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Scardie, in my opinion it's always better to taper from a longer half life benzo drug then a short one. I just refuse to do a crossover at this point, but I do wish however that I was tapering K or one of the other longer half life drugs then Xanax. This drug has put me through more hell that I don't have the strength or mental resolve to even attempt a crossover so I'll crawl off my xanax ..
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Be back later you guys.. My granddaughter is here and she's demanding my attention 😍😍😍


Scardie, hang around and if I can answer any xanax questions for you I'd be more than happy too.


Love to all,


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Thanks Trishy & Mary. I’ll have to look at my calendar to see how I was dosing titrating down the Xanax. Shouldn’t the clonazapam help me through this faster?

I’m an ex smoker & for some reason Xanax withdrawal seems to give me cigarette cravings.


Trish I guess my question is, how long, given that I’m replacing it with clonazapam could withdrawal last.


I haven’t cried in a few hours but I’m just in room all alone, but with you guys :)

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Scardie, in my opinion it's always better to taper from a longer half life benzo drug then a short one. I just refuse to do a crossover at this point, but I do wish however that I was tapering K or one of the other longer half life drugs then Xanax. This drug has put me through more hell that I don't have the strength or mental resolve to even attempt a crossover so I'll crawl off my xanax ..

Thanks for that guidance. You’re no doubt right. Best wishes to you :smitten:

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Thanks Trishy & Mary. I’ll have to look at my calendar to see how I was dosing titrating down the Xanax. Shouldn’t the clonazapam help me through this faster?

I’m an ex smoker & for some reason Xanax withdrawal seems to give me cigarette cravings.


Trish I guess my question is, how long, given that I’m replacing it with clonazapam could withdrawal last.


I haven’t cried in a few hours but I’m just in room all alone, but with you guys :)


Nobody can really answer that Scardie.  Taking off doses of another benzo is going to make things very confusing.  So imo, pick whatever brand k you want to get stable on, and take only that if you can get it.  You need stability, you really need to give your cns and brain an opportunity to stop being shocked by putting another benzo in the mix.  Really, Xanax was my drug too and I hate the Valium I am on and I gave serious thought to switching back, but my husband and I went back through my whole l taper history and realized most of my problems I had caused myself, so I have stuck through this nightmare with the Valium.  So, it sounds to me, imo, you would find the same thing if you studied yours.  Decide what k generic you like the most and are probably most able to get and use only that one.  Then when you are more stable, we can figure out what taper will most likely be best for you.  Please don't add anything else to the mix .  We are here 💜

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Thanks Trishy & Mary. I’ll have to look at my calendar to see how I was dosing titrating down the Xanax. Shouldn’t the clonazapam help me through this faster?

I’m an ex smoker & for some reason Xanax withdrawal seems to give me cigarette cravings.


Trish I guess my question is, how long, given that I’m replacing it with clonazapam could withdrawal last.


I haven’t cried in a few hours but I’m just in room all alone, but with you guys :)

Ok, much thanks , Mary. I’ll leave the Xanax be. Please don’t take this as ungrateful nor argumentative, as we know text can get misconstrued. I appreciate what your day saying about picking a clonazapam manufacture & sticking to it, but I thought that when switching manufacturers, of the same medication, it was best to slowly replace the doses of the one you’d been on regularly for awhile(solco)with doses of the new replacement one(actavis), dose by dose or some do half dose of each, at whatever rate feels comfortable, like I of my daily doses per month, for example, until you were all switched over to the new generic, thus not shocking ones system with the sudden switch/change & allowing my my CNS to gradually adjust to the newer generic.??


That’s what I thoght most clonazapam peeps were doing when teva was discontinued, if they had enough Tevas left.


The main reason that I am wanting to crossover again, isn’t because I like one over the other, it’s because I can’t dry cut the one I chose when teva was discontinued(solco), it crumbles & the other generic (actavis can be dry cut) which I’d like the option of doing. I just don’t know if I’ll tolerate the new one, especially just coming off Xanax.


I hope that all makes sense. Thank you! :)



Nobody can really answer that Scardie.  Taking off doses of another benzo is going to make things very confusing.  So imo, pick whatever brand k you want to get stable on, and take only that if you can get it.  You need stability, you really need to give your cns and brain an opportunity to stop being shocked by putting another benzo in the mix.  Really, Xanax was my drug too and I hate the Valium I am on and I gave serious thought to switching back, but my husband and I went back through my whole l taper history and realized most of my problems I had caused myself, so I have stuck through this nightmare with the Valium.  So, it sounds to me, imo, you would find the same thing if you studied yours.  Decide what k generic you like the most and are probably most able to get and use only that one.  Then when you are more stable, we can figure out what taper will most likely be best for you.  Please don't add anything else to the mix .  We are here 💜

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Thanks again, Mary, I think you’re right about going through the history, very insightful. Now I need to figure out what to do about the generics & hold on tight till stable. Bout to cry. So appreciate all the kind caring & understanding on here. The non judgment & welcoming me back. Now I’ll just need shoulders to cry on till decide to make next move. 💕Gratitude to you all
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Thanks again, Mary, I think you’re right about going through the history, very insightful. Now I need to figure out what to do about the generics & hold on tight till stable. Bout to cry. So appreciate all the kind caring & understanding on here. The non judgment & welcoming me back. Now I’ll just need shoulders to cry on till decide to make next move. 💕Gratitude to you all


Our shoulders are here Scardie  ;).

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Aw, Scaredie, I've been crying a lot today too! You will be okay here. We look after each other.


We haven't met, so I'm Gilly from the UK. This lot often use "English" as my name.


Hugs, Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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Scardie, I agree with the group. I think you will do better tapering from k because of the half life. I am so sorry you are going through this. I know it is very hard. Stay with us. It helps to have people to talk to. It has been my lifeline. Esperanza
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Hi Everyone.. :)


SC, Good to see you here again, but sorry things are complicated and your suffering... :(

For what its worth, I just did a straight CO on another med and it sure rattled me.. I cant do a slow CO on this one, so my only real option other than suffering through would be to increase the new med until I found some stability... -But I feel that that dose, if even possible, would be a lot higher than acceptable or practical... I dont know if this would be the case for you, -I just hope you feel better asap...

Sorry, realy I just wanted to say HI, and send you strength...



Gilly, You also... Damn the brand changes... Who would have thought (if it wasnt so common here)...!!

Hope you see better days real soon too...



Bbl with any luck, but for now my head says -go back to bed and shut those eyes... (light is stabbing my brain)..



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Hi Everyone.. :)


SC, Good to see you here again, but sorry things are complicated and your suffering... :(

For what its worth, I just did a straight CO on another med and it sure rattled me.. I cant do a slow CO on this one, so my only real option other than suffering through would be to increase the new med until I found some stability... -But I feel that that dose, if even possible, would be a lot higher than acceptable or practical... I dont know if this would be the case for you, -I just hope you feel better asap...

Sorry, realy I just wanted to say HI, and send you strength...



Gilly, You also... Damn the brand changes... Who would have thought (if it wasnt so common here)...!!

Hope you see better days real soon too...



Bbl with any luck, but for now my head says -go back to bed and shut those eyes... (light is stabbing my brain)..


Not even a hello for The Mim :'( :'(

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I didn’t post a thing today, but my computer went haywire on me. Century link couldnt figure it out and neither could Norton.


Tomorrow I’m calling Lenova to see what they say. @6 hours on the phone total today with a whisper of a voice. Luckily Dan was able to explain a few things. But he’s wants a new computer. That man just loves to spend $$$$.


And I might end up with a new computer. Office Max will install it and show me how to use windows 10.


So see you all tomorrow.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

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Good night LHSG, sweet dreams, see you all tomorrow.

Love you all, Mary 🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉


Stut, love you my Queen, worry about you, hope your sxs have eased some.  Joe is coming back to us more each day, today he became President, long story  :D  Can't is struggling but is trying hard . We miss you so much


Your Lady Mary

I am no longer Can't 's Mim, but I am magical  :laugh: :laugh:  longer story  :D

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Good night LHSG, sweet dreams, see you all tomorrow.

Love you all, Mary 🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉


Stut, love you my Queen, worry about you, hope your sxs have eased some.  Joe is coming back to us more each day, today he became President, long story  :D  Can't is struggling but is trying hard . We miss you so much


Your Lady Mary

I am no longer Can't 's Mim, but I am magical  :laugh: :laugh:  longer story  :D

  Morning lady Mary don't you be worrying about me l will be grand.Just one of the joys of tapering and it will pass.l see this little group is busy again there you go it comes and goes like withdrawal symptoms 😀. Anyhoo l hope you are doing well my love and looking after yourself? When are you going back to the physio?

  Nephew's came and l put in a good show but one of them noticed l wasn't my usual self.Sometimes it just isn't possible to hide. I am going to have a chat with my other sister to see if she will take sis for Easter so l can have a break.l might go and see my daughter if the chance arises.

  Not long now until GOT you and Free must be excited.Enjoy it my loves you probably know what's going to happen as you have read the books?

  Don't know when l will be on again but I hope it will be soon.

So Joe is now the president as well as the king oh God his head will be even bigger.l hope you are all keeping him on his toes and knocking him back down when he needs it 😀.Glad to hear he is back again he is good craic and missed badly when he steps back.

  Love you my lady Mary

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Hi Everyone.. :)


SC, Good to see you here again, but sorry things are complicated and your suffering... :(

For what its worth, I just did a straight CO on another med and it sure rattled me.. I cant do a slow CO on this one, so my only real option other than suffering through would be to increase the new med until I found some stability... -But I feel that that dose, if even possible, would be a lot higher than acceptable or practical... I dont know if this would be the case for you, -I just hope you feel better asap...

Sorry, realy I just wanted to say HI, and send you strength...



Gilly, You also... Damn the brand changes... Who would have thought (if it wasnt so common here)...!!

Hope you see better days real soon too...



Bbl with any luck, but for now my head says -go back to bed and shut those eyes... (light is stabbing my brain)..

  Oh Can't l wish you could catch a break.l wish we could help more but sadly time is the only thing that will help.When is the memorial? I think it is this weekend?l know this is going to take a lot of effort on your part however know that we will all be thinking about you and willing you on.

  Thinking of you mate always.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Trish l couldn't be prouder you are going back to therapy l am so happy 😀😘. Now you work your ass off and practice, practice, practice.I know you will you really taking control of this and doing everything to help yourself.You are my twin after all.

  Love you my lST.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Esperanza well done l know you are suffering however look what you achieved you are one strong lady.l know you don't feel strong however we can all see it and you will too given time.Keep going my love that's all we can do for now.

Love you my hillbilly friend.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Gilly you are also one of our strongest warriors.You have battled this for 8 years and still moving forward.I am sorry about the generic changes l wish l could help with that however l don't have any solutions on that situation.

  Love you my lovely friend.

Love and hugs Stut X

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Welcome back Sc sorry to see you are still suffering.I will say this we can't give you time lines as this isn't predictary and everyone is different.That sadly is something you are going to have to accept.Also l would agree with Mary cross over gradually to whatever K you want to taper from and stay there until things settle down.l will say this my love stable does not mean symptomless it means the symptoms stay much the same.

  Sc there is a wealth of information on this forum so l suggest you do a little research and take this time to learn as much as you can.Also practice coping skills which should help you during withdrawal.

  The best way to learn is by doing so get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.

Intend is our resident expert on K (hi intend) so she knows more about K than the rest of us.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Intend l don't think l have ever met anyone that spends as much time on the phone l am not surprised your hoarse.Even without the underlying problem l would be hoarseas well.l hope you have a good day my love.

  Sending my love to you and Dan.

Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Free l am running out of steam here you miss a day or two and it is hard to catch up.l hope you are holding your own my love? Miss you here.

  Love you my lovely friend.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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