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I think it's pretty universal that things get much tougher at the lower doses - and you are very low!  As long as you feel well it doesn't matter how long it takes. :thumbsup:

Yep! :thumbsup: And what's low to one is high to another  :) I've seen people on here saying that their dose of 16mg 10mg is a ''low dose''  after dropping 2 or 4mg from the original dose. I was on a higher does than the above  and now struggling at under 4mg to me that's a 'low'  dose the above dose's I wouldn't see as being low.


But that doesn't mean that the people at those doses are suffering any less or maybe  even worse and I'm not good at all. But Anne's dose looks epically low up against my 4mg, and your right its usually worse at lower doses but then again I've seen quite a few peole say they were a lot better as they went lower and lower with each cut in the lower range. Tiz' a strange unpredictable bad magic we're up against, Gadzooks!!  :D



Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Thanks Anne, I am right as rain right at this moment, and I hope you start feeling better, as everyone has attested to the lower doses are hard, but it will work out, hold tight and like we all do figure out what would help, sometimes it is just time. I ususully cut for 13 days and it is small, and in that time it ends up to be about 6%, then I go into hold mode for two months, but like you all know I am going to hold only a month this time. :smitten:


Heath I just let my body rest yesterday and I am back to my baseline right now. It was good to not do a thing, and trust me I was not going to and I didn't. :smitten:


Lynne, I am reading a lot of what you are talking about, push towards that ending it gets better, sure, but so far I have not felt the Lies swirling in my head, as I know what it does, but I worry so much about the newbies that do not know about how reading and really understanding what is being written can waylay you. I guess I have to say I am glad, I had already been there and done that, and we know how that turned out but you know I am glad now that it happened that way. :smitten:


Valley, I am thinking now that the two month hold was too much this last time, as the blippy blips kept coming at me, and when I restarted my taper, I did start to feel better, now I will try one month hold and see how it goes and if I see a change, because I am now seeing some increase of the blips again, and so Mon I will restart taper for 13 or 14 days, can't remember for sure, then hold, but I will never hold less than a month for me. The thing that is really worrying me that I am reading that some are advocating using Opioids to get through acute and to get that high feeling and I have read this in more than one post, now I understand some have chronic pain and must take it, that is different, these are buddies pushing this very addicting drug as a cure all. I will say again like everyone here and Nova states the lower doses are the hardest, shoot I used to cut 2.50mg at times and nothing, but when I hit 2.50mg of Valium the lights started getting dim :D:smitten:


Nova I am always following you around and the time you take to help others is priceless, I really like your dry cutting Thread where you have picture's and it is so helpful for those who are having problems. Hang in there this has been a long hard Journey for you, but one thing I know "Sista", you are a Fighter. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Thanks Anne, I am right as rain right at this moment, and I hope you start feeling better, as everyone has attested to the lower doses are hard, but it will work out, hold tight and like we all do figure out what would help, sometimes it is just time. I ususully cut for 13 days and it is small, and in that time it ends up to be about 6%, then I go into hold mode for two months, but like you all know I am going to hold only a month this time. :smitten:


Heath I just let my body rest yesterday and I am back to my baseline right now. It was good to not do a thing, and trust me I was not going to and I didn't. :smitten:


Lynne, I am reading a lot of what you are talking about, push towards that ending it gets better, sure, but so far I have not felt the Lies swirling in my head, as I know what it does, but I worry so much about the newbies that do not know about how reading and really understanding what is being written can waylay you. I guess I have to say I am glad, I had already been there and done that, and we know how that turned out but you know I am glad now that it happened that way. :smitten:


Valley, I am thinking now that the two month hold was too much this last time, as the blippy blips kept coming at me, and when I restarted my taper, I did start to feel better, now I will try one month hold and see how it goes and if I see a change, because I am now seeing some increase of the blips again, and so Mon I will restart taper for 13 or 14 days, can't remember for sure, then hold, but I will never hold less than a month for me. The thing that is really worrying me that I am reading that some are advocating using Opioids to get through acute and to get that high feeling and I have read this in more than one post, now I understand some have chronic pain and must take it, that is different, these are buddies pushing this very addicting drug as a cure all. I will say again like everyone here and Nova states the lower doses are the hardest, shoot I used to cut 2.50mg at times and nothing, but when I hit 2.50mg of Valium the lights started getting dim :D:smitten:


Nova I am always following you around and the time you take to help others is priceless, I really like your dry cutting Thread where you have picture's and it is so helpful for those who are having problems. Hang in there this has been a long hard Journey for you, but one thing I know "Sista", you are a Fighter. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I really think the one month hold will work well BG. I'm doing a 10 day cut cycle and holding for a few days and think I may be better off doing a small cut and holding 2 weeks. This is such a weird process as I was able to cut 2.5 every week and feel 100% again when I started but it caught up with me too.


The benzo opioid dance has been going on forever. The problem is getting addicted to the opiates and using benzos to get off and then becoming dependent on benzos again.  My belief is that opiates hinder benzo withdrawal as dependence develops much more rapidly with opiates and then you have to face the nasty withdrawals and mental cravings that follow.


My biggest issue is trying to balance staying totally functional with tapering so I can continue to work. I private contract and most of the charter schools in this area rely on my services. It's a delicate and tedious balance. If it weren't for having to work I could probably push a little harder.  :)--V

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Hi - let me chime in on opiates which I thought I'd not need until another post op.  Just as i thought I had already been through every symptom under the sun in w/d,  I sprained something in my scapula and it has been in  brutal pain.  I have not had such pain since surgery.  I'm doing the right stretches, acupuncture, xrays showed nothing and prescribed Diclofenac?  which is not touching it.  I had some hydromorphone from some surgery which only does a little at night time for the scapula  -- which is like a kitchen knife turning in my back.  Ha -- I got so sick on opiates in acute w/d from Lunesta - I thought I was through with that stuff until this.  I'll get an MRI but I think it is a combo of being old, out or shape and w/d.  So I am holding at this absurd low dose of Lunesta-- freaking out because it is a different generic as of last night which couldn't be avoided.  Thanks for being here and letting me vent.  I guess I am sleep deprived, in pain and so very fearful.  I am looking forward to getting well enough to taper this low-dose of opiod. WBB
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Lynn, Valley, BeGood, and Nova,


You all make good points.  I have also noticed that long holds are discouraged on the forums as are the occasional up doses.  Several months ago, I felt that an up dose was a good choice for me, and it was.  I have had a few great weeks/months since the up dose.  I went from 0.168 up to 0.216 mg.  Holding definitely helped me, and it looks like I will need to hold whether I do daily cuts or cut and hold.  I am now back to 0.204 mg, and everything went well until a few days ago.  I suppose I will incorporate the holds every few weeks.  Lynn, I agree there is no rush. My main priority is to feel well enough to live life.


I still wonder about tolerance setting in during a long hold though.  On the other hand, I remember a few years ago, I had tapered to 0.25 mg.  I felt great, and I basically put the taper on hold for about a year and a half.  It was the best year and a half I have experienced since I started Ativan again in 2012. Unfortunately, my doctor will not continue to prescribe for much longer, so extremely long holds are out.

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Hi - let me chime in on opiates which I thought I'd not need until another post op.  Just as i thought I had already been through every symptom under the sun in w/d,  I sprained something in my scapula and it has been in  brutal pain.  I have not had such pain since surgery.  I'm doing the right stretches, acupuncture, xrays showed nothing and prescribed Diclofenac?  which is not touching it.  I had some hydromorphone from some surgery which only does a little at night time for the scapula  -- which is like a kitchen knife turning in my back.  Ha -- I got so sick on opiates in acute w/d from Lunesta - I thought I was through with that stuff until this.  I'll get an MRI but I think it is a combo of being old, out or shape and w/d.  So I am holding at this absurd low dose of Lunesta-- freaking out because it is a different generic as of last night which couldn't be avoided.  Thanks for being here and letting me vent.  I guess I am sleep deprived, in pain and so very fearful.  I am looking forward to getting well enough to taper this low-dose of opiod. WBB

When you need it for pain it's a different thing WBB. If you need it for pain, you should definitely use it. Using opiates to get through benzo withdrawal is another story though IMO. Hope you get over this difficult time soon! :)--V

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I'm wondering if we need a group called the Super Slow Tapering Group. It may be more descriptive (I doubt less controversial lol) of what we're trying to accomplish.  :)--V
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Wanna, Hi there, have not spoken to you in ages, but do not worry, I was referring to those who are misusing Opiates to get through Acute, and it is not just one person it is more than is warrented. Valley said it very well in his last post.


Anne since I started the liq taper in Jan 2016. I have had to up dose twice, the first from the rigors of changing from dry cutting to liquid, it is real how sick it can make you, remember I was on a low cut, but oh the nausea was horrible, but up dosed just a bit and stabilised and was able to finish my first liq taper in a stages, but it worked, then my two month hold, then I went through a real bad patch of dizziness, and it was not like my ear disease Meniere's at all, it was horrible, holding on to walls and almost face planting, but a good friend advised me to up dose and I did and whoa did it make a difference, it was only a little bit of  a mg, but it worked and I was able to go on my little road to benzo freedom, I guess like Valley and Lynn and others here and you I just want to be functional, I have no bus to catch. I am a true advocate of the long holds, even if I am cutting down to one month hold.


Valley you know me well enough, but for the longest time I have felt that the FDA and the makers of Valium and the other Benzo's have used some plant with hideous aftereffects when we try to get off, there is nothing that will convince me that a true poisoning has been done to our wonderful brains, just think, it is asleep for so long on these drugs, I keep in mind what they did to prisoners in Memphis Tn, years ago, they injected them with Syphilis without their knowledge so they could test Penicillin and other drugs, we are struggling against a force of nature, that I know is the hardest thing we will ever go through. I'm just saying, know you know for sure that I am completely benzo nuts. :crazy::D


Lynn thanks for the support from my last post, but I needed to say what I did, because of being followed around and mocked when I had threads that I have since closed down, by the one that suggested the other get off, I am just tired of standing back, and I am not going down without a word or two. :D:smitten: 

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Wanna, Hi there, have not spoken to you in ages, but do not worry, I was referring to those who are misusing Opiates to get through Acute, and it is not just one person it is more than is warrented. Valley said it very well in his last post.


Anne since I started the liq taper in Jan 2016. I have had to up dose twice, the first from the rigors of changing from dry cutting to liquid, it is real how sick it can make you, remember I was on a low cut, but oh the nausea was horrible, but up dosed just a bit and stabilised and was able to finish my first liq taper in a stages, but it worked, then my two month hold, then I went through a real bad patch of dizziness, and it was not like my ear disease Meniere's at all, it was horrible, holding on to walls and almost face planting, but a good friend advised me to up dose and I did and whoa did it make a difference, it was only a little bit of  a mg, but it worked and I was able to go on my little road to benzo freedom, I guess like Valley and Lynn and others here and you I just want to be functional, I have no bus to catch. I am a true advocate of the long holds, even if I am cutting down to one month hold.


Valley you know me well enough, but for the longest time I have felt that the FDA and the makers of Valium and the other Benzo's have used some plant with hideous aftereffects when we try to get off, there is nothing that will convince me that a true poisoning has been done to our wonderful brains, just think, it is asleep for so long on these drugs, I keep in mind what they did to prisoners in Memphis Tn, years ago, they injected them with Syphilis without their knowledge so they could test Penicillin and other drugs, we are struggling against a force of nature, that I know is the hardest thing we will ever go through. I'm just saying, know you know for sure that I am completely benzo nuts. :crazy::D


Lynn thanks for the support from my last post, but I needed to say what I did, because of being followed around and mocked when I had threads that I have since closed down, by the one that suggested the other get off, I am just tired of standing back, and I am not going down without a word or two. :D:smitten:

The sad thing BG is that Valium gained a horrible reputation in the 70s so it's not like there isn't proof it's harmful. Many doctors don't even want to prescribe it because of its reputation so what do the drug companies do? They manufacture more potent benzos which doctors have no problem prescribing. This is truly insane.  :idiot:

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Valley you are so right, I have to go through loops now to get my 60 pills monthly, but whisper whisper, I have a big stash put away, and when there is a fire alarm in my 8 story building my first thought is not my money, but my V, I hate this feeling, but the reason I wanted off, is because I worked in the Medical field and you know if they the FDA decided today to take V off of the Market, it would be gone, and since I know so well the horrors of a fast taper, that put the fear in me, for sure, and that I had to go to a Doctor that was so evil was another biggie, but I have a good Doctor now. :smitten: 
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Your experience of feeling great and forgetting about your taper hit home with me.  The same thing happened last year when I dropped from 8mg to 1mg.  I felt absolutely terrific.  The best in 25yrs.  I just back-burnered the taper and held there for 8 months.  I never experienced any "tolerance wd".


WBB - sorry about your injury and pain :(

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Valley you are so right, I have to go through loops now to get my 60 pills monthly, but whisper whisper, I have a big stash put away, and when there is a fire alarm in my 8 story building my first thought is not my money, but my V, I hate this feeling, but the reason I wanted off, is because I worked in the Medical field and you know if they the FDA decided today to take V off of the Market, it would be gone, and since I know so well the horrors of a fast taper, that put the fear in me, for sure, and that I had to go to a Doctor that was so evil was another biggie, but I have a good Doctor now. :smitten:

I feel the same way. Fear of not getting a V scrip is terrifying. I've been there a couple of times because of the office staff at my doctor's business. I can honestly say the stress of possibly not getting my V scrip far surpasses the withdrawal I've had lol.  :)--V

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I know how it is to be scared on top of being miserable with wdfx.  I get scared easily too. And with the anxiety, things can get mighty upsetting.

One thing I learned to get rid of the fear and anxiety is to keep saying out loud., "it's only the Benzos and it will go away tomorrow". And then distract  yourself with something else to do. Watch tv, read a book, knit a scarf, do some kind of craft that you like, etc. just don't lie there and let the scary thoughts fill your mind. Often the intrusive thoughts will go away if you don't dwell on them and instead distract. I hope this helps somewhat . It has helped me many times.


Hope you begin to feel better soon. I know you are having a hard time.  Be strong!

tomorrow may be your turn around day...you never know when things will all of a sudden make a turn for the better with this crazy benzo stuff!  :tickedoff::crazy:




Hi Heathcliff, thanks for your encouraging support....I try to distract as much as I can , but many things rev up my nervous system , so I do very little things like make food and get online . I used to be a very creative person , but can't really do any of that anymore .... No motivation , so strange . I know it will come back . I think when we are going through this  healing it can be all consuming just to manage what is going on in our bodies , minds, emotions .

I hope you are having a better day, and everyone else here too  :smitten:


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Your experience of feeling great and forgetting about your taper hit home with me.  The same thing happened last year when I dropped from 8mg to 1mg.  I felt absolutely terrific.  The best in 25yrs.  I just back-burnered the taper and held there for 8 months.  I never experienced any "tolerance wd".


WBB - sorry about your injury and pain :(

Anne, I have not given one thought to tolerance wd, maybe I am warped or something, but it has not affected me either and I have been at this for a very long time off and on, and I would think with being so low, you would be out of the woods, Valley what do you think? Gosh Lynn, I am awake today or so it seems, everything is clear and just where I have been no ones knows :idiot:, but you have dropped a lot and you deserve a big pat on the back My Friend. so here goes {{{{PAT,PAT}}}} :smitten:
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Hi guys... just popping in... Have been too taxed and very sick to type much....but I have a chemistry question if any one can answer... Is Valium considered more sedating and depressing as I've heard from some because of its long half life? 


For instance kolonopin has a half life I believe of 50 hours and I think Valium is 100 hours?  kolonopin is considered stronger but what makes it so?  I always thought half life had a lot to do with it... And if you are a poor metabolizer I would only think that makes it all the more worse as more is being built up than is evenly being metabolized  out ( I think this is happening to me) which can cause adverse reactions....


I also hear of one drug having anxiolytic properties while another has sedative and hypnotic... I don't think these are all one and the same?


So if you are holding for awhile in a circumstance like this; I'm not sure of the impact .... But just curious if any one knows...


It just seems like Valium gets a strong rap for the sedation but its considered the weakest? This is so confusing to me...


I know there's a lot of smart people on here :).    Thank you for reading and I hope my long winded question makes sense  :P

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Hi guys... just popping in... Have been too taxed and very sick to type much....but I have a chemistry question if any one can answer... Is Valium considered more sedating and depressing as I've heard from some because of its long half life? 


For instance kolonopin has a half life I believe of 50 hours and I think Valium is 100 hours?  kolonopin is considered stronger but what makes it so?  I always thought half life had a lot to do with it... And if you are a poor metabolizer I would only think that makes it all the more worse as more is being built up than is evenly being metabolized  out ( I think this is happening to me) which can cause adverse reactions....


I also hear of one drug having anxiolytic properties while another has sedative and hypnotic... I don't think these are all one and the same?


So if you are holding for awhile in a circumstance like this; I'm not sure of the impact .... But just curious if any one knows...


It just seems like Valium gets a strong rap for the sedation but its considered the weakest? This is so confusing to me...


I know there's a lot of smart people on here :).    Thank you for reading and I hope my long winded question makes sense  :P

Hi Please.  I'll try to answer the best I can. V is a relatively weak benzo that has a half life of 80-200 hours. That just means that it is supposed to be easy to taper as there shouldn't be IDWD. It has been used mainly as a sedative/hypnotic/muscle relaxant. The other benzos are shorter acting but more potent than V meaning you may feel different on a stranger short acting benzo than V. K also has a fairly long half life and is indicated for treating seizures. It seems to work on serotonin also which is why I think many struggle so much with it. The sedation of V becomes less the longer you're on it so you may feel the sedation initially and have it wear off.  The bottom line though is that they all suck when you have to taper off.  :)--V

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Hi guys... just popping in... Have been too taxed and very sick to type much....but I have a chemistry question if any one can answer... Is Valium considered more sedating and depressing as I've heard from some because of its long half life? 


For instance kolonopin has a half life I believe of 50 hours and I think Valium is 100 hours?  kolonopin is considered stronger but what makes it so?  I always thought half life had a lot to do with it... And if you are a poor metabolizer I would only think that makes it all the more worse as more is being built up than is evenly being metabolized  out ( I think this is happening to me) which can cause adverse reactions....


I also hear of one drug having anxiolytic properties while another has sedative and hypnotic... I don't think these are all one and the same?


So if you are holding for awhile in a circumstance like this; I'm not sure of the impact .... But just curious if any one knows...


It just seems like Valium gets a strong rap for the sedation but its considered the weakest? This is so confusing to me...


I know there's a lot of smart people on here :).    Thank you for reading and I hope my long winded question makes sense  :P

Hi Please.  I'll try to answer the best I can. V is a relatively weak benzo that has a half life of 80-200 hours. That just means that it is supposed to be easy to taper as there shouldn't be IDWD. It has been used mainly as a sedative/hypnotic/muscle relaxant. The other benzos are shorter acting but more potent than V meaning you may feel different on a stranger short acting benzo than V. K also has a fairly long half life and is indicated for treating seizures. It seems to work on serotonin also which is why I think many struggle so much with it. The sedation of V becomes less the longer you're on it so you may feel the sedation initially and have it wear off.  The bottom line though is that they all suck when you have to taper off.  :)--V


V- thank you for the great explanation.. and yes you are right about your last statement and that's putting it mildly...


I am sorry you hit a rough patch recently..... but you are strong and I know you will persevere ....

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Hi guys... just popping in... Have been too taxed and very sick to type much....but I have a chemistry question if any one can answer... Is Valium considered more sedating and depressing as I've heard from some because of its long half life? 


For instance kolonopin has a half life I believe of 50 hours and I think Valium is 100 hours?  kolonopin is considered stronger but what makes it so?  I always thought half life had a lot to do with it... And if you are a poor metabolizer I would only think that makes it all the more worse as more is being built up than is evenly being metabolized  out ( I think this is happening to me) which can cause adverse reactions....


I also hear of one drug having anxiolytic properties while another has sedative and hypnotic... I don't think these are all one and the same?


So if you are holding for awhile in a circumstance like this; I'm not sure of the impact .... But just curious if any one knows...


It just seems like Valium gets a strong rap for the sedation but its considered the weakest? This is so confusing to me...


I know there's a lot of smart people on here :).    Thank you for reading and I hope my long winded question makes sense  :P

Hi Please.  I'll try to answer the best I can. V is a relatively weak benzo that has a half life of 80-200 hours. That just means that it is supposed to be easy to taper as there shouldn't be IDWD. It has been used mainly as a sedative/hypnotic/muscle relaxant. The other benzos are shorter acting but more potent than V meaning you may feel different on a stranger short acting benzo than V. K also has a fairly long half life and is indicated for treating seizures. It seems to work on serotonin also which is why I think many struggle so much with it. The sedation of V becomes less the longer you're on it so you may feel the sedation initially and have it wear off.  The bottom line though is that they all suck when you have to taper off.  :)--V


V- thank you for the great explanation.. and yes you are right about your last statement and that's putting it mildly...


I am sorry you hit a rough patch recently..... but you are strong and I know you will persevere ....

Thanks Please. I haven't had it too rough. I just get nervous when I feel an uptick in sxs as I got slammed so hard in the past so I fear the lag time more than anything else. I realise I'm actually feeling better as I taper when I look at it objectively.  :)--V

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Hi guys... just popping in... Have been too taxed and very sick to type much....but I have a chemistry question if any one can answer... Is Valium considered more sedating and depressing as I've heard from some because of its long half life? 


For instance kolonopin has a half life I believe of 50 hours and I think Valium is 100 hours?  kolonopin is considered stronger but what makes it so?  I always thought half life had a lot to do with it... And if you are a poor metabolizer I would only think that makes it all the more worse as more is being built up than is evenly being metabolized  out ( I think this is happening to me) which can cause adverse reactions....


I also hear of one drug having anxiolytic properties while another has sedative and hypnotic... I don't think these are all one and the same?


So if you are holding for awhile in a circumstance like this; I'm not sure of the impact .... But just curious if any one knows...


It just seems like Valium gets a strong rap for the sedation but its considered the weakest? This is so confusing to me...


I know there's a lot of smart people on here :).    Thank you for reading and I hope my long winded question makes sense  :P

Hi Please.  I'll try to answer the best I can. V is a relatively weak benzo that has a half life of 80-200 hours. That just means that it is supposed to be easy to taper as there shouldn't be IDWD. It has been used mainly as a sedative/hypnotic/muscle relaxant. The other benzos are shorter acting but more potent than V meaning you may feel different on a stranger short acting benzo than V. K also has a fairly long half life and is indicated for treating seizures. It seems to work on serotonin also which is why I think many struggle so much with it. The sedation of V becomes less the longer you're on it so you may feel the sedation initially and have it wear off.  The bottom line though is that they all suck when you have to taper off.  :)--V


V- thank you for the great explanation.. and yes you are right about your last statement and that's putting it mildly...


I am sorry you hit a rough patch recently..... but you are strong and I know you will persevere ....

Thanks Please. I haven't had it too rough. I just get nervous when I feel an uptick in sxs as I got slammed so hard in the past so I fear the lag time more than anything else. I realise I'm actually feeling better as I taper when I look at it objectively.  :)--V


That's so good to hear V! I understand what you're saying...this whole thing is kind of like playing chess in a way... The sxs make a move and then you have to figure out what your next move is going to be....it will be wonderful when you can say checkmate!


What other drug on the planet can cause a person to constantly guess what their next step is going to be? Its like your constantly trying to outwit the drug.... The most craziest experience ever...


Unfortunately for me, I am in a constant severe withdrawal state and being paradoxical to a drug... I keep taking it only for the fear that the w/d sxs will get even worse if I don't....I truly know what hell is...


If I survive it will only be by the grace of God....the suffering is enormous..


Its good to know that although you have your blips the overall picture is good.... Keep going!

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Wanna, Hi there, have not spoken to you in ages, but do not worry, I was referring to those who are misusing Opiates to get through Acute, and it is not just one person it is more than is warrented. Valley said it very well in his last post.


Anne since I started the liq taper in Jan 2016. I have had to up dose twice, the first from the rigors of changing from dry cutting to liquid, it is real how sick it can make you, remember I was on a low cut, but oh the nausea was horrible, but up dosed just a bit and stabilised and was able to finish my first liq taper in a stages, but it worked, then my two month hold, then I went through a real bad patch of dizziness, and it was not like my ear disease Meniere's at all, it was horrible, holding on to walls and almost face planting, but a good friend advised me to up dose and I did and whoa did it make a difference, it was only a little bit of  a mg, but it worked and I was able to go on my little road to benzo freedom, I guess like Valley and Lynn and others here and you I just want to be functional, I have no bus to catch. I am a true advocate of the long holds, even if I am cutting down to one month hold.


Valley you know me well enough, but for the longest time I have felt that the FDA and the makers of Valium and the other Benzo's have used some plant with hideous aftereffects when we try to get off, there is nothing that will convince me that a true poisoning has been done to our wonderful brains, just think, it is asleep for so long on these drugs, I keep in mind what they did to prisoners in Memphis Tn, years ago, they injected them with Syphilis without their knowledge so they could test Penicillin and other drugs, we are struggling against a force of nature, that I know is the hardest thing we will ever go through. I'm just saying, know you know for sure that I am completely benzo nuts. :crazy::D


Lynn thanks for the support from my last post, but I needed to say what I did, because of being followed around and mocked when I had threads that I have since closed down, by the one that suggested the other get off, I am just tired of standing back, and I am not going down without a word or two. :D:smitten:


Hi BeGood,


Thank you for sharing about your up doses.  Yes, it is preferable to being nonfunctional.  The small up dose back in June really turned things around for me.  I was not able to leave the house due to the lightheadedness and other symptoms. I even had several weeks where I felt completely normal, so I started to cut again.  I am feeling a lot better today.  I am glad you are also doing better.  I suppose the blips are to be expected.  Like Valley, I get a bit nervous when symptoms do crop up, because I have also been hit pretty hard in the past, the worst being in May/June. 


In my case, I think I need to reduce my cuts to no more than 5 or 10% a month.  Most likely 5%.  Gone are the days when I could cut 20% a month. 


I wish you a great evening!!


Hugs to you,

Anne  :smitten:

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Your experience of feeling great and forgetting about your taper hit home with me.  The same thing happened last year when I dropped from 8mg to 1mg.  I felt absolutely terrific.  The best in 25yrs.  I just back-burnered the taper and held there for 8 months.  I never experienced any "tolerance wd".


WBB - sorry about your injury and pain :(


How wonderful!!  Well, that is more proof that long holds can turn things around for many of us.

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Hi Anne,

When I started doing my liquid taper, I noticed that I was not doing well, so as I went along, Free mentioned to me, that I perhaps needed to not cut as much, so I went down to half the amt each day of my taper, and it made all the difference in the World, so I do not think that I will ever be able to taper and hold for a few days, it will be a 13 or 14 day taper, and then hold, the only change I will be holding only for 1 month, not two. So I agree with you not trying to keep the same pace, our Brain will dictate how you taper for sure, I have found this out the hard way, like I usually do. I think now that you have a new plan it will even out. :thumbsup::smitten: 


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Hello  everyone,

Hope everyone is having a good day.

I think I am on a different time zone, or somethin, than the rest of you because I seem to come into the forum after everyone has finished their conversations. Oh well, no matter, I am here now.


I have had  many more good days lately.  I attribute it to my hold.


But even with good days, lately, more often than not,  I wake up feeling ok, but at about 3 or 4 o'clock, like clockwork, I begin to feel side effects ramping up. They remain moderately bad for about 4 hours, until about 7 or 8 pm and then they go away again or deminish grately, and usually stay away for the rest of the night.

What is it about the late afternoons that make everything worse?

I don't get it.

Is it because I am just tired out at this time of day?

Is it just the nature of the beast?


Does this pattern occur with any else here? What's going on?


Heath :crazy::o  :o


BeGood,  now you have a picture of shoes by your name. NICE SHOES. I'd like a pair like that but they'd probably kill by feet!glad you are back to feeling good again.


Lynn, BeGood, Anne, When I start to cut again, I'm going to make my micro taper really really very micro just like you friends (even just small cuts probably will still slay me) so teeny tiny micro is how I will go.


Easy going and peace to everyone!



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What time do you eat?  I have this sometimes in the week or two after a cut.  Food (often ice cream!) tends to fix me up.  Sometimes I have a cup of decaf and that seems to help.  I think my problem is a combo of being tired and needing some food.

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Hi Anne,

When I started doing my liquid taper, I noticed that I was not doing well, so as I went along, Free mentioned to me, that I perhaps needed to not cut as much, so I went down to half the amt each day of my taper, and it made all the difference in the World, so I do not think that I will ever be able to taper and hold for a few days, it will be a 13 or 14 day taper, and then hold, the only change I will be holding only for 1 month, not two. So I agree with you not trying to keep the same pace, our Brain will dictate how you taper for sure, I have found this out the hard way, like I usually do. I think now that you have a new plan it will even out. :thumbsup::smitten: 



You are right BeGood.  At the beginning of my taper I cut about 10% every two weeks.  It was rough, but I did reduce my dose by about 67% in about a 5 month period.  Looking back, I realize that I went too fast.  I was only able to reduce my dose by about 34% over the next 6 months.  Then I had to up dose back in June. So, I have only cut about 18% since last November.  It is discouraging, but I think that if I reduce by much less and incorporate some holds, it should get better. I hope so anyway. 


Thank you for your wonderful support.

Anne  :smitten: :smitten:

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