yourself honey.You need to focus a little more on your own recovery my lovely.love to you.X

Morning Final how did your group meeting go?l think blah is the norm.l believe you are definitely going to be one of the lucky ones that feel better the lower you go.Enjoy the pup they are a little joy when going through this crap.love to youX

Morning lady Mary awe Hen you must be exhausted looking after my twin 😁.I am delighted you met the little beauty l haven't met one with red hair very unusual.I think you should get another dog honey I don't think it would be too much for you.Whether Sly would like it is a totally different story 😡.It took muffin a long time to tolerate Daisy and they really aren't the best of friends even now.l am in the middle of another damn wave so really not great 😱.Lt will pass.Internet on at times and it's very hit and miss at the moment.l am away to see sis tomorrow so won't be on then have to take sis to appointments later in the week so will be on when l can.Look after those eyes honey and rest them when necessary.Give my boys a hug from me 😘. love you my lady Mary HenX.

Morning Intend Olive Gilly Valley Free Meems Esperanza NJ Nova Miyu GP Troch Suzy and everyone here sending you my love.X

Hi twinny! So good to hear from you, you know we miss you so much when you're not here.


I'm trying to keep it together but sh*t is getting real 😳 this is just getting awfully scary. My poor Rich is among the vulnerable and I worry terribly about him but I'm doing all I can to hold it together. So it's wash, wash and wash some more around here 😷


I hope everything is going well with you, how's your daughter? What's it like in your neck of the woods? Is anybody panicking where you are? I wish I lived in a very remote part of the world right now in a cave or on a deserted island🏝️ ugh this is nerve wracking 😱


Well twinny I hope we'll be seeing you more often we, meaning me lol, could use your strong shoulders. You stay well over there in the emerald isle.


Love you,

LST ❤️

Morning Twiny you will be grand honestly we are all worried ofcourse we are however it will pass.Just look after yourself and that lovely hubby of yours.Try not to overreact and you will get through this.Love you my lST X

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Anyone that has been on Seroquel or is on it at the moment?  My sleep is next to nothing right now ( after last week 's EMDR therapy).  Should I try it at 12,5 mgs for a couple of nights or wait a little longer, to see wether my sleep improves again? Any tips or advise?  I need to sleep so badly.


Hi Troch,


I'm sorry about you not sleeping, its horrible and I have gone through that at times.  EMDR is an effective therapy for trauma but it can cause periods of emotional stress if the memories or situation being worked on have not been processed completely. They do settle down as the brain continues to process what happened in the session. 


If you arr questioning using Seroquel, have your tired either magnesium gylcinate or melatonin? I take between 1.5 and 2 magnesium tablets a night, sometimes 2.5 a night.  Each tablet is equal to 100mgs.  I also take between 0.25 and 0.50 of liquid melatonin but take breaks for periods of times.  My sleep is broken but I am getting about 5 hours. 


Its takes me a long time to fall asleep but I am expecting that during withdrawal.


It sounds like some people have had success with Serequel so hat is an option. 


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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning Bill l am delighted you had a good holiday.l am sure you are feeling a little more symptomatic probably due to over exertion.Give yourself time and l believe you will be grand.Well done with your taper it is working for you and you will get off this poison.Keep on keeping on.love to you.X

Morning Trish well honey you are taking the necessary precautions and that is all any of us can do.l really hope Rich's results are ok.l have everything crossed for you.I think tapering really is not that important at this time.We must do what is right for us.Now please don't panic if I thought panicking would work l would do it 😉. Like everything else in life this will pass.Stay strong my lovely twiny.Love you my lST X

Morning NJ l have to say you do sound depressed however l don't see how you wouldn't be.l know your son is a worry however he sounds very sensible and l really hope he takes allthe precautions necessary to keep himself well.As for your mum l would imagine they will limit visitors etc.Try to take a little time for yourself honey.You need to focus a little more on your own recovery my lovely.love to you.X

Morning Final how did your group meeting go?l think blah is the norm.l believe you are definitely going to be one of the lucky ones that feel better the lower you go.Enjoy the pup they are a little joy when going through this crap.love to youX

Morning lady Mary awe Hen you must be exhausted looking after my twin 😁.I am delighted you met the little beauty l haven't met one with red hair very unusual.I think you should get another dog honey I don't think it would be too much for you.Whether Sly would like it is a totally different story 😡.It took muffin a long time to tolerate Daisy and they really aren't the best of friends even now.l am in the middle of another damn wave so really not great 😱.Lt will pass.Internet on at times and it's very hit and miss at the moment.l am away to see sis tomorrow so won't be on then have to take sis to appointments later in the week so will be on when l can.Look after those eyes honey and rest them when necessary.Give my boys a hug from me 😘. love you my lady Mary HenX.

Morning Intend Olive Gilly Valley Free Meems Esperanza NJ Nova Miyu GP Troch Suzy and everyone here sending you my love.X



Hi Stut,


My group starts next Saturday and we have 5 people RSVP'D,  so that's a good things. 


It was fun being with my niece"s puppy and I offered to have the dog stay with us if they needed to go away. 


I do hope I will continue to feel better as I go down. As long as I am functional, I'm going to keep moving.


Hope you are okay Stut and feeling functional yourself.

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Hi Everyone,


Doing fair these days, more blah than anything and just chomping at the bit to get off of this benzo.  I'm not doing anything foolish, just slow steady taper  but even with that, im.still feeling symtoms like exhaustion, sadness and some muscle aches. 


Went to visit my niece today and meet her and her girlfriend's 3 month old golden doodle puppy.  So cute and sweet.   


In the way home, I could see that people are still coming to the city to see Times Square.  A little quieter but still bustling with a few people walking around with masks.   


Keeping my hands clean and using a lot of hand sanitizer in public. 


Looking forward to when this passes and things are back to normal. 


Hope everyone is feeling decent today.


FH: We could have had free tickets to see a Broadway show today in the city and we declined. It just isn't worth the risk for me to go into the city. I know I am in a unique situation with my son being immunocompromised, but it's just not worth the risk. We are trying to be like Trishy, and keep to ourselves as much as we can (although hubby still goes to work and son to school for now; I am grateful to be working from home, I feel like this was God's plan all along for me).


Makes sense NJS.  Too risky for both of you.


I have no choice since this is my home but I'm being careful about crowds and since I'm in withdrawal, I'm not so out and about anyway.  Will continue to take my walks so that I don't lose my mind being homebound so much.

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Hi Mary,  Stut and Final healing,


Thanks for responding,  Think I will give it a try tonight. It's either that or take a double dose if Diazepam. I don't want to do that.

Hope the Seroquel makes me sleep a couple of hours extra.

Will let you know tomorrow.

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Hi everyone, just took me half an hour to catch up. This virus is making me paronoid too. I wish  i didnt go out today. What was i thinking. I guess keep washing and dont go out to much. Keep up the immune system. Lots of veg ant vit c. Fruit. Ha, we cant take supplements. ! I honestly cant believe this!  :smitten: :smitten:
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Hi everyone, just took me half an hour to catch up. This virus is making me paronoid too. I wish  i didnt go out today. What was i thinking. I guess keep washing and dont go out to much. Keep up the immune system. Lots of veg ant vit c. Fruit. Ha, we cant take supplements. ! I honestly cant believe this!  :smitten: :smitten:


DD, so glad to hear from you girlfriend.  You are fine going out some.  Just don't kiss any strangers and wipe and wash those hands.  ;). We are starting to really miss you.  How is that eye?  Love you!!


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Haha!  :laugh: :laugh: I came home and saw the news and was nervous. Drank some oj. Washed my face hands andgargle.d. My eyes are good today. Idk. It's so strange. Doinggood, the regular muscle pain. I hope your eye feels better. Oh I hate the eye pain.  :tickedoff:  Glad you got out and got to meet the new puppy! He sounds so sweet!! I love animals. Ly dd ❤❤
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Haha!  :laugh: :laugh: I came home and saw the news and was nervous. Drank some oj. Washed my face hands andgargle.d. My eyes are good today. Idk. It's so strange. Doinggood, the regular muscle pain. I hope your eye feels better. Oh I hate the eye pain.  :tickedoff:  Glad you got out and got to meet the new puppy! He sounds so sweet!! I love animals. Ly dd ❤❤


I hate the eye pain too.  That's the part that lures me to see an eye Dr.  But not doing it, lol.  Saw the eye Dr's enough last year for awhile  :D:laugh:  oh you should see Teddy, DD, he would melt your heart.  I put my purse on the floor hoping he would get in  :laugh: :laugh:  Love you 2  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi guys.


I can't really get myself to post anything as I'm totally shaken by the crash in the stockmarket and hence, in my money. I don't know how and if I'll recover from this. I've printed an article that I've found helps me calm down, and intend to read it every time I'm about to freak out.


As I know I'm not the only one in this group suffering from this situation, I'm copying the article here in case it can help any of my long holding buddies. Take care everyone. I'll be back when I get over the shock.


By Safal Niveshak (I don't know who this bloke is)


Amidst the Coronovirus (COVID) outbreak and the reality of it becoming a serious health emergency, here are answers to few key questions I have received from readers recently.

You won’t find perfect answers below, but this is just my attempt to help you get over your fears, which may otherwise lead you to act in haste, which can cause some damage to your process of long term wealth creation.

Let’s start right here.


1. What’s really bothering the markets?

I know you are smart and already know much. But still, here is my quick take on what’s bothering the markets.

Fears of slowdown in an already slow economy, and subsequent pressure on revenue and profits of companies, as China has almost closed its raw material supplies owing to COVID outbreak. China is the most critical part of the global supply chain, and if it sneezes (no pun intended), the economic disruption virus is bound to spread others, including India.

Slowdown in imports of raw materials and other inputs for a lot of industries, like pharma, textiles, electronics, automobiles, and plastics, has created constrains on domestic production. If the situation remains grave, and production remains muted, expect prices of finished goods from these and other industries to rise, thereby adding to inflation in the economy.

Consumers are anyways not spending as much as investors want them to spend. If inflation rises, and income growth remains low, expect pressure on corporate profits. Low profits mean low cash flows mean low reinvestments. All in all, this means continued weakness in stock prices.


2. How long would this continue?

Virus knows best. No one else has any idea, even if they say they have some idea, and especially when they say they have some idea.

3. Should I sell? Wait to sell? Buy? Wait to buy?

• Sell only if you expect long term cash flows of the company in your portfolio to deteriorate over time, not to time the market (like selling now buy when times are better)

• Buy only that stock – from within your portfolio or outside – if you expect long term cash flows of the company and its intrinsic value to improve considerably over the next ten years.

• Wait to sell or wait to buy only if you lack clarity now. Gather the clarity around your investments – existing and potential – first, then make the decision.


4. How do I survive this situation?

Before your portfolio, please take care of your health –

• Avoid handshakes, even if the other person has promised you a multibagger stock tip. Maintain at least three feet distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing

• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water. That will not wash away your investment mistakes, but still

• How much ever you worry about your falling stocks, please avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

• If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early. That may not be because of falling stock prices.

As for your portfolio –

• Avoid doing anything that’s out of panic. Your stocks will fall when there is general panic all around. Even your good stocks will fall. But you don’t need to react, if there is no reason for you to act. Remember, well thought out inaction in investing is often the best action.

• Avoid trading, especially now when you may be confined to your home and have nothing to do. Don’t try to beat boredom by logging into your stock trading account.

• Don’t take Warren Buffett to the extremes by being overtly greedy just because others are fearful (accept that you are fearful too). Sometimes, there are genuine reasons to be fearful when others are. Don’t try to act contrarian just to look smart. Buy stocks only when you find value, not just because they have fallen in price or may be trading at their 52-week lows. Cheapness in price is not value.

• If you can wait with a part of your money, wait for better bargains as large investors bail out if the scare continues. Jason Zweig wrote in a recent post on WSJ – “When markets crumple, the culprits usually aren’t the smallest investors, but the biggest. So far, most individual investors have remained steadfast as stocks have been pummeled by fears that the coronavirus could turn into a pandemic. If they continue to keep their cool, small investors might even get to buy bargains as the big money bails out. Professional investors tend to move the fastest when a market suddenly turns. That’s largely out of self-preservation, because the biggest risk they face is being so out-of-step with the market that their clients fire them.”


5. Never thought a virus can pose such great risk to my portfolio!

Virus is NOT risk. It is an uncertainty. Learn to differentiate between the two please. Risk is measurable, like the odds of winning on any roll of a fair dice. Uncertainty is not measurable. It is and unknown unknown. Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing. Risk comes from looking to Mr. Market for advice instead of opportunities. Risk comes from focusing on the outcome (what will happen in the future) and not the process (what can I do now). Risk comes from acting like others are acting, and mindlessly. Risk comes from investing in fundamentally bad businesses when their stocks have fallen, especially when you start to believe their cheapness provides you value. Risk, ultimately, comes from focusing on return and not risk. In short, YOU are the biggest risk to your investments, not COVID. Human nature has not changed between these two times –



6. Any lessons from history?

Near pandemics or epidemics (like SARS or Ebola) are like natural disasters. They curtail growth in the short term. But, over time, markets look through all this and to the long term cash flows and general health of the economy and businesses. But it’s times like these that are good reminders to make sure that you’ve got the right mix of equities, bonds, and cash for you and to stay invested. Basically, whether you have your asset allocation generally right.

Events like these tend to be temporary shocks (let’s hope so with COVID too), but eventually things do come back. History has ample proof that patience is generally rewarded.


7. I am so worried and unsure about what will happen! What should I do?

First, avoid rumor mongers, and avoid being one too – both on where the virus and the stock market is going.

Two, avoid reading much of the news for it may trigger panic attacks. If the virus must come to you, it will come. If your stocks must fall, they will fall. You just practice safe health habits and keep your calm. Only that’s in your control. Nothing else is.

Three, keep your investments in sound businesses and funds on. Don’t interrupt the compounding journey. Thankfully, in most cases, viruses have much shorter lifespans than the time you may have to compound. Don’t allow what you can’t do in the short term to impact what you can do in the long term.

Four, stop worrying at all. This, too, shall pass.

Five, not everything is so bad, and there is some good news –

• 7.5 billion people continue to live

• More people are living healthier and longer

• Most people’s standard of living continues to improve

• It’s never been easier to create wealth

• It’s never been so convenient to live

• Food has never been so abundant

• Education and entertainment have never been freer

• Shopping, healthcare, technology have never been better

• Searching for and finding your long-lost friends has never been easier

• Lots of things have never been cheaper

• We have abundance of options like never (career, business, food, entertainment, travel, everywhere)

• It’s never been easier to see the world

• It’s rarely been so peaceful, prosperous, and progressive

Life, and investing, can be made much simpler and less fearful than where we are today. We just need to know well, then choose well.


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Hi guys.


I can't really get myself to post anything as I'm totally shaken by the crash in the stockmarket and hence, in my money. I don't know how and if I'll recover from this. I've printed an article that I've found helps me calm down, and intend to read it every time I'm about to freak out.


As I know I'm not the only one in this group suffering from this situation, I'm copying the article here in case it can help any of my long holding buddies. Take care everyone. I'll be back when I get over the shock.


By Safal Niveshak (I don't know who this bloke is)


Amidst the Coronovirus (COVID) outbreak and the reality of it becoming a serious health emergency, here are answers to few key questions I have received from readers recently.

You won’t find perfect answers below, but this is just my attempt to help you get over your fears, which may otherwise lead you to act in haste, which can cause some damage to your process of long term wealth creation.

Let’s start right here.


1. What’s really bothering the markets?

I know you are smart and already know much. But still, here is my quick take on what’s bothering the markets.

Fears of slowdown in an already slow economy, and subsequent pressure on revenue and profits of companies, as China has almost closed its raw material supplies owing to COVID outbreak. China is the most critical part of the global supply chain, and if it sneezes (no pun intended), the economic disruption virus is bound to spread others, including India.

Slowdown in imports of raw materials and other inputs for a lot of industries, like pharma, textiles, electronics, automobiles, and plastics, has created constrains on domestic production. If the situation remains grave, and production remains muted, expect prices of finished goods from these and other industries to rise, thereby adding to inflation in the economy.

Consumers are anyways not spending as much as investors want them to spend. If inflation rises, and income growth remains low, expect pressure on corporate profits. Low profits mean low cash flows mean low reinvestments. All in all, this means continued weakness in stock prices.


2. How long would this continue?

Virus knows best. No one else has any idea, even if they say they have some idea, and especially when they say they have some idea.

3. Should I sell? Wait to sell? Buy? Wait to buy?

• Sell only if you expect long term cash flows of the company in your portfolio to deteriorate over time, not to time the market (like selling now buy when times are better)

• Buy only that stock – from within your portfolio or outside – if you expect long term cash flows of the company and its intrinsic value to improve considerably over the next ten years.

• Wait to sell or wait to buy only if you lack clarity now. Gather the clarity around your investments – existing and potential – first, then make the decision.


4. How do I survive this situation?

Before your portfolio, please take care of your health –

• Avoid handshakes, even if the other person has promised you a multibagger stock tip. Maintain at least three feet distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing

• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water. That will not wash away your investment mistakes, but still

• How much ever you worry about your falling stocks, please avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

• If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early. That may not be because of falling stock prices.

As for your portfolio –

• Avoid doing anything that’s out of panic. Your stocks will fall when there is general panic all around. Even your good stocks will fall. But you don’t need to react, if there is no reason for you to act. Remember, well thought out inaction in investing is often the best action.

• Avoid trading, especially now when you may be confined to your home and have nothing to do. Don’t try to beat boredom by logging into your stock trading account.

• Don’t take Warren Buffett to the extremes by being overtly greedy just because others are fearful (accept that you are fearful too). Sometimes, there are genuine reasons to be fearful when others are. Don’t try to act contrarian just to look smart. Buy stocks only when you find value, not just because they have fallen in price or may be trading at their 52-week lows. Cheapness in price is not value.

• If you can wait with a part of your money, wait for better bargains as large investors bail out if the scare continues. Jason Zweig wrote in a recent post on WSJ – “When markets crumple, the culprits usually aren’t the smallest investors, but the biggest. So far, most individual investors have remained steadfast as stocks have been pummeled by fears that the coronavirus could turn into a pandemic. If they continue to keep their cool, small investors might even get to buy bargains as the big money bails out. Professional investors tend to move the fastest when a market suddenly turns. That’s largely out of self-preservation, because the biggest risk they face is being so out-of-step with the market that their clients fire them.”


5. Never thought a virus can pose such great risk to my portfolio!

Virus is NOT risk. It is an uncertainty. Learn to differentiate between the two please. Risk is measurable, like the odds of winning on any roll of a fair dice. Uncertainty is not measurable. It is and unknown unknown. Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing. Risk comes from looking to Mr. Market for advice instead of opportunities. Risk comes from focusing on the outcome (what will happen in the future) and not the process (what can I do now). Risk comes from acting like others are acting, and mindlessly. Risk comes from investing in fundamentally bad businesses when their stocks have fallen, especially when you start to believe their cheapness provides you value. Risk, ultimately, comes from focusing on return and not risk. In short, YOU are the biggest risk to your investments, not COVID. Human nature has not changed between these two times –



6. Any lessons from history?

Near pandemics or epidemics (like SARS or Ebola) are like natural disasters. They curtail growth in the short term. But, over time, markets look through all this and to the long term cash flows and general health of the economy and businesses. But it’s times like these that are good reminders to make sure that you’ve got the right mix of equities, bonds, and cash for you and to stay invested. Basically, whether you have your asset allocation generally right.

Events like these tend to be temporary shocks (let’s hope so with COVID too), but eventually things do come back. History has ample proof that patience is generally rewarded.


7. I am so worried and unsure about what will happen! What should I do?

First, avoid rumor mongers, and avoid being one too – both on where the virus and the stock market is going.

Two, avoid reading much of the news for it may trigger panic attacks. If the virus must come to you, it will come. If your stocks must fall, they will fall. You just practice safe health habits and keep your calm. Only that’s in your control. Nothing else is.

Three, keep your investments in sound businesses and funds on. Don’t interrupt the compounding journey. Thankfully, in most cases, viruses have much shorter lifespans than the time you may have to compound. Don’t allow what you can’t do in the short term to impact what you can do in the long term.

Four, stop worrying at all. This, too, shall pass.

Five, not everything is so bad, and there is some good news –

• 7.5 billion people continue to live

• More people are living healthier and longer

• Most people’s standard of living continues to improve

• It’s never been easier to create wealth

• It’s never been so convenient to live

• Food has never been so abundant

• Education and entertainment have never been freer

• Shopping, healthcare, technology have never been better

• Searching for and finding your long-lost friends has never been easier

• Lots of things have never been cheaper

• We have abundance of options like never (career, business, food, entertainment, travel, everywhere)

• It’s never been easier to see the world

• It’s rarely been so peaceful, prosperous, and progressive

Life, and investing, can be made much simpler and less fearful than where we are today. We just need to know well, then choose well.



Good post Vali, I really liked it because of the talk of calm , not only with the virus, but with the stocks.    ;)

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Thank you Mary. I'll catch up over the weekend. I do hope your eyes and muscles are not bothering you as much. I'm SO glad you have it all in deposits at this moment. Good night 😘🌃
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Took 12,5 mgs of Seroquel last night ( together with the 3 mgs of Diazepam)  and had a great sleep! A solid 6,5 hours. Wow! Awoke around 5.30 am. because of the call of nature. For the first time in ages woke up feeling rested. No anxiety, nausea. Managed to stay in bed until 7.30 am. Felt a whole different person. What a difference a good sleep makes!

I know it's yet another medication again, but going without sleep is no alternative.  People need to sleep.

I read in many people 's signature on BB they're on more than one drug. This is "only" my second one, so I don't think that's too problematic for now. The shrink only prescribed 12 tablets. ( at my request).  Just to get a decent sleep once in a while.

Now I 'll just wait and see what today will bring.


Wishing us all a symptom low day.

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Hi troch,


That's awesome! So glad you slept!


Me too Trouch.  It has worked really well for me.  A good nights sleep, to me, changes your whole day.    :D

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Hello Mary,


You wrote you used it for a couple of years but stopped taking it. May I ask why? And was that difficult to do?  I read some people were finding it very hard to get off.  What dose did you take?  I want to take it for as short as I can. Maybe just for the occasional good nights sleep. But I must say I was pleasantly surprised to find I didn't have anxiety and nausea this morning. That was such a great feeling. Now I feel a bit sleepy and am having more muscle stiffness again.

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Hello Mary,


You wrote you used it for a couple of years but stopped taking it. May I ask why? And was that difficult to do?  I read some people were finding it very hard to get off.  What dose did you take?  I want to take it for as short as I can. Maybe just for the occasional good nights sleep. But I must say I was pleasantly surprised to find I didn't have anxiety and nausea this morning. That was such a great feeling. Now I feel a bit sleepy and am having more muscle stiffness again.


I still take it Trouch.  I have migraines and lack of sleep is the number one problem a migraine specialist will try to fix first.  I will never taper it unless my migraines go away which is highly unlikely.

You could be sleepy from it but it has never caused me any muscle tightness.  Your body may need to adapt to it and the sleepiness will eventually go away.  Or take 10 mgs.  It's not going to fix any of your other symptoms, all it will do is help you sleep.  ;)

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Hi guys.


I can't really get myself to post anything as I'm totally shaken by the crash in the stockmarket and hence, in my money. I don't know how and if I'll recover from this. I've printed an article that I've found helps me calm down, and intend to read it every time I'm about to freak out.


As I know I'm not the only one in this group suffering from this situation, I'm copying the article here in case it can help any of my long holding buddies. Take care everyone. I'll be back when I get over the shock.


By Safal Niveshak (I don't know who this bloke is)


Amidst the Coronovirus (COVID) outbreak and the reality of it becoming a serious health emergency, here are answers to few key questions I have received from readers recently.

You won’t find perfect answers below, but this is just my attempt to help you get over your fears, which may otherwise lead you to act in haste, which can cause some damage to your process of long term wealth creation.

Let’s start right here.


1. What’s really bothering the markets?

I know you are smart and already know much. But still, here is my quick take on what’s bothering the markets.

Fears of slowdown in an already slow economy, and subsequent pressure on revenue and profits of companies, as China has almost closed its raw material supplies owing to COVID outbreak. China is the most critical part of the global supply chain, and if it sneezes (no pun intended), the economic disruption virus is bound to spread others, including India.

Slowdown in imports of raw materials and other inputs for a lot of industries, like pharma, textiles, electronics, automobiles, and plastics, has created constrains on domestic production. If the situation remains grave, and production remains muted, expect prices of finished goods from these and other industries to rise, thereby adding to inflation in the economy.

Consumers are anyways not spending as much as investors want them to spend. If inflation rises, and income growth remains low, expect pressure on corporate profits. Low profits mean low cash flows mean low reinvestments. All in all, this means continued weakness in stock prices.


2. How long would this continue?

Virus knows best. No one else has any idea, even if they say they have some idea, and especially when they say they have some idea.

3. Should I sell? Wait to sell? Buy? Wait to buy?

• Sell only if you expect long term cash flows of the company in your portfolio to deteriorate over time, not to time the market (like selling now buy when times are better)

• Buy only that stock – from within your portfolio or outside – if you expect long term cash flows of the company and its intrinsic value to improve considerably over the next ten years.

• Wait to sell or wait to buy only if you lack clarity now. Gather the clarity around your investments – existing and potential – first, then make the decision.


4. How do I survive this situation?

Before your portfolio, please take care of your health –

• Avoid handshakes, even if the other person has promised you a multibagger stock tip. Maintain at least three feet distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing

• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water. That will not wash away your investment mistakes, but still

• How much ever you worry about your falling stocks, please avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth

• If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early. That may not be because of falling stock prices.

As for your portfolio –

• Avoid doing anything that’s out of panic. Your stocks will fall when there is general panic all around. Even your good stocks will fall. But you don’t need to react, if there is no reason for you to act. Remember, well thought out inaction in investing is often the best action.

• Avoid trading, especially now when you may be confined to your home and have nothing to do. Don’t try to beat boredom by logging into your stock trading account.

• Don’t take Warren Buffett to the extremes by being overtly greedy just because others are fearful (accept that you are fearful too). Sometimes, there are genuine reasons to be fearful when others are. Don’t try to act contrarian just to look smart. Buy stocks only when you find value, not just because they have fallen in price or may be trading at their 52-week lows. Cheapness in price is not value.

• If you can wait with a part of your money, wait for better bargains as large investors bail out if the scare continues. Jason Zweig wrote in a recent post on WSJ – “When markets crumple, the culprits usually aren’t the smallest investors, but the biggest. So far, most individual investors have remained steadfast as stocks have been pummeled by fears that the coronavirus could turn into a pandemic. If they continue to keep their cool, small investors might even get to buy bargains as the big money bails out. Professional investors tend to move the fastest when a market suddenly turns. That’s largely out of self-preservation, because the biggest risk they face is being so out-of-step with the market that their clients fire them.”


5. Never thought a virus can pose such great risk to my portfolio!

Virus is NOT risk. It is an uncertainty. Learn to differentiate between the two please. Risk is measurable, like the odds of winning on any roll of a fair dice. Uncertainty is not measurable. It is and unknown unknown. Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing. Risk comes from looking to Mr. Market for advice instead of opportunities. Risk comes from focusing on the outcome (what will happen in the future) and not the process (what can I do now). Risk comes from acting like others are acting, and mindlessly. Risk comes from investing in fundamentally bad businesses when their stocks have fallen, especially when you start to believe their cheapness provides you value. Risk, ultimately, comes from focusing on return and not risk. In short, YOU are the biggest risk to your investments, not COVID. Human nature has not changed between these two times –



6. Any lessons from history?

Near pandemics or epidemics (like SARS or Ebola) are like natural disasters. They curtail growth in the short term. But, over time, markets look through all this and to the long term cash flows and general health of the economy and businesses. But it’s times like these that are good reminders to make sure that you’ve got the right mix of equities, bonds, and cash for you and to stay invested. Basically, whether you have your asset allocation generally right.

Events like these tend to be temporary shocks (let’s hope so with COVID too), but eventually things do come back. History has ample proof that patience is generally rewarded.


7. I am so worried and unsure about what will happen! What should I do?

First, avoid rumor mongers, and avoid being one too – both on where the virus and the stock market is going.

Two, avoid reading much of the news for it may trigger panic attacks. If the virus must come to you, it will come. If your stocks must fall, they will fall. You just practice safe health habits and keep your calm. Only that’s in your control. Nothing else is.

Three, keep your investments in sound businesses and funds on. Don’t interrupt the compounding journey. Thankfully, in most cases, viruses have much shorter lifespans than the time you may have to compound. Don’t allow what you can’t do in the short term to impact what you can do in the long term.

Four, stop worrying at all. This, too, shall pass.

Five, not everything is so bad, and there is some good news –

• 7.5 billion people continue to live

• More people are living healthier and longer

• Most people’s standard of living continues to improve

• It’s never been easier to create wealth

• It’s never been so convenient to live

• Food has never been so abundant

• Education and entertainment have never been freer

• Shopping, healthcare, technology have never been better

• Searching for and finding your long-lost friends has never been easier

• Lots of things have never been cheaper

• We have abundance of options like never (career, business, food, entertainment, travel, everywhere)

• It’s never been easier to see the world

• It’s rarely been so peaceful, prosperous, and progressive

Life, and investing, can be made much simpler and less fearful than where we are today. We just need to know well, then choose well.



Val--I hope that you can calm down about the financial markets. I truly believe that this is just a temporary setback because of the virus and that the market will come back to life by the end of the year. And the market has grown so much (at least here in US) for the past few years, that even a large drop I don't feel will wipe out all the gains. I do think that the fundamentals of the market are solid, which is what the article you shared said.


I hope everyone is staying safe. Cases are spreading where I live right outside of NYC. I really don't know what to do with my son who is immune-compromised. There is a huge statewide event this weekend for one of his activities (that I am still praying will be canceled), and I don't know if I should keep him home or send him and hope for the best. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I will ask his doctor. I am just so upset that after so long he is feeling better, and now this virus sweeps in and is messing up so much for him. I know it is selfish to make this so personal, but it's just heartbreaking. We are supposed to travel and visit 8 colleges in the next three weeks and also don't know about that. My mom's nursing home is now closed to visitors, so at least I don't have to worry about the guilt I feel over not visiting her. I just hate that she is in there alone with no way to reach out (her cell phone died last week).


I am at least still able to sleep ... honestly this daylight savings time transition is kicking me in the butt and I am exhausted.



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Hi everyone,

How everyone is doing on. I'm confused. When I saw the back dr. My diagnosis was lumbar sponylitisand mild scoliosis, so weird. I dont ge tr it because I got all this severe pain after x to v crossover. It gotten better than it was  it gets worse againon a cut. I dont k ow what to think. I feel like it's the benzo. I'll go to pt but it's pretty bad. I am so sick of this. Imposing my sanity. I dont k ow what to do.



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Hi everyone,

How everyone is doing on. I'm confused. When I saw the back dr. My diagnosis was lumbar sponylitisand mild scoliosis, so weird. I dont ge tr it because I got all this severe pain after x to v crossover. It gotten better than it was  it gets worse againon a cut. I dont k ow what to think. I feel like it's the benzo. I'll go to pt but it's pretty bad. I am so sick of this. Imposing my sanity. I dont k ow what to do.


I read all these back pain books DD, and the one thing they all said, if 90 % of people had MRI' s the Dr could find something wrong but most of those people won't be in pain.  Its wear and tear, and most people just don't pay it any attention.  People like us, feel it.  I was in tolerance when mine got bad, of course, didn't know what tolerance was and it took me awhile to find out.  PT won't fix it, but it will keep you moving and some days , it will help.  Mine is some better right now, knock wood, but I don't know why :idiot:  Just grateful for the time it's feeling better.  Just remember take some wipes for the equipment  ;).  LY, MM.  💜💜

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