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Morning Sc l hope you have a better day today.l know you are feeling awful and scared as we all are however you will get off these drugs as so many have before you.Hang on and know you are making the right decision for your health.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Good morning LHSG hoping all here have a better day.

  Lady Mary hoping you are well and you have no more sucky migraines.Definitely seems to come in waves l wish you could find the trigger sadly l can't see what it is.l have my fingers crossed they ease off as time passes.Wait for it love you my Duchess Mary 😳😳😳😳 X

  Intend you can be dumberer l have been waiting for an application so there you go.Wear it with pride 😀. Now go out and get your laptop and treat yourself you will learn how to use it.love to you.

  Trish way to go girl.You will be fine start journaling and get a feel for your withdrawal pattern.You can do this twiny don't doubt yourself and if you see a shadowy figure sneaking into your house don't panic it's just me stealing that damn bp cuff 😉.l hope you didn't get eaten by the bear love you twiny.

  Gilly you definitely have an improvement as the day wears on if you could find a distraction in the morning you would feel a lot better.Any thoughts on that.Hang on my love.Sending you a hug.

  Esperanza you said it all in your brilliant post well said.I am glad to see you posting more.I hope the allergies ease off my love.Love you my hillbilly friend.

  Bill it's great you are able to work.A slight window is better than no window.Keep posting mate we are rooting for you.

  Hi T l hope you are holding your own today.You will get back to your baseline and back to living your life.love to you.

Love and hugs Stut X


Duchess, I like it but Lady really sounded more like me.  You sound better.  Just the thought of getting a break is probably helping your sxs ease up.  I am so glad you were able to work that out!!  My migraines do seem to be in a pattern.  Two months, I do great, one month sucks, beats the hell out of all months sucking. Its weird too, come on about nap time, ease in afternoon and are coming back in my sleep which is not good, may have to change some of my daytime Valium to night.  The best things for migraines is good sleep.  Well, we all sent Can't off with  a have a good time but be careful  :laugh: :laugh:  I love the way his mind works.  This is funny, Scardie ask me last night why they call me Lady Mary.  I will tell her today, I am actually royalty but keep it to herself, but it really just means I will be your unpaid maid if I show up in Ireland.  Hope you have a decent day my Queen, pets for The Muffin ( how is she), Daisy and Socks.  A definite hello to sis.  Love you much, Hmmm Duchess Mary?..    I can't help it, I like Lady Mary  :laugh: :laugh:    🐱🐕🐶🐾🐾🐾🐾.    🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉

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Rise and shine LHSG

Bill, have a good day off, hope that window opens up  :)

Espy, are the allergies any better my cousin? ❤️

English, hope your morning improves....pets for Tilly 🐱🐾🐾🐾

Trishy, don't let the bear get you 🐻Remember, you only have to outrun the person next to you  :laugh:

T, hope your days are improving, glad you are here 🌺

Intend, you are so smart, go get that instruction manual and let me know how easy or hard you are finding it, love you, Dan and Pepper 🌹🌹 🐱🐾🐾 ⛓🛠🔧

Scardie, you can do this, hold tight 💜 Word of the day , stable  ;)

MiYu, hope you are feeling better  :)

Love you all, Mary. 🐝🌺🌼🌹🌻🌷🦋

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Good morning LHSG hoping all here have a better day.

  Lady Mary hoping you are well and you have no more sucky migraines.Definitely seems to come in waves l wish you could find the trigger sadly l can't see what it is.l have my fingers crossed they ease off as time passes.Wait for it love you my Duchess Mary 😳😳😳😳 X

  Intend you can be dumberer l have been waiting for an application so there you go.Wear it with pride 😀. Now go out and get your laptop and treat yourself you will learn how to use it.love to you.

  Trish way to go girl.You will be fine start journaling and get a feel for your withdrawal pattern.You can do this twiny don't doubt yourself and if you see a shadowy figure sneaking into your house don't panic it's just me stealing that damn bp cuff 😉.l hope you didn't get eaten by the bear love you twiny.

  Gilly you definitely have an improvement as the day wears on if you could find a distraction in the morning you would feel a lot better.Any thoughts on that.Hang on my love.Sending you a hug.

  Esperanza you said it all in your brilliant post well said.I am glad to see you posting more.I hope the allergies ease off my love.Love you my hillbilly friend.

  Bill it's great you are able to work.A slight window is better than no window.Keep posting mate we are rooting for you.

  Hi T l hope you are holding your own today.You will get back to your baseline and back to living your life.love to you.

Love and hugs Stut X


Duchess, I like it but Lady really sounded more like me.  You sound better.  Just the thought of getting a break is probably helping your sxs ease up.  I am so glad you were able to work that out!!  My migraines do seem to be in a pattern.  Two months, I do great, one month sucks, beats the hell out of all months sucking. Its weird too, come on about nap time, ease in afternoon and are coming back in my sleep which is not good, may have to change some of my daytime Valium to night.  The best things for migraines is good sleep.  Well, we all sent Can't off with  a have a good time but be careful  :laugh: :laugh:  I love the way his mind works.  This is funny, Scardie ask me last night why they call me Lady Mary.  I will tell her today, I am actually royalty but keep it to herself, but it really just means I will be your unpaid maid if I show up in Ireland.  Hope you have a decent day my Queen, pets for The Muffin ( how is she), Daisy and Socks.  A definite hello to sis.  Love you much, Hmmm Duchess Mary?..    I can't help it, I like Lady Mary  :laugh: :laugh:    🐱🐕🐶🐾🐾🐾🐾.    🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉

  I don't like it either it just hasn't got the same flow to it my lady Mary however l promised you higher ranking and it's the top of the chain.

  I hope Can't hasn't taken on too much honestly he is either full throttle or full stop.l hope he doesn't wear himself out.l miss him when he isn't here he is hilarious !!!!.

  I think my love the antibiotics are helping more than anything else l know l haven't been feeling very well now l think it was the uti on top of withdrawal that was making me feel so ill as l say it's hard to know when you are actually sick or just in a wave.l ain't feeling great but slightly better also looking forward to seeing my daughter that is always a bonus.

.. Maybe playing around with the dosing times will help anything is worth trying at this stage.Give it a go and see how it goes.l have my fingers crossed my love.

  Muffin is great at the moment she will have a ball when we get down south to the beach then we will get that leg moving.She is moving not too bad and not on any meds so all in all better than we thought.

  When is your next appointment for your eyes is it next week?

. love you my Duchess Mary ( don't like it 😖)

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Stut, next eye appointment with an optometrist to get tested for reading glasses, I just don't like the drugstore ones, the lenses all seem to be so cheap.  I will set that up soon.  Could be part of migraines problems, who knows :(. You have a good day, a walk with the baby if Poff with sis. We all love you, your Lady Mary ❤️🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉.    Winter is Coming.        :yippee: :yippee:
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Stut, next eye appointment with an optometrist to get tested for reading glasses, I just don't like the drugstore ones, the lenses all seem to be so cheap.  I will set that up soon.  Could be part of migraines problems, who knows :(. You have a good day, a walk with the baby if Poff with sis. We all love you, your Lady Mary ❤️🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉.    Winter is Coming.        :yippee: :yippee:

  You know nothing Jon Snow 🐲🐲🐲.

  Good get the appointment on l do think it will help.Now you look after yourself today as well as you do everyone here and l will be a happy Queen.

  Love you my lady Mary (much better)

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Stut, next eye appointment with an optometrist to get tested for reading glasses, I just don't like the drugstore ones, the lenses all seem to be so cheap.  I will set that up soon.  Could be part of migraines problems, who knows :(. You have a good day, a walk with the baby if Poff with sis. We all love you, your Lady Mary ❤️🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉.    Winter is Coming.        :yippee: :yippee:

  You know nothing Jon Snow 🐲🐲🐲.

  Good get the appointment on l do think it will help.Now you look after yourself today as well as you do everyone here and l will be a happy Queen.

  Love you my lady Mary (much better)

  Love and hugs Stut X

  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:  Joe's on!

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All engines full astern here... What a crap day... -well lack of is the problem, my GI has the anchor out... Damn pain meds...



So yes, all packed here, and off at 4am.. Spreading some ashes at "the" waterfall (Gardeners Falls, -who knew Gardie was famous..??) at dawn, Then up to Rainbow Beach to camp...


Today was the first day my kids realy showed they are over my WD too.. One of the hardest aspects...


I hope Everyone starts to feel better soon, real soon...

Will catch up when back...






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All engines full astern here... What a crap day... -well lack of is the problem, my GI has the anchor out... Damn pain meds...



So yes, all packed here, and off at 4am.. Spreading some ashes at "the" waterfall (Gardeners Falls, -who knew Gardie was famous..??) at dawn, Then up to Rainbow Beach to camp...


Today was the first day my kids realy showed they are over my WD too.. One of the hardest aspects...


I hope Everyone starts to feel better soon, real soon...

Will catch up when back...



  Oh Can't l am rooting for you mate will be thinking of you over the weekend.Put the pedal to the mettle and let it rip.

..let us know how it goes we will miss you here.Just a side bar here give the boys a kick up the ass as they're walking past.Just a suggestion.

. love and hugs Stut X

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All engines full astern here... What a crap day... -well lack of is the problem, my GI has the anchor out... Damn pain meds...



So yes, all packed here, and off at 4am.. Spreading some ashes at "the" waterfall (Gardeners Falls, -who knew Gardie was famous..??) at dawn, Then up to Rainbow Beach to camp...


Today was the first day my kids realy showed they are over my WD too.. One of the hardest aspects...


I hope Everyone starts to feel better soon, real soon...

Will catch up when back...




Garden Falls sounds lovely, The Mim 💜

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Hello All. Not having a good day but I think it is better than yesterday. Done some housework and now I'm going to rest. Love and Hugs. Gilly 💙💚
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Late morning all.

Thanks for encouragement Stut.

My lady, Mary, did I read you right, you’re actually royalty? Can’t tell if you guys are joking around or not, but cool!

Gilly, glad your doing better. My plan, get off here & go tend to my basic needs & responsibilities.

Can’t, I don’t know what your up to, but best wishes & hope you’re well.

Trishy, I pmd you.

Hope everyone has lovely day & weekend.💕


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Today is a major milestone. I just noticed we have hit page 3000. Is that a record for support groups? We are either the most knowledgeable group, or the ones with the biggest mouths. 🎈🎊🎉🎆🎇🍾anyway, here’s to us!!!! Long may we hold(or not). Good going Trishy. The Bear is a sign. I made that up. Everyone has said all this nice stuff about me today. Is there something I don’t know? Am I dead, and just haven’t noticed yet? I am usually called -itch by those who know me, but witch is good. I am a good witch, most of the time. I love the shoes. Biographical information for newbie support: I was born in the Kentucky mountains. Hence, my nicknames hillbilly and Ky. Derby. Mary and I are the cousins because are families come from the Appalachian Mountains where everybody is some degree of a distant cousin, if you go back far enough. We eat tomato sandwiches and cornbread instead of scones and biscuits. We do have biscuits, but they are for holding gravy. Other members can fill you in on the twins, the dumb and dumber, and the various royalties. It all falls into place pretty easily. We try to avoid complexity as much as possible. Our tapering brains don’t need too much to juggle. Esperanza
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Espy, thanks for filling me in. Still don’t get the royalty thing.  You sound really good. I hope I can remember all you just shared. Healing thoughts to you, kind hillbilly friend. Yore so nurturing, though, I think I’ll call you Kentucky or hillbilly mama! Lol


Healing hugs all SC

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One thing to remember, Scardie, sounding good doesn’t mean I am good. I am not. So, don’t think what you feel now is just you. Don’t fall into the trap of comparing yourself. Everyone on B.B. is here because this is a horrific process. We make jokes and talk about other things, but that is a means of coping. Please don’t think your situation is unique. I am being very honest when I say it is not. You said you had a history of depression. Is it possible that you are seeing your withdrawal symptoms as a confirmation of illness? My doctor tried to lead me down that road. After seeing the evidence of what Benzos can do, I had a much different perception of what was really going on with my mental health. I don’t know if this applies to you, only you can say. But, when I look back at who I was before medication, I think what I thought was depression and anxiety was just a variation of normal human emotional response. After being medicated, I found out what true depression and anxiety really are. And it was nothing I had felt before. Just something to think about. Even people prone to depression, do not typically suffer to this level all the time. Withdrawal is making you depressed, as it does most everyone.Espy
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Well said Esperanza and yeah to us.l think it is definitely to do with the size of our mouths 😀.

  Sc there is a lot of royalty on here so start practicing your curtsey 😳.

  Well done Gilly now rest and enjoy your time with Dave.

  Lady Mary and Free dropped in to tell you the stars of GOT are in Belfast for a showing of the first episode of the new series.l am sitting here watching Jon Snow.🐲🐲🐲. Happy Days.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Hello All. Not having a good day but I think it is better than yesterday. Done some housework and now I'm going to rest. Love and Hugs. Gilly 💙💚

love ya English, come back later if you feel better, Mary 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐱
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Late morning all.

Thanks for encouragement Stut.

My lady, Mary, did I read you right, you’re actually royalty? Can’t tell if you guys are joking around or not, but cool!

Gilly, glad your doing better. My plan, get off here & go tend to my basic needs & responsibilities.

Can’t, I don’t know what your up to, but best wishes & hope you’re well.

Trishy, I pmd you.

Hope everyone has lovely day & weekend.💕

Thanks Scardie, no I am not royalty, it's a joke between me and Queen Stut ;)

Can't has taken his boy's on an outing this weekend


You have a good day too 🐝🌼🌷🍀🌹🌺🦋

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Hey there LHSG. Seems like there has been some fun going on here. I'm glad to see the joking and playing. It sure does help as we go through this.


I've been seeing a lot about changing generics. I have huge problems when the pharmacy changes my generic so I shopped around, called a lot of pharmacies (I hate making phone calls so you know I was desperate!), and found one that has a contract with a company for the next few years. I found out what the NDC (National Drug Code) was for my medication and had my pdoc write a prescription that said DAW (Dispense as written) and he put that code on there. It also works if you know the company, mine is Accord. If the doctor puts both on there they have to match or the pharmacy won't fill it. I have now been getting the same medication for over a year and every scrip my pdoc writes he makes sure to put the NDC along with DAW. So many letter, ahhhh. Anyway, I did a lot of research to get that information so I wanted to share it with all of you. Hope it is helpful for someone.


Scardie, oh this withdrawal process is messy. I don't think there are many days that are the same as the other, for me anyway. I was so sick yesterday that I didn't do much of anything except rush to the bathroom over and over. I've never experienced depression except when a medication has given it to me and these meds have done it in spades. Today I'm playing with anxiety, we're just having such a good time together  :idiot: I also have a pretty bad headache but I'm not sure if that's because of electrolyte imbalance from my bathroom issues or from allergies. I get migraines too but this doesn't really feel like one of those, thankfully. From all I have read that you have put out there I would really recommend, just my opinion, that you hold where you are until you stabilize and don't even worry about what you are going to do until you are stable. Once you are stable your brain should work better, hopefully, and it will be easier to make plans and figure out where you want to go from where you are. I have found that if I try to plan while I'm having intense withdrawal symptoms it makes me really anxious so I just wait, admittedly it can be hard because we want to know where we will be going next but I think you can do it. Just direct your brain in another direction with some sort of distraction.


I have seen a lot of references to GOT. I don't have HBO so my family and I are going to have to wait for the last season to come out in DVD, AHHHH. I've been seeing so many ads for it, I want to see it now!!!  :laugh:


Stephen Colbert is the host of The Late Show. We watch his monologues on YouTube all the time. He's really funny. I think that might be the Colbert they were talking about. If not I got nothin....


I'm so excited for Can't and that he is going on a camping trip with his boys. He has come so far and it's great to see what our futures hold....camping with Can't  :D:laugh:


I hope everyone has a wonderful day and a great weekend. My daughter and her fiance are coming over for lunch tomorrow. My daughter and I used to be best friends but she's so busy with her own life now I almost never see her. We adore her fiance though so it's all good. They grow up and move out and get on with their own lives. She's actually tapering off of Buspar right now and is taking it super slow so that she can function while going to college, working, and planning a wedding. I can't even imagine. I'm just glad she never took benzo's!!


Hugs and healing to everyone :hug::mybuddy:



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Today is a major milestone. I just noticed we have hit page 3000. Is that a record for support groups? We are either the most knowledgeable group, or the ones with the biggest mouths. 🎈🎊🎉🎆🎇🍾anyway, here’s to us!!!! Long may we hold(or not). Good going Trishy. The Bear is a sign. I made that up. Everyone has said all this nice stuff about me today. Is there something I don’t know? Am I dead, and just haven’t noticed yet? I am usually called -itch by those who know me, but witch is good. I am a good witch, most of the time. I love the shoes. Biographical information for newbie support: I was born in the Kentucky mountains. Hence, my nicknames hillbilly and Ky. Derby. Mary and I are the cousins because are families come from the Appalachian Mountains where everybody is some degree of a distant cousin, if you go back far enough. We eat tomato sandwiches and cornbread instead of scones and biscuits. We do have biscuits, but they are for holding gravy. Other members can fill you in on the twins, the dumb and dumber, and the various royalties. It all falls into place pretty easily. We try to avoid complexity as much as possible. Our tapering brains don’t need too much to juggle. Esperanza


Wonderful  post  :laugh: :laugh:  I noticed the 3000 pages too but not that it was more than any group.  We both know the answer to that question. It's mouths 👄  :laugh:.  We also feed our dogs cornbread because people where we came from couldn't afford dog food, according to my father, so Sly gets cornbread once in awhile  :D. No complexity and as little drama as we can get away with.  We say you are nicest person in our group, truly nice and we are so lucky to have you  :D :D :smitten: :smitten:      Mary 💜❤️

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Well said Esperanza and yeah to us.l think it is definitely to do with the size of our mouths 😀.

  Sc there is a lot of royalty on here so start practicing your curtsey 😳.

  Well done Gilly now rest and enjoy your time with Dave.

  Lady Mary and Free dropped in to tell you the stars of GOT are in Belfast for a showing of the first episode of the new series.l am sitting here watching Jon Snow.🐲🐲🐲. Happy Days.

  Love and hugs Stut X


OMG, I am watching a rerun right now :laugh: :laugh:  I wish I could come, damn. 

Winter is Coming, I want to come too  :D

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Well said Esperanza and yeah to us.l think it is definitely to do with the size of our mouths 😀.

  Sc there is a lot of royalty on here so start practicing your curtsey 😳.

  Well done Gilly now rest and enjoy your time with Dave.

  Lady Mary and Free dropped in to tell you the stars of GOT are in Belfast for a showing of the first episode of the new series.l am sitting here watching Jon Snow.🐲🐲🐲. Happy Days.

  Love and hugs Stut X

I am so jealous  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:
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Hey there LHSG. Seems like there has been some fun going on here. I'm glad to see the joking and playing. It sure does help as we go through this.


I've been seeing a lot about changing generics. I have huge problems when the pharmacy changes my generic so I shopped around, called a lot of pharmacies (I hate making phone calls so you know I was desperate!), and found one that has a contract with a company for the next few years. I found out what the NDC (National Drug Code) was for my medication and had my pdoc write a prescription that said DAW (Dispense as written) and he put that code on there. It also works if you know the company, mine is Accord. If the doctor puts both on there they have to match or the pharmacy won't fill it. I have now been getting the same medication for over a year and every scrip my pdoc writes he makes sure to put the NDC along with DAW. So many letter, ahhhh. Anyway, I did a lot of research to get that information so I wanted to share it with all of you. Hope it is helpful for someone.


Scardie, oh this withdrawal process is messy. I don't think there are many days that are the same as the other, for me anyway. I was so sick yesterday that I didn't do much of anything except rush to the bathroom over and over. I've never experienced depression except when a medication has given it to me and these meds have done it in spades. Today I'm playing with anxiety, we're just having such a good time together  :idiot: I also have a pretty bad headache but I'm not sure if that's because of electrolyte imbalance from my bathroom issues or from allergies. I get migraines too but this doesn't really feel like one of those, thankfully. From all I have read that you have put out there I would really recommend, just my opinion, that you hold where you are until you stabilize and don't even worry about what you are going to do until you are stable. Once you are stable your brain should work better, hopefully, and it will be easier to make plans and figure out where you want to go from where you are. I have found that if I try to plan while I'm having intense withdrawal symptoms it makes me really anxious so I just wait, admittedly it can be hard because we want to know where we will be going next but I think you can do it. Just direct your brain in another direction with some sort of distraction.


I have seen a lot of references to GOT. I don't have HBO so my family and I are going to have to wait for the last season to come out in DVD, AHHHH. I've been seeing so many ads for it, I want to see it now!!!  :laugh:


Stephen Colbert is the host of The Late Show. We watch his monologues on YouTube all the time. He's really funny. I think that might be the Colbert they were talking about. If not I got nothin....


I'm so excited for Can't and that he is going on a camping trip with his boys. He has come so far and it's great to see what our futures hold....camping with Can't  :D:laugh:


I hope everyone has a wonderful day and a great weekend. My daughter and her fiance are coming over for lunch tomorrow. My daughter and I used to be best friends but she's so busy with her own life now I almost never see her. We adore her fiance though so it's all good. They grow up and move out and get on with their own lives. She's actually tapering off of Buspar right now and is taking it super slow so that she can function while going to college, working, and planning a wedding. I can't even imagine. I'm just glad she never took benzo's!!


Hugs and healing to everyone :hug::mybuddy:




That was great information on the generic changes and how to try to handle them, we have a couple on this group and then the Teva group is all about that, it's awful.  Intend had been changed 6 times, this was around the time everyone started figuring out what the new sxs were and what was causing them, it was a disaster.  Your input will be greatly appreciated.

I am so sorry you were so sick yesterday, just sucks.

And yes Winter is Coming.  If you lived close by you could watch with me, I would not survive having to wait  :laugh:

Hope you have a good evening t, love Mary ❤️.          🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉

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