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T, I also have migraines, since I was 36, totally sucks along with wd.  I can take sumatriptan, I usually take a half and they work sometimes and sometimes they don't.

Again, really glad you and Bill are here :D.  Mary. Hope you feel better soon!


So sorry to hear you get migraines too. Mine started when I was 27. I used to be able to use caffeine but not with tapering from a benzo, yikes!!! Withdrawals have made me have them more often. In fact when I CT'd from my antidepressant I had a headache/migraine for months. There were some days I didn't know if I would make it.


I tried one of those medications many years ago but it made my throat swell. Doc said all of the meds for migraines are in the same family so I can't take any of them. It can be pretty rough but funny enough I had a concussion a few years ago and the migraines aren't quite as bad as they used to be, thankfully. Still rough though and they can last for days. I'm so glad you can take something to help. My hubby and daughter both get them as well and they both have meds they can take as well.


Had one a couple of days ago and today the weather is really trying to give me one. I can feel it in the pressure, ah well, it will pass  :D


Hope you don't get them too often.


Thanks and Hugs,


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Scardie, I am not at all strong or courageous. I am living a very diminished life. Withdrawal has been the most terrible thing I have ever experienced and I am not smiling through with a good attitude. So, don’t put yourself down for letting depression and anxiety hurt you. That is what they do. To everyone who experiences these feelings. Especially, if they are long lasting. Benzos Create Anxiety. Anxiety that is different from any other feeling that we would normally call anxiety. I tried to tell my doctor that it was not the same as worry or agitation over something real. It was sheer panic over nothing. But I wasn’t heard. What is happening to you is common in benzo use and certainly in withdrawal. If you were depressed before, you were made more depressed by this medication. Same with anxiety. I have a pharmaceutical compounded liquid of k. I found out the generic had been switched every month of my first four months of tapering. They pharmacy finally settled on solo for their cheapest option. Since I had taken it for two or three months without a switch, I decided to stick with that and asked it not be changed. I don’t know that is good or not good. I just don’t want a switch. Scardie, you are no different than any of the rest of us. This is what Benzos do. Esperanza
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Scardie, I am not at all strong or courageous. I am living a very diminished life. Withdrawal has been the most terrible thing I have ever experienced and I am not smiling through with a good attitude. So, don’t put yourself down for letting depression and anxiety hurt you. That is what they do. To everyone who experiences these feelings. Especially, if they are long lasting. Benzos Create Anxiety. Anxiety that is different from any other feeling that we would normally call anxiety. I tried to tell my doctor that it was not the same as worry or agitation over something real. It was sheer panic over nothing. But I wasn’t heard. What is happening to you is common in benzo use and certainly in withdrawal. If you were depressed before, you were made more depressed by this medication. Same with anxiety. I have a pharmaceutical compounded liquid of k. I found out the generic had been switched every month of my first four months of tapering. They pharmacy finally settled on solo for their cheapest option. Since I had taken it for two or three months without a switch, I decided to stick with that and asked it not be changed. I don’t know that is good or not good. I just don’t want a switch. Scardie, you are no different than any of the rest of us. This is what Benzos do. Esperanza


Scardie, we have new people on here, you too Esperanza, that we have all been posting with today.

Buddies that have a lot of knowledge and I am thrilled.  We are very lucky to have them here.  I am excited.  Ok guys, love you, hoping we all start feeling some better very soon, Mary.  Try to have a decent evening 🐝🌻🌺🌼🍄🌷💜.             

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Checking in after work.  I am back to working half time and it’s been tough most of the time. Things are gradually, slowly getting better but of course comes in “waves”.  It tires me out SO much.  Today my gut pain, anxiety and nausea lifted quite a bit.  Feels like it could be the start of a window.  I hope so.  Feeling better I almost don’t know what to do with myself, and of course I don’t trust it.  We will see.


Mary, I know this withdrawal nightmare is literally unbelievable.  No one can or even wants to believe this is possible and how long it takes.  My own family refuses to believe this is WD, and refuse to read about it on the internet.  My wife now understands the process, but doesn’t believe me as to what it is.  I think they believe it’s just anxiety.


Tntd, sorry to hear of your GI issues, I hope they clear.


Take care and have a good evening everybody



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Scardie ,

Then there’s like you said possibility of dlmt or maybe crushing solco & scales, but I never understand how to do that stuff & I would not want to put any alcohol in my system for dlmt. 

I use 100% whole fat milk too  ;). Mary

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Checking in after work.  I am back to working half time and it’s been tough most of the time. Things are gradually, slowly getting better but of course comes in “waves”.  It tires me out SO much.  Today my gut pain, anxiety and nausea lifted quite a bit.  Feels like it could be the start of a window.  I hope so.  Feeling better I almost don’t know what to do with myself, and of course I don’t trust it.  We will see.


Mary, I know this withdrawal nightmare is literally unbelievable.  No one can or even wants to believe this is possible and how long it takes.  My own family refuses to believe this is WD, and refuse to read about it on the internet.  My wife now understands the process, but doesn’t believe me as to what it is.  I think they believe it’s just anxiety.


Tntd, sorry to hear of your GI issues, I hope they clear.


Take care and have a good evening everybody


Thanks for checking in Bill, hope that window is there when you wake up!  Rest tonight.  Love, Mary ❤️

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Good night, LHSG,  :sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy:


Sweet dreams, Mary 💜


Stut, if you come on tomorrow, just had to say you and Joe were hilarious today  :laugh:  :laugh:

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Hi Trishy, tntd, AZBILL.


Thanks for kind hello, Trishy, hope you’re well.


Bill, thanks for the long hold advice, hope you tu feels better, nice to meet you.


Tntd, we’ve met but not much contact. Sorry to hear your unwell, hope you’re on the upswing soon. All that you said was very interesting, supportive, helpful.


So your klonopin keeps getting changed?


When you feel well, mind sharing how you do your symptoms, based dlmt? I have stabilizing to do right now. Best wishes to get out the door soon!


Given so much today, thank you, kind souls, may you sleep well.




Hi Scaredie,


I do remember you though as you said we didn't have much contact. I think you popped on around the time I stopped posting. I've been doing a lot of crocheting and playing games on my tablet to keep me distracted. Also, when I'm at baseline I tend to be busy doing more things so I don't get on the computer much, unless I'm researching stuff. I'm so glad you felt supported and helped. That makes me feel good  :)


So, my symptoms based taper I learned from Ultra. Basically you find a taper amount that allows you to make a "cut" but doesn't cause a lot of symptoms. You either keep cutting/tapering until you start having symptoms and then stop and hold until your symptoms abate or you just hold from the original cut/taper. I personally am so sensitive that I have just been doing a cut/taper once a week. I still will have symptoms on about day three and four but the rest of the week is pretty good. After about six weeks I take a break for a week because I start having "battle fatigue" as my mentor on SA calls it. So basically you figure out how to taper in a way that gives you the least amount of symptoms but you're still moving forward in your taper. There is a thread on SA that's called the slowness of slow tapers. I found/find it quite helpful when I start thinking I want to move faster. I will go read it and remind myself why I'm going slow and doing a symptoms based taper.


I was getting my generic changed quite a bit and it always caused major issues so I found a pharmacy that works with a specific company and will always have that generic available, so long as the company doesn't run out of ingredients or something like that. I'm hoping they maintain that contract so I can stay on the same generic. My doctor agreed with me, as he saw how it affected me when they would change the generic, and he has been prescribing for that pharmacy. Sorry, I'm a veteran and I'm getting my prescription outside of the VA because they would not work with me to keep me on the same generic. They said they couldn't do it as they only have a contract with a company for one year. Most people can go to any pharmacy they want without having to have a special prescription. Still if you want to stay on the same generic call around and find a pharmacy that will work with you to do that. It has made a huge difference for me.


I hope that was helpful. Let me know if you have any questions. My brain isn't at full functionality and I'm not always sure if I'm clear in what I'm saying.


Hope you feel better tomorrow.


Big hugs,


So much thanks, tntd! I’ll probably have questions, if you don’t mind some time, but not because you weren’t clear, but I may have like liquid taper questions or, I’m not sure.  My brain just won’t go anymore tonight, got hit with big sleepies. I saved your post, so I can refer to.


Thanks for catching me up on you. Very helpful to get me oriented & you've been a pleasure, interacting with.


Hugs back

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Scardie ,

Then there’s like you said possibility of dlmt or maybe crushing solco & scales, but I never understand how to do that stuff & I would not want to put any alcohol in my system for dlmt. 

I use 100% whole fat milk too  ;). Mary

Oh ok, I missed this. Yes scales & liquid, oh my😱! Sure if I can learn milk liquid from you when time is right, assuming that’s what your offering, that would be great. My doc will let me taper at my own pace, but he won’t write me me a liquid compound because it was a big hassle the one time we tried with help from here & pharmacist & he said he’s just not comfortable because he’s not knowledgeable enough. Liquid seems simpler than scales, but what do I know & of course I’d have to tolerate it. Would be great not to have to do another crossover. Oh & compound liquid is expensive.


TTFN hugs night night

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Scardie ,

Then there’s like you said possibility of dlmt or maybe crushing solco & scales, but I never understand how to do that stuff & I would not want to put any alcohol in my system for dlmt. 

I use 100% whole fat milk too  ;). Mary

Oh ok, I missed this. Yes scales & liquid, oh my😱! Sure if I can learn milk liquid from you when time is right, assuming that’s what your offering, that would be great. My doc will let me taper at my own pace, but he won’t write me me a liquid compound because it was a big hassle the one time we tried with help from here & pharmacist & he said he’s just not comfortable because he’s not knowledgeable enough. Liquid seems simpler than scales, but what do I know & of course I’d have to tolerate it. Would be great not to have to do another crossover. Oh & compound liquid is expensive.


TTFN hugs night night


It sounds like Mary and I both know how to do the liquid taper. I know I'm open for any questions you may have. I haven't been able to find a pharmacy that will compound liquid either but I've found making my liquid without alcohol to be very very easy. Like Mary said full fat milk works like a charm. I just don't like milk so I use cashew milk, it tastes better to me  :D


Mary it's so good to know that someone else is using the milk method too, yay!!


Sleep well all and hope for a window tomorrow,


Hugs to all  :hug::mybuddy::sleepy:



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Good night, LHSG,  :sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy:


Sweet dreams, Mary 💜


Stut, if you come on tomorrow, just had to say you and Joe were hilarious today  :laugh:  :laugh:

  Lol lady Mary it was good craic although my back is a bit sore today lol.Keep an eye on that sleaze ball today l think a little power has gone to his head 😖.

  You are doing a great job here my love the glue that is keeping this group together and l will say this a million times you know more than anyone in this group and you help so many people.Proud to be your friend.

Keep the train Choo 🚂 chooing and don't forget to look after yourself as well.l have got the carer's arranged for after Easter and big sis is stepping in for two weeks so it's going to be a bit of me time l will probably go and see my daughter.l have also got a UTI so have started Keflex.

I hope you are well my love and sorry l kept missing you yesterday.

  Love you my lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Hi Everyone.. :)


SC, Good to see you here again, but sorry things are complicated and your suffering... :(

For what its worth, I just did a straight CO on another med and it sure rattled me.. I cant do a slow CO on this one, so my only real option other than suffering through would be to increase the new med until I found some stability... -But I feel that that dose, if even possible, would be a lot higher than acceptable or practical... I dont know if this would be the case for you, -I just hope you feel better asap...

Sorry, realy I just wanted to say HI, and send you strength...



Gilly, You also... Damn the brand changes... Who would have thought (if it wasnt so common here)...!!

Hope you see better days real soon too...



Bbl with any luck, but for now my head says -go back to bed and shut those eyes... (light is stabbing my brain)..

  Oh Can't l wish you could catch a break.l wish we could help more but sadly time is the only thing that will help.When is the memorial? I think it is this weekend?l know this is going to take a lot of effort on your part however know that we will all be thinking about you and willing you on.

  Thinking of you mate always.

  Love and hugs Stut X

Im predicting a window.. :)

I ended up having a pretty good 8 hrs today, so that was a help...


I do hope you get some time with your daughter over easter... You seem to have so much to contend with much of the time...

  Can't l hope you had a good day today l think you have earned it.l am getting a break thank God and l will make the most of it with my daughter.l hope this weekend goes well let us know how you get on.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Gilly hang in there my love you have been here before and you will prevail.l know when we hit a bad patch everything seems hopeless however it will pass.Sending you a massive hug and my love.

Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Free always there with support and you suffering so much.l admire you so much and I know one day this will ease of.love to you my dear friend.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Esperanza sadly our baseline is crap and we just have to do the best we can.l have never had a window nor will l and it used to bug me now l just accept it.We must work with the hand we are dealt and to be honest with you l don't believe it makes a difference to the outcome we will recover like everyone else.

Love you my hillbilly friend.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.Bill and T glad to have you here and there is always something to learn from new posters.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Good morning Sc l hope you are getting some of your questions answered however there is one thing we can't do is change your attitude to this.The main thing about tapering apart from the process itself is knowing that you can do this.lf you believe you can't get of this drug then you probably won't.Stop telling yourself you can't do this even if you can half your dose it will be a huge accomplishment.

I also want to say do not spend all day on this site it is a good support network however it can also be very bad for your mental health if you are feeling very vulnerable.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Hello ladies, Can't and Bill


Just in quickly to send well wishes, I know there's a lot of struggling going on right now, hoping things improve for all of us..


Love to all,



Good morning everyone, just want to note that I had forgotten in my greetings yesterday to mention T and SC, my brain has been malfunctioning for your years. Head injury, benzo wd have really done a number on it, so forgive me when I forget a name it's never intentional. Also, T thank you for addressing the pill expiration for me. I have pills that are probably over 5 yrs old.


Just want to wish everyone a good day, hoping the depression, anxiety and the myriad of sxs  that we all go through give us a break.


Hello twin, I see your on. I'm glad to read that you'll be getting a much needed break. Sending you lots of love and I hope you enjoy the upcoming break with your daughter. Love you, be well.


To all my other buddies here, always thinking of you and wishing you all the very best with each passing day.


Love to all,

Trish XO



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Good morning Stut


Good morning Trishy.


Glad I could help with the pill expiration info.  :)


Hey Stut, I'm surprised you don't remember me. I'm actually an old poster come back to roost  :laugh: It used to be Gard, Can't, Valley, and the rest. We had a lot of fun. Then life got in the way and I had to deal with a death in the family and lots of traveling to Florida and back. Couldn't have done it without knowing about and actively holding. You are so right about not spending the day on this site too. Balance is good.


I hope everyone has a good day.


Big hugs and lots of healing  :hug::mybuddy:


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Good morning Stut


Good morning Trishy.


Glad I could help with the pill expiration info.  :)


Hey Stut, I'm surprised you don't remember me. I'm actually an old poster come back to roost  :laugh: It used to be Gard, Can't, Valley, and the rest. We had a lot of fun. Then life got in the way and I had to deal with a death in the family and lots of traveling to Florida and back. Couldn't have done it without knowing about and actively holding. You are so right about not spending the day on this site too. Balance is good.


I hope everyone has a good day.


Big hugs and lots of healing  :hug::mybuddy:


  Hi T yes l do remember you when l stumbled in here l was a bit of a mess lol.l love to see you back here sorry it's under horrible circumstances.Can't and Miyu still pop in Valley came back for a couple of days about maybe 6 months ago and said he was doing great.Haven't heard anything since.

  I'm not on a lot here but l like to drop in to see how everyone is doing.l hope you get back to your baseline soon my love and begin living life again at the end of the day that's our goal.

Love and hugs Stut X

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Hello ladies, Can't and Bill


Just in quickly to send well wishes, I know there's a lot of struggling going on right now, hoping things improve for all of us..


Love to all,



Good morning everyone, just want to note that I had forgotten in my greetings yesterday to mention T and SC, my brain has been malfunctioning for your years. Head injury, benzo wd have really done a number on it, so forgive me when I forget a name it's never intentional. Also, T thank you for addressing the pill expiration for me. I have pills that are probably over 5 yrs old.


Just want to wish everyone a good day, hoping the depression, anxiety and the myriad of sxs  that we all go through give us a break.


Hello twin, I see your on. I'm glad to read that you'll be getting a much needed break. Sending you lots of love and I hope you enjoy the upcoming break with your daughter. Love you, be well.


To all my other buddies here, always thinking of you and wishing you all the very best with each passing day.


Love to all,

Trish XO

  Thanks my lovely twin l must have gone off just at the time you came on sorry l missed you.l hope you are doing ok my love and just know that you can do this.

  Love you my lST.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Good night, LHSG,  :sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy:


Sweet dreams, Mary 💜


Stut, if you come on tomorrow, just had to say you and Joe were hilarious today  :laugh:  :laugh:

  Lol lady Mary it was good craic although my back is a bit sore today lol.Keep an eye on that sleaze ball today l think a little power has gone to his head 😖.

  You are doing a great job here my love the glue that is keeping this group together and l will say this a million times you know more than anyone in this group and you help so many people.Proud to be your friend.

Keep the train Choo 🚂 chooing and don't forget to look after yourself as well.l have got the carer's arranged for after Easter and big sis is stepping in for two weeks so it's going to be a bit of me time l will probably go and see my daughter.l have also got a UTI so have started Keflex.

I hope you are well my love and sorry l kept missing you yesterday.

  Love you my lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X


Good morning my Queen, I am so relieved you are getting some time for yourself.  You need it and deserve it.  I know you will come up with something great to do with your daughter, but for down time, you should watch GOT.  I am not sure it's not going to ruin my cns  :laugh: this time.  It's going to be one wild season.  Yes, you and Joe were hilarious, I loved it, especially since both of you are struggling. 

You know some people have come back I had never meet before, Bill and T.  Both wrote great posts on here yesterday!  I feel like we are more rounded as a group now.  Love you much my Queen, Your Lady Mary , oh pets and love for the girls.  Tell sis we are willing her to better health.  🐝🌺🌷🌹🍄🌻🦋🦋🦋🦋.          🐕🐱🐶🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾            🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉

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Good night, LHSG,  :sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy:


Sweet dreams, Mary 💜


Stut, if you come on tomorrow, just had to say you and Joe were hilarious today  :laugh:  :laugh:

  Lol lady Mary it was good craic although my back is a bit sore today lol.Keep an eye on that sleaze ball today l think a little power has gone to his head 😖.

  You are doing a great job here my love the glue that is keeping this group together and l will say this a million times you know more than anyone in this group and you help so many people.Proud to be your friend.

Keep the train Choo 🚂 chooing and don't forget to look after yourself as well.l have got the carer's arranged for after Easter and big sis is stepping in for two weeks so it's going to be a bit of me time l will probably go and see my daughter.l have also got a UTI so have started Keflex.

I hope you are well my love and sorry l kept missing you yesterday.

  Love you my lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X


Good morning my Queen, I am so relieved you are getting some time for yourself.  You need it and deserve it.  I know you will come up with something great to do with your daughters, but for down time, you should watch GOT.  I am not sure it's not going to ruin my cns  :laugh: this time.  It's going to be one wild season.  Yes, you and Joe were hilarious, I loved it, especially since both of you are struggling. 

You know some people have come back I had never meet before, Bill and T.  Both wrote great posts on here yesterday!  I feel like we are more rounded as a group now.  Love you much my Queen, Your Lady Mary , oh pets and love for the girls.  Tell sis we are willing her to better health.  🐝🌺🌷🌹🍄🌻🦋🦋🦋🦋.          🐕🐱🐶🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾            🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉

  Morning Lady Mary l want to watch all of GOT l would suspect if l jumped in now l wouldn't have a clue what was going on.Try not to rupture anything l want you to be careful you don't harm yourself 😕.

  I am delighted l am getting a break just what the doctor ordered l plan to do a bit of traveling around and if it's sunny we will travel further.The scenery is spectacular.

I remember T l have never met Bill I don't know if he used to post here or not.T is lovely and very knowledgeable and patient.This group is certainly on the up thank God l thought it was definitely on the way out but it does come and go just like symptoms.

  I hope you are doing well my love and your taper is going smoothly?l saw Can't's post he is one hell of a man.l don't know how he hasn't been snapped up years ago.

  Love you my lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Stut, I do feel so much better about the group.  I am thrilled for us and the people that drop by. 


Can't will be snapped up , when the time is right for him.  Just the words he uses will cause some woman to melt  :D


No, you have to watch GOT from the beginning, not the end.  I am sure after this season, reruns will be playing over and over. 


Watch overhead as you and your daughter travel, 🐉🐉🐉🐉.  They are in the sky


Love and miss you much, Lady Mary 🐱🐶🐕🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾

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Stut, I do feel so much better about the group.  I am thrilled for us and the people that drop by. 


Can't will be snapped up , when the time is right for him.  Just the words he uses will cause some woman to melt  :D


No, you have to watch GOT from the beginning, not the end.  I am sure after this season, reruns will be playing over and over. 


Watch overhead as you and your daughter travel, 🐉🐉🐉🐉.  They are in the sky


Love and miss you much, Lady Mary 🐱🐶🐕🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾

  Love you too my lady Mary l hope you have a good day my love and l will send you a dragon as a gift granted she is only 4ft 11 but she is mighty 😉.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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