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I know mm, it made me sad too. I was like, I am happy, she said no your not, I said I am. She always blames herself . I  tell her not too. Igh. My eye felt like that after the irrigation. I felt like a gargoyle!  :laugh: :laugh: how is the cut. Do you feel different. I hope its smooth. No sx uptick.


Cut, knock wood, so far so good.  I feel like a cyclops  :D:laugh:

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Awe  :-[ The eye sx are really one of the worst. It's hard to distract without your eyes. I just kn kept falling asleep  :tickedoff: I guess it's a good thing I can sleep the way I do. There was a time when this started I couldnt sleep. Oh, it was terrible. I'm glad the cut is going well. Yay!! ❤❤
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Awe  :-[ The eye sx are really one of the worst. It's hard to distract without your eyes. I just kn kept falling asleep  :tickedoff: I guess it's a good thing I can sleep the way I do. There was a time when this started I couldnt sleep. Oh, it was terrible. I'm glad the cut is going well. Yay!! ❤❤


Definitely enjoy that sleep  :sleepy: :sleepy:

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning lady Mary how are you Cyclops still hanging in there?l am still internet free have to say l am missing it less everyday.Will be back next week hopefully.Heading down to Belfast having a meal with my friends then back home for my daughter.Have no plans for the weekend so we will see what the weather is like.I really hope you have a good weekend honey and try not to smother your sil's new baby (she sounds gorgeous it will be you next 😍) Love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Trish you are being very quiet are you ok?l hope so pet.l know you are stressed and worried try hard to find ways to distract my lovely.I hope Rich is ok and l really hope everything comes back ok on Monday.l believe it will.love you my lST X

Morning Suzy l am glad you are getting yourself checked out.l don't think it is anything to worry about however these things have to be explained.l would also imagine you are going through menopause which can have a huge impact on how we feel.l hope you continue to improve honey.love you.X

Morning Meems l hope all goes well for Maggie on Monday.lt will help her a lot.l know you are worried however animals are very resilient.At least that will be one less thing to worry about.Hang in there honey.love you.X

Morning Final l hope everything goes well l know there is definitely a need for benzo withdrawal support groups.Hopefully in the future there will be more support for people going through this.You are my hero honey.love to you.X

Morning Olive woohoo 🎊🎉 our jetsetting friend.l know we aren't much competition for you however we are definitely enjoying living through you 😉. Keep on honey you are amazing.love you.X

Morning Intend what have you been up to?l hope you are doing ok? love to you and Dan X

Morning Troch how is the treatment going?l hope you are sleeping ok my love?Hang tight you will get through this.love you.X

Morning Esperanza Janice Gilly NJ Nova Miyu Bill Free Valley GP and everyone here sending you my love.X

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Good morning LHSG.  I’ve noticed when I had to updose to 2mg that my heart rate was more normal, falling only to 53 at night but up in the 60s during the day.  I also felt more clearheaded.


I went down to 1.95 and now my heart rate is back to 46 at night, my chest hurts an$ my brain is fuzzy.


I’m not sure whether to tell my pdoc or my regular doctor where they will refer me to a cardiologist and back to a heart monitor, stress test and whatever else.  I KNOW it’s all BWD.  I don’t want to be yanked.  Should I just ignore all of this and maybe go slower?

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Good morning LHSG.  I’ve noticed when I had to updose to 2mg that my heart rate was more normal, falling only to 53 at night but up in the 60s during the day.  I also felt more clearheaded.


I went down to 1.95 and now my heart rate is back to 46 at night, my chest hurts an$ my brain is fuzzy.


I’m not sure whether to tell my pdoc or my regular doctor where they will refer me to a cardiologist and back to a heart monitor, stress test and whatever else.  I KNOW it’s all BWD.  I don’t want to be yanked.  Should I just ignore all of this and maybe go slower?


If you need to stay at 2 mgs for awhile, just do it , then taper slower, but don't keep going back and forth.  My heart Dr wants a call if my hr gets in the 40's, but she will ask me some questions before making me come in.  Am I having more trouble breathing, am I dizzy when I stand up, things like that, and if my answer is no, she says it's fine in the upper 40'a, but if any of those questions get a yes, I have to go in.  So far, that hasn't happened.  I hate  that monitor .  But it sounds like you were doing good on 2, just rest there awhile.  You had a pretty wild time with the bands  :D, you probably just need to rest, stabilize on that dose, then worry about tapering.  LY, Mary 💜💜

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GP if you've found a dose that allows you to lead a decent life, I'd stay there for a while. You've suffered so much recently that you can give yourself a break.
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Morning LHSG, hope you all are having an okay day.  Both my eyes are blurry this morning so going to rest them awhile.  Love you guys  ;D.  Mary 💜💜💜
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Morning LHSG, hope you all are having an okay day.  Both my eyes are blurry this morning so going to rest them awhile.  Love you guys  ;D.  Mary 💜💜💜


Good morning Mary. Yes, rest your eyes until they feel better. I didn't know you had a heart condition. I wonder if it's safer for everyone to just stop tapering until the coronavirus crises is over, or at least under control.

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning lady Mary how are you Cyclops still hanging in there?l am still internet free have to say l am missing it less everyday.Will be back next week hopefully.Heading down to Belfast having a meal with my friends then back home for my daughter.Have no plans for the weekend so we will see what the weather is like.I really hope you have a good weekend honey and try not to smother your sil's new baby (she sounds gorgeous it will be you next 😍) Love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Trish you are being very quiet are you ok?l hope so pet.l know you are stressed and worried try hard to find ways to distract my lovely.I hope Rich is ok and l really hope everything comes back ok on Monday.l believe it will.love you my lST X

Morning Suzy l am glad you are getting yourself checked out.l don't think it is anything to worry about however these things have to be explained.l would also imagine you are going through menopause which can have a huge impact on how we feel.l hope you continue to improve honey.love you.X

Morning Meems l hope all goes well for Maggie on Monday.lt will help her a lot.l know you are worried however animals are very resilient.At least that will be one less thing to worry about.Hang in there honey.love you.X

Morning Final l hope everything goes well l know there is definitely a need for benzo withdrawal support groups.Hopefully in the future there will be more support for people going through this.You are my hero honey.love to you.X

Morning Olive woohoo 🎊🎉 our jetsetting friend.l know we aren't much competition for you however we are definitely enjoying living through you 😉. Keep on honey you are amazing.love you.X

Morning Intend what have you been up to?l hope you are doing ok? love to you and Dan X

Morning Troch how is the treatment going?l hope you are sleeping ok my love?Hang tight you will get through this.love you.X

Morning Esperanza Janice Gilly NJ Nova Miyu Bill Free Valley GP and everyone here sending you my love.X

Hi twin,

Yes, I'm very worried but following all the precautions as is Rich. Mary has had to shoulder the burden (me) though, I've pm'd her like crazy  :D she's done a great job, very supportive and being a very good friend!😁 I just have so much going on my head is spinning. I will be holding until the end of the month and then we'll see , maybe I'll stay at 1 mg longer if I'm not up to it 🤷  As for Rich test results Monday. I'm thinking that if God forbid it was lung cancer he would have been called by the Dr and not have to wait until Monday, at least I hope so 🙏 I am expecting the results to at least show worsening of the COPD, that wouldn't surprise me at all. I did have a meltdown last night the food gates flung wide open. I feel like I'm on verge of tears right now but am holding it together. I just can't seem to handle anything. It's been a little over two months since last cut and I wonder if that's having anything to do with my mood and emotions. The last time I believe I was at 1 mg of Xanax was when I was 35 yrs old. I'm almost 57 , March 18 ( hint to Mary! I want my virtual party)  :laugh: :laugh:

Anyway that's a long time ago that I was ever that low on xanax so I'm not sure if getting lower is really affecting me but I think it probably is.

Alrighty twin I've written you another book per usual but I really miss your daily messages 😔 I need that tiny Irish foot kicking me in the Trishy trunk to get with it, ya know benzo belly up here! Shoulders back, feet forward, march on kind of talk 🙄

Well you keep yourself well, we all love you and care about you. Have a good weekend, enjoy your friends and daughter.

Love you much!

LST ❤️

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Good morning LHSG.  I’ve noticed when I had to updose to 2mg that my heart rate was more normal, falling only to 53 at night but up in the 60s during the day.  I also felt more clearheaded.


I went down to 1.95 and now my heart rate is back to 46 at night, my chest hurts an$ my brain is fuzzy.


I’m not sure whether to tell my pdoc or my regular doctor where they will refer me to a cardiologist and back to a heart monitor, stress test and whatever else.  I KNOW it’s all BWD.  I don’t want to be yanked.  Should I just ignore all of this and maybe go slower?

Hey Go,

I have a lot heat rate as well but I take atenelol too. My heart rate is often in the 40's especially morning time. I do believe that benzos do affect heart rate but my cardiologist assures me that I have a strong heart despite a low heat rate. My heart sometimes races too and almost always at night! I'll wake up and feel it, now that I hate! Typically though on average I'm in low 50's in the daytime. I've been like that for years. I also have mitral valve prolapse and heart murmur none of which is life threatening to me. The murmur has to be checked every two years though for changes. I really think you're ok with your heart rate, just keep in mind that it will fluctuate with tapering but try not to pay any mind to it. I have driven myself crazy checking my heart rate while taperering and now I refuse to check it and scare myself. Also, you know your body better than anyone so if you feel you need to have it checked then you should buy I think you're fine 😉😘

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Morning LHSG, hope you all are having an okay day.  Both my eyes are blurry this morning so going to rest them awhile.  Love you guys  ;D.  Mary 💜💜💜

Oh no damn eyes bothering you? Well you rest them and don't force yourself to read if you're not up to it. Take care of those peepers! When you're up to it though I want to hear more about this new sibling for Sly! I don't know where I read it on here but I missed it somehow and only just found out! That's great, I know you love those pups!!  :D

Love ya,

TT 😷😳❤️

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Hi Stut!

Sorry your internet is off. Glad you are staying busy. I would go crazy without the internet. Thats sad. I rescheduled myappt. Ro much stress this week.Have anice weekend! Love Suzy!

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Can someone post a list of benzo friendly doctors please? without going into details I’m considering switching.
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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Morning lady Mary how are you Cyclops still hanging in there?l am still internet free have to say l am missing it less everyday.Will be back next week hopefully.Heading down to Belfast having a meal with my friends then back home for my daughter.Have no plans for the weekend so we will see what the weather is like.I really hope you have a good weekend honey and try not to smother your sil's new baby (she sounds gorgeous it will be you next 😍) Love you my lady Mary HenX

Morning Trish you are being very quiet are you ok?l hope so pet.l know you are stressed and worried try hard to find ways to distract my lovely.I hope Rich is ok and l really hope everything comes back ok on Monday.l believe it will.love you my lST X

Morning Suzy l am glad you are getting yourself checked out.l don't think it is anything to worry about however these things have to be explained.l would also imagine you are going through menopause which can have a huge impact on how we feel.l hope you continue to improve honey.love you.X

Morning Meems l hope all goes well for Maggie on Monday.lt will help her a lot.l know you are worried however animals are very resilient.At least that will be one less thing to worry about.Hang in there honey.love you.X

Morning Final l hope everything goes well l know there is definitely a need for benzo withdrawal support groups.Hopefully in the future there will be more support for people going through this.You are my hero honey.love to you.X

Morning Olive woohoo 🎊🎉 our jetsetting friend.l know we aren't much competition for you however we are definitely enjoying living through you 😉. Keep on honey you are amazing.love you.X

Morning Intend what have you been up to?l hope you are doing ok? love to you and Dan X

Morning Troch how is the treatment going?l hope you are sleeping ok my love?Hang tight you will get through this.love you.X

Morning Esperanza Janice Gilly NJ Nova Miyu Bill Free Valley GP and everyone here sending you my love.X

Hi twin,

Yes, I'm very worried but following all the precautions as is Rich. Mary has had to shoulder the burden (me) though, I've pm'd her like crazy  :D she's done a great job, very supportive and being a very good friend!😁 I just have so much going on my head is spinning. I will be holding until the end of the month and then we'll see , maybe I'll stay at 1 mg longer if I'm not up to it 🤷  As for Rich test results Monday. I'm thinking that if God forbid it was lung cancer he would have been called by the Dr and not have to wait until Monday, at least I hope so 🙏 I am expecting the results to at least show worsening of the COPD, that wouldn't surprise me at all. I did have a meltdown last night the food gates flung wide open. I feel like I'm on verge of tears right now but am holding it together. I just can't seem to handle anything. It's been a little over two months since last cut and I wonder if that's having anything to do with my mood and emotions. The last time I believe I was at 1 mg of Xanax was when I was 35 yrs old. I'm almost 57 , March 18 ( hint to Mary! I want my virtual party)  :laugh: :laugh:

Anyway that's a long time ago that I was ever that low on xanax so I'm not sure if getting lower is really affecting me but I think it probably is.

Alrighty twin I've written you another book per usual but I really miss your daily messages 😔 I need that tiny Irish foot kicking me in the Trishy trunk to get with it, ya know benzo belly up here! Shoulders back, feet forward, march on kind of talk 🙄

Well you keep yourself well, we all love you and care about you. Have a good weekend, enjoy your friends and daughter.

Love you much!

LST ❤️


I believe it's pull up your big girl knickers, lol, lol.  I wish I could fuss at people and pull it off like Stut, where everyone is just happy she fussed at you  :2funny: :2funny:

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Can someone post a list of benzo friendly doctors please? without going into details I’m considering switching.


Hi happy girl. I'm not sure there are lists of benzo wise doctors, but I do suggest you post your question in the withdrawal section, perhaps mentioning where you live. Mary said once to someone that you sometimes get results by googling your area plus benzo wise doctor.

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Can someone post a list of benzo friendly doctors please? without going into details I’m considering switching.


Hi happy girl. I'm not sure there are lists of benzo wise doctors, but I do suggest you post your question in the withdrawal section, perhaps mentioning where you live. Mary said once to someone that you sometimes get results by googling your area plus benzo wise doctor.


Definitely, do both , someone will probably send you a link on the Withdrawal Support thread  and if you use google, if there are any Dr's that they consider themselves benzo wise, it will show your their names and information.  Good luck happy girl, let us know if we can help you in anyway or want to ask some questions.  Mary 💜💜

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Can someone post a list of benzo friendly doctors please? without going into details I’m considering switching.


Where are you located?


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Hello all, is it my phone having linking problems or has no one posted today? 


Hey Meems it's been on the quiet side. How have you been? How's your mother doing?

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I just want to share with the group about my hand washing bc of CV . So I've been washing so much, more than my usual which was already quite obsessive lol! I've been washing so much that I went upstairs to my room to put my pajamas on and right after I got them on I walked into my bathroom and washed my hands :laugh: :laugh: apparently washing hands after putting pajamas on is a good idea 🤣🤣🤣
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I just want to share with the group about my hand washing bc of CV . So I've been washing so much, more than my usual which was already quite obsessive lol! I've been washing so much that I went upstairs to my room to put my pajamas on and right after I got them on I walked into my bathroom and washed my hands :laugh: :laugh: apparently washing hands after putting pajamas on is a good idea 🤣🤣🤣


Trish, be a little careful, you don't want them to dry out and crack open.  Then you would have a problem with it burning and needing to use lotion.  Tim's hand crack bad  :(.  I pretty sure your pj's were CV free  ;):D

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