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Well done, Mary. Now that's out of the way for a while.


I'm in bed today. Not good at all.


Love to All.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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Well done, Mary. Now that's out of the way for a while.


I'm in bed today. Not good at all.


Love to All.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟



I'm sorry English, I think I am trying to get a migraine, getting ready for a half of migraine pill and nap , see it I can head it off.  Tim is off on an overnight business trip....Shreveport Louisiana.  They can gamble there, so he always enjoys this trip.  Our deal is if he wins , I get half, if he looses, he looses :laugh:  Love you, check in later if you feel like it, pets for my Tilly 🐱🐾🐾🐾🐾

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Morning everyone, just got through  having a bite to eat, had early Dr app, don't have to go back for 3 months.  She is always pleased with my progress and we told her about our plan for trying to get more windows, she of course, doesn't know anything about benzo, but was all for it :laugh:  in that regard , I am lucky, she cares and she trusts me.


I hope you all are having a good morning, love you much.  🌷🍀💐🌼🌻🌹.      🐕🦉🐉🐉🐉🐉


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It seems we all feel bad today. I mean, worse than usual, since most days fall a little short for us. Thinking of you all. Welcome, Snowflake! Esperanza
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Morning everyone, just got through  having a bite to eat, had early Dr app, don't have to go back for 3 months.  She is always pleased with my progress and we told her about our plan for trying to get more windows, she of course, doesn't know anything about benzo, but was all for it :laugh:  in that regard , I am lucky, she cares and she trusts me.


I hope you all are having a good morning, love you much.  🌷🍀💐🌼🌻🌹.      🐕🦉🐉🐉🐉🐉



Hey Snowflake, welcome  :D, Mary

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Intend, hope you and Mary had some quality time together at the movies?  How is Dan feeling?  Better I hope.  Give Pepper pets for me. 😘🐾🐾🐾🐾🌹🌹🌹.    ⛓⚙️🛠
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It seems we all feel bad today. I mean, worse than usual, since most days fall a little short for us. Thinking of you all. Welcome, Snowflake! Esperanza


Hey E, hope you are feeling a little better now.  I think my migraine is trying to go away.  I can't seem to wake up, I just want to sleep, and I know part of it is mostly the Valium, but I thought by now I would be low enough it wouldn't make me so damn sleepy.  I hate it.  Tim is gone for the night, he usually helps keep me awake :laugh:  I managed to exercise for 30 minutes.  But I am yawning my head off :(. Thinking of you, hope we all feel better  ;). Love you Cousin, Mary 🌷💐🌼🍀🌹🌻

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Hey ladies,

I'm not doing well myself.. mild to moderate headache for days..☹️.. Got my eye Dr appt moved up to Thursday to see if I need a new prescription on my glasses. Also feeling as if there's no way off this Xanax. How the hell do I get lower???? I'm scared to death to taper again, if it's going to get worse lower then I really don't know if I can do it, honestly.


English, I'm sorry to read that you're not doing well..


E, hope you're feeling better..


Sweet D, hope that migraine was diverted..


Intend, hope all is well with you and Dan..


Free, always thinking of you..


Can't, hope you're doing better than you were..


And where is my twin?! :tickedoff:.. Miss you twiny, come home or at least pop in to give me that kick in the ass that I need 🤪



Love to all,


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Also D, I wonder if reading front my phone and tablet are making it worse??


You could be straining your eyes and benzo's don't help.  Headaches, especially for people like us, it's so hard to know what might be causing them.  If you still have that prescription, get some new glasses, you need them anyway.  But truly, My best guess, is stress and these damn benzo's.  Love ya🌻🌷💐🌼. Mary

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Morning everyone, just got through  having a bite to eat, had early Dr app, don't have to go back for 3 months.  She is always pleased with my progress and we told her about our plan for trying to get more windows, she of course, doesn't know anything about benzo, but was all for it :laugh:  in that regard , I am lucky, she cares and she trusts me.


I hope you all are having a good morning, love you much.  🌷🍀💐🌼🌻🌹.      🐕🦉🐉🐉🐉🐉



Snowflake, did you have something you wanted to talk about?  We are here if you do.  We will always try our best :D:smitten:  Mary

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Also D, I wonder if reading front my phone and tablet are making it worse??


You could be straining your eyes and benzo's don't help.  Headaches, especially for people like us, it's so hard to know what might be causing them.  If you still have that prescription, get some new glasses, you need them anyway.  But truly, My best guess, is stress and these damn benzo's.  Love ya🌻🌷💐🌼. Mary

Thanks D.. Probably is the benzo 🤯😢

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Intend, hope you and Mary had some quality time together at the movies?  How is Dan feeling?  Better I hope.  Give Pepper pets for me. 😘🐾🐾🐾🐾🌹🌹🌹.    ⛓⚙️🛠


The movie was very good Mary. Dan commented that she and I should do this more often, but now she’s moving to Sacramento. Still not completely trusting Brad, but she’s planning on coming back to visit as often as she can. She is attached to us and Utah, and I would love to move there, but I only want to move one more time to a smaller house. This one is @4000 sq feet. Too big for us and Pepper.

Dan wants to be in the house forever it seems because he has this huge McIntosh stereo that he loves.


So Brad plans to retire in Utah as his kids live here as does most of his family. Siblings, and mother are here. He has opportunities here also. Who knew that every surgery involves a perfusionist? I sure didn’t.


As for the movie again, it seems like the “new way” is to put these great actors in good movies that leave the ending open to the individuals perception. I’m not in favor of that at all. I’m not looking for a happy ending, but I don’t want to interpret the ending. That happened with this one yesterday, and with Dev Patel in the Wedding Guest last week.


Dan seems much better today. Of course, he went with Mary today and isn’t home yet, but he seemed much better before he left. He used that humidifier last night, and that has really helped. I have to go to the store, and I’m going to pick up more cough drops as that may have helped last night also.


And that little cat Pepper is laying in front of the fireplace again. Before that, she’s was in the bed under the covers. Spoiled man and spoiled cat. 🌹 🔨 🐈


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It seems we all feel bad today. I mean, worse than usual, since most days fall a little short for us. Thinking of you all. Welcome, Snowflake! Esperanza


So true esperanza. I’m think of you also. 🌹 🥀 🌹

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Hey ladies,

I'm not doing well myself.. mild to moderate headache for days..☹️.. Got my eye Dr appt moved up to Thursday to see if I need a new prescription on my glasses. Also feeling as if there's no way off this Xanax. How the hell do I get lower???? I'm scared to death to taper again, if it's going to get worse lower then I really don't know if I can do it, honestly.


English, I'm sorry to read that you're not doing well..


E, hope you're feeling better..


Sweet D, hope that migraine was diverted..


Intend, hope all is well with you and Dan..


Free, always thinking of you..


Can't, hope you're doing better than you were..


And where is my twin?! :tickedoff:.. Miss you twiny, come home or at least pop in to give me that kick in the ass that I need 🤪



Love to all,





Just hang on longer, get those glasses changed, and then see what Gingermint comes up with. I kind of do think that these benzos change so many things that we just have to wait and get off till we know what’s causing what.


For example, I’m tall and thin, and I had my thyroid tested as part of a wellness exam, and it came up borderline for the very first time. I researched that, and after a lot of research, it is highly unusual for someone like me to have a borderline thyroid test. If anything, I would have tested as being hyperthyroid, but I’m not that either. I’ve always tested as normal before.


Benzos imitate many medical conditions unfortunately. 🌹 🥀 🌹

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Morning everyone, just got through  having a bite to eat, had early Dr app, don't have to go back for 3 months.  She is always pleased with my progress and we told her about our plan for trying to get more windows, she of course, doesn't know anything about benzo, but was all for it :laugh:  in that regard , I am lucky, she cares and she trusts me.


I hope you all are having a good morning, love you much.  🌷🍀💐🌼🌻🌹.      🐕🦉🐉🐉🐉🐉



Snowflake, did you have something you wanted to talk about?  We are here if you do.  We will always try our best :D:smitten:  Mary


Snowflake has been here before on March 4th. I looked at her posts this morning while I was all by myself looking here. 💦 Its lonely here in the mornings sometimes.

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Intend, hope you and Mary had some quality time together at the movies?  How is Dan feeling?  Better I hope.  Give Pepper pets for me. 😘🐾🐾🐾🐾🌹🌹🌹.    ⛓⚙️🛠


The movie was very good Mary. Dan commented that she and I should do this more often, but now she’s moving to Sacramento. Still not completely trusting Brad, but she’s planning on coming back to visit as often as she can. She is attached to us and Utah, and I would love to move there, but I only want to move one more time to a smaller house. This one is @4000 sq feet. Too big for us and Pepper.

Dan wants to be in the house forever it seems because he has this huge McIntosh stereo that he loves.


So Brad plans to retire in Utah as his kids live here as does most of his family. Siblings, and mother are here. He has opportunities here also. Who knew that every surgery involves a perfusionist? I sure didn’t.


As for the movie again, it seems like the “new way” is to put these great actors in good movies that leave the ending open to the individuals perception. I’m not in favor of that at all. I’m not looking for a happy ending, but I don’t want to interpret the ending. That happened with this one yesterday, and with Dev Patel in the Wedding Guest last week.


Dan seems much better today. Of course, he went with Mary today and isn’t home yet, but he seemed much better before he left. He used that humidifier last night, and that has really helped. I have to go to the store, and I’m going to pick up more cough drops as that may have helped last night also.


And that little cat Pepper is laying in front of the fireplace again. Before that, she’s was in the bed under the covers. Spoiled man and spoiled cat. 🌹 🔨 🐈


Well, I am glad Dan is doing better.  I don't like that kind of movie either, sometimes I think they are hoping people will want a sequel so they let it end like that  >:( Glad you and Mary had a good time.

You spoil them, you are a fine woman  :smitten: :smitten:  Mary 🌻🌷💐🌼.      🐱🐾🐾🌹 🛠

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And now I’m going to hurry up and get ready for that trip to the store.


Should pay the utility bills and do regular grocery shopping 🛒 but don’t want to. Maybe save that for tomorrow or Wednesday. 🍊🍎🥒🍅

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Hey intend, Rich is coughing too, he has a horrible cold and here's got COPD as well. I always worry when he gets a cold because of that. I also told him that I'll kill him if he gives it to me, can't imagine coughing when my head hurts daily.


Glad you had a nice time out with Mary.

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And now I’m going to hurry up and get ready for that trip to the store.


Should pay the utility bills and do regular grocery shopping 🛒 but don’t want to. Maybe save that for tomorrow or Wednesday. 🍊🍎🥒🍅

Don't forget the beans for Dan!  :laugh:

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Hey D, is it hard for you when Tim goes away, I know it would be hard for me to have Rich go away. I hate to sleep without him. I've rarely done it since I was 20 yrs old. I'm glad he's job doesn't require him to travel but he had plenty of opportunities and always refused thank God! He works for the government/ military contractor.
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Morning everyone, just got through  having a bite to eat, had early Dr app, don't have to go back for 3 months.  She is always pleased with my progress and we told her about our plan for trying to get more windows, she of course, doesn't know anything about benzo, but was all for it :laugh:  in that regard , I am lucky, she cares and she trusts me.


I hope you all are having a good morning, love you much.  🌷🍀💐🌼🌻🌹.      🐕🦉🐉🐉🐉🐉



Snowflake, did you have something you wanted to talk about?  We are here if you do.  We will always try our best :D:smitten:  Mary


Snowflake has been here before on March 4th. I looked at her posts this morning while I was all by myself looking here. 💦 Its lonely here in the mornings sometimes.


It really is, why do you think we are down to so few people?  Have you ever seen it like this before?

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Morning everyone, just got through  having a bite to eat, had early Dr app, don't have to go back for 3 months.  She is always pleased with my progress and we told her about our plan for trying to get more windows, she of course, doesn't know anything about benzo, but was all for it :laugh:  in that regard , I am lucky, she cares and she trusts me.


I hope you all are having a good morning, love you much.  🌷🍀💐🌼🌻🌹.      🐕🦉🐉🐉🐉🐉



Snowflake, did you have something you wanted to talk about?  We are here if you do.  We will always try our best :D:smitten:  Mary


Snowflake has been here before on March 4th. I looked at her posts this morning while I was all by myself looking here. 💦 Its lonely here in the mornings sometimes.


It really is, why do you think we are down to so few people?  Have you ever seen it like this before?


Yes, intend what are your thoughts on that? I wonder as well..

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Hey D, is it hard for you when Tim goes away, I know it would be hard for me to have Rich go away. I hate to sleep without him. I've rarely done it since I was 20 yrs old. I'm glad he's job doesn't require him to travel but he had plenty of opportunities and always refused thank God! He works for the government/ military contractor.


I would prefer he was home and he used to be gone more, but now he tries to make it one night.  I get through that okay  :)

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And now I’m going to hurry up and get ready for that trip to the store.


Should pay the utility bills and do regular grocery shopping 🛒 but don’t want to. Maybe save that for tomorrow or Wednesday. 🍊🍎🥒🍅

Don't forget the beans for Dan!  :laugh:




We both like them; it notbjust Dan. His mom taught me all this Mexican food, and you name it, I can cook it. But I’ll tell you, it’s a ton of work.


I remember telling Dan years ago ago, “how do these Mexicans do this all day?” They had to because they had to make the best of what they had. So the women would cook Spanish rice, chili verde, chili Colorado, enchiladas. pollo asado, and some really weird stuff like lambs head, cows tongue, and menudo.


Those last 3 are tons of work and the lambs  head is a little scary. Viola bought Dan one for him, and he chased me through the house with it years ago. And viola bought the ingredients to make menudo which is cows stomach (tripe) and hominy with thin chili Colorado topped with chopped onions.


And the cows tongue is a huge tongue put in a big pot and spiced up with salt, pepper, and I can’t remember what else because I’ll probably never make one again. I watched viola make the menudo, and she gagged as you have to scrape the tripe and then cut it up. Not fun. It comes in cans everywhere here, and it’s like $5 for a small can. Someone’s making $ off that.


Dinner anyone?

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