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The Long Hold Support Group


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Hello  everyone,

Hope everyone is having a good day.

I think I am on a different time zone, or somethin, than the rest of you because I seem to come into the forum after everyone has finished their conversations. Oh well, no matter, I am here now.


I have had  many more good days lately.  I attribute it to my hold.


But even with good days, lately, more often than not,  I wake up feeling ok, but at about 3 or 4 o'clock, like clockwork, I begin to feel side effects ramping up. They remain moderately bad for about 4 hours, until about 7 or 8 pm and then they go away again or deminish grately, and usually stay away for the rest of the night.

What is it about the late afternoons that make everything worse?

I don't get it.

Is it because I am just tired out at this time of day?

Is it just the nature of the beast?


Does this pattern occur with any else here? What's going on?


Heath :crazy::o  :o


BeGood,  now you have a picture of shoes by your name. NICE SHOES. I'd like a pair like that but they'd probably kill by feet!glad you are back to feeling good again.


Lynn, BeGood, Anne, When I start to cut again, I'm going to make my micro taper really really very micro just like you friends (even just small cuts probably will still slay me) so teeny tiny micro is how I will go.


Easy going and peace to everyone!



Hi Heathcliff.... I have this same pattern every day, I dread 3 pm ish coming around. Not siege it's food r elated for me as I often eat around 2 pm.

Could be a cortisol drop, for me anyway, I have weak adrenals .


Still holding my 8.5 V hoping things will improve .... I'm ok, but not what I'd call good ! Woke up at 4.30 am with a rush of something ... Horrible. I feel like some thing pours into my stomach and burns it, it's very weird. Scares me. And then I'm wide awake for , well, hour or hour half.....



Hi MiYu  :hug: Everyone's Adrenal's are effected by Benzo's and  withdrawal unfortunately, it effects Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis. Here's an in-depth post by one of the BB geniuses Perseverance, and it also batters our thyroid as well. Unfortunately people believe that all these individual symptoms are the problem not the withdrawal its self then end up taking more drugs needlessly that can make matters worse. All of these symptoms are due to withdrwal and/or Benzo use and sort out without interference in time    :) 


I am not recommending that people do not seek medical help if they feel the need, but am just pointing out how Benzo side effects and withdrawal symptoms can be hugely misdiagnosed for many years resulting in massive needless poly drugging and operations as happened not just to me  but others in the same situation .



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


HOW BENZOS CAUSE HPA AXIS DYSREGULATION http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=44373.0

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Very interesting. Whats adrenal shutdown?

My adrenals quit producing hormones. I had to take almost every hormone known for a few years until they got back into normal range.  :)--V

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Very interesting. Whats adrenal shutdown?

My adrenals quit producing hormones. I had to take almost every hormone known for a few years until they got back into normal range.  :)--V


Wow that is not what you want! Sounds like you've had a very tough ordeal with this whole thing!

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Very interesting. Whats adrenal shutdown?

My adrenals quit producing hormones. I had to take almost every hormone known for a few years until they got back into normal range.  :)--V


Wow that is not what you want! Sounds like you've had a very tough ordeal with this whole thing!

If I would have only known I could have avoided the problem. I usually research extensively every medication I take before I take it so I know what side effects are possible. I refused lyrica and gabapentin before I ever started the V for crying out loud. At the time, all I could think about was the pain I was in and expected to be on opiates and Valium for the rest of my life. It was an intern from a University that was shadowing my doctor who suggested the Valium as she was currently studying my spinal condition. If I could only go back in time...  Oh well, live and learn.  :)--V

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[quote author=MiYu



Hi Heathcliff.... I have this same pattern every day, I dread 3 pm ish coming around. Not siege it's food r elated for me as I often eat around 2 pm.

Could be a cortisol drop, for me anyway, I have weak adrenals .


Still holding my 8.5 V hoping things will improve .... I'm ok, but not what I'd call good ! Woke up at 4.30 am with a rush of something ... Horrible. I feel like some thing pours into my stomach and burns it, it's very weird. Scares me. And then I'm wide awake for , well, hour or hour half.....






Hi MiYu,

We seem to be having late afternoon wd sfx in the same time frame. Maybe it is he drop in cortisol as you said. Today I got so dizzy and unbalanced at about 4:00.  It started to go away at 9:00, but this time it came later than usual. It usually happens at Round 2 or 3 o'clock. And this time it's not all gone. So I'm wondering what tomorrow will bring, ugh! I hate being dizzy and unbalanced.


Today was a bad day in general. I had been having really good days for about four days and now I seem to be going backwards. I am having really bad days.

I am at the end of five weeks and holding. I though I'd be seeing improvement in my w sfx by now, but no such luck. So holding , holding, Holding!


About the waking up with a rush of a burning in your stomach, I also have that. Only I get it right before I fall asleep. It wAkes me up  just as I am just about asleep it wakes me up. I thinkt is some kind of anxiety related because if I don't get up right away when this hsppens, I start to get reAlly intrusive and negative, anxious thoughts. I absolutely hate it. I usually get up, read and drink some tea for about twenty minutes then go back  to sleep.

I hope you have a better day today MiYu. Keep up the fight. I get depressed when I think it is going to still take many more months or more to win this war.


Let's be strong!

Heath :smitten:


I'm Sorry you are having more bad waves.... I'm sure you've read about Windows and waves Heathcliff.... I think it's a good sign when you start to get times of feeling better, even tho they pass, they'll come back.

Oh I'm so relieved someone else has this stomach rush feeling , it's so horrible and although I'm sorry you have it I'm relieved to feel that it is indeed benzo WD . Like everything else! It makes me think something else is horribly wrong....


One of my awful symptoms is burning , today my lower back feels like it's on fire.... I know burning can be a benzo symptom ...

Hope your day is better...

Yes. , let's be strong Heathcliff! We will all heal... :smitten:


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Hello Benzo buddies and H E L P !


OMG! I am so very dizzy for the first time in my taper. HELP. ( except for about two hours a month ago that went as fast as it came).


This horrible dizziness started yesterday afternoon. It has not gone away. HELP  I can not move without holding on to something for fear I will fall. I have to go real slow and hold on to the walls  to get from one room to the next. I am getting nauseous from the dizziness. I Can't eat because I'm afraid I'll vomit. HELP


The room is not spinning, but I am totally unbalanced and dizzy. I know I am not spinning but I feel like I am! I am scared  as scared can be. Feeling awful and sick. HELP


Please someone help me to know how to get some relief if there is any.


What is the average length that this lasts?


Is it best to stay still and not move? Or is best to try to keep moving and maybe give my brain the push it needs to work again?


Is it safe or a hindrance to take any medicine like Dramamine to help? Or is it futile? ( oh no, is Dramamine a benzo??  I won't take it if it is.)  is there anything I can take to help me feel better that will not hurt the CNS healing process. Do I have to just grit my teeth through all this and suffer and wait it out?

I read that any med that depresses the CNS will slow down the healing. Is that true? It was a confusing article.


Why is this happening after being in my hold for five weeks. I have not up or down dosed. I am holding steady.  Is it the nature of the un linear beast again ?




Thank you very much,

Scared, sick, and dizzy, 


Heathcliff :( :-[r :-\


I hope it's ok that I posted in the dizziness support group too :-[. I came across it when I came into the forum today. But you buddies know me best and I trust you.


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Hello Benzo buddies and H E L P !


OMG! I am so very dizzy for the first time in my taper. ( except for about two hours a month ago that went as fast as it came).


This horrible dizziness started yesterday afternoon. It has not gone away. I can not move without holding on to something. I have to go real slow and hold on to the walls  to get from one room to the next. I am getting nauseous from the dizziness. Can't eat because I'm afraid I'll vomit. The room is not spinning, but I am totally unbalanced and dizzy.

I am scared  as scared can be. Feeling awful and sick.


Please someone help me to know how to get some relief if there is any.


What is the average length that this lasts?


Is it best to stay still and not move? Or is best to try to keep moving and maybe give my brain the push it needs to work again?


Is it safe or a hindrance to take any medicine like Dramamine to help? Or is it futile? ( oh no, is Dramamine a benzo??  I won't take it if it is.)  is there anything I can take to help me feel better that will not hurt the CNS healing process. Do I have to just grit my teeth through all this and suffer and wait it out?


Why after being in my hold for five weeks. I have not up or down dosed. I am holding steady.  It's the nature of the un linear beast again?




Thank you very much,

Scared, sick, and dizzy, 


Heathcliff :( :-[r :-\


I hope it's ok that I posted in the dizziness support group too :-[. I came across it when I came into the forum today. But you buddies know me best and I trust you.

Hi Heath. So sorry about the dizziness. It plagued me throughout a lot of my hold. I found doing things that made me focus and concentrate helped quite a bit. With that being said, try not to over do it. Rest when you need to. It will pass.  :)--V

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Thanks for your reply, V.


Is there anything I can take to help? Or in your opinion is taking anything ill advised?



I can't think of anything that you can take for it. I've tried numerous supplements during this process and have found vitamin C is about the only thing useful to me.  :)--V

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I only had persistent dizziness once (I have some momentary dizziness off and on) and it lasted a week or so.  I was afraid to go down the stairs or shower.  I mainly stayed in bed.

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Oh Heath so sorry you are having to deal with this, I have Meniere's disease, and this is  something I deal with, but the type of dizzies I get from benzo's are very similar. I will tell you what helps me, stay close to walls and do keep holding on to things to get around, rest and don't do too much, you do not want to face plant. I also look at one object that may be a picture, any object really when it is really bad, and it seems to stabilize me and the dizzies, Hopefully it will go away soon, keep hydrated, and try to rest and try not to use the commuter too much, it seems to make mine worse. I had a bad patch of dizzies and knew it was not my Disease, lasted days, But this is what helped with me, I did a slight up dose, and it helped and then I was able to go back down on my taper. :hug:     
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I just wanted to add that this was the most frightening and disabling symptom that I have had.  It's very scary.  I, too, went to the dizzy forum.  I probably shouldn't have or, at least, waited a couple of weeks.  It will go away :smitten:

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So sorry you are feeling bad.  I get lightheadedness and a feeling of being off balance.  There are times I am unable to walk about without holding on to something.  Besides the blood pressure spikes, it is the worse symptom I have.  It is not what I would call dizziness--I think dizziness is a feeling of the room spinning.  It can be debilitating though.  I was feeling like this last weekend when we went out.  I was with my husband, and I did not think I would make it home.  I usually need to sit down when it happens.  Most of the time, it goes away within an hour or so. I usually eat something when it happens, but that does not always help.  When it is really bad, I will take a rescue dose.  I have probably taken about 4 or 5 rescue doses over the last 15 months.  I am not recommending you take a rescue dose, but in my case I know that this feeling is due to the drug withdrawal. 


It will let up soon.  Just take it easy and rest.  Lie down if you can, and try to sleep.




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Anne, BeGood, Lynne, Valley,


Ya know, you people are just the very best! You ALWAYS  come to my rescue. I know you can't take my dizziness away, but you always make me feel safe, like this wdfx is a normal part of withdrawal and if I just hang in, it will go away..eventually, hopefully soon.


As the day has progressed, I THINK it is a bit better, but it could be that I have been taking your advice and resting in one place as much as possible. And trying to look at one place...  And of course I am still holding on to the walls. I don't know what will happen when I lay down or move around too much. Oh golly!



You are right,I also find this the scariest thing I have had, and the one that makes me feel soooo sick!.

You are right about the dizzy group too, I don't think they are an active group but I have gotten one nice response from them.  But most of their posts seem to go in the direction of very long dizzy spells, like weeks and weeks! That was kind of scary for me. I have to remember that every one is different.


But on the whole :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: I should have known it is you people who are the only ones I really need to rely on.  Your posts are very positive and helpful.


BeGood. Every time you post something I admire you more and more. You have been through so much yet you continue to be strong, and you always sound so cheerful.  I sincerely hope one day soon a cure for  Menlere's will set you free. You are so kind and and caring and deserve only good things.



Thanks again fior  being here for me. I do  not drive when I'm dizzy for the very reason you mentioned. I'm glad you were with your husband when your dizzies set in so he could take you home. Most of the time when I drive I am alone in the car. What a mess I'd be in if I got dizzy and not close to home!


Valley, yes, I kind of suspected that nothing would help to make the dizzies any better, except the good old, TIME AND PATIENCE AND BEING GOOD TO ONE's SELF WHEN NECESSARY.


OK, Heres to a less dizzy day tomorrow, because I can't stand it!


Heath  :(:-[:-\ :'(  :-\:-[ :'(


Oh, and no one posted how they are doing today,...but you are probably all asleep!

I'm on a different time zone...USA


SO I sincerely hope you are all feeling good today! And tomorrow!


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[quote author=MiYu



Hi Heathcliff.... I have this same pattern every day, I dread 3 pm ish coming around. Not siege it's food r elated for me as I often eat around 2 pm.

Could be a cortisol drop, for me anyway, I have weak adrenals .


Still holding my 8.5 V hoping things will improve .... I'm ok, but not what I'd call good ! Woke up at 4.30 am with a rush of something ... Horrible. I feel like some thing pours into my stomach and burns it, it's very weird. Scares me. And then I'm wide awake for , well, hour or hour half.....






Hi MiYu,

We seem to be having late afternoon wd sfx in the same time frame. Maybe it is he drop in cortisol as you said. Today I got so dizzy and unbalanced at about 4:00.  It started to go away at 9:00, but this time it came later than usual. It usually happens at Round 2 or 3 o'clock. And this time it's not all gone. So I'm wondering what tomorrow will bring, ugh! I hate being dizzy and unbalanced.


Today was a bad day in general. I had been having really good days for about four days and now I seem to be going backwards. I am having really bad days.

I am at the end of five weeks and holding. I though I'd be seeing improvement in my w sfx by now, but no such luck. So holding , holding, Holding!


About the waking up with a rush of a burning in your stomach, I also have that. Only I get it right before I fall asleep. It wAkes me up  just as I am just about asleep it wakes me up. I thinkt is some kind of anxiety related because if I don't get up right away when this hsppens, I start to get reAlly intrusive and negative, anxious thoughts. I absolutely hate it. I usually get up, read and drink some tea for about twenty minutes then go back  to sleep.

I hope you have a better day today MiYu. Keep up the fight. I get depressed when I think it is going to still take many more months or more to win this war.


Let's be strong!

Heath :smitten:


I'm Sorry you are having more bad waves.... I'm sure you've read about Windows and waves Heathcliff.... I think it's a good sign when you start to get times of feeling better, even tho they pass, they'll come back.

Oh I'm so relieved someone else has this stomach rush feeling , it's so horrible and although I'm sorry you have it I'm relieved to feel that it is indeed benzo WD . Like everything else! It makes me think something else is horribly wrong....


One of my awful symptoms is burning , today my lower back feels like it's on fire.... I know burning can be a benzo symptom ...

Hope your day is better...

Yes. , let's be strong Heathcliff! We will all heal... :smitten:


I am actually glad to see this. On phone, forgive slop. In the morning, I can exercise away the strongest wd system, which is anxiety. About 2 hours, and Im actually feeling quite windowish after the exercise.  I get slammed with the worst wd every day between 3 and 4 pm, it lasts until my next dose, in the evening. It's intensely physical sxs, and confusion and distress, not anxiety, but my god, it's  hell. I usually have to lay in the dark for an hour and imagine myself somewhere else doing something I like for an hour as it starts. It doesn't  really ease until my 6 hour dose time hits. I am convinced it's  our cns, not the medication. It's unfortunate,  because that dose is the bulk of my day. The things that get me through the morning and evening sxs don't work on that dose.


I have tried changing the time. Upping it a bit, downing it, not eating, everything, it doesn't matter. 4 pm is the worst. Maybe those of us who go through this can figure it out. I thought I was the only one. Even before my taper, the early afternoon was always intense.

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Hi baddove,

Sorry to hear about your 4:00 wdfx. I'm convinced it has to do with cortisol( cortisol goes up or it goes down? I don't know that much, but I do think it has to do with cortisol becaus so many buddies have talked about it.

But just thought I'd chime in and say in my opinion, I don't think messing around with your doses is wise. I don 't. think it will get rid of your late afternoon wdfx either. I think it is time and patience that we all have to remember that will eventually take care of things. You exercising is wonderful. And I'm glad it helps. I used to exercise too about two or three times a week at the gym,  but lately I have been lax with that, especially because I've been having really crappies days.


Glad to see you back here. You haven't been here for a while! Hope you are doing well!



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Thanks Heathcliff! I just pop in every so often to check on everyone, and if you folks bring up something I feel I can help with, or something I am experiencing (like the 2-4 pm drop) I will chime in. I study neuro chemistry as I am inclined, the more knowledge, the more I can rationilize and not be overwhelmed by the withdraw experience.


I am going to read the entire section on

HOW BENZOS CAUSE HPA AXIS DYSREGULATIONonhttp://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=44373.0


I am getting into a rythm with my wd. Anxiety and panic mornings, alleviated by extensive exercise, fubar afternoons, and being a complete air head in the evening, but not really caring. Just laughing at how much I cant remember what someone said 5 minutes ago. Sleep, well, hit and miss, sometimes not much, but I am getting more 4-6 hour periods than I did 2 months ago.


I still get waves of intense anxiety or depression, but have learned to hold on, they will pass.


I am no longer experimenting with dose 2 (the dreaded afternoon time) just did it a while back to see if the xanax had anything to do with it, it did not seem to. I literally tried all kinds of things: holding off on my exercise until the afternoon (I would fall off my bike, vomit, or get the drunken sailor) fasting, eating an apple and peanut butter for protein and good blood sugar, everything. Nothing changed it. This were all experiments to detemine if I could do anything to alleviate this intense period, nothing changed it.


I care about you all, and have a bit more taper time under my belt, so am not so desperate or freaked out as I was a few months ago.


One interesting thing, another source from the UK advocates at least 3 weeks holding before a cut. http://cepuk.org/withdrawal-advisers/


I have learned my body needs 5/6 weeks to adjust, that's just me. Just dropped my dose 2 weeks ago, and based on experience , I anticipate that having waited 6 weeks, it wont hit with such an extreme kick back.


I suppose I am just a bit more experienced, have learned to read my cns and symptoms, and am accepting that  this is just what life feels like when tapering. I now know from experience, that the bad hours, and bad days will settle. I didn't know that when I started this journey. It makes a huge difference.


When I saw you folks posting about the afternoon shit storm, I had to jump in, I really thought I was the only one. More studying coming up!( some say it's circadian, some say it's adrenal, some say hormone, it's probably all of them and about 28 other things, as complex as our nervous systems are.)


Hang on everyone, we are all so strong, so motivated, and have come along, even if we started out foolishly (as I did.)


I have been studying this excellent paper on glutamine and gaba balancing, just throwing this out here. As a result, I am changing to a modified paleo diet to decrease nutrition stress, it is helping.I just started the new nutritional regime however, it will take time to se if it helps. I don't eat meat, so each meal has an egg, some homemade peanut butter, or nuts, so I get protein, and fruit for blood sugar, veggies for other nutrients. Was shocked to see some very common foods I think we all consume are antagonists (like tomatoes, walnuts, broccoli, and others, have cut them from my diet.)




My best to all of you.








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Hi BD  :hug: Regarding Glutamate,( Glutamic acid) unfortunately its not as simple as cutting it out of our diets as we make it in the brain irregardless of what we eat , our brains need it and there's two types of glutamate :) Believe me I have researched the hell outta that one, as that's the obvious place to start :) Here's  extracts from a good Article  written by  Amy Nett, MD,on Chris Kessler's website whose a big advocate of ''paleo diet'', which  I won't go on my soap box about. All I'm saying is there's far too many 'diet gurus' in this world and the human race got by on common sense eating for a lot longer than we've had the Internet, an survived and thrived for millions of years.  ;)


What is glutamate and why is it so important?


Glutamic acid is an amino acid found in abundance in both plant and animal protein.  It is considered a non-essential amino acid, meaning that our bodies are able to generate glutamic acid even without ingesting it through food sources. (Yes, glutamic acid is just that important that we cannot risk being without.


What’s the difference between bound and free glutamate?


It’s important to note the distinction between bound and free glutamate since any potential health concerns are associated with the free form of glutamate. Bound glutamate refers to glutamate in a whole, unmodified protein source and is therefore generally digested and absorbed slowly. Free glutamate, by contrast, is no longer bound to other amino acids, and may therefore be absorbed much more rapidly, causing spikes in the concentration of glutamate in the blood. Free glutamate is found in natural food sources, with particularly high sources listed at the end of this article.  But of more concern is the abundance of free glutamate in nearly all processed and packaged foods, also described in more detail below.




As well as being manufactured by the brain its also present in plants, animals, and Mother milk too :)



Glutamic acid is a 'non-essential' classified amino acid that is very common in plants and animals. Besides being a building block of protein, glutamic acid is vital in the transmission of nerve impulses, and is even manufactured in the brain.


A typical human contains 4.4 pounds of glutamate or Glutamic acid. It is a main component of proteins and peptides, and present in most tissue. Virtually every food contains glutamate. It's a major component of protein rich food like meat, eggs, poultry, milk, cheese, and fish. Glutamate or Glutamic acid is also ubiquitous in grain, beans, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, nuts, sea vegetables such as kombu, and even mother's milk. The following list shows common food content





Both articles are interesting and just a couple of goodness knows how many I've read intensely  over the last 2 years along with more complicated scientific peer reviewed sites like this one below but I avoid reading to much stuff like this now as it does :D :D :D that to me, its too much stimulation to cope with even being on here posting gets too much most days now as I'm lower in my taper  :o


The brain PLOS One.http://journals.plos.org/plosone/search?filterJournals=PLoSONE&q=the+brain&page=1



Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Great links. Appreciate the articles. Adding them to my retinue in my book, which just keeps getting fatter.  Trying to play nutririonist is hard. As to a paleo diet, I am not being extreme, I have to eat something,and my diet is lacking in protein. I don't like meat, so I have to pick up the protein from other sources, something I have not been doing lately.


My physical therapist told me to have a bit of protein each meal (for me that's peanut butter, nuts, eggs) and fresh fruit for sugar cravings, vegetables, but not so many green ones.


I have been eating a lot of cheese and crackers, it's just easy, and am stopping that.


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Great links. Appreciate the articles. Adding them to my retinue in my book, which just keeps getting fatter.  Trying to play nutririonist is hard. As to a paleo diet, I am not being extreme, I have to eat something,and my diet is lacking in protein. I don't like meat, so I have to pick up the protein from other sources, something I have not been doing lately.


My physical therapist told me to have a bit of protein each meal (for me that's peanut butter, nuts, eggs) and fresh fruit for sugar cravings, vegetables, but not so many green ones.


I have been eating a lot of cheese and crackers, it's just easy, and am stopping that.

Hi BD :hug: I eat Cottage cheese along with other protein, its top of the  high in protein list and easy to eat as well as it goes with lots of things  :) I like it on a stick of celery, with avocado,  scrambled eggs and I eat it on sough-dough rye bread as well. I cant see why you were told not to eat many greens as their excellent for good good bacteria, it feeds them http://www.sbs.com.au/topics/life/health/article/2016/02/16/eat-your-greens-boost-good-gut-bacteria 


And some greens are high in protein too  https://www.healthaliciousness.com/articles/vegetables-high-in-protein.php




And Vegetables also provide you with omega-3 fats and B vitamins, proven to help reduce anxiety and depression. The vitamin K in veggies helps reduce inflammation in your body, which stress can aggravate. Green leafy vegetables, such as kale, spinach, and Swiss chard, are loaded with magnesium, which helps balance your cortisol, one of your "stress hormones." Magnesium and potassium relax blood vessels, helping keep your blood pressure low.



Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Here I am again,


Well the dizziness  disappeared today!  It lasted only a day and a half. Phew!


Those who sent good vibes my way,  :angel: :angel:  you know who you are! :angel: :angel:

  A great big thank you! :smitten:


So now something else is happening!


Seriously, I have had what I think is called jelly legs before. ...a weakness in my legs and just feeling like my legs really dont want to walk at all. Sometimes pins and needles too.


But this is different. (Maybe the same but worse?) More severe.  All of a sudden I felt heat and pins and needles rising up in both legs while walking.

Crazy feeling, almost like when your foot falls asleep but not really the same. Much more severe.  But just a crazy feeling, NOT pain. Along with this, my legs felt like they were going to completely collapse under me. I was really scared so I lay down real fast, and it went away. It lasted less than a half a minute.

Then an hour later it happened again only this time it lasted longer but still only about half a minute.


And it happened in the morning, so I know it can't be from walking or exercising too much.


Now I'm wondering if this is going to happen over and over. ( no driving!)


So is this normal in withdrawal too?  Is there a name for it?


I don't know what's happening to me. I am getting so many new crazy wdfx.


I'm thinking of whether I should updose a bit, but I really really don't want to. It's hard enough holding at my present dose  and not cutting. I don't want to go backwards!


Asking for reassurance .......  again!    Sorry I am so needy.


Heath  :-[ :'( :'( :o??? :'( :'(

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Here I am again,


Well the dizziness  disappeared today!  It lasted only a day and a half. Phew!


Those who sent good vibes my way,  :angel: :angel:  you know who you are! :angel: :angel:

  A great big thank you! :smitten:


So now something else is happening!


Seriously, I have had what I think is called jelly legs before. ...a weakness in my legs and just feeling like my legs really dont want to walk at all. Sometimes pins and needles too.


But this is different. (Maybe the same but worse?) More severe.  All of a sudden I felt heat and pins and needles rising up in both legs while walking.

Crazy feeling, almost like when your foot falls asleep but not really the same. Much more severe.  But just a crazy feeling, NOT pain. Along with this, my legs felt like they were going to completely collapse under me. I was really scared so I lay down real fast, and it went away. It lasted less than a half a minute.

Then an hour later it happened again only this time it lasted longer but still only about half a minute.


And it happened in the morning, so I know it can't be from walking or exercising too much.


Now I'm wondering if this is going to happen over and over. ( no driving!)


So is this normal in withdrawal too?  Is there a name for it?


I don't know what's happening to me. I am getting so many new crazy wdfx.


I'm thinking of whether I should updose a bit, but I really really don't want to. It's hard enough holding at my present dose  and not cutting. I don't want to go backwards!


Asking for reassurance .......  again!    Sorry I am so needy.


Heath  :-[ :'( :'( :o??? :'( :'(

It sounds normal Heath. Mine felt like they were plugged into an electric socket when I was holding. It did pass. Old sxs drop and new ones pop up in their place. It's all the joy of benzo withdrawal. Sorry you have to go through this particular symptom. It is very annoying.  :)--V

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