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Hey English you here? I'll be back in a few minutes my phone is screwing up and I need Rich to look at it.


You too Mrs fat thumb😂😂stay put I'll be back😃

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Hey English you here? I'll be back in a few minutes my phone is screwing up and I need Rich to look at it.


You too Mrs fat thumb😂😂stay put I'll be back😃



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Hi, group. I made it to the cabin somewhere in the North Carolina hills near Asheville. Long winding road, got lost, gps went out, and then we ran into a sign saying road closed. I kept telling Tom let me drive because I was car sick, but he kept saying we were almost there, for an hour. He finally had to let go of male pride and call the rental owner to come get us. We are still waiting for my son, his wife, and my grandsons They ran out of gas. Just heard them come in. Hopefully, we can relax now. The girls have stated out their spot in the loft. Mary, that was a great post. Are we recruiting? How about, you got the know when to hold them, know when to fold them, as our theme song? Miyu, Gilly, Stut, Can’t hope you get relief in a few days. Intend, how are you? I have fewer side effects since I started to cut. I don’t know if that is real or because I got some new issues to deal with and withdrawal took a backseat. I am sure it was won’t last. Very strange. Crazy anxiety lessened and replaced by legitimate worry until I am through the testing. Also, I have allergies really bad, so I guess as long as I am sick the universe is satisfied. Trishy, I can’t do math either. The secret is, almost no one can. I own up to it. Never saw the point of doing something where everybody came up with the same answer. Hoping to hear good news about Joe. Love, Esperanza
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Hi, group. I made it to the cabin somewhere in the North Carolina hills near Asheville. Long winding road, got lost, gps went out, and then we ran into a sign saying road closed. I kept telling Tom let me drive because I was car sick, but he kept saying we were almost there, for an hour. He finally had to let go of male pride and call the rental owner to come get us. We are still waiting for my son, his wife, and my grandsons They ran out of gas. Just heard them come in. Hopefully, we can relax now. The girls have stated out their spot in the loft. Mary, that was a great post. Are we recruiting? How about, you got the know when to hold them, know when to fold them, as our theme song? Miyu, Gilly, Stut, Can’t hope you get relief in a few days. Intend, how are you? I have fewer side effects since I started to cut. I don’t know if that is real or because I got some new issues to deal with and withdrawal took a backseat. I am sure it was won’t last. Very strange. Crazy anxiety lessened and replaced by legitimate worry until I am through the testing. Also, I have allergies really bad, so I guess as long as I am sick the universe is satisfied. Trishy, I can’t do math either. The secret is, almost no one can. I own up to it. Never saw the point of doing something where everybody came up with the same answer. Hoping to hear good news about Joe. Love, Esperanza


I have been to Asheville too :D. And I am now changing my signature from Dust is the New Black, to you gotta know when to hold them :laugh: :laugh:  I wrote that post in hopes of helping someone that just got slapped in the face realizing it's not going to be quick and easy and now all of a sudden they realize none of that's true.  Its going to take a long time and you are going to screw up over and over, but you gotta keep going.  I believe that about our body too, sometimes it just realizes we are at our threshold for issues and gives us a little break.  Hope you have a good time Cousin, love ya Mary🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

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Hey E, have a great time! I'm glad you're feeling pretty decent, that's good news and math sucks..😜


Stay well girlfriend

Love you lady!

Trish ❤️



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Wow mft, (sweet D) your post was awesome, sounds like you went through it.. I know a bit about that, that's for sure.. don't knock your writing either, I thought it was very good. I think you should post that all over BB for anyone who's discouraged, could be a big help.


I think I'm going to cut and hold a quarter of a quarter of a pill and hold as long as I need to.. Rinse and repeat. I really think I'll be ok if I just listen to my body and hold a good amount of time between those cuts. All the other stuff just doesn't make sense to me.


I went to the eye Dr today and he said my headaches are from my eyes. I'm far sighted and I'm having difficulty focusing or in other words my eyes are working harder bc of all of this but it was easily fixed with a new RX for glasses 🤓

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Wow mft, (sweet D) your post was awesome, sounds like you went through it.. I know a bit about that, that's for sure.. don't knock your writing either, I thought it was very good. I think you should post that all over BB for anyone who's discouraged, could be a big help.


I think I'm going to cut and hold a quarter of a quarter of a pill and hold as long as I need to.. Rinse and repeat. I really think I'll be ok if I just listen to my body and hold a good amount of time between those cuts. All the other stuff just doesn't make sense to me.


I went to the eye Dr today and he said my headaches are from my eyes. I'm far sighted and I'm having difficulty focusing or in other words my eyes are working harder bc of all of this but it was easily fixed with a new RX for glasses 🤓


Hold on, brb, going to eat  :D

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Good morning Miyu l am always delighted to hear from you however l wish it was under better circumstances.l know you haven't held however maybe it is time you gave it a go.l know you don't trust the process however the only way to see is by doing. I think the length of time and the uncertainty of a taper would make anyone depressed and anxious however yours is obviously due to withdrawal so wait it out.

  You are an old hand at this so you will do what is best for you.Keep posting my friend you are one of our strongest warriors.

  Love and hugs Stut X


Thank you dear Stut xx

It is good to feel support of others who have found the 'no rush' approach ... So many disapprove of this way though and out . In the end I feel it's my only option , just not prepared for unnecessary  insanity !

I'm holding ... I did hold before on valium , but when I had the misfortune to start reacting badly to the V, that all fell apart and I had to start over with the k.

Anyway ... Holding for now . I have dentist and drivers license and birthday in April, so I need and want some 'relative ' normalcy in Oder to deal with these things . And if possible I would actually like to enjoy my birthday !


I hope you are doing ok Stut ,I haven't backtracked the gazillion pages I've missed !

So I'm not all caught up on everyone .

Thank you for your love and support as always ,

Love, Miyu  :smitten: :smitten:



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Hey Mary fat thumbs I just traveled around BB and I won't tell you where I landed but I should have known better..I read something I try not to think about :tickedoff:.. Someone was talking about having a back up Dr in case something happens to the one who prescribes your med. That actually is one of my fears 🤪.. I have to stop thinking about the what ifs.. I'm caught in that loop..uhgggg I have to just keep going with the flow 🤦
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Intend, just in case you pop in or read tonight I wanted to let you know that I cut twice in the month of February and then I think it was less than two weeks when I cut again in March.

So probably too fast, I'm going to slow it down but I think I'll stay with my plan despite it's unpopularity.


Love to you,

Trish ❤️

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Hey Mary fat thumbs I just traveled around BB and I won't tell you where I landed but I should have known better..I read something I try not to think about :tickedoff:.. Someone was talking about having a back up Dr in case something happens to the one who prescribes your med. That actually is one of my fears 🤪.. I have to stop thinking about the what ifs.. I'm caught in that loop..uhgggg I have to just keep going with the flow 🤦


It if very unlikely xanax is going anywhere, my pharmacist told my husband that it is their top drug prescribed.


And builder said all you need is milk or alcohol to dlmt your xanax.  I asked him today.  I am not saying another word, you taper your way.  Dis you read Esperanza 's post. "Know when to hold 'em, so I put that on my signature page.  Hey, I am on an IPAD and don't know how to copy and paste, can you copy that post and put it on the Withdrawal Support Thread?

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April 2017, I started tapering 2 mgs of Xanax , my stomach was killing me, had all the tests, all came back showing nothing, lucky enough my husband found an article discussing benzo's and stomach pain and it all fell together.  I immediately cut way too much, having no knowledge of what I was doing, but I was lucky in that the next day I started researching.  I didn't find the Ashton Manual or BB then , just enough information to go back up immediately, the word stroke scaring me to death.  Started back down, still way too fast, withdrawals really bad.  Anxiety off the roof, shaky, heart palpitations, muscle pain, and many others.  Mostly in terrible shape.  In October, after lowering about .05 xanax found Ashton Manual, got my pain Dr to help and managed to come down another.25 for a total of.75 Xanax.  Horrible withdrawals, found BB, thank goodness, and decided to crossover to Valium, which also turned into a nightmare, my body just hated it, sedated, sick, had crossover too fast, having xanax withdrawals also.  It was awful.  I made many more mistakes during the next year, this is so hard, not the same rules for anyone.  My main symptom through all of this has been bad muscle pain, still is.  I am writing this for the people who are around a year into this and think they can't go on, you can.  I am down to 10.56 Valium equivalency from 40 mg .  I am now doing a daily liquid micro taper, much easier than cut and hold for me, and just had a three week window, I had never had one.  So if I can make all the mistakes I did and be as miserable as I have been, know you can keep on.  Keep reading  all over BB to find the way for you, ask questions, learn, get advice......my best advice, taper slowly, so many of us have run into so many walls wanting to speed this process up, all the heartache, pain and time we would have saved , if we had just slowed down.  Ashton is a fast taper for most of us, it's a good taper but cut that % down or stretch the time frame out.  You will be glad you did.  I was on Xanax for 3 years, never dreamed this could happen, am sure you didn't either.  I hope this helps someone, I am not a great writer like so many on here, but I wanted to share, you are not alone in your mistakes, not anything wrong you have done has not been done before and those people still healed.  Good luck everyone, you CAN do this too, it won't be easy and it is going to take a while.  🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 Mary....read the success stories, they help!


Mary , i loved this post , thank you for taking The time to write it ! I too have made many 'mistakes ', not my fault , I just didn't know any better , until I did .

We somehow all have to find our own way , and finding this group was major for me , after having attempted Ashton style taper and got in real difficulty .


The way I taper now , it's entirely symptoms based , and also based on what I feel I can handle ....

I'm always hoping for a big break , but they never seem to come , oh well , not yet anyway .


I have found that at least to some degree, taking care of myself diet wise , and emotional health is really important . Nothing stops WDs though sadly ....


I think I'm what one might calla 'random 'taperer..... I have some idea in mind of what I want to achieve , I rarely make it ! And as soon as I feel like I'm dropping below my baseline , I stop , and wait ..... Rinse and repeat ....I am using a 1 ml syringe though that allows  me to micro micro taper !


Don't think I could dry cut , unless with Bob7 s method , which I do intend to try for me V when I get there .



Hi Cant! Good to see you here .

So sorry you are having a rough spell .... You have been through the ringer ... I really hope you will be out of the woods fro good very soon  :hug:


Gilly , hold on , you too are having such a rough time .... I hope it all leads to something good , like deep wisdom and surrender that will give us such an advantage in life once we are through this .

Menopause ... That's hard ... I know hormones can really effect WDs too .i have a friend  who every month while she was tapering , would go through hell, she eventually got on hormones and it did help her stabilize more . Not sure that's a real option for you though ..Maca powder perhaps worth a try?

I'm done , but it was actually perimenopause in part that got me in this benzo mess.

Hugs Gilly .



I'm sorry I'm not around a lot , I don't like to be on the computer / iPad a lot as I find it a bit stressful on my nervous system ..... I will try to check in more often though . I wish I had a voice record , that would make it a lot easier ...


Thanks for always welcoming me when I do visit ❤️


Lots of love to everyone today ,

Miyu  :smitten: :smitten:





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Hey Mary fat thumbs I just traveled around BB and I won't tell you where I landed but I should have known better..I read something I try not to think about :tickedoff:.. Someone was talking about having a back up Dr in case something happens to the one who prescribes your med. That actually is one of my fears 🤪.. I have to stop thinking about the what ifs.. I'm caught in that loop..uhgggg I have to just keep going with the flow 🤦


It if very unlikely xanax is going anywhere, my pharmacist told my husband that it is their top drug prescribed.


And builder said all you need is milk or alcohol to dlmt your xanax.  I asked him today.  I am not saying another word, you taper your way.  Dis you read Esperanza 's post. "Know when to hold 'em, so I put that on my signature page.  Hey, I am on an IPAD and don't know how to copy and paste, can you copy that post and put it on the Withdrawal Support Thread?


D, you can always have input in my taper, I love that you care actually I demand that you care 😅 ..I may consider the dlmt if it'll make my taper go faster but then I'll have to carry a refrigerator around with me and I can't I have to go to work 😏


I would love to help you post something but the only cutting and pasting I've ever done is with my kindergartners :laugh: :laugh: .. Maybe English or intend will appear and one of them can help you..

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Hey Mary fat thumbs I just traveled around BB and I won't tell you where I landed but I should have known better..I read something I try not to think about :tickedoff:.. Someone was talking about having a back up Dr in case something happens to the one who prescribes your med. That actually is one of my fears 🤪.. I have to stop thinking about the what ifs.. I'm caught in that loop..uhgggg I have to just keep going with the flow 🤦


It if very unlikely xanax is going anywhere, my pharmacist told my husband that it is their top drug prescribed.


And builder said all you need is milk or alcohol to dlmt your xanax.  I asked him today.  I am not saying another word, you taper your way.  Dis you read Esperanza 's post. "Know when to hold 'em, so I put that on my signature page.  Hey, I am on an IPAD and don't know how to copy and paste, can you copy that post and put it on the Withdrawal Support Thread?


D, you can always have input in my taper, I love that you care actually I demand that you care 😅 ..I may consider the dlmt if it'll make my taper go faster but then I'll have to carry a refrigerator around with me and I can't I have to go to work 😏


I would love to help you post something but the only cutting and pasting I've ever done is with my kindergartners :laugh: :laugh: .. Maybe English or intend will appear and one of them can help you..


:laugh: :laugh:  I can do it on a computer, it's just with this IPAD, I can't figure any of it out.  Yes , we are dumb and dumber, Stut called it :laugh: :laugh:  how did she know so fast  :2funny:

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Hey Mary fat thumbs I just traveled around BB and I won't tell you where I landed but I should have known better..I read something I try not to think about :tickedoff:.. Someone was talking about having a back up Dr in case something happens to the one who prescribes your med. That actually is one of my fears 🤪.. I have to stop thinking about the what ifs.. I'm caught in that loop..uhgggg I have to just keep going with the flow 🤦


It if very unlikely xanax is going anywhere, my pharmacist told my husband that it is their top drug prescribed.


And builder said all you need is milk or alcohol to dlmt your xanax.  I asked him today.  I am not saying another word, you taper your way.  Dis you read Esperanza 's post. "Know when to hold 'em, so I put that on my signature page.  Hey, I am on an IPAD and don't know how to copy and paste, can you copy that post and put it on the Withdrawal Support Thread?


D, you can always have input in my taper, I love that you care actually I demand that you care 😅 ..I may consider the dlmt if it'll make my taper go faster but then I'll have to carry a refrigerator around with me and I can't I have to go to work 😏


I would love to help you post something but the only cutting and pasting I've ever done is with my kindergartners :laugh: :laugh: .. Maybe English or intend will appear and one of them can help you..


:laugh: :laugh:  I can do it on a computer, it's just with this IPAD, I can't figure any of it out.  Yes , we are dumb and dumber, Stut called it :laugh: :laugh:  how did she know so fast  :2funny:

She knew fast bc we're that dumb or she's just that smart.. Do you think she's watching us right now? Can you see me? 👀👀 :2funny: :2funny:

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Hey Mary fat thumbs I just traveled around BB and I won't tell you where I landed but I should have known better..I read something I try not to think about :tickedoff:.. Someone was talking about having a back up Dr in case something happens to the one who prescribes your med. That actually is one of my fears 🤪.. I have to stop thinking about the what ifs.. I'm caught in that loop..uhgggg I have to just keep going with the flow 🤦


It if very unlikely xanax is going anywhere, my pharmacist told my husband that it is their top drug prescribed.


And builder said all you need is milk or alcohol to dlmt your xanax.  I asked him today.  I am not saying another word, you taper your way.  Dis you read Esperanza 's post. "Know when to hold 'em, so I put that on my signature page.  Hey, I am on an IPAD and don't know how to copy and paste, can you copy that post and put it on the Withdrawal Support Thread?


D, you can always have input in my taper, I love that you care actually I demand that you care 😅 ..I may consider the dlmt if it'll make my taper go faster but then I'll have to carry a refrigerator around with me and I can't I have to go to work 😏


I would love to help you post something but the only cutting and pasting I've ever done is with my kindergartners :laugh: :laugh: .. Maybe English or intend will appear and one of them can help you..


:laugh: :laugh:  I can do it on a computer, it's just with this IPAD, I can't figure any of it out.  Yes , we are dumb and dumber, Stut called it :laugh: :laugh:  how did she know so fast  :2funny:

She knew fast bc we're that dumb or she's just that smart.. Do you think she's watching us right now? Can you see me? 👀👀 :2funny: :2funny:


Always, Stut X  :laugh: :laugh:

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Wow mft, (sweet D) your post was awesome, sounds like you went through it.. I know a bit about that, that's for sure.. don't knock your writing either, I thought it was very good. I think you should post that all over BB for anyone who's discouraged, could be a big help.


I think I'm going to cut and hold a quarter of a quarter of a pill and hold as long as I need to.. Rinse and repeat. I really think I'll be ok if I just listen to my body and hold a good amount of time between those cuts. All the other stuff just doesn't make sense to me.


I went to the eye Dr today and he said my headaches are from my eyes. I'm far sighted and I'm having difficulty focusing or in other words my eyes are working harder bc of all of this but it was easily fixed with a new RX for glasses 🤓


Good, headaches suck ;)

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Hey Mary fat thumbs I just traveled around BB and I won't tell you where I landed but I should have known better..I read something I try not to think about :tickedoff:.. Someone was talking about having a back up Dr in case something happens to the one who prescribes your med. That actually is one of my fears 🤪.. I have to stop thinking about the what ifs.. I'm caught in that loop..uhgggg I have to just keep going with the flow 🤦


It if very unlikely xanax is going anywhere, my pharmacist told my husband that it is their top drug prescribed.


And builder said all you need is milk or alcohol to dlmt your xanax.  I asked him today.  I am not saying another word, you taper your way.  Dis you read Esperanza 's post. "Know when to hold 'em, so I put that on my signature page.  Hey, I am on an IPAD and don't know how to copy and paste, can you copy that post and put it on the Withdrawal Support Thread?


D, you can always have input in my taper, I love that you care actually I demand that you care 😅 ..I may consider the dlmt if it'll make my taper go faster but then I'll have to carry a refrigerator around with me and I can't I have to go to work 😏


I would love to help you post something but the only cutting and pasting I've ever done is with my kindergartners :laugh: :laugh: .. Maybe English or intend will appear and one of them can help you..


:laugh: :laugh:  I can do it on a computer, it's just with this IPAD, I can't figure any of it out.  Yes , we are dumb and dumber, Stut called it :laugh: :laugh:  how did she know so fast  :2funny:

She knew fast bc we're that dumb or she's just that smart.. Do you think she's watching us right now? Can you see me? 👀👀 :2funny: :2funny:


Always, Stut X  :laugh: :laugh:


LMAO  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

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Good morning Miyu l am always delighted to hear from you however l wish it was under better circumstances.l know you haven't held however maybe it is time you gave it a go.l know you don't trust the process however the only way to see is by doing. I think the length of time and the uncertainty of a taper would make anyone depressed and anxious however yours is obviously due to withdrawal so wait it out.

  You are an old hand at this so you will do what is best for you.Keep posting my friend you are one of our strongest warriors.

  Love and hugs Stut X


Thank you dear Stut xx

It is good to feel support of others who have found the 'no rush' approach ... So many disapprove of this way though and out . In the end I feel it's my only option , just not prepared for unnecessary  insanity !

I'm holding ... I did hold before on valium , but when I had the misfortune to start reacting badly to the V, that all fell apart and I had to start over with the k.

Anyway ... Holding for now . I have dentist and drivers license and birthday in April, so I need and want some 'relative ' normalcy in Oder to deal with these things . And if possible I would actually like to enjoy my birthday !


I hope you are doing ok Stut ,I haven't backtracked the gazillion pages I've missed !

So I'm not all caught up on everyone .

Thank you for your love and support as always ,

Love, Miyu  :smitten: :smitten:


Thanks MiYu, I just hope it helps somebody  ;)

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Good morning Miyu l am always delighted to hear from you however l wish it was under better circumstances.l know you haven't held however maybe it is time you gave it a go.l know you don't trust the process however the only way to see is by doing. I think the length of time and the uncertainty of a taper would make anyone depressed and anxious however yours is obviously due to withdrawal so wait it out.

  You are an old hand at this so you will do what is best for you.Keep posting my friend you are one of our strongest warriors.

  Love and hugs Stut X


Thank you dear Stut xx

It is good to feel support of others who have found the 'no rush' approach ... So many disapprove of this way though and out . In the end I feel it's my only option , just not prepared for unnecessary  insanity !

I'm holding ... I did hold before on valium , but when I had the misfortune to start reacting badly to the V, that all fell apart and I had to start over with the k.

Anyway ... Holding for now . I have dentist and drivers license and birthday in April, so I need and want some 'relative ' normalcy in Oder to deal with these things . And if possible I would actually like to enjoy my birthday !


I hope you are doing ok Stut ,I haven't backtracked the gazillion pages I've missed !

So I'm not all caught up on everyone .

Thank you for your love and support as always ,

Love, Miyu  :smitten: :smitten:


Thanks MiYu, I just hope it helps somebody  ;)



Hello me.. Somebody!!! :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

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Well Mrs fat thumbs, thanks for the laughs tonight.. Or should I call you Stut X doppleganger :laugh: :laugh:


I'm going to bed after that fabulous belly laugh..


Love you funny lady, and please always stay dumb I can't do be dumb alone :D:laugh: :laugh:


Love you girlfriend,

D'er 💖

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I’ve been on BB since last December but I don’t think I’ve posted in this group before.  I have read and gotten a lot of comfort and help reading the history on this group, especially Valleyum and his many encouraging words and hold.  My CNS was seriously upset late last year by varying dose levels of Lorazepam.  I’ve been holding at 0.75 mg since early February and Now believe I should hold until stable which could be several more months, hoping to stabilize and then taper.  So I think that “Long Hold” is me!


I actually may be in better shape than some on here but I am still experiencing some rather intense gut pain, chest tightness and nausea. It’s wierd, at first I felt like it was anxiety, but now I feel more like it’s just constant pain.  I do get short waves of depression and other symptoms during the day, but they seem to clear and overall mentally I’m stronger than I was a month ago. 


I’ve started back to work part time and putting in a day with the constant fight against the pain is very tiring.  This week I seem to have been in a wave and I’m hoping it will lift soon.


I just thought I would post, and maybe get input or give support when I can.  I will try to visit this group often.  If anyone has any thoughts or encouragement  for me given my situation I welcome it.


Regards, Bill

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Well Mrs fat thumbs, thanks for the laughs tonight.. Or should I call you Stut X doppleganger :laugh: :laugh:


I'm going to bed after that fabulous belly laugh..


Love you funny lady, and please always stay dumb I can't do be dumb alone :D:laugh: :laugh:


Love you girlfriend,

D'er 💖


You figured out It wasn't Stut ::), I am shocked  :laugh: :laugh:

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I’ve been on BB since last December but I don’t think I’ve posted in this group before.  I have read and gotten a lot of comfort and help reading the history on this group, especially Valleyum and his many encouraging words and hold.  My CNS was seriously upset late last year by varying dose levels of Lorazepam.  I’ve been holding at 0.75 mg since early February and Now believe I should hold until stable which could be several more months, hoping to stabilize and then taper.  So I think that “Long Hold” is me!


I actually may be in better shape than some on here but I am still experiencing some rather intense gut pain, chest tightness and nausea. It’s wierd, at first I felt like it was anxiety, but now I feel more like it’s just constant pain.  I do get short waves of depression and other symptoms during the day, but they seem to clear and overall mentally I’m stronger than I was a month ago. 


I’ve started back to work part time and putting in a day with the constant fight against the pain is very tiring.  This week I seem to have been in a wave and I’m hoping it will lift soon.


I just thought I would post, and maybe get input or give support when I can.  I will try to visit this group often.  If anyone has any thoughts or encouragement  for me given my situation I welcome it.


Regards, Bill



Welcome Bill, glad to have you here.  Part of what you said reminds me of benzo belly.  The intense gut pain and nausea.  I am not quite sure about the chest pain.  Go to the Home Page , go to search and type in benzo belly.  All kinds of information will come up from lots of people and you can see if it reminds you of what you are experiencing.  Everyone takes something different for it.  I take probiotic, benefiber, which has prebiotics in it and if I have heartburn, a couple tums, but that happens rarely.  I still get it, but not all the time now.  Good luck and keep posting, we will always try to help,  Mary 🍀


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