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The Long Hold Support Group


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Yes, the only good thing it ever got me, cuz. Have any of you all made a list of all the things that you used to enjoy that are now missing from your life? I was so slowly losing things over the years, that I didn’t notice. Until almost nothing was left of the person I was. I have come to the place where I finally see it all. I wish someone would make a movie about us. We are people and we have been hurt for profit. We aren’t kooks or outliers. B.B. is but a fraction of us. I think Sally Field can play me. E


Leslie Mann can play me.. I look a little like her.  :(



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Yes, the only good thing it ever got me, cuz. Have any of you all made a list of all the things that you used to enjoy that are now missing from your life? I was so slowly losing things over the years, that I didn’t notice. Until almost nothing was left of the person I was. I have come to the place where I finally see it all. I wish someone would make a movie about us. We are people and we have been hurt for profit. We aren’t kooks or outliers. B.B. is but a fraction of us. I think Sally Field can play me. E


A chunky Michelle Phifer, screw it, I ain't looking up the spelling, could play me :laugh: :laugh:

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Good morning LHSG,  hope you all slept well and have a great morning.  It was really nice talking to everyone one last night.  I think it helped me sleep better without Tim here ;). Love you guys!!  🌷🌻💐🌼🌹🍀. We set a record low on our temperature this morning, hovering around 34, that is low for us.

🐕  Sly. 🐾🐾    🦉. Segway hooohoooo

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Hi Mary. Sorry I haven't written before but I'm on a real downer today. Just fed up with everything. Taper takes forever. I was okay last time Rebecca came and it was lovely to have a long hold. Now I've dropped just from 4.8mg to 4.75mg and I'm feeling it. Completely disheartened and depressed by the whole thing. No hope.  Love, Gilly xxx 💟💟💟
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Hi Mary. Sorry I haven't written before but I'm on a real downer today. Just fed up with everything. Taper takes forever. I was okay last time Rebecca came and it was lovely to have a long hold. Now I've dropped just from 4.8mg to 4.75mg and I'm feeling it. Completely disheartened and depressed by the whole thing. No hope.  Love, Gilly xxx 💟💟💟


Oh English, I am so sorry, please try to fight it.  Remember it hasn't been that long you were sounding so upbeat.  My heart breaks for you.  I wish I could help so much.  I have to go exercise, but will be back in about 40 minutes if you want to talk.  Love you girlfriend, Mary. 🐱🐾🐾🐾🐾💙💚💜

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You are such a darling, Mary. Hope your exercise went okay. Love, Gilly 💟💟💟


Well, I did the best I could, if I don't exercise my muscles just get worse, that's a lot of inside, let me just say :)


Is Dave home, I know he isn't always supportive but at least someone is there?

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Hi Mary. Yes, Dave is here. He made the tea today (evening meal). I've not really done anything all day.


How was your exercise then?


Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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Hi Mary. Yes, Dave is here. He made the tea today (evening meal). I've not really done anything all day.


How was your exercise then?


Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟


I did good today, 20 min on the treadmill and 20 minutes of exercises.  Stupid me wrote down some songs I wanted Alexa to play for me last week, left it laying on table next to me, knew reaching for it , while walking, was bad idea , did it anyway, almost fell off the treadmill and hurt my back :). Sometimes it's hard to be me :laugh: :laugh:

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It’s hard to be me  too, Mary.


Good grief! I got to delete some of these emails as I think they’re draining the battery on this iPad.


I’ve tried to unsubscribe from all these promotional  emails, but these dumb companies make that next to impossible.


I’ve unsubscribed from Dr. Andrew Weil ‘s wellness whatever the hell it is so many times, it’s a joke.


I should spend  time deleting these and possibly they’ll just give up on me.

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It’s hard to be me  too, Mary.


Good grief! I got to delete some of these emails as I think they’re draining the battery on this iPad.


I’ve tried to unsubscribe from all these promotional  emails, but these dumb companies make that next to impossible.


I’ve unsubscribed from Dr. Andrew Weil ‘s wellness whatever the hell it is so many times, it’s a joke.


I should spend  time deleting these and possibly they’ll just give up on me.

Hey intend, I get e mails too from that stupid Dr weils  whatever or whoever he is or it is.. So annoying!

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Well done on your exercise, Mary.  :thumbsup:


When I was first on this group I used to start writing a message and then two of three people had written in before me when I tried to send it. The worst one was when SEVEN messages had beaten me!


Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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It’s hard to be me  too, Mary.


Good grief! I got to delete some of these emails as I think they’re draining the battery on this iPad.


I’ve tried to unsubscribe from all these promotional  emails, but these dumb companies make that next to impossible.


I’ve unsubscribed from Dr. Andrew Weil ‘s wellness whatever the hell it is so many times, it’s a joke.


I should spend  time deleting these and possibly they’ll just give up on me.



I have tried too Intend, over and over, Tim says it's a waste of time, they just use it to verify youhave the same email.  Annoys the hell out of me.  :laugh:  ;D

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Well done on your exercise, Mary.  :thumbsup:


When I was first on this group I used to start writing a message and then two of three people had written in before me when I tried to send it. The worst one was when SEVEN messages had beaten me!


Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟


That happens when Stut posts now, there are so many people trying to say hi, your post won't even go, you just loose it.  I told her , she crashed bb.  Mine was a long , good post too, I was 😡  :laugh: :laugh:

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Hey English, sorry to read that you're not feeling so good :(  holding sucks, tapering sucks.. It all sucks!


Ditto, it sooo sucks  :(

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It all sucks.


But are we really doing long holds?


What constitutes a long hold anyway?  It makes no sense to hold longer than one needs to.

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It all sucks.


But are we really doing long holds?


What constitutes a long hold anyway?  It makes no sense to hold longer than one needs to.

I have no idea what a long hold is, guess it's so individual as to what one is. I don't even know how long to hold my hold, it's maddening. I still sometimes can't believe I'm stuck in this nightmare of tapering, but here I am 🤪

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It all sucks.


But are we really doing long holds?


What constitutes a long hold anyway?  It makes no sense to hold longer than one needs to.


I don't know, I remember reading one person that held for a year, they were very low though, and they just basically walked off with very minor sxs, can't remember who.  Most of us are tapering, but there are people, after reading their signature, you know they need to hold, because they have done so many things, in so little time, their poor brain has to be so unstable, but no one wants to hold.  Stut says we will see them back here.  I follow Can't thought process, if you have held a decent amount of time, 5 or 6 months, you need a new plan.  However, I have seen signatures that make you believe they are going to need to hold a long time. So my answer is " I don't know".  Did that surprise you?    :laugh: :laugh:

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It all sucks.


But are we really doing long holds?


What constitutes a long hold anyway?  It makes no sense to hold longer than one needs to.


I don't know, I remember reading one person that held for a year, they were very low though, and they just basically walked off with very minor sxs, can't remember who.  Most of us are tapering, but there are people, after reading their signature, you know they need to hold, because they have done so many things, in so little time, their poor brain has to be so unstable, but no one wants to hold.  Stut says we will see them back here.  I follow Can't thought process, if you have held a decent amount of time, 5 or 6 months, you need a new plan.  However, I have seen signatures that make you believe they are going to need to hold a long time. So my answer is " I don't know".  Did that surprise you?    :laugh: :laugh:

Well that was pretty lengthy for an " I don't know" answer but you answered brilliantly 😂😂

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I held for 6 months before I started up again. I cut .25 mgs 20 days apart something like that and thought I was going to die from it.. So I was terrified to taper again but taper I did and I'm still afraid everytime I taper down 😳
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