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Good morning LHSG......up and at'em, hope your weather is nice and a half way decent day is possible for us all

Trishy, I know you are off to work, hope you and the kiddos have a fun day...πŸ¦„πŸ­pets for Mykala ;)

Esperanza, my tiny cousin, hoping you have a break today and some time feeling decent πŸŒΊπŸŒΌπŸπŸ¦‹

Intend, my smart friend, hope things are well with you and Dan, and can never forget Pepper, love you

πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸ±πŸΎπŸΎβ›“πŸ› πŸ”§

English, hope your cut is settling down and you will be back with us soon.Β  Miss you my friend, pets and love for Tilly 🐱🐾🐾.Β  πŸπŸŒΉπŸŒ·πŸŒΊπŸŒ»πŸŒΌπŸ¦‹

Bill, so happy to have you here and your work day goes well.  Love Mary ❀️

T, happy you are here also, it's so nice to have new opinions and thoughts , thank youΒ  :D :D

Scardie, let's take some time today and appreciate the Universe supplying us with some more knowledge in the way of the people that have come back to the group ;):D

MiYu, miss you, hope you post soon........love you all Mary πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰.Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  πŸπŸŒΌπŸŒ»πŸŒΊπŸŒΉπŸŒ·πŸ„πŸ€πŸ¦‹

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I am going through a really bad time and I need some encouragement. Sorry to ask again.


I am right here my English.Β  I am so sorry, hold on, next time make sure they are giving you the same kind each month.Β  I know t told you or Scardie to keep looking til you find a pharmacy that will work with you.Β  I swear, pharmacies changing generics all the time should be illegal, it makes me so angry.

Or it should be a law, all generics be exactly like the original.Β  Who knew this crap could happenΒ  :tickedoff:Β  you have made it through many rough times and you will again.Β  Our group is growing and we will get new advice, which thrills me.Β  I love you girlfriend, and Tilly 🐱🐾, Dave's ok :laugh: :laugh:Β  Mary πŸπŸŒ·πŸŒΌπŸŒΉπŸ„πŸŒ»πŸ¦‹

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Good morning everyone!Β 


Gilly so sorry you are in a wave.Β  It feels awful but it will pass.Β  You are healing during a wave.


When our CNS is so sensitized very minor differences in meds seem to have an effect.Β  I wish there were better rules in place to be able to purchase the generic you want for psych drugs.Β  No reason you can’t


Big windstorm here cooled things off nicely.Β  Should be a nice few days in AZ.Β  I hope it’s good where you all are.


Feeling pretty good today, a little jumpy and on edge this morning, had a small panic attack when I woke with a start, but it cleared.Β  I seem to be going through the same sequence of symptoms I had last month.Β  That’s both annoying and reassuring, a mixed blessing.Β  Hopefully each go around will get better.


I hope everyone has an ok day







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Good morning everyone!Β 


Gilly so sorry you are in a wave.Β  It feels awful but it will pass.Β  You are healing during a wave.


When our CNS is so sensitized very minor differences in meds seem to have an effect.Β  I wish there were better rules in place to be able to purchase the generic you want for psych drugs.Β  No reason you can’t


Big windstorm here cooled things off nicely.Β  Should be a nice few days in AZ.Β  I hope it’s good where you all are.


Feeling pretty good today, a little jumpy and on edge this morning, had a small panic attack when I woke with a start, but it cleared.Β  I seem to be going through the same sequence of symptoms I had last month.Β  That’s both annoying and reassuring, a mixed blessing.Β  Hopefully each go around will get better.


I hope everyone has an ok day




Morning Bill, I am in Tx and Gilly is in England, I call her EnglishΒ  ;). She is strong, she will make it through this rough period.Β  Mary πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰. We are here for her.

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Good late morning lhsg. Please forgive if I don’t mention all names, am starting to have them sink back in, just having battle fatigue, so up front thanks, love & hugs to all.


Stut, yes, I believe I can do it, thanks for words of guidance & wisdom. My entire view is just warped right now, as am in acute Xanax withdrawal(short script stints then back to my norm-klonopin) while trying to figure out if should do another crossover as I can’t dry cut my generic k, with severe depression as main symptom. Oh & you’re right about not staying on here all day, I realized it after the fact yesterday... Bear with me. I’ll get there. Thank you


Mary, disregard what you already know, as I may have to catch tntd up a bit.


Mary, & tntd, thanks for offering? To help with dlmt with milk.

Tntd, youncan read my sig, but I’ve been on klonopin daily for 9 years. Teva until it was discontinued, then I crossed over to solco. I was on here trying to learn for awhile & then when I made my first cut, it was too big & simultaneously teva was discontinued. So I ended up reinstating, crossing over, going into a severe depression & decided to try & deal with that first, as well as many nuerologist appts. For my ms, before attempting another taper. My depression never improved. Well My p doc recently wrote me a couple of 2 week scripts for Xanax, instead of klonopin, as the Xanax really helped me calm down with the sobbing, panic, agoraphobia, severe depression, always with intention to stabilize & then taper off klonopin, not Xanax. I messed up trying that easy way out with Xanax & believe I’m in acute withdrawal from it right now day 5 without, but on klonopin 4 times per day, with....severe sobbing, can’t see the light depression as main withdrawal symptom.


Tntd & Mary this, I’m still torn on is where may be some more questions for you too.

I was extra panicked because, the .5mg solco manufacturer of clonazapam pill crumbles, if one tries to dry cut it & im on a very high daily dose of clonazapam. Total daily 4mg, so I was thinking that I should try to crossover to actavis manufacturer from solco to be able to have option of dry cutting, at least in the beginning to get my dose down. So I have some actavis in my possession as requested for a partial fill & was going to try to slowly integrate them instead of solco, maybe one pill at a time, month by month until I’m all the way over from solco to actavis. I tried a couple actavis over the past couple of days & found them very sedating & im already very unsteady, so decided to bail on that idea, at least for the time being, if not forever, so as not to further upset my CNS. Thus, if I stick with solco till the end, I can’t dry cut & that bothers me, but if I stabilize from my current situation & decide I want to crossover in order to have dry cut, option(I’m already adapted to solco, actavis caused sedation) I’ll risk upsetting CNS again & setting back the start of my taper. I don’t ever understand if I’m updosing or down dosing with a crossover like you mentioned you & your doc have experience with either. I know I can’t updose, I’m at max daily & think I’d have hard time knowing if I need to downdose. FYI solco is a soft pill that crumbles when try to cut(so may be great for liquid?) actavis is a very hard pill(not sure how would be for liquid?)


Plan is to hold on just solco for now, until I’m out of Xanax withdrawal & take it from there, as Id think subbing in actavis in this state would not be good? Then Mary & I thought, well, I can just stay on the solco & hope dlmt would work for me or possibly scale use after crushing solco, but I think no matter how much scale help I get, I may not get it. But what if I can’t dlmt? And I do like the idea of being able to dry cut, if I could tolerate it, @ least until my dose is lower.


Here’s my dosing schedule:

6am.5mgΒ  12pm.5mg 6pm.5mg 10pm2-2.5mg(currently 2.5)


I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but I think in order to make an informed decision on weather or not I should stick with the solco I’m used to or risk a crossover to the actavis I’m not used to, ill need at least a basic understanding of what’s involved in dlmt? I’m not sure my brain will get it all right now, but hopefully I can grasp the basics. FYI when I tried the compounded liquid, it didn’t seem to agree, but was also in the midst of that teva crossover fiasco. And after a couple of liquid tries that left me feeling unwell, I was guided to do a large dry cut, instead. I think I remember crying on the liquid days, like they didn’t work at all, but no one really knows.


I’m showing you this to show that dry cutting of quarter pills may be in order, before I get lower & need to dlmt...??. How does one know if they are able to adapt to dlmt?

Does whole fat milk work the best? Better than cashew milk?

Is it time consuming?

Can you easily carry doses with you out & about?

Can one do cut & hold on dlmt?


Tntd & or Mary, if you can give me some basic dlmt instructions so I can see & think if I’d be able to do it?


Can you give me you’re oppinions(Mary I know we’ve been over this, Sorry)on weather or not it would be worth it to crossover in order to dry cut, once I’m out of this pit?


Oh so much gratitude.


Wishing everyone a lovely day, SC :)





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Gilly, I wish I had some words of wisdom. Sending comfort thoughts. Hang in English. I empathize.

Big hugsπŸ™πŸŒΈπŸ’•

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Scardie, go to the Titration board and read.Β  There are some real experts on there, that can answer all your questions.Β  Once you get stable, we will get in to details.Β  Just read right now, let it sink in some.

You are quite a ways from time to dlmt.Β  Love, Mary

Don't get a head of yourself, there will come a time for the rest.Β  You concentrate on stabilizingΒ  ;)

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Thank you Mary, Bill and Scaredie for your kind wishes. Bill, saying that the wave is a healing time is helpful to me, thanks.


Scaredie, I know you feel bad so it is sweet of you to send your sympathy. I send my sympathy back to you.


Gilly xxx πŸ’™πŸ’™

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Good morning LHSG......up and at'em, hope your weather is nice and a half way decent day is possible for us all

Trishy, I know you are off to work, hope you and the kiddos have a fun day...πŸ¦„πŸ­pets for Mykala ;)

Esperanza, my tiny cousin, hoping you have a break today and some time feeling decent πŸŒΊπŸŒΌπŸπŸ¦‹

Intend, my smart friend, hope things are well with you and Dan, and can never forget Pepper, love you

πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸ±πŸΎπŸΎβ›“πŸ› πŸ”§

English, hope your cut is settling down and you will be back with us soon.Β  Miss you my friend, pets and love for Tilly 🐱🐾🐾.Β  πŸπŸŒΉπŸŒ·πŸŒΊπŸŒ»πŸŒΌπŸ¦‹

Bill, so happy to have you here and your work day goes well.  Love Mary ❀️

T, happy you are here also, it's so nice to have new opinions and thoughts , thank youΒ  :D :D

Scardie, let's take some time today and appreciate the Universe supplying us with some more knowledge in the way of the people that have come back to the group ;):D

MiYu, miss you, hope you post soon........love you all Mary πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰.Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  πŸπŸŒΌπŸŒ»πŸŒΊπŸŒΉπŸŒ·πŸ„πŸ€πŸ¦‹


Thanks Mary.


There are a few problems around here (at home), but I will deal with them. 🌹 🐈 πŸ”¨

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I am going through a really bad time and I need some encouragement. Sorry to ask again.


I am right here my English.Β  I am so sorry, hold on, next time make sure they are giving you the same kind each month.Β  I know t told you or Scardie to keep looking til you find a pharmacy that will work with you.Β  I swear, pharmacies changing generics all the time should be illegal, it makes me so angry.

Or it should be a law, all generics be exactly like the original.Β  Who knew this crap could happenΒ  :tickedoff:Β  you have made it through many rough times and you will again.Β  Our group is growing and we will get new advice, which thrills me.Β  I love you girlfriend, and Tilly 🐱🐾, Dave's ok :laugh: :laugh:Β  Mary πŸπŸŒ·πŸŒΌπŸŒΉπŸ„πŸŒ»πŸ¦‹


There should definitely be a law in the US that all generics are the same. For me, they don’t even have to be the same as the original brand benzo. Just keep the generics essential ingredients and excipients the same as we are all generally too sensitized to have that continually hit our delicate Central Nervous Systems.

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Scaredie, You are reading what Mary said wrong because you are in the state you're in. I will write more....πŸ’™πŸ’™
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Okay, Scaredie, Lets look what's going on. Now you say that the Solco tablet crumbles. Sorry if I'm being thick here, but have you not been advised about getting a jeweller's scale? I've never done dry cutting but I think the tablet crumbles many times. If you weigh out how much you need to cut and then reduce that, can you not take the rest of the tablet, even if it has crumbled? πŸ’™πŸ’™
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Hope things are okay, Intend.Β  πŸ’™πŸ’™


Gilly my friend,


It’s a lot of things in life that are hitting me all at once. I’m doing my best to handle them like you are. This constant generic business will be what it is I guess.


But if any organized group anywhere in the world wants all of us off these benzos, they will need to educate not only doctors, but politicians and patients as well.


So from my prospective as a patient, this constant changing of the pills that are available in pharmacies must stop. Either stop the changing of the generic brands available, and/or stop saying that all the ingredients in the different brands are the same, because they are not the same.


I’m not β€œunloading” on you Gilly. I’m just saying this for everyone here. We all must try to live our lives, and this subject by itself makes everyday life much more difficult.


I could never unload on you Gilly. β€οΈπŸ’œ

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Good morning everyone!Β 


Gilly so sorry you are in a wave.Β  It feels awful but it will pass.Β  You are healing during a wave.


When our CNS is so sensitized very minor differences in meds seem to have an effect.Β  I wish there were better rules in place to be able to purchase the generic you want for psych drugs.Β  No reason you can’t


Big windstorm here cooled things off nicely.Β  Should be a nice few days in AZ.Β  I hope it’s good where you all are.


Feeling pretty good today, a little jumpy and on edge this morning, had a small panic attack when I woke with a start, but it cleared.Β  I seem to be going through the same sequence of symptoms I had last month.Β  That’s both annoying and reassuring, a mixed blessing.Β  Hopefully each go around will get better.


I hope everyone has an ok day






I haven’t gotten to know you well. You are a very uplifting and cheerful person, and that is so helpful to everyone.Β  :smitten:

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Intend, I am in bed at the moment because my cns is in such a mess. I totally agree with what you say. How could anyone with any sense think differently? I don't know that what we think will change the minds or tablets of those "on high" though. I don't see how it can be changed. Unless doctors were obliged to prescribe a particular manufacturer. I have that for my Quetiapine, but not for anything else. I have to go to the pharmacy connected to the doctor's and they already have me down as being "difficult"..... πŸ’™πŸ’™
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Scardie, go to the Titration board and read.Β  There are some real experts on there, that can answer all your questions.Β  Once you get stable, we will get in to details.Β  Just read right now, let it sink in some.

You are quite a ways from time to dlmt.Β  Love, Mary

Don't get a head of yourself, there will come a time for the rest.Β  You concentrate on stabilizingΒ  ;)

Mary, I’m barely hanging on by a thread here. I can’t go to the titration board & read. It was hard enough taking all the time I did to lay out my situation to you & tntd.


I said the reason I wanted to know some basics is to help me decide if I should crossover or not, when the time comes, in less than a month. I thought I was clear in my explanation as to why. I’m on a very high dose so it still seems(after thinking about it)even though, Ive decided to stabilize on solco for now, that I may need to do some dry cutting before I liquid tape, so still might need to crossover. That’sΒ  part of my anxiety, I feel the need to plan 10 steps forward.


I know I’m extra sensitive right now, but I feel like your pulling me in & then pushing me away.

Please don’t tell me to just go read right now, it comes off really cold & rejecting to me & when tntd offered, I didn’t think I’d have to go read right now.


Maybe I don’t belong here...


Scardie, I am not pulling you in and pushing you away.Β  I am trying to pay you some friendly attention while you get to a point you will remember the dlmt.Β  You and I have been answering the same question on and off for months, as have many people on the Teva boards.Β  I am just trying to get you to concentrate on getting stable.Β  Stut told you this morning to stay off the boards so much and this is why.Β  I am sorry if you are mad at me , I am trying my best for you as you move along.Β  I tell everyone on here to read, everyone.Β  Now if I am not the one to help you, that's okay.Β  I truly believe you need to make a step at a time.Β  Mary

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Okay, Scaredie, Lets look what's going on. Now you say that the Solco tablet crumbles. Sorry if I'm being thick here, but have you not been advised about getting a jeweller's scale? I've never done dry cutting but I think the tablet crumbles many times. If you weigh out how much you need to cut and then reduce that, can you not take the rest of the tablet, even if it has crumbled? πŸ’™πŸ’™


So kind of you to respond & try to help. You are right, I took Mary wrong. I removed that post.

I do have a scale, but from the last time I was on here, I could never understand it the math, the entire ordeal & no, unfortunately with these stinking pills, in my opinion, they would be very inaccurate to use a scale for, if I remember correctly. Even if pulverized into a pile of powder, which I don’t want to have to try & do, I think these would fly everywhere. I guess that’s why, in addition to my horrid state of mind,Β  I’ve been panicked about somewhat planning ahead about what & how I’m going to do things, liquid, scale(really don’t want to), or crossover (really don’t want to).


I don’t want you to worry about replying to this. It’s enough to know that we are supportive of one another. I’ll try not to worry about it right now, I just need to get through each day & stabilize, like Mary said.


Much gratitude-hope you feel better soonπŸŒΈπŸ¦‹πŸŒˆ

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I don’t know if you saw my post where I was upset, but I removed it & im sorry if I offended you or anyone else.

I’m having a really hard time of it.

Love, Scaredie πŸ’•

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Scardie, go to the Titration board and read.Β  There are some real experts on there, that can answer all your questions.Β  Once you get stable, we will get in to details.Β  Just read right now, let it sink in some.

You are quite a ways from time to dlmt.Β  Love, Mary

Don't get a head of yourself, there will come a time for the rest.Β  You concentrate on stabilizingΒ  ;)

Mary, I’m barely hanging on by a thread here. I can’t go to the titration board & read. It was hard enough taking all the time I did to lay out my situation to you & tntd.


I said the reason I wanted to know some basics is to help me decide if I should crossover or not, when the time comes, in less than a month. I thought I was clear in my explanation as to why. I’m on a very high dose so it still seems(after thinking about it)even though, Ive decided to stabilize on solco for now, that I may need to do some dry cutting before I liquid tape, so still might need to crossover. That’sΒ  part of my anxiety, I feel the need to plan 10 steps forward.


I know I’m extra sensitive right now, but I feel like your pulling me in & then pushing me away.

Please don’t tell me to just go read right now, it comes off really cold & rejecting to me & when tntd offered, I didn’t think I’d have to go read right now.


Maybe I don’t belong here...


Scardie, I am not pulling you in and pushing you away.Β  I am trying to pay you some friendly attention while you get to a point you will remember the dlmt.Β  You and I have been answering the same question on and off for months, as have many people on the Teva boards.Β  I am just trying to get you to concentrate on getting stable.Β  Stut told you this morning to stay off the boards so much and this is why.Β  I am sorry if you are mad at me , I am trying my best for you as you move along.Β  I tell everyone on here to read, everyone.Β  Now if I am not the one to help you, that's okay.Β  I truly believe you need to make a step at a time.Β  Mary


I didn’t see your response to this. I came back & tried to remove what I wrote. I’m so sorry if I offended you, misinterpreted you, & was just an over sensitive mess, in my last reply. I appreciate all you’ve done for me. I hope I havnt pushed you away.


You’re right. I just need to stabilize, I’m all over the map with my emotions. I’m truly feeling awful.

Stunts right too. I don’t know how I got stuck on here all day. Thanks for your guidance, acceptance & patience. No pun intended-I’m scared that I’m stuck this way.

Love & hugs to you, Mary-Scaredie πŸ’•

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Looks like it is a rough day for most of us. I have been hit by spring allergens and feel just plain sick. On top of regular benzo sick. So I guess I am not very helpful today, but sending you all a hug,anyway.Esperanza
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