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It sounds to me that you should hold right now, Scaredie. Spend some time getting settled. But that is only my opinion of course! Gx
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Scardie, Sorry if I came across bossy, I believe you can do this.  So if I am understanding correctly you can take either generic and you feel the same way.  Your only issue is one crumbles when you cut it?  If that's the case, get the one that cuts most accurately.  We all taper differently.  And you can be studying how you want  to taper once we get you stable  ;)
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Mary. No worries. I’m sorry for all the orange text. Was trying to make it easier & it just turned into one long orange blob.

To clarify, the actavis makes me feel very sedated, but may cut a little better than the solco for dry cutting. The solco I’m acclimated to, but crumbles more easily(is softer)


Solco is what I crossed over to when teva was discontinued, & I’m now adapted to.

Actavis is what I am considering crossing over to as to get better dry cuts, but I’d have to readapt by going through another crossover. So no they don’t both effect me the same.


I’m used to solco, but it’s soft, could crumble or be time consuming to cut, not sure.

Actavis overly sedated me, is a hard pill & may be easier to cut, but not sure & would put CNS through another change. Just hanging on by thread emotionally, so not sure worth the risk.


I did a test run on cutting each of them & was able to, surprisingly,  with the right pill cutter, get pretty accurate quarter cuts on each pill. Prior to this the solco had crumbled in another type of pill cutter. I don’t have practice cutting either of these pills & don’t know if I could duplicate the cut on the solco easily over & over again & don’t feel up to it right now.


Sorry if repetitive. Tried my best to explain.

Thanks Mary

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Afternoon everyone. I didn’t say good afternoon because, let’s face it, good anything is rare for us. Scardie, I had no idea what true depression was until I was given k. New or worsening depression is clearly listed on the package insert. I don’t know when it was listed, as I took k for 17 years, and never thought to check if my doctor would give me something that would cause depression. That was when I believed the reported side effects were highly unlikely and were just written to avoid liability. I am always depressed now, and have been since starting to taper. I don’t think that is going away until I am in the place to start healing. But, please remember, if the benzo did it, it will go away once the benzo is gone. Even people who suffer from clinical depression usually only experience episodic events. Debilitating depression 24/7 is not the typical experience for anyone. At least, that is what I have read. You are very smart not to get trapped on an ad right now. It won’t likely help. Hopefully, depression will be a come and go side effect for you. It is for many. But even if you can’t shake it during your taper, remember it isn’t forever. Esperanza
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Stut, what you said is “spot on”. Stable doesn’t mean symptom free. It just means “the devil you know” and nothing new or worse. There is no way to do this and feel good. Some of us are lucky to have some days here and there that are more normal. I am not one of those. I have come to accept that is how it is going to be. It is a victory to get through this the best we can. We, at least, will walk through it together. Esperanza
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Mary. No worries. I’m sorry for all the orange text. Was trying to make it easier & it just turned into one long orange blob.

To clarify, the actavis makes me feel very sedated, but may cut a little better than the solco for dry cutting. The solco I’m acclimated to, but crumbles more easily(is softer)


Solco is what I crossed over to when teva was discontinued, & I’m now adapted to.

Actavis is what I am considering crossing over to as to get better dry cuts, but I’d have to readapt by going through another crossover. So no they don’t both effect me the same.


I’m used to solco, but it’s soft, could crumble or be time consuming to cut, not sure.

Actavis overly sedated me, is a hard pill & may be easier to cut, but not sure & would put CNS through another change. Just hanging on by thread emotionally, so not sure worth the risk.


I did a test run on cutting each of them & was able to, surprisingly,  with the right pill cutter, get pretty accurate quarter cuts on each pill. Prior to this the solco had crumbled in another type of pill cutter. I don’t have practice cutting either of these pills & don’t know if I could duplicate the cut on the solco easily over & over again & don’t feel up to it right now.


Sorry if repetitive. Tried my best to explain.

Thanks Mary


Well, it sounds like solco would work best for you and you don't have to crossed again if I am understanding.  The more pills you cut, the better you will get.  Let's get you stable and you may decide to do a dlmt .  Stability first!!  Put sticky notes around your house  ;)

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Hello Everyone,


a lot of folks hurting on here.  I can relate but by comparison I'm probably not as bad off as some.  It's been a rough week or 2 for me, however my issues are pretty much limited to my gut pain, nausea, anxiety, along with general WD blah.  For me that was enough!


Starting to feel a little better today, gut pain has lifted somewhat so some relief.


I'm not sure how best to help, but to say one day at a time and we will get there! 


I would also say that this is the "Long Hold" group, so we here believe in holding a long time at one stable dose of all your medications until you feel better.  Our CNS needs time, sometimes a lot of time, to heal and stablize but our medications do need to remain constant.  The more upsets you've had to your system, the longer it is likely to take, but we know from history and experience that it works for most people.  I believe it is the best way through.  You will reach stability when your body is ready, so hold and accept the symptoms as best you can, then hold some more until you feel good.


I'm not telling anyone what to do, and I'm not a doctor, but this is my recommendation.


hang in there folks!


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Afternoon everyone. I didn’t say good afternoon because, let’s face it, good anything is rare for us. Scardie, I had no idea what true depression was until I was given k. New or worsening depression is clearly listed on the package insert. I don’t know when it was listed, as I took k for 17 years, and never thought to check if my doctor would give me something that would cause depression. That was when I believed the reported side effects were highly unlikely and were just written to avoid liability. I am always depressed now, and have been since starting to taper. I don’t think that is going away until I am in the place to start healing. But, please remember, if the benzo did it, it will go away once the benzo is gone. Even people who suffer from clinical depression usually only experience episodic events. Debilitating depression 24/7 is not the typical experience for anyone. At least, that is what I have read. You are very smart not to get trapped on an ad right now. It won’t likely help. Hopefully, depression will be a come and go side effect for you. It is for many. But even if you can’t shake it during your taper, remember it isn’t forever. Esperanza


Well said Kentucky Derby 🙂..


Oh and hey I like the idea of the horses head in the bed 😂


I love knowing you've got my back and I hope you know I would do the same for you!


Love you lady!

Trish 😘


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Hello Everyone,


a lot of folks hurting on here.  I can relate but by comparison I'm probably not as bad off as some.  It's been a rough week or 2 for me, however my issues are pretty much limited to my gut pain, nausea, anxiety, along with general WD blah.  For me that was enough!


Starting to feel a little better today, gut pain has lifted somewhat so some relief.


I'm not sure how best to help, but to say one day at a time and we will get there! 


I would also say that this is the "Long Hold" group, so we here believe in holding a long time at one stable dose of all your medications until you feel better.  Our CNS needs time, sometimes a lot of time, to heal and stablize but our medications do need to remain constant.  The more upsets you've had to your system, the longer it is likely to take, but we know from history and experience that it works for most people.  I believe it is the best way through.  You will reach stability when your body is ready, so hold and accept the symptoms as best you can, then hold some more until you feel good.


I'm not telling anyone what to do, and I'm not a doctor, but this is my recommendation.


hang in there folks!



Thanks for posting that Bill, we have a few newbies that need to hear it, you remember how hard it is to accept, everyone thinks that can get off fast and explaining that's just not the case, is hard for them to understand.  Your post was very straight forward, thanks again  ;). Glad your tummy is feeling some better.  Love Mary ❤️

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Hello ladies, Can't and Bill


Just in quickly to send well wishes, I know there's a lot of struggling going on right now, hoping things improve for all of us..


Love to all,


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Hello ladies, Can't and Bill


Just in quickly to send well wishes, I know there's a lot of struggling going on right now, hoping things improve for all of us..


Love to all,



Love to you Trishy!  🐕🐾🐾

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Afternoon everyone. I didn’t say good afternoon because, let’s face it, good anything is rare for us. Scardie, I had no idea what true depression was until I was given k. New or worsening depression is clearly listed on the package insert. I don’t know when it was listed, as I took k for 17 years, and never thought to check if my doctor would give me something that would cause depression. That was when I believed the reported side effects were highly unlikely and were just written to avoid liability. I am always depressed now, and have been since starting to taper. I don’t think that is going away until I am in the place to start healing. But, please remember, if the benzo did it, it will go away once the benzo is gone. Even people who suffer from clinical depression usually only experience episodic events. Debilitating depression 24/7 is not the typical experience for anyone. At least, that is what I have read. You are very smart not to get trapped on an ad right now. It won’t likely help. Hopefully, depression will be a come and go side effect for you. It is for many. But even if you can’t shake it during your taper, remember it isn’t forever. Esperanza

Thank you, Espe. May I call you that?


I’m so sorry to hear you’re suffering too. I can feel your strength & courage, it’s inspiring.🌸


I’m always depressed now, too, & anxious, but not always panicked, if that makes sense, have been for years, but it’s not always as severe/acute as it is right,(the sobbing, ideation, can’t see the light stuff-woo, scary) or I never would have made it this far.


The past couple of years have been the worst, with all worsening when I did my last klonopin crossover from 9 years on teva to solco. I think quitting smoking in 2017 may be adding to my depression. The benzos are definitely making me more depressed, tapering or not, at this point, but I do get times when I’m more functional & not completely housebound, & get out & about with errands more. This will make me sound like an awful person, but, it’s been difficult for me to feel joy, peace, love, etc for quite some time. I’ve had treatment resistant depression major clinical depression for most of my adult life, but I’m in no doubt that klonopin has made things much much worse.


When I started thinking that I joined here. I just havnt made any progress yet, because the increased depression & anxiety scared the heck out of me, but I found no solutions, So I’m back trying to find my way off these things, safely, with the support of you wonderful people.


May I ask what manufacturer of klonopin your on?


Much gratitude for the encouraging words.




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So, this thread still seems to move really quickly. I read some but I can't read it all and retain it  :laugh: My brain just isn't up to all that.


Trishy, I do remember you asking about how long the meds stay good. My pdoc told me that there was a study done, and then I looked it up and verified it of course  :), and he was right. In fact it appears that most meds stand the test of time. They may lose some of their potency but not much. I, like many of you, have built up a little hoard just in case. It is easier when you are taking less than your doctor realizes. Of course I got lucky and my doctor actually helped me build a back up because every time they change generics on me I end up either experiencing an updose or a reduction and I'm so sensitive that it hits me hard.


I just did a 3% reduction and it has been really rough. I was doing a symptoms based taper before that but I wanted to see if I could move faster as the symptoms based taper is/was going to take around 12 years. Well, I have been pretty much housebound for the past three weeks. I'm actually on day 19 of the cut. I think I remember someone mentioning how long it takes for them to get hit and then better. I think I'm probably getting better. The weather isn't helping either though. We have a nice storm going on and my migraine is back too. I had one a few days ago. I don't know if anyone else has this issue but I can't take anything for my migraines, I just have to get through them. Hide in a dark room somewhere until it subsides. Crazy stuff on top of the withdrawals.


Anyway, I really do recommend trying the dlmt or symptoms based taper if you have a doctor that will let you be in control of your taper. It may take longer but you can actually live your life while you're doing it. Of course I realize not everyone is as sensitive as I am but if you are it can make a world of difference. My pdoc told me, when I asked him if I should go faster and just get through it, he said that we don't know what tomorrow will bring so live your life while you can. My brother-in-law passed away when he was 53, Luke Perry was 52. I'm 52, we just never know. Do what is best for you right now. Be that cut and hold or dlmt I personally think we should support everyone no matter what their choice is. Just thought I'd put my pdoc's thoughts out there as I hadn't thought of it quite like that before.


Hey AZBill sounds like we have some similar symptoms. The gut stuff is really rough for me. Can't leave the house cause I need to have a bathroom as close as possible  :laugh: I also have agoraphobia too so I don't even want to leave the house.


Holding is awesome. When I first held in 2017 it took three months for me to stabilize, or as they say over on Surviving Antidepressants, find my new baseline. My current baseline allows me to leave the house and function, as in cook, do laundry, and such. My symptoms based taper keeps me close to my baseline so I can do lots of things. I still do get waves from the CT I did from my antidepressant but they have become very infrequent. I'm holding now from that 3% cut I did. I'm looking forward to getting back to my baseline. Those symptoms are so much easier to deal with on a daily basis. I sometimes even get a window and that is always glorious.


I've read that a lot of people are struggling right now. I know it's hard but we will get through it. The struggle is part of what makes us stronger. Just imagine what kind of people we are going to be when we come out the other side  :thumbsup:


Well, my brain is mushy so I hope some of this is meaningful for someone.


Stay strong, we will get there. I'm glad we have each other to help.


Big hugs,  :hug::mybuddy:



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Mary. No worries. I’m sorry for all the orange text. Was trying to make it easier & it just turned into one long orange blob.

To clarify, the actavis makes me feel very sedated, but may cut a little better than the solco for dry cutting. The solco I’m acclimated to, but crumbles more easily(is softer)


Solco is what I crossed over to when teva was discontinued, & I’m now adapted to.

Actavis is what I am considering crossing over to as to get better dry cuts, but I’d have to readapt by going through another crossover. So no they don’t both effect me the same.


I’m used to solco, but it’s soft, could crumble or be time consuming to cut, not sure.

Actavis overly sedated me, is a hard pill & may be easier to cut, but not sure & would put CNS through another change. Just hanging on by thread emotionally, so not sure worth the risk.


I did a test run on cutting each of them & was able to, surprisingly,  with the right pill cutter, get pretty accurate quarter cuts on each pill. Prior to this the solco had crumbled in another type of pill cutter. I don’t have practice cutting either of these pills & don’t know if I could duplicate the cut on the solco easily over & over again & don’t feel up to it right now.


Sorry if repetitive. Tried my best to explain.

Thanks Mary


Well, it sounds like solco would work best for you and you don't have to crossed again if I am understanding.  The more pills you cut, the better you will get.  Let's get you stable and you may decide to do a dlmt .  Stability first!!  Put sticky notes around your house  ;)

Thanks again, Mary for taking the patience & time to read my meandering words. Yep you got it right, except, I went & tried to cut some more solcos & they ultimately do just crumble....😔


I’m having such a hard time right now though, that I think I should stick with the solco at least through the rest of this script. I counted & should make it till next fill by the skin of my teeth, short maybe 4 solcos(I can try & reduce my sleeping dose(I’m allowed an extra .5 for that & im up @ max now or sub in a few more actavis with sleeping dose towards end of script, when hopefully I’ll be more stable)


I’ll try some more cutting, but it risks waiting these dang crumbling solcos.

I’ll try practice cutting the actavis that sedated me too.

So I guess next fill, or one after that I’m going to have to decide if I stick with solco or try to cross for cutting purposes, despite my discomfort with the entire idea.


Then there’s like you said possibility of dlmt or maybe crushing solco & scales, but I never understand how to do that stuff & I would not want to put any alcohol in my system for dlmt.


Hugs, gratitude, & love, SC

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So, this thread still seems to move really quickly. I read some but I can't read it all and retain it  :laugh: My brain just isn't up to all that.


Trishy, I do remember you asking about how long the meds stay good. My pdoc told me that there was a study done, and then I looked it up and verified it of course  :), and he was right. In fact it appears that most meds stand the test of time. They may lose some of their potency but not much. I, like many of you, have built up a little hoard just in case. It is easier when you are taking less than your doctor realizes. Of course I got lucky and my doctor actually helped me build a back up because every time they change generics on me I end up either experiencing an updose or a reduction and I'm so sensitive that it hits me hard.


I just did a 3% reduction and it has been really rough. I was doing a symptoms based taper before that but I wanted to see if I could move faster as the symptoms based taper is/was going to take around 12 years. Well, I have been pretty much housebound for the past three weeks. I'm actually on day 19 of the cut. I think I remember someone mentioning how long it takes for them to get hit and then better. I think I'm probably getting better. The weather isn't helping either though. We have a nice storm going on and my migraine is back too. I had one a few days ago. I don't know if anyone else has this issue but I can't take anything for my migraines, I just have to get through them. Hide in a dark room somewhere until it subsides. Crazy stuff on top of the withdrawals.


Anyway, I really do recommend trying the dlmt or symptoms based taper if you have a doctor that will let you be in control of your taper. It may take longer but you can actually live your life while you're doing it. Of course I realize not everyone is as sensitive as I am but if you are it can make a world of difference. My pdoc told me, when I asked him if I should go faster and just get through it, he said that we don't know what tomorrow will bring so live your life while you can. My brother-in-law passed away when he was 53, Luke Perry was 52. I'm 52, we just never know. Do what is best for you right now. Be that cut and hold or dlmt I personally think we should support everyone no matter what their choice is. Just thought I'd put my pdoc's thoughts out there as I hadn't thought of it quite like that before.


Hey AZBill sounds like we have some similar symptoms. The gut stuff is really rough for me. Can't leave the house cause I need to have a bathroom as close as possible  :laugh: I also have agoraphobia too so I don't even want to leave the house.


Holding is awesome. When I first held in 2017 it took three months for me to stabilize, or as they say over on Surviving Antidepressants, find my new baseline. My current baseline allows me to leave the house and function, as in cook, do laundry, and such. My symptoms based taper keeps me close to my baseline so I can do lots of things. I still do get waves from the CT I did from my antidepressant but they have become very infrequent. I'm holding now from that 3% cut I did. I'm looking forward to getting back to my baseline. Those symptoms are so much easier to deal with on a daily basis. I sometimes even get a window and that is always glorious.


I've read that a lot of people are struggling right now. I know it's hard but we will get through it. The struggle is part of what makes us stronger. Just imagine what kind of people we are going to be when we come out the other side  :thumbsup:


Well, my brain is mushy so I hope some of this is meaningful for someone.


Stay strong, we will get there. I'm glad we have each other to help.


Big hugs,  :hug::mybuddy:



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Thanks again, Mary for taking the patience & time to read my meandering words. Yep you got it right, except, I went & tried to cut some more solcos & they ultimately do just crumble....😔


I’m having such a hard time right now though, that I think I should stick with the solco at least through the rest of this script. I counted & should make it till next fill by the skin of my teeth, short maybe 4 solcos(I can try & reduce my sleeping dose(I’m allowed an extra .5 for that & im up @ max now or sub in a few more actavis with sleeping dose towards end of script, when hopefully I’ll be more stable)


I’ll try some more cutting, but it risks waiting these dang crumbling solcos.

I’ll try practice cutting the actavis that sedated me too.

So I guess next fill, or one after that I’m going to have to decide if I stick with solco or try to cross for cutting purposes, despite my discomfort with the entire idea.


Then there’s like you said possibility of dlmt or maybe crushing solco & scales, but I never understand how to do that stuff & I would not want to put any alcohol in my system for dlmt.


Hugs, gratitude, & love, SC



Hey Scaredie,


I use liquid to taper but I don't use any alcohol. Clonazepam is fat soluble so if you find a milk that works for you that would work to dissolve it. I dissolve 1mg of clonazepam in 100mL of Cashew milk. Cashew milk is almost pure fat so it keeps the medication in suspension so it is equally mixed throughout the milk. Some people do have problems moving from pills to liquid though so there is that to consider as well. Everyone is different and what works for one person may or may not work for someone else. We can only share our info so others can try it and see how it goes.


With the 1mg to 100mL mixture it allows a 1% cut if you take out 1mL or .01mg. So it's pretty easy to figure out how much to cut. Let me know if you have any questions. I'll give you the best answer I can.






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So, this thread still seems to move really quickly. I read some but I can't read it all and retain it  :laugh: My brain just isn't up to all that.


Trishy, I do remember you asking about how long the meds stay good. My pdoc told me that there was a study done, and then I looked it up and verified it of course  :), and he was right. In fact it appears that most meds stand the test of time. They may lose some of their potency but not much. I, like many of you, have built up a little hoard just in case. It is easier when you are taking less than your doctor realizes. Of course I got lucky and my doctor actually helped me build a back up because every time they change generics on me I end up either experiencing an updose or a reduction and I'm so sensitive that it hits me hard.


I just did a 3% reduction and it has been really rough. I was doing a symptoms based taper before that but I wanted to see if I could move faster as the symptoms based taper is/was going to take around 12 years. Well, I have been pretty much housebound for the past three weeks. I'm actually on day 19 of the cut. I think I remember someone mentioning how long it takes for them to get hit and then better. I think I'm probably getting better. The weather isn't helping either though. We have a nice storm going on and my migraine is back too. I had one a few days ago. I don't know if anyone else has this issue but I can't take anything for my migraines, I just have to get through them. Hide in a dark room somewhere until it subsides. Crazy stuff on top of the withdrawals.


Anyway, I really do recommend trying the dlmt or symptoms based taper if you have a doctor that will let you be in control of your taper. It may take longer but you can actually live your life while you're doing it. Of course I realize not everyone is as sensitive as I am but if you are it can make a world of difference. My pdoc told me, when I asked him if I should go faster and just get through it, he said that we don't know what tomorrow will bring so live your life while you can. My brother-in-law passed away when he was 53, Luke Perry was 52. I'm 52, we just never know. Do what is best for you right now. Be that cut and hold or dlmt I personally think we should support everyone no matter what their choice is. Just thought I'd put my pdoc's thoughts out there as I hadn't thought of it quite like that before.


Hey AZBill sounds like we have some similar symptoms. The gut stuff is really rough for me. Can't leave the house cause I need to have a bathroom as close as possible  :laugh: I also have agoraphobia too so I don't even want to leave the house.


Holding is awesome. When I first held in 2017 it took three months for me to stabilize, or as they say over on Surviving Antidepressants, find my new baseline. My current baseline allows me to leave the house and function, as in cook, do laundry, and such. My symptoms based taper keeps me close to my baseline so I can do lots of things. I still do get waves from the CT I did from my antidepressant but they have become very infrequent. I'm holding now from that 3% cut I did. I'm looking forward to getting back to my baseline. Those symptoms are so much easier to deal with on a daily basis. I sometimes even get a window and that is always glorious.


I've read that a lot of people are struggling right now. I know it's hard but we will get through it. The struggle is part of what makes us stronger. Just imagine what kind of people we are going to be when we come out the other side  :thumbsup:


Well, my brain is mushy so I hope some of this is meaningful for someone.


Stay strong, we will get there. I'm glad we have each other to help.


Big hugs,  :hug::mybuddy:




T, that was a fabulous post.  I am so glad to have you guys back.  I have always wanted to know what a baseline was, never on the ad thread, and I guess my assumption was close but you explained it so well, and that just makes so much sense.  It also sounds like you have a good Dr, how wonderful is that?  Mine tries to support me and let's me lead, but truly knows almost nothing about tapering benzo's.  I just had my first window , it lasted three weeks and it was amazing.  I have terrible muscular problems, back, neck, sides and it all eased off about 75%.  I was doing dlmt doing 5% a month, but right before the window, I was having cataract surgery and only cut 3% when I had the window, so now 3% is what I am trying, wish me luck.  Your Dr was so right, I want to live a life now!

Your post was a pleasure for me and was about alot of things I think about.  Thank you so much, Mary 💜

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Hi Trishy, tntd, AZBILL.


Thanks for kind hello, Trishy, hope you’re well.


Bill, thanks for the long hold advice, hope you tu feels better, nice to meet you.


Tntd, we’ve met but not much contact. Sorry to hear your unwell, hope you’re on the upswing soon. All that you said was very interesting, supportive, helpful.


So your klonopin keeps getting changed?


When you feel well, mind sharing how you do your symptoms, based dlmt? I have stabilizing to do right now. Best wishes to get out the door soon!


Given so much today, thank you, kind souls, may you sleep well.



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So, this thread still seems to move really quickly. I read some but I can't read it all and retain it  :laugh: My brain just isn't up to all that.


Trishy, I do remember you asking about how long the meds stay good. My pdoc told me that there was a study done, and then I looked it up and verified it of course  :), and he was right. In fact it appears that most meds stand the test of time. They may lose some of their potency but not much. I, like many of you, have built up a little hoard just in case. It is easier when you are taking less than your doctor realizes. Of course I got lucky and my doctor actually helped me build a back up because every time they change generics on me I end up either experiencing an updose or a reduction and I'm so sensitive that it hits me hard.


I just did a 3% reduction and it has been really rough. I was doing a symptoms based taper before that but I wanted to see if I could move faster as the symptoms based taper is/was going to take around 12 years. Well, I have been pretty much housebound for the past three weeks. I'm actually on day 19 of the cut. I think I remember someone mentioning how long it takes for them to get hit and then better. I think I'm probably getting better. The weather isn't helping either though. We have a nice storm going on and my migraine is back too. I had one a few days ago. I don't know if anyone else has this issue but I can't take anything for my migraines, I just have to get through them. Hide in a dark room somewhere until it subsides. Crazy stuff on top of the withdrawals.


Anyway, I really do recommend trying the dlmt or symptoms based taper if you have a doctor that will let you be in control of your taper. It may take longer but you can actually live your life while you're doing it. Of course I realize not everyone is as sensitive as I am but if you are it can make a world of difference. My pdoc told me, when I asked him if I should go faster and just get through it, he said that we don't know what tomorrow will bring so live your life while you can. My brother-in-law passed away when he was 53, Luke Perry was 52. I'm 52, we just never know. Do what is best for you right now. Be that cut and hold or dlmt I personally think we should support everyone no matter what their choice is. Just thought I'd put my pdoc's thoughts out there as I hadn't thought of it quite like that before.


Hey AZBill sounds like we have some similar symptoms. The gut stuff is really rough for me. Can't leave the house cause I need to have a bathroom as close as possible  :laugh: I also have agoraphobia too so I don't even want to leave the house.


Holding is awesome. When I first held in 2017 it took three months for me to stabilize, or as they say over on Surviving Antidepressants, find my new baseline. My current baseline allows me to leave the house and function, as in cook, do laundry, and such. My symptoms based taper keeps me close to my baseline so I can do lots of things. I still do get waves from the CT I did from my antidepressant but they have become very infrequent. I'm holding now from that 3% cut I did. I'm looking forward to getting back to my baseline. Those symptoms are so much easier to deal with on a daily basis. I sometimes even get a window and that is always glorious.


I've read that a lot of people are struggling right now. I know it's hard but we will get through it. The struggle is part of what makes us stronger. Just imagine what kind of people we are going to be when we come out the other side  :thumbsup:


Well, my brain is mushy so I hope some of this is meaningful for someone.


Stay strong, we will get there. I'm glad we have each other to help.


Big hugs,  :hug::mybuddy:




T, that was a fabulous post.  I am so glad to have you guys back.  I have always wanted to know what a baseline was, never on the ad thread, and I guess my assumption was close but you explained it so well, and that just makes so much sense.  It also sounds like you have a good Dr, how wonderful is that?  Mine tries to support me and let's me lead, but truly knows almost nothing about tapering benzo's.  I just had my first window , it lasted three weeks and it was amazing.  I have terrible muscular problems, back, neck, sides and it all eased off about 75%.  I was doing dlmt doing 5% a month, but right before the window, I was having cataract surgery and only cut 3% when I had the window, so now 3% is what I am trying, wish me luck.  Your Dr was so right, I want to live a life now!

Your post was a pleasure for me and was about alot of things I think about.  Thank you so much, Mary 💜

Thank you Mary, that was so sweet of you to say.

I'm so glad you were able to experience a window. They are amazing and so worth holding for. I'm sorry to hear about your muscular pain. It makes sense though since these meds are muscle relaxants. I'm glad you found a taper pace that works for you and allows you to live your life. I'm going to try that 3% dlmt but still make it symptoms based so we'll see how that goes. The 3% cut did not go well. According to Builder you shouldn't have symptoms on a dlmt but I've never had that experience. I am going to try once more but again, keep it symptoms based.


I'm so glad I was able to touch on things that you think about.




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T, I also have migraines, since I was 36, totally sucks along with wd.  I can take sumatriptan, I usually take a half and they work sometimes and sometimes they don't.

Again, really glad you and Bill are here :D.  Mary. Hope you feel better soon!

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Hi Trishy, tntd, AZBILL.


Thanks for kind hello, Trishy, hope you’re well.


Bill, thanks for the long hold advice, hope you tu feels better, nice to meet you.


Tntd, we’ve met but not much contact. Sorry to hear your unwell, hope you’re on the upswing soon. All that you said was very interesting, supportive, helpful.


So your klonopin keeps getting changed?


When you feel well, mind sharing how you do your symptoms, based dlmt? I have stabilizing to do right now. Best wishes to get out the door soon!


Given so much today, thank you, kind souls, may you sleep well.




Hi Scaredie,


I do remember you though as you said we didn't have much contact. I think you popped on around the time I stopped posting. I've been doing a lot of crocheting and playing games on my tablet to keep me distracted. Also, when I'm at baseline I tend to be busy doing more things so I don't get on the computer much, unless I'm researching stuff. I'm so glad you felt supported and helped. That makes me feel good  :)


So, my symptoms based taper I learned from Ultra. Basically you find a taper amount that allows you to make a "cut" but doesn't cause a lot of symptoms. You either keep cutting/tapering until you start having symptoms and then stop and hold until your symptoms abate or you just hold from the original cut/taper. I personally am so sensitive that I have just been doing a cut/taper once a week. I still will have symptoms on about day three and four but the rest of the week is pretty good. After about six weeks I take a break for a week because I start having "battle fatigue" as my mentor on SA calls it. So basically you figure out how to taper in a way that gives you the least amount of symptoms but you're still moving forward in your taper. There is a thread on SA that's called the slowness of slow tapers. I found/find it quite helpful when I start thinking I want to move faster. I will go read it and remind myself why I'm going slow and doing a symptoms based taper.


I was getting my generic changed quite a bit and it always caused major issues so I found a pharmacy that works with a specific company and will always have that generic available, so long as the company doesn't run out of ingredients or something like that. I'm hoping they maintain that contract so I can stay on the same generic. My doctor agreed with me, as he saw how it affected me when they would change the generic, and he has been prescribing for that pharmacy. Sorry, I'm a veteran and I'm getting my prescription outside of the VA because they would not work with me to keep me on the same generic. They said they couldn't do it as they only have a contract with a company for one year. Most people can go to any pharmacy they want without having to have a special prescription. Still if you want to stay on the same generic call around and find a pharmacy that will work with you to do that. It has made a huge difference for me.


I hope that was helpful. Let me know if you have any questions. My brain isn't at full functionality and I'm not always sure if I'm clear in what I'm saying.


Hope you feel better tomorrow.


Big hugs,





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