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Hi Intend. Okay for the Vitamin C helping colds. Do you reckon Echinacea does anything?


I know it's important to keep Dan's sugars down, but we all need a Brownie once in a blue moon!



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I am back. And very exhausted. I missed a lot. Trishy, I am so sad about your dog. If you have any doubts about opting out of the surgery, it may help you to know my daughter had an almost identical situation. They did the surgery, but their dog died within hours of coming home. Sometimes, there really is nothing more to be done. I think you are making a good choice. Mary, so sorry the migraine is back. Gilly, thinking of you and Stut. I am right there with you. I have had the most atypical taper of all of you. Nothing gets significantly better or worse. Have done four cuts with no real decline yet. But my baseline was pretty low. Welcome, T. Prozac, sorry the window closed, but it will open again. Love to Free, Intend, and Can’t. I am taking today to crash. Weekend took a lot of energy I couldn’t spare, but was well worth it. We have to try to live a little, just to not let this take everythzing. Love, Esperanza Esperanza

Thanks E, We just want to love her with whatever time she has left. It's her birthday today she's 12. She gets the best scraps we have to offer her from the dinner table tonight ;)


It's nice to see you here, glad you got away and hey no worse no better somewhere in the middle not too shabby E.


Love you lady,



;):happybday: :happybday: :happybday::balloon: :balloon:  To Mykala  :laugh: :laugh:  you deserve your own steak bone tonight, tell your mother  :angel:

How about leftover chicken and broccoli? That's what she had for her birthday treats and a little peanut butter on a few milk bones :laugh: she seemed very happy with that 😃


She's says thank you for the birthday wishes with big slobbery kisses.






🍗 and 🥦  are great for Mikayla on her birthday. And also the 🥜 butter.


Happy birthday 🎈🎊🎉 to Mikayla from me!

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Hi Intend. Okay for the Vitamin C helping colds. Do you reckon Echinacea does anything?


I know it's important to keep Dan's sugars down, but we all need a Brownie once in a blue moon!

Amen! I know I need one! 😂😂

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I am back. And very exhausted. I missed a lot. Trishy, I am so sad about your dog. If you have any doubts about opting out of the surgery, it may help you to know my daughter had an almost identical situation. They did the surgery, but their dog died within hours of coming home. Sometimes, there really is nothing more to be done. I think you are making a good choice. Mary, so sorry the migraine is back. Gilly, thinking of you and Stut. I am right there with you. I have had the most atypical taper of all of you. Nothing gets significantly better or worse. Have done four cuts with no real decline yet. But my baseline was pretty low. Welcome, T. Prozac, sorry the window closed, but it will open again. Love to Free, Intend, and Can’t. I am taking today to crash. Weekend took a lot of energy I couldn’t spare, but was well worth it. We have to try to live a little, just to not let this take everythzing. Love, Esperanza Esperanza

Thanks E, We just want to love her with whatever time she has left. It's her birthday today she's 12. She gets the best scraps we have to offer her from the dinner table tonight ;)


It's nice to see you here, glad you got away and hey no worse no better somewhere in the middle not too shabby E.


Love you lady,



;):happybday: :happybday: :happybday::balloon: :balloon:  To Mykala  :laugh: :laugh:  you deserve your own steak bone tonight, tell your mother  :angel:

How about leftover chicken and broccoli? That's what she had for her birthday treats and a little peanut butter on a few milk bones :laugh: she seemed very happy with that 😃


She's says thank you for the birthday wishes with big slobbery kisses.






🍗 and 🥦  are great for Mikayla on her birthday. And also the 🥜 butter.


Happy birthday 🎈🎊🎉 to Mikayla from me!


Thank you sweet lady from both of us 😘💞💞🐾🐾🐾

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Aw, bless Mykala! Milk bones with peanut butter.... :thumbsup:  As long as she is getting pleasure in life then that's what counts.... :smitten:

She is English she's a spoiled dog always had been ;D

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Hi Intend. Okay for the Vitamin C helping colds. Do you reckon Echinacea does anything?


I know it's important to keep Dan's sugars down, but we all need a Brownie once in a blue moon!


Gilly, a brownie here or there is fine, but Dan ate 5. And all the ice cream which was  half of the carton. His blood sugar skyrockets the next day.


I’ve never tried Echinacea for my self or for him. I’m not one for supplements of any kind anymore.


Besides, he gets a little paranoid about pills in general. Always asking me “now what was that drug or whatever it is that causes liver failure?”


And I answer ibuprofen? Tylenol? And then he says, “no, no; that’s not it. It’s something else. “


I only wish he stop himself from sneaking those things like brownies like he worries so much about isolated incidents of taking something like generic guafenisen.


I feel like slapping his hand and saying “no, no” to him. 

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Hi Intend. Okay for the Vitamin C helping colds. Do you reckon Echinacea does anything?


I know it's important to keep Dan's sugars down, but we all need a Brownie once in a blue moon!


Gilly, a brownie here or there is fine, but Dan ate 5. And all the ice cream which was  half of the carton. His blood sugar skyrockets the next day.


I’ve never tried Echinacea for my self or for him. I’m not one for supplements of any kind anymore.


Besides, he gets a little paranoid about pills in general. Always asking me “now what was that drug or whatever it is that causes liver failure?”


And I answer ibuprofen? Tylenol? And then he says, “no, no; that’s not it. It’s something else. “


I only wish he stop himself from sneaking those things like brownies like he worries so much about isolated incidents of taking something like generic guafenisen.


I feel like slapping his hand and saying “no, no” to him.


He ate 5!!

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Aw, bless Mykala! Milk bones with peanut butter.... :thumbsup:  As long as she is getting pleasure in life then that's what counts.... :smitten:

She is English she's a spoiled dog always had been ;D


Trish, Pepper is super spoiled. She even knows her name. I read in the paper 2-3 days ago that cats recognize their names if used often enough.


But she will not eat people food under any circumstances. Only interested in the sacks when groceries come in. 🐈  :wacko:

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Aw, bless Mykala! Milk bones with peanut butter.... :thumbsup:  As long as she is getting pleasure in life then that's what counts.... :smitten:

She is English she's a spoiled dog always had been ;D


Trish, Pepper is super spoiled. She even knows her name. I read in the paper 2-3 days ago that cats recognize their names if used often enough.


But she will not eat people food under any circumstances. Only interested in the sacks when groceries come in. 🐈  :wacko:


😂😂 She sounds adorable. Reminds me of my cat Chloe who passed away some yrs ago. She knew her name and loved to harass Mikayla. She was the boss! She loved the crinkly sound of the bags , I know just what you're talking about. I bet she likes hiding in them too!


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Aw, bless Mykala! Milk bones with peanut butter.... :thumbsup:  As long as she is getting pleasure in life then that's what counts.... :smitten:

She is English she's a spoiled dog always had been ;D


Trish, Pepper is super spoiled. She even knows her name. I read in the paper 2-3 days ago that cats recognize their names if used often enough.


But she will not eat people food under any circumstances. Only interested in the sacks when groceries come in. 🐈  :wacko:


:laugh: :laugh: 🐱🐾🐾

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Hi Intend. Okay for the Vitamin C helping colds. Do you reckon Echinacea does anything?


I know it's important to keep Dan's sugars down, but we all need a Brownie once in a blue moon!


Gilly, a brownie here or there is fine, but Dan ate 5. And all the ice cream which was  half of the carton. His blood sugar skyrockets the next day.


I’ve never tried Echinacea for my self or for him. I’m not one for supplements of any kind anymore.


Besides, he gets a little paranoid about pills in general. Always asking me “now what was that drug or whatever it is that causes liver failure?”


And I answer ibuprofen? Tylenol? And then he says, “no, no; that’s not it. It’s something else. “


I only wish he stop himself from sneaking those things like brownies like he worries so much about isolated incidents of taking something like generic guafenisen.


I feel like slapping his hand and saying “no, no” to him.


He ate 5!!


He did. I was going to eat what I thought were the 2 left, and they were gone. So I looked at the ice cream in the freezer in the garage and that was gone too.


And I tracked him down in the back yard and asked him how many were left, and he said “only 5.”


And of course, I replied sarcastically “thanks.” Oh well, tomorrow we’ll see where that blood sugar is. I’m predicting maybe 140?


There a thread on another section of BB discussing whether or not benzos cause high blood sugar.


I don’t really know about that. But one person had a morning fasting BGL of 126. And she was told that she had caught this in time. Maybe, as it’s high but preliminary.


The true story is told by the A1C that goes backwards into the stored sugar in the tissues of the body.


That range is 0 to 7. The BGL is overnight fasting and that range should fall @75-100 for a “normal” person. So if I saw Dan with 126, I’d know something had gone on.


He’s usually around 115-117, and that’s me constantly keeping an 👁 on this.

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And I tracked him down in the back yard and asked him how many were left, and he said “only 5.”


:laugh:  :D. I'm sorry, that just tickled me 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


He's related to Tim  ;)

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Hello everyone,


Esperanza, welcome back!  I hope you get some good rest.  Seems like any adventure can really tire us out, I know it does for me.


Billy, I hope you come out of the wave soon


Yesterday morning I felt like my stomach issues were lifting, but from then on the day crashed into a horrible, ugly WAve day, with a lot of anxious pain, agitation, and wierd headedness.  Now today I am much better feeling with minimal symptoms.  Talk about a rollercoaster!  I’m hoping this window opens for a while, we will see.  It seems like whenever my symptoms are extreme one day, very often it’s better the next day.  Not always but often.


Have a good evening everyone!


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Good night ladies, gonna watch a little TV with Rich. Hope you all have a good night.


Love you all,

Trish ❤️

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Aw, bless Mykala! Milk bones with peanut butter.... :thumbsup:  As long as she is getting pleasure in life then that's what counts.... :smitten:

She is English she's a spoiled dog always had been ;D


Trish, Pepper is super spoiled. She even knows her name. I read in the paper 2-3 days ago that cats recognize their names if used often enough.


But she will not eat people food under any circumstances. Only interested in the sacks when groceries come in. 🐈  :wacko:


😂😂 She sounds adorable. Reminds me of my cat Chloe who passed away some yrs ago. She knew her name and loved to harass Mikayla. She was the boss! She loved the crinkly sound of the bags , I know just what you're talking about. I bet she likes hiding in them too!



Pepper will climb into any bag to investigate what’s in there. Dan puts his socks in a bag to put them away since I wash a bunch at one time, and she gets into the bag and checks them all. She gets in there one way or another.


I just can’t imagine Pepper around a dog. That is unpredictable for me.

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Lol! Don't worry AZB, I think I know what happened! Do you call yourself Billy ever? My cat is called Tilly and my computer always defaults to Gilly when I'm talking about her. Did that happen?


In any case, thank you so much for your kind wishes. I hope your tummy is better tomorrow and that it IS the start of a window.  :thumbsup: Gx



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Yes, Intend, it IS different from five! Plus ice cream... Dear me...


This experience makes us rethink about supplements sometimes. I get what you mean...



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Hello everyone,


Esperanza, welcome back!  I hope you get some good rest.  Seems like any adventure can really tire us out, I know it does for me.


Billy, I hope you come out of the wave soon


Yesterday morning I felt like my stomach issues were lifting, but from then on the day crashed into a horrible, ugly WAve day, with a lot of anxious pain, agitation, and wierd headedness.  Now today I am much better feeling with minimal symptoms.  Talk about a rollercoaster!  I’m hoping this window opens for a while, we will see.  It seems like whenever my symptoms are extreme one day, very often it’s better the next day.  Not always but often.


Have a good evening everyone!


Hope tomorrow is better for you AzBill, love Mary💜

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Hello everyone,


Esperanza, welcome back!  I hope you get some good rest.  Seems like any adventure can really tire us out, I know it does for me.


Billy, I hope you come out of the wave soon


Yesterday morning I felt like my stomach issues were lifting, but from then on the day crashed into a horrible, ugly WAve day, with a lot of anxious pain, agitation, and wierd headedness.  Now today I am much better feeling with minimal symptoms.  Talk about a rollercoaster!  I’m hoping this window opens for a while, we will see.  It seems like whenever my symptoms are extreme one day, very often it’s better the next day.  Not always but often.


Have a good evening everyone!


Hello there Bill. I think you’re doing quite well with your Ativan taper.


Ativan tapers can be difficult for many as it’s a peak and fall type benzo. And 3 doses per day is very good for this type of benzo. Many try 4 doses per day.


But whatever works is the key.

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And I tracked him down in the back yard and asked him how many were left, and he said “only 5.”


:laugh:  :D. I'm sorry, that just tickled me 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


He's related to Tim  ;)


Maybe Mary. If Tim is a big Mexican, it’s possible.


I honestly am very attached to Dan like you are to Tim. 💙💜


Think of me like a hawk swooping down and snatching that brownie right away from him.  🦅

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Think of me like a hawk swooping down and snatching that brownie right away from him.


I can just see Dan jump when you walk up behind him. 


Intend, I am trying to learn to just copy a part of a quote.....I can get it posted on the next page but I can't get it to highlight and then find the quote button, does that make sense?  Help me  :D

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Yes, Intend, it IS different from five! Plus ice cream... Dear me...


This experience makes us rethink about supplements sometimes. I get what you mean...




Gilly, I stay away from all supplements. I will take guafenisen as it only requires a big glass of water 💦 with it if I get a cold. It was given to me when I first got idiopathic subglottic stenosis and could not cough up any congestion in my trachea. If you buy the name brand, it’s mucinex with a bunch of additives, but if you get the house brand, it’s pure guafenisen with no additives whatsoever.


And it takes about 2 days, and I’m much better.


Forgot to mention Mary’s cats. They were so happy to see us. Well, Mary’s moving her clothes and shoes in a big van after Easter. And finally taking her cats.


It’s not my bedtime, but for those who it is, I’m now going to watch Chris Hayes on MSNBC.

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Think of me like a hawk swooping down and snatching that brownie right away from him.


I can just see Dan jump when you walk up behind him. 


Intend, I am trying to learn to just copy a part of a quote.....I can get it posted on the next page but I can't get it to highlight and then find the quote button, does that make sense?  Help me  :D


It makes sense Mary. I can’t do this on my iPad at all, but I do it on my computer. I will have to look at this on my computer. Seemed like begood was giving someone on this sort of thing. I tried what she said on this iPad, and it didn’t work.


So maybe she uses a computer to do these sorts of things. I need to check.


I will check and try it myself on my computer. Watch me screw it up.

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