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Hey D our English is hurting and she's already in Thursday and we're still in Wednesday :D.. So by estimate you'll be feeling better definitely a day sooner than us always 🤣🤣


I'm going for a laugh here English, did I succeed? It was weak I know but I tried 😘

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Well lovely ladies I have to get to bed..I feel like a child with a bed time but if I don't get enough sleep I feel like shit and I have to work in the morning 😜


Good night ladies,

Love you guys,


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Well lovely ladies I have to get to bed..I feel like a child with a bed time but if I don't get enough sleep I feel like shit and I have to work in the morning 😜


Good night ladies,

Love you guys,



Nite nite Trishy 💚😘😘💚😘💚💚

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Hello everyone .. I thought I'd drop by and say hello , I know I've been absent a while. Things have been very up and down for me . I've been able to taper at 3% month average since starting the supplement / herb regime , which is ok , better than I was before when I couldn't taper anything . But it's all still super frustrating and - fragile nervous system always and can't do anything much outside of the house .

The last few days I've had the added symptoms of anxiety and depression , which is very unusual fro me. Usually I've only had physical symptoms.


I'm just feeling scared at the moment as I feel so sick on the meds , and just can't seem to get off them fast enough!! Wish holding made me feel better , in some ways it does, , but also I get the bad side effects that are just scary ....it's confusing ...


It's probably another "phase" ... within my 'normal' , which is far from normal , but manageable and is my life for now. SO , I guess I'm holding for now to see if things will settle a bit  before I try again .


Would love some support and encouragement if anyone has any  to give  :smitten:


I hope you are all managing ok. Sending lots of love to everyone,

MiYu  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Hi, MiYu, always good to hear from you.  Sorry you are struggling, you are always welcome to hold here with us.  I am doing 3% a month now too.  I was having cataract surgery and in February, only titrated 3% and holding 2 weeks before first surgery and 5 days after.  I thought the stress from the cataract surgery would make me feel worse but I actual had my first window!  I couldn't believe it.  I didn't even realize what was happening for a few days, my pain level in my muscles went way down and it lasted almost 3 weeks.  So I have changed my taper plan to see if I can duplicate that again.  Wish me luck, I hope that plan you have with the 3% will ease your symptoms some more.  I know the feeling of being stuck so much in the house.  You stay with us , we are here for you, if you are depressed and want to talk, please post.  Love you, Mary 🌷🌹🌻🌼🐝🦋

HI Mary , Thank you !  I came to the right place  :)  I'm glad I'm not alone with a turtle taper .. I tend to feel like I'm the only one who is going so slowly and still l having symptoms ... but not here on the LHSG!


Do other people here have bad side effects too from their meds? It's hard to tell whats wd and whats side effects sometimes . I think I've always had them to some degree... but it seems that sometimes they are worse than others. like it's part of the body getting used to a different level of the drug , is to have different side effects . I call them side effects as oppose to wds as they happen after I take a dose ... the wds are something else obviously


anyway, thank you for being so welcoming and supportive ,

Love, MiYu  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hello MiYu! Sorry you're having a bad time. Anxiety and depression is the worst.


We were talking about long holds the other day and I think it was mentioned that you'd once done quite a long hold. I'm talking about months here. Did that help at the time?


I have agoraphobia and I'm not good right now either. I know how it feels to be stuck in the house.


Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟


Hi Gilly ,  :smitten:

Thank you , I'm sorry you are having a rough time too... :(

I went through a phase when I was on all valium where I was reacting badly to the valium , I tried micro cuts and everytime I tried the tiniest cut, like 1/3% , I would get horrible symptoms ! This went on for a long time , at least 8 months , until I finally did a switch back to partial klonopin. actually , while I was on allvalium , I did do a long hold , and it did help a lot , I was getting out more ... but unfortunately , as soon as I cut a tiny amount ,  the wds became really bad again .. so I was kind of stuck . But I was stable for a while before that . That was in 2017.


It wasn;t until october of 2018 that I started to be able to taper some again . But I had had an awful switch over to Klonipin in 2018  that took me quite a few months to recover from.


Now I'm on the K I do feel it's a better drug for me , and my body seems ok with 2 mgs of Valium .


You are a brave woman ... keep hanging there with this Gilly, I know you have great support here .

love, MiYu :smitten: :smitten:

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Good to see you, MiYu.  Not too sure about side effects and w/d. I think mine must be mainly w/d because I did a hold and I felt almost like my real self. Obviously I was still taking the tablets, so that rules out side effects.


I think you've got to remember as well something I often forget. That if you were someone who had never taken these drugs, you might still feel anxious and/or depressed sometimes anyway. I guess it's part of life. And part of having bloody hormones.....


Your Old Country is creaking along! Big problems with Brexit but I'm sick of hearing about it!


Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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Hello everyone .. I thought I'd drop by and say hello , I know I've been absent a while. Things have been very up and down for me . I've been able to taper at 3% month average since starting the supplement / herb regime , which is ok , better than I was before when I couldn't taper anything . But it's all still super frustrating and - fragile nervous system always and can't do anything much outside of the house .

The last few days I've had the added symptoms of anxiety and depression , which is very unusual fro me. Usually I've only had physical symptoms.


I'm just feeling scared at the moment as I feel so sick on the meds , and just can't seem to get off them fast enough!! Wish holding made me feel better , in some ways it does, , but also I get the bad side effects that are just scary ....it's confusing ...


It's probably another "phase" ... within my 'normal' , which is far from normal , but manageable and is my life for now. SO , I guess I'm holding for now to see if things will settle a bit  before I try again .


Would love some support and encouragement if anyone has any  to give  :smitten:


I hope you are all managing ok. Sending lots of love to everyone,

MiYu  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Hi Miyu,

So sorry to hear that you're struggling, I know this is so frustrating to hold, it seems like there's no end in sight to this suffering and it seems there's always a new sx that wasn't there before..uhgg and the list goes on and on with this process of tapering but I think with a hold you'll get better. I think your body is letting you know it's time to rest it for awhile. I think you should just stay put for awhile and I bet you'll see improvement.


Trish ❤️


Hi Trishy ,

Thank you for your wise advice....i just always feel like I come to rest when I come to the LHSG, as it just makes so much sense. I always felt that here. It's been hard for me to trust holds as I had bad experience with Valium after being on it a while... but I think now it is best to wait at least until I feel better than I do now!!

At least give it a chance....

You are doing well with your taper !  I hope I'm not getting people mixed up here , but you are tapering Xanax I think ..... And was reading you are looking for how to work out your taper...

Bob7 made a website where he posted his method of dry cutting . Here's a link to it . He has it in his sig now



I will probably use his method when I come to taper my valium , some years hence  >:(

I bet he would help you with your math though , I saw he was online not so long ago , but you are probably in the land of nod by now


THank youTRish ,  and everyone , for your love and support 


love, MiYu :smitten: :smitten:

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Good to see you, MiYu.  Not too sure about side effects and w/d. I think mine must be mainly w/d because I did a hold and I felt almost like my real self. Obviously I was still taking the tablets, so that rules out side effects.


I think you've got to remember as well something I often forget. That if you were someone who had never taken these drugs, you might still feel anxious and/or depressed sometimes anyway. I guess it's part of life. And part of having bloody hormones.....


Your Old Country is creaking along! Big problems with Brexit but I'm sick of hearing about it!


Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟


Hi Gilly , yes , you are right, there is an element of " normal" depression and anxiety just about the circumstance and frustration altogether . Who wouldn't be depressed! The meds don't help though thats for sure.

So you felt almost normal when you did a hold , thats great, how long was that hold?


Ah yes , my sister tells me about the endless Brexit blah blah..... ::)


love and hugs to you too , I hope tomorrow is a better day for us both

MiYu :smitten: :smitten:

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Oh ,  I do stay in touch with  SS , ...she has been handling a lot with her mom, who I believe is doing well in a good care home now. And she was doing well the last time I heard from her .... she's moving along with her taper.

Hope she won't mind me writing for her here


love, MiYu  :smitten:

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MiYu, That's kind of you to update us on SS. I'm glad that she's doing okay.


I had about three weeks when I felt okay because I'd been holding for so long. Didn't want to start cutting again but I know I can't stay on this stuff forever. I cut from 4.8mg to 4.75mg V over about five days. Then the Beast returned.


I think I am also menopausal. So none of that helps.


Good to see you.  Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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Hey Everyone... :)


Miyu, Nice to see you too, -and with news of the fantastic SS as well...!!


Day 3 of a little sharp wave... I do like that its so much more obvious these days...

Well the start was odd, I woke suddenly early AM and even though I could think pretty clearly, it took a couple of long minutes to work out what location I actually lived in, or Where I was, I guess.. Talk about feeling the cogs turn slowly..!! That ended with the physical sensations of my brain doing backflips and acrobatics, not exactly pain, but not nice like a brain "yawn" or "stretch" can be...

It still feels a bit "bruised", with a hangover feeling, but the range of usual SX followed, -light n sound sensitivity through to fatigue and muscle/GI quivering and cramps... A dozen small things like dry mouth, itch eyes, sweats, flushing, and retention as per usual, and an increase of anxiety and depressive thoughts n feelings.. Waking and resting is pretty yuck, that half asleep zone...

My crystal ball says a few more days and I will be better than before it started, -so thats the plan.. lol


Both kids are at work today.. yay..!! And its real nice to just be able to BE, without feeling guilty for the usual "lack of ME"...


I just need a house work fairy to drop in and all would be well.. The cobweb, dust and dog hair mix is uncouth to say the least...!! -But there it is... :) -Keeps the pesky women away.. :(


The hunt for C16's First car continues.. -a specific one for a modification project.. It is rather hard to find a 27yo 4x4 in good condition, esp a sort after model... (is that sort or saught..??)



Welcome to any new faces posting here, Its always nice to see, no matter the specific tapering details and where one is at...  I notice from time to time, on the main boards, the odd comment about specific places to post relating to ones situation.. Its realy only an organisational guide the way I see it.. When I joined BB, I had no clue about online anything, and reading and posting everywhere sure helped me get the bigger picture... Back then the protracted board was open to all, rather than by a little application process, and it was a god send, with reguard to forming my ideas, as was this group...

I guess this group is pretty chatty, because, well, thats the support and distraction that goes with a longer taper... Distraction experts abound here.. lol



Ps, for anyone thats a little hesatant, just jump in, bearing in mind that it may take a few posts for people to pick up on the fact that one is here and sticking around beyond a single post... Not that single posts are a problem, but probs are better suited to receiving general advice only, as detailed support takes knowing ones day to day situation in some detail and over time... "I feel terrible" can mean a whole lota things...


Anyways, just a blurt that was on my mind... :)



Now, Im trying to catch up on where everyone is at... -never that easy once one gets a bit behind.. :(


The cooking lessons are ummm, -interesting...!! But Trish, when is joke day..??


Without doing names, lest I forget one, -I wish everyone well, and will read n post as I can... Remembering I do struggle to keep up, and texting on my fone with one fat finger doesnt help... :)

A failure to reply does not mean im being ignorant, beyond the inherant male thing.. lol


My best to all... Yes, thats you, if your wondering...





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Good morning Can't always good to see you here my love.l am glad you are getting a bit of time to yourself.The housework will keep l am sure you will get round to it when you are feeling better.l have a couple of ladies here that would do it for you if you give them the nod😉 however you might not get rid of them in a hurry.

  I haven't experienced the brain acrobatics thank God they sound horrible.l am sure you have answered this before but why do you have a big fat finger?

  I would agree with everything you have written l think also if you want new members go on to the withdrawal forum and give them an alternative to push through and get off. I know l stumbled across this group on my own but it was luck more than judgement.Also if someone posts answer them no matter if you can relate or not sometimes just to know there is someone there is enough to start with.

I have a thing about the protracted group being hidden away l find that very disrespectful to people who are sadly in that position.Just my view.

  Enjoy your evening mate and surf that damn wave l hope it breaks soon.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Good morning Miyu l am always delighted to hear from you however l wish it was under better circumstances.l know you haven't held however maybe it is time you gave it a go.l know you don't trust the process however the only way to see is by doing. I think the length of time and the uncertainty of a taper would make anyone depressed and anxious however yours is obviously due to withdrawal so wait it out.

  You are an old hand at this so you will do what is best for you.Keep posting my friend you are one of our strongest warriors.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Good morning Trish you want to cut.25 mgs before the end of the year?That is the equivalent of 5 mgs of valium give or take l believe now that should be just about doable. I know there are no guarantees so don't be hard on yourself if you falter.We will support you no matter what you do my love l know you are scared but remember you are in control of your taper so listen to your body and mind and don't push ahead of what you can handle.

Love you my lST.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Gilly l wish l could wave a magic wand and everything would settle down for you but this is the real world and time is the thing that will stop the withdrawal.l believe in you so keep reminding yourself you have been here before and always survived to tell the tale.Sending you a hug.love you.

Love and hugs Stut X

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Free where are you l miss you here?l hope you are holding your own my love.l am praying that one day this horror story will end.

  Love you my lovely friend.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning lady Mary how's you?l hope you have a good day my love l will try to drop in to see how Joe gets on.l have to say l am worried for him.

  You do an amazing job here my love and l vote you are Queen now 😉😳.

  Love you my lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Hi Stut andall, I’m here.  Just reading as I can’t post much with all this burning etc.  Love to you and all. 💕❤️💋❤️💕
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Hi group,

I'm quickly posting this math I found on BB for cutting by a quarter of a pill. This is how I want to taper so all who want to chime in on it is welcomed to do so and appreciated!


Ok so it goes by the number of pills you take in a day, I get the lowest dose pills prescribed to me. They are .25 pills/ Xanax.


#of pills one takes    1/4 of a pill cut

              5                                  5%

              4 \78.                            5.13%

              4 \34                            5.26

              4 5\8.                            5.41

              4 1\2                            5.56


So on it goes all the way to 0 pills taken.


So is this reasonable??


I have to shower for work, wanted to post to everyone but ran out of time. So a quick hello to Stut my twin, Free,Mary,English,E,intend , can't , miyu so good to see you here..


Love to all..will catch up posts later..

Trish :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:





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Good morning Can't always good to see you here my love.l am glad you are getting a bit of time to yourself.The housework will keep l am sure you will get round to it when you are feeling better.l have a couple of ladies here that would do it for you if you give them the nod😉 however you might not get rid of them in a hurry.

  I haven't experienced the brain acrobatics thank God they sound horrible.l am sure you have answered this before but why do you have a big fat finger?

  I would agree with everything you have written l think also if you want new members go on to the withdrawal forum and give them an alternative to push through and get off. I know l stumbled across this group on my own but it was luck more than judgement.Also if someone posts answer them no matter if you can relate or not sometimes just to know there is someone there is enough to start with.

I have a thing about the protracted group being hidden away l find that very disrespectful to people who are sadly in that position.Just my view.

  Enjoy your evening mate and surf that damn wave l hope it breaks soon.

  Love and hugs Stut X

Well, U know... -You win some and you lose some.. God was just giving out fat fingers that day.. :)

-or my fone is only 4 x 2.5 inches.. (small)...


Probs need industrial cleaners with shovels here.. :(


Im lucky that the intensity of brain acrobatics is minimal, and they feel kinda healing.. Were they strong, I would be screaming blue murder... -And they would have a whole different name..!!


Your right, and one thing that bothers me is that few have any idea jus how slow a taper can get and how long term effective it can be in many particularly difficult situations, and this usually starts with a hold time beyond what most can imagine...  But im preaching to the converted here.. :)

And again yes, -an empathetic ear can be more valuable than advice sometimes... -You can all practice on me..!! :)

I have already had my protracted gripe today, so I best not flog it... A wealth of experiences and info there, but it doesnt seem to flow down hill as well as it used to... :(


Anyways, my best to you, and Everyone.. -Hi Free, -I hope you all have a better day today..






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Good morning LHSG, wow, I am so glad to see everyone on here.  I just wrote a long post to everyone and the damn thing wouldn't post  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:  so this one will be much shorter  :laugh: :laugh:  Queen Stut, I am Lady Mary, no change, no discussion.  It's so good to see these people with so much experience on here this morning.  You, MiYu, Can't......it's a great morning for LHSG  :smitten: :smitten: 

MiYu, thank you for sending Trishy Bob7's link.  He is fabulous and we need to get her a plan .  Can't you are so wise and funny, I love to see you on here 🐢.........

Joe, we are waiting with you.....please let us know about your tests.......we would come to Dr's office, but not sure they let in harems :D:laugh:

free, my GOT bestie, I hope you feel better every day, I love you 🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉

Love everyone one LHSG, Mary 🐕🐾🐾🦉hooohoo.        😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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English, didn't mean to leave you off, but I thought I better start a new post to make sure that last one posted.  If I loose 2, everyone just gets a good morning  :laugh: :laugh:  hope you feel better today .  Please post if you are up to it.  Pets for Tilly 🐱🐾🐾🐾

Yay, Trishy, we have numbers, I can't say they make sense to me yet, but so not a math expert.  Have fun with the kids 🌷🌼🌹🐝🦋


Wish all a good day, Mary

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Lady Mary why is Trish's percentage going up with every cut is it necessary?l never bothered much with percentages so this is all a bit allien to me.

  I am going to start a fat finger fetish club do you wanna join?

  Love you my lady Mary

Love and hugs Stut X

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Good morning Can't always good to see you here my love.l am glad you are getting a bit of time to yourself.The housework will keep l am sure you will get round to it when you are feeling better.l have a couple of ladies here that would do it for you if you give them the nod😉 however you might not get rid of them in a hurry.

  I haven't experienced the brain acrobatics thank God they sound horrible.l am sure you have answered this before but why do you have a big fat finger?

  I would agree with everything you have written l think also if you want new members go on to the withdrawal forum and give them an alternative to push through and get off. I know l stumbled across this group on my own but it was luck more than judgement.Also if someone posts answer them no matter if you can relate or not sometimes just to know there is someone there is enough to start with.

I have a thing about the protracted group being hidden away l find that very disrespectful to people who are sadly in that position.Just my view.

  Enjoy your evening mate and surf that damn wave l hope it breaks soon.

  Love and hugs Stut X

Well, U know... -You win some and you lose some.. God was just giving out fat fingers that day.. :)

-or my fone is only 4 x 2.5 inches.. (small)...


Probs need industrial cleaners with shovels here.. :(


Im lucky that the intensity of brain acrobatics is minimal, and they feel kinda healing.. Were they strong, I would be screaming blue murder... -And they would have a whole different name..!!


Your right, and one thing that bothers me is that few have any idea jus how slow a taper can get and how long term effective it can be in many particularly difficult situations, and this usually starts with a hold time beyond what most can imagine...  But im preaching to the converted here.. :)

And again yes, -an empathetic ear can be more valuable than advice sometimes... -You can all practice on me..!! :)

I have already had my protracted gripe today, so I best not flog it... A wealth of experiences and info there, but it doesnt seem to flow down hill as well as it used to... :(


Anyways, my best to you, and Everyone.. -Hi Free, -I hope you all have a better day today..


  Empathy l am full of it just you get it of your chest 🤤. Sure remember how empathetic Lady Mary and I were when you talked about your itch and bowel problems what more evidence do you need?We are here for you anytime 😧😇.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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