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I never had burning with Valium. And I have akways  been in Valium and nothing else. Everyone is differen. Everyone has different wdfx. I know some people have posted that they have burning, and I feel sorry that they are experiencing that. But it doesn't mean you will have  the same symptoms. Don't let these things scare you. Everyone is different and everyone heals differently.


Heathcliff :smitten:

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Heathcliff ..... So great a good day! Wow..... Happy for you. I'm envious that you have gotten to a low dose. I don't think I'd feel so bad about holding if I was on a lesser dose , as it is I'm stuck at 8.5 mg and can't reduce further which makes me feel like I'll never get there.

Sometimes I think I should just jump in and get lower and then hold, but I don't know if I could bear the symptoms , they are bad enough as it is.





Please don't be envious of my being at a low dose. You will get there too. Just be patient and don't try to rush it. Or You will only lose time in the long run. That's what happened to me.

I have been at 1.2 for a very long time because I rushed and wound up losing time because of the rush. I had to hold twice for two months.

So listen to your body and wait until you feel stable before you cut again.

And if you wait until you are really stable before you cut, you may even be able to mske a little bit bigger cut next time, because you will have let your brain catch up and heal.


As Begood says, Slow and steady wins the race!


Heathcliff :smitten::thumbsup:

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What's this about a Facebook group for benzo people? I'd love to join? Is it open to others? What are the rules? I don't want to butt in or to rain on your parade, but I am interested in any and all resources.


Thanks Heath

Careful Heath, I have not heard good things about that group, I read here and I know some that left there because of poor advice and badgering, I would rethink that just like you had to rethink how you would do your taper. Just my thoughts, you are over 21yrs old I assume. :):smitten:
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What's considered slow as I start up my daily liquid microtaper again?  I had a plan to c/c/c/h/h/h .1 ml from 60 ml which is .002 mg klonopin per cut. Is this how slow you folks who are doing well have done it?
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Ps Valley Um..... I have friends in my Facebook support group who just plowed through to get off and are suffering horribly now after finishing their taper..... I think that's worse , better to heal on the way down of possible. I think you know when you are healing as you reduce right?  :thumbsup:

Hi Miyu. Yes. You should be able to tell you're healing on the way down. In my experience, you feel a little better as you continue to cut.  :)--V

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What's considered slow as I start up my daily liquid microtaper again?  I had a plan to c/c/c/h/h/h .1 ml from 60 ml which is .002 mg klonopin per cut. Is this how slow you folks who are doing well have done it?

Hi Liza.  I see SG gave an answer about this question and indicated to lower the rate and cut daily. Since I'm new into the MT process, this has me thinking also as I'm holding every 5 to 10 days. I think the cut rate varies greatly between people so I wouldn't worry about how much you're cutting or how long it will take to get off as long as you can get back on track and feel better.  :)--V

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I would recommend against the group on FB called BPM "Benzo and Psych Med Withdrawal". There is another one run by Gidget Day that advocates spending thousands to have genetic testing and mineral testing and taking supplements. Most of those people are off benzos though.
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Hi BeGood,


You gave me a good laugh today when you asked if I was over 21 !  That was funny because I am way over 21.


You are right about the Facebook page. No offense to anyone who uses it, but I am going to stay right here with Benzo Buddies as I have gotten the best advice I could ever ask for right here. Don't need any other place for advice. This support group has been a life saver. So why look any place else!?  Thanks for opening my eyes.


  I trust that you are still walking through your taper with only little blips?

Have a great day!     

Heath  :smitten:

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Thank you again Valley Um and Heathcliff. This is a great support group! I just want to say on the FB group, the one I'm in is a lovely group of people ,so supportive and never judgemental  at all.

Before I could find my way around BB, they were my primary support and I got lots  of good help there.

it's called ' benzodiazapene withdrawal solutions and recovery " many people there use BB also and the admin are very helpful in directing people to BB groups, they sent me here :)

However, I  was in a FB group , name I can't remember, I was in it a day and it was so horrible I left immediately . So , that's my experience Heath. I love the people Inmy group there, much love and support, like here  :smitten:


Ps in general they don't say or discuss long holds much, so I'm really grateful for this group and everyone's experience in this area, it's what I needed to feel safe in holding  :smitten:

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I think the folks at Benzo Withdrawal Solutions and Recovery are great. And they frequently point people here. That's why I was curious what the "bad" one was. Because so far that group seems fine.


Information is less organized there and BB is easier to search, etc. So I'll always prefer BB. But that FB group has its merits.

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Hi All,,

Well I am so grateful for my three days of feeling alive and good and being able to get out and have fun with different people! I didn't think these days would ever come.


But today my wonderful respite from many withdrawal wdfx has ended. With a bang!


Feeling sickish, slightly nauseated, sweaty,on and off, some unbalance,  crampy tummy, and intrusive thoughts of hopelessness and doom. Just really down. Somehow the bad days feel much worse after I've been in a three day window!


But I know it is to be expected. And I know it will get better again.


Time, patience, holding and waiting.


Oh how I wish healing was linear! I hope I can survive this! But I am hanging in!


Heath :o???:-[


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Hi All,,

Well I am so grateful for my three days of feeling alive and good and being able to get out and have fun with different people! I didn't think these days would ever come.


But today my wonderful respite from many withdrawal wdfx has ended. With a bang!


Feeling sickish, slightly nauseated, sweaty,on and off, some unbalance,  crampy tummy, and intrusive thoughts of hopelessness and doom. Just really down. Somehow the bad days feel much worse after I've been in a three day window!


But I know it is to be expected. And I know it will get better again.


Time, patience, holding and waiting.


Oh how I wish healing was linear! I hope I can survive this! But I am hanging in!


Heath :o???:-[

Heath this song has helped me at times when I needed to be a little stronger.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8qDOGLCSFo&list=RDe8qDOGLCSFo 
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Hi All,,

Well I am so grateful for my three days of feeling alive and good and being able to get out and have fun with different people! I didn't think these days would ever come.


But today my wonderful respite from many withdrawal wdfx has ended. With a bang!


Feeling sickish, slightly nauseated, sweaty,on and off, some unbalance,  crampy tummy, and intrusive thoughts of hopelessness and doom. Just really down. Somehow the bad days feel much worse after I've been in a three day window!


But I know it is to be expected. And I know it will get better again.


Time, patience, holding and waiting.


Oh how I wish healing was linear! I hope I can survive this! But I am hanging in!


Heath :o???:-[


I'm so glad to hear this. Keep doing what you're doing. Enjoy the time while you have it. Hopefully it lasts a while.

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I don't know what I did to deserve such a caring and sincere friend onBB. But you have been a true life saver for me in so many ways.


The fight song is one of my favorites, but I do not have it recorded on my iPad. But now it is at my finger tips whenever I need it. And need it I do! Very often!


Thank you so very very much for the link and for your kind and caring posts, encouragement and support.


I hope the sun always shines on you and that your taper goes forever smooth and easy. I know you are not in a hurry, but....may you be off this stuff really really fast with a super clean and easy jump!


Sending hugs and gratitude abounding!


Heath :smitten: :smitten:

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Thanks Heath, you got this. And I will be here when instead of watching you Jump, I will watch you Gently Walk Off, I like this term much better, and that is what I am using for My Time.  :smitten::thumbsup::smitten: 
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Hi All,,

Well I am so grateful for my three days of feeling alive and good and being able to get out and have fun with different people! I didn't think these days would ever come.


But today my wonderful respite from many withdrawal wdfx has ended. With a bang!


Feeling sickish, slightly nauseated, sweaty,on and off, some unbalance,  crampy tummy, and intrusive thoughts of hopelessness and doom. Just really down. Somehow the bad days feel much worse after I've been in a three day window!


But I know it is to be expected. And I know it will get better again.


Time, patience, holding and waiting.


Oh how I wish healing was linear! I hope I can survive this! But I am hanging in!


Heath :o???:-[

So good to hear about the good days Heath! :thumbsup:

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I thought I was the only one. I noticed a day before my period I was exhausted, more than usual. The day I started, I couldn't get up. I slept all day. The next day I got up, and it seemed all my symptoms had come back, including anxiety and dizziness. It's been awful. From no symptoms to full blown anxiety, depression, body aches, dizzy spells, and the list goes on. I woke up this morning, still a little antsy, but it seems to be calming...or I hope so anyway. So glad this group is here for support. Feels good to know I'm not alone.
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You are definitely not alone. It's pretty obvious that hormones can have a big impact on tapering/withdrawal/recovery. Just another insult to injury  :tickedoff:


If you read back through the pages of this group you'll see that we've all experienced the same things you are...you aren't imagining it. For me, it's getting better (at a snails pace) but better just the same  :thumbsup:

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You bet BeGood!  And everyone else here,


A walk, or even a gentle stroll. :thumbsup:


Jump is no longer in my vocabulary!


Heath.  :smitten:


Oh, and From the way I woke up this morning, it looks like another good day is in front of me. Keeping my hopes up high. Actually going to the gym.







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