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Rise and shine, up and at'em , get the hell out of bed  :D;D

Stut was on this morning and so many were posting, the stinking posts wouldn't go....

Hope you all got some sleep, love you all, Mary 🌼💐🍀🌻

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Ok so I'm throwing my thoughts out here for anyone to answer or give their opinion on.


What if I continue to cut a quarter of a tablet once a month?? That would give my body a one month long rest between cuts.. Wouldn't that give my body enough time to recover? I know everyone is different but doesn't Ashton say that one can cut 5 to 10% every 7 to 10 days? Or am I wrong about that and everything else I just said? 🤪🤯


I don't believe you can do what Ashton says, it's too fast for you.  You might try the 5% per month.

It does not matter how long, it matters feeling decent while it's happening.  It took me awhile to get there, but after that window, I feel it can be done, at least a lot more than the way I feel now.  💙

Heya Trish, Mary, and all dear peeps... :)

Ok, I will try hard to sound coherent..

Trish... Sorry its been a while...

I did a pill split cut n hold... The key was to hold however long it took to get back to the "stable" that I was at before the offending cut.. So long as you can handle the intensity of the cut, and you recover properly to that position each time, -which probs wont be oerfect, you will do ok.. But the time is what you cant compromise on.. I aimed for 3weeks of feeling good before the next cut to try and ensure there wasnt another wave coming, and for my body to get ahead a bit in preperation... Towards the end each cut was months apart, but that is no guide to how it might be for you... The trick is not to let cuts compound or catch up on each other...

If the SX are too severe, smaller cuts are needed, but then thay can probably be closer together.. -Take this idea to its extreeme and one ends up with a micro taper...


Remember this whole process is rather nonliniar, so dont predict the whole of your taper by todays standard.. Sometimes just a small change in taper speed/cut size can make things much better than one would expect.. Just as slightly too fast can make it far worse than one would expect...


Yes, you have hit a fair bump in the road, but the bridge isnt down, -you will find your way forwards..


On another note, Ajusta just started a thread on DR and DP, -I did mention you were in a similar position, also looking for info and support.. Hope you dont mind...


Koala power to climb.. -you will get there, limb by limb, and the leaves will be the juciest in the forrest.. :)


Very coherent and very reasonable 🐢........Mim

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Ok wtf did I just do? I wanted to hit the reply button on the bottom to thank all of you wonderful people, Gingermint, Mary, Can't.. For your advice and help and people I mean this from my 💓 you guys are the best and I'm grateful to have you all. In all of your own pain, you all reach out to help others who are suffering, to say it touches my heart in a deep way is an understatement. Ok right getting off track, so I went to hit the reply button and I hit UNOTIFY so what did I do and how do I fix it?? Stut is right I am a buckejit!
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So people please help me, I found a direct taper reduction on BB. Pill Splitting table, helps with the math for me but ,Gingermint if you're reading I beg you please don't leave me, I still need you , you wonderful math wizard!


Back to the point of this! I don't see how in the hell I'm going to ever get off this poison as the lower I go the cuts need to get smaller 🤪.. I can't titrate that's too much work for me and I'm too lazy for that, so how am I going to pill split tiny pieces? Also, looks like it's going to take an eternity to achieve this feat, she says with a very long sigh..



I understand that continuing to cut a quarter pill is easier.  You are certainly free to do that but don't make another cut until you have been symptom free from the previous cut for at least a week or longer.  That may take a month or it may take longer.  You want a symptom based taper.


If you broke your ankle would you try to run on it before it was healed and pain free?  Would that help or hinder healing? Our brains are slower to heal than bones.  Our brains do not heal linearly.  There are many ups and downs with brain healing, it is to be expected.  Since my brain injury I have done a ton of research on brains, read many books and attended seminars.

The medical world has barely scratched the surface on the workings of the brain.


There is no way to split a pill into quarters and be certain each quarter is exactly the same size.  A liquid taper is so easy and accurate.  It takes me only a few minutes to make ten days worth.


Intend is using a gram scale and many people use these for their whole taper, but I would rather spend a few minutes every ten days than cutting and weighing a pill daily trying to get down to microgram accuracy.


My dear Trishy, I won't abandon you or anyone else.  Helping people is my mission in life and there is nothing I like doing more.  Please be patient.  That is really all we can do. G.

... or this..!!


Hi Ginger.. :)


Trish, I did try a DLMT.. It didnt work out for me at that particular time, but I am very supportive of the micro tapering principals.. I was very put off by the apparent complexity, but what I found when I actually got serious about it was that it was infact quite simple once I tried... A great tool in the box if needed oneday..



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So people please help me, I found a direct taper reduction on BB. Pill Splitting table, helps with the math for me but ,Gingermint if you're reading I beg you please don't leave me, I still need you , you wonderful math wizard!


Back to the point of this! I don't see how in the hell I'm going to ever get off this poison as the lower I go the cuts need to get smaller 🤪.. I can't titrate that's too much work for me and I'm too lazy for that, so how am I going to pill split tiny pieces? Also, looks like it's going to take an eternity to achieve this feat, she says with a very long sigh..



I understand that continuing to cut a quarter pill is easier.  You are certainly free to do that but don't make another cut until you have been symptom free from the previous cut for at least a week or longer.  That may take a month or it may take longer.  You want a symptom based taper.


If you broke your ankle would you try to run on it before it was healed and pain free?  Would that help or hinder healing? Our brains are slower to heal than bones.  Our brains do not heal linearly.  There are many ups and downs with brain healing, it is to be expected.  Since my brain injury I have done a ton of research on brains, read many books and attended seminars.

The medical world has barely scratched the surface on the workings of the brain.


There is no way to split a pill into quarters and be certain each quarter is exactly the same size.  A liquid taper is so easy and accurate.  It takes me only a few minutes to make ten days worth.


Intend is using a gram scale and many people use these for their whole taper, but I would rather spend a few minutes every ten days than cutting and weighing a pill daily trying to get down to microgram accuracy.


My dear Trishy, I won't abandon you or anyone else.  Helping people is my mission in life and there is nothing I like doing more.  Please be patient.  That is really all we can do. G.

... or this..!!


Hi Ginger.. :)


Trish, I did try a DLMT.. It didnt work out for me at that particular time, but I am very supportive of the micro tapering principals.. I was very put off by the apparent complexity, but what I found when I actually got serious about it was that it was infact quite simple once I tried... A great tool in the box if needed oneday..



Oh spy, how you do have a way with words.. thank you for your support and encouragement and sharing your knowledge and encouragement, words will never justly do expressing my gratitude for you and the others.


It was 3 weeks yesterday since my last cut and I'm feeling good this morning, I'll wait another week before I cut but I think my silly little blonde head has finally got it! 💡I will be doing a sxs based taper still cutting as close as I can to a quarter of tablet and holding for as long as I need too before proceeding. If I get to a point where pill Splitting is too much for me as it might be the lower I go I'll look into the liquid taper thing. I hope how good I feel today continues 🙏🤞


L word spy, and may the force be with you 😁

Koala power 💞

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So back to that question I had about hitting the UNOTIFY button instead of the reply thingy button. I hope that doesn't mess me up with all things BB here 🤪
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Ok so I'm throwing my thoughts out here for anyone to answer or give their opinion on.


What if I continue to cut a quarter of a tablet once a month?? That would give my body a one month long rest between cuts.. Wouldn't that give my body enough time to recover? I know everyone is different but doesn't Ashton say that one can cut 5 to 10% every 7 to 10 days? Or am I wrong about that and everything else I just said? 🤪🤯


I don't believe you can do what Ashton says, it's too fast for you.  You might try the 5% per month.

It does not matter how long, it matters feeling decent while it's happening.  It took me awhile to get there, but after that window, I feel it can be done, at least a lot more than the way I feel now.  💙

D, can you still see 👀 me here? I hit UNOTIFY by mistake and I don't know what the hell that means?? I'm such a dumb ass.. And spy if you're still here I lied a little I'm a reddish blonde 🤭 now courtesy of my hairdresser 😂

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So back to that question I had about hitting the UNOTIFY button instead of the reply thingy button. I hope that doesn't mess me up with all things BB here 🤪

Isnt that to do with email notifications..?? But I know nothing (john snow)..



Night Guys..



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So back to that question I had about hitting the UNOTIFY button instead of the reply thingy button. I hope that doesn't mess me up with all things BB here 🤪

Isnt that to do with email notifications..?? But I know nothing (john snow)..



Night Guys..


Nite mate stay close we miss you.l likes your description of bucket of vomit was that referring to how l feel or look?Could be a bit of both lol.Take it easy and sleep well.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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So back to that question I had about hitting the UNOTIFY button instead of the reply thingy button. I hope that doesn't mess me up with all things BB here 🤪

Isnt that to do with email notifications..?? But I know nothing (john snow)..



Night Guys..


Oh well if John snow can't help me then I'm really screwed!!

Who the hell is he anyway?? I'm sure my other half of dumb can answer that 🤔


Night spy.. Be careful I'm pretty sure Mary can stalk you in your dreams.. 😂

Sweet dreams..

L word spy ❤️


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So back to that question I had about hitting the UNOTIFY button instead of the reply thingy button. I hope that doesn't mess me up with all things BB here 🤪

Isnt that to do with email notifications..?? But I know nothing (john snow)..



Night Guys..


Nite mate stay close we miss you.l likes your description of bucket of vomit was that referring to how l feel or look?Could be a bit of both lol.Take it easy and sleep well.

  Love and hugs Stut X

Twin I love you!! Hope you have a great day!


Love to all,



I'll be back..😎

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Ok so I'm throwing my thoughts out here for anyone to answer or give their opinion on.


What if I continue to cut a quarter of a tablet once a month?? That would give my body a one month long rest between cuts.. Wouldn't that give my body enough time to recover? I know everyone is different but doesn't Ashton say that one can cut 5 to 10% every 7 to 10 days? Or am I wrong about that and everything else I just said? 🤪🤯


I don't believe you can do what Ashton says, it's too fast for you.  You might try the 5% per month.

It does not matter how long, it matters feeling decent while it's happening.  It took me awhile to get there, but after that window, I feel it can be done, at least a lot more than the way I feel now.  💙

D, can you still see 👀 me here? I hit UNOTIFY by mistake and I don't know what the hell that means?? I'm such a dumb ass.. And spy if you're still here I lied a little I'm a reddish blonde 🤭 now courtesy of my hairdresser 😂

  Don't worry twiny l think it just means that you won't get an email when someone responds to your post.You have had very good advice regarding your taper think long and hard about maybe a liquid taper.l have always veered away from it with diazepam as it just doesn't make sense to me as the lag times with valium is so long.That is more for tapering every day.Now Xanax is a different animal all together so l would definitely do with that one however l think holding is essential when you're dealing with any method.Now a hold of 2 weeks is never long enough in my opinion l know what Ashton has said but we are all very individual with different history's so we do what we have to do to keep this manageable.

  I feel your despair twiny but it is normal when you feel crap if you start to feel better the despair will lift and you won't care how long it takes.

Love you twiny.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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So back to that question I had about hitting the UNOTIFY button instead of the reply thingy button. I hope that doesn't mess me up with all things BB here 🤪

Isnt that to do with email notifications..?? But I know nothing (john snow)..



Night Guys..



:laugh: :laugh:

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So people please help me, I found a direct taper reduction on BB. Pill Splitting table, helps with the math for me but ,Gingermint if you're reading I beg you please don't leave me, I still need you , you wonderful math wizard!


Back to the point of this! I don't see how in the hell I'm going to ever get off this poison as the lower I go the cuts need to get smaller 🤪.. I can't titrate that's too much work for me and I'm too lazy for that, so how am I going to pill split tiny pieces? Also, looks like it's going to take an eternity to achieve this feat, she says with a very long sigh..



I understand that continuing to cut a quarter pill is easier.  You are certainly free to do that but don't make another cut until you have been symptom free from the previous cut for at least a week or longer.  That may take a month or it may take longer.  You want a symptom based taper.


If you broke your ankle would you try to run on it before it was healed and pain free?  Would that help or hinder healing? Our brains are slower to heal than bones.  Our brains do not heal linearly.  There are many ups and downs with brain healing, it is to be expected.  Since my brain injury I have done a ton of research on brains, read many books and attended seminars.

The medical world has barely scratched the surface on the workings of the brain.


There is no way to split a pill into quarters and be certain each quarter is exactly the same size.  A liquid taper is so easy and accurate.  It takes me only a few minutes to make ten days worth.


Intend is using a gram scale and many people use these for their whole taper, but I would rather spend a few minutes every ten days than cutting and weighing a pill daily trying to get down to microgram accuracy.


My dear Trishy, I won't abandon you or anyone else.  Helping people is my mission in life and there is nothing I like doing more.  Please be patient.  That is really all we can do. G.


Go get her G, I have said same thing a million times, but I like the way you put it.  And she might listen to you, she needs a good bossing around once in awhile  :laugh:  yes you do Trishy and you know it :P :P. Thanks foe your help G.  You are great ;).  Mary. 🌷🌼🌻💐

I agree with you Mary.  I have also decided I will taper slowly enough to feel good.  Life is short and I don't want to waste it struggling with WD sx.

It may take the rest of my life but I want lots more windows than waves. 


I cut 0.00001 mg 10 days ago.  It was the last in a series of cuts that totaled 0.00015 over 3 months.  This last one has been one huge wave for ten days.  Now a long hold until I'm stable, my anxiety and heart settle down and sleep returns.  I was doing well, but like Trishy, this last cut broke the camels back.


I understand her frustration.  I have heard that some people reach a point when even the tiniest cut causes problems, then once they get down to a certain level it gets easier.  I haven't gotten to that easier level yet.


We will get Trishy through this in spite of herself.  Good luck to you. G.

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Ok so I'm throwing my thoughts out here for anyone to answer or give their opinion on.


What if I continue to cut a quarter of a tablet once a month?? That would give my body a one month long rest between cuts.. Wouldn't that give my body enough time to recover? I know everyone is different but doesn't Ashton say that one can cut 5 to 10% every 7 to 10 days? Or am I wrong about that and everything else I just said? 🤪🤯


I don't believe you can do what Ashton says, it's too fast for you.  You might try the 5% per month.

It does not matter how long, it matters feeling decent while it's happening.  It took me awhile to get there, but after that window, I feel it can be done, at least a lot more than the way I feel now.  💙

D, can you still see 👀 me here? I hit UNOTIFY by mistake and I don't know what the hell that means?? I'm such a dumb ass.. And spy if you're still here I lied a little I'm a reddish blonde 🤭 now courtesy of my hairdresser 😂

  Don't worry twiny l think it just means that you won't get an email when someone responds to your post.You have had very good advice regarding your taper think long and hard about maybe a liquid taper.l have always veered away from it with diazepam as it just doesn't make sense to me as the lag times with valium is so long.That is more for tapering every day.Now Xanax is a different animal all together so l would definitely do with that one however l think holding is essential when you're dealing with any method.Now a hold of 2 weeks is never long enough in my opinion l know what Ashton has said but we are all very individual with different history's so we do what we have to do to keep this manageable.

  I feel your despair twiny but it is normal when you feel crap if you start to feel better the despair will lift and you won't care how long it takes.

Love you twiny.

  Love and hugs Stut X


I know twin, Xanax is a different animal. I'm on the mother of all benzos 😔


Love you wise woman,


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Hello, just sending out a message to all my friends.


Trishy, you will get through. If there is anything at all good about Valium, it is that the maths for reduction is very much easier than Xanax. But there is always somebody on here who knows how to advise you.


Stut, you really are a Star. Thank you so much for your encouragement. Bad times right now. I guess they will go eventually.


Cant, I'm like you at the moment. I'm either in bed or on the settee. When I'm in bed I am actually sleeping. Think my body is working to get back to that long word they use. Homeostasis, I think it is.


Mary, you sound better. Are your eyes recovered now or are they still healing? Tilly has just jumped on my knee and so I've given her a hug and said "That's from Mary". I honestly do these things! I'm a mad woman.


Esperanza, hope things are improving, even slightly. You WILL get there.


Free, hope you are feeling at least a little bit better.


Intend, for what it's worth, I think you are doing the right thing with Cathy. Let her come to you. She knows you are always there for her. Hope Mary is okay after her car accident. It's bound to have shocked her, even if she hasn't been hurt.


That's it for now. Love to All. Hugs half price today (while stocks last).


Gilly xxxxx 🐢...

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So people please help me, I found a direct taper reduction on BB. Pill Splitting table, helps with the math for me but ,Gingermint if you're reading I beg you please don't leave me, I still need you , you wonderful math wizard!


Back to the point of this! I don't see how in the hell I'm going to ever get off this poison as the lower I go the cuts need to get smaller 🤪.. I can't titrate that's too much work for me and I'm too lazy for that, so how am I going to pill split tiny pieces? Also, looks like it's going to take an eternity to achieve this feat, she says with a very long sigh..



I understand that continuing to cut a quarter pill is easier.  You are certainly free to do that but don't make another cut until you have been symptom free from the previous cut for at least a week or longer.  That may take a month or it may take longer.  You want a symptom based taper.


If you broke your ankle would you try to run on it before it was healed and pain free?  Would that help or hinder healing? Our brains are slower to heal than bones.  Our brains do not heal linearly.  There are many ups and downs with brain healing, it is to be expected.  Since my brain injury I have done a ton of research on brains, read many books and attended seminars.

The medical world has barely scratched the surface on the workings of the brain.


There is no way to split a pill into quarters and be certain each quarter is exactly the same size.  A liquid taper is so easy and accurate.  It takes me only a few minutes to make ten days worth.


Intend is using a gram scale and many people use these for their whole taper, but I would rather spend a few minutes every ten days than cutting and weighing a pill daily trying to get down to microgram accuracy.


My dear Trishy, I won't abandon you or anyone else.  Helping people is my mission in life and there is nothing I like doing more.  Please be patient.  That is really all we can do. G.


Go get her G, I have said same thing a million times, but I like the way you put it.  And she might listen to you, she needs a good bossing around once in awhile  :laugh:  yes you do Trishy and you know it :P :P. Thanks foe your help G.  You are great ;).  Mary. 🌷🌼🌻💐

I agree with you Mary.  I have also decided I will taper slowly enough to feel good.  Life is short and I don't want to waste it struggling with WD sx.

It may take the rest of my life but I want lots more windows than waves. 


I cut 0.00001 mg 10 days ago.  It was the last in a series of cuts that totaled 0.00015 over 3 months.  This last one has been one huge wave for ten days.  Now a long hold until I'm stable, my anxiety and heart settle down and sleep returns.  I was doing well, but like Trishy, this last cut broke the camels back.


I understand her frustration.  I have heard that some people reach a point when even the tiniest cut causes problems, then once they get down to a certain level it gets easier.  I haven't gotten to that easier level yet.


We will get Trishy through this in spite of herself.  Good luck to you. G.


Just reading here. I AM NOT using a gram scale. I haven’t the slightest idea of how to use one.



Liquid titration is my method and always has been. Deepcanyon is using a gram scale; but not me.

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So people please help me, I found a direct taper reduction on BB. Pill Splitting table, helps with the math for me but ,Gingermint if you're reading I beg you please don't leave me, I still need you , you wonderful math wizard!


Back to the point of this! I don't see how in the hell I'm going to ever get off this poison as the lower I go the cuts need to get smaller 🤪.. I can't titrate that's too much work for me and I'm too lazy for that, so how am I going to pill split tiny pieces? Also, looks like it's going to take an eternity to achieve this feat, she says with a very long sigh..



I understand that continuing to cut a quarter pill is easier.  You are certainly free to do that but don't make another cut until you have been symptom free from the previous cut for at least a week or longer.  That may take a month or it may take longer.  You want a symptom based taper.


If you broke your ankle would you try to run on it before it was healed and pain free?  Would that help or hinder healing? Our brains are slower to heal than bones.  Our brains do not heal linearly.  There are many ups and downs with brain healing, it is to be expected.  Since my brain injury I have done a ton of research on brains, read many books and attended seminars.

The medical world has barely scratched the surface on the workings of the brain.


There is no way to split a pill into quarters and be certain each quarter is exactly the same size.  A liquid taper is so easy and accurate.  It takes me only a few minutes to make ten days worth.


Intend is using a gram scale and many people use these for their whole taper, but I would rather spend a few minutes every ten days than cutting and weighing a pill daily trying to get down to microgram accuracy.


My dear Trishy, I won't abandon you or anyone else.  Helping people is my mission in life and there is nothing I like doing more.  Please be patient.  That is really all we can do. G.


Go get her G, I have said same thing a million times, but I like the way you put it.  And she might listen to you, she needs a good bossing around once in awhile  :laugh:  yes you do Trishy and you know it :P :P. Thanks foe your help G.  You are great ;).  Mary. 🌷🌼🌻💐

I agree with you Mary.  I have also decided I will taper slowly enough to feel good.  Life is short and I don't want to waste it struggling with WD sx.

It may take the rest of my life but I want lots more windows than waves. 


I cut 0.00001 mg 10 days ago.  It was the last in a series of cuts that totaled 0.00015 over 3 months.  This last one has been one huge wave for ten days.  Now a long hold until I'm stable, my anxiety and heart settle down and sleep returns.  I was doing well, but like Trishy, this last cut broke the camels back.


I understand her frustration.  I have heard that some people reach a point when even the tiniest cut causes problems, then once they get down to a certain level it gets easier.  I haven't gotten to that easier level yet.


We will get Trishy through this in spite of herself.  Good luck to you. G.


Just reading here. I AM NOT using a gram scale. I haven’t the slightest idea of how to use one.



Liquid titration is my method and always has been. Deepcanyon is using a gram scale; but not me.


Sorry for the mix-up. G.

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Not a big deal Ginger.


Just had to say something about what I was reading.


Kind of surprises me that no one noticed this, but all little green lights are off, so no one really on.


And maybe I’ve never discussed the way I do this either.


Mostly what I’ve had to do is deal with 6 generic brand changes that have taken so much time that I’ve spent more time adjusting to a different generic brand than I have tapering.


I am highly sensitized. I am one of those who have had to deal with that. If you have never had to change your benzo brand over and over again, you are fortunate.

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Intend, I am in your situation with my Nortriptyline. The chemist chain just gives me the cheapest one. So it is a lottery which one I get.


I had the same thing with my Quetiapine. But the brand of Quetiapine I have is recommended in the doctor's guide book. So she writes on my prescription that I must have the Accord brand. As such, the chemist is obliged to give me that one.


The type of Nortriptyline that I use is not in the doctor's book. So they give me any old shit.


It is hard to cut a drug when another of your drugs is making you ill. I totally know where you're coming from.  Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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Ok so I'm throwing my thoughts out here for anyone to answer or give their opinion on.


What if I continue to cut a quarter of a tablet once a month?? That would give my body a one month long rest between cuts.. Wouldn't that give my body enough time to recover? I know everyone is different but doesn't Ashton say that one can cut 5 to 10% every 7 to 10 days? Or am I wrong about that and everything else I just said? 🤪🤯


I don't believe you can do what Ashton says, it's too fast for you.  You might try the 5% per month.

It does not matter how long, it matters feeling decent while it's happening.  It took me awhile to get there, but after that window, I feel it can be done, at least a lot more than the way I feel now.  💙

D, can you still see 👀 me here? I hit UNOTIFY by mistake and I don't know what the hell that means?? I'm such a dumb ass.. And spy if you're still here I lied a little I'm a reddish blonde 🤭 now courtesy of my hairdresser 😂


You weirdo, Can't seems to think it has something to do with something it won't effect you, but if it is going to drive you crazy, ask tech on home page ;)

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Hello, just sending out a message to all my friends.


Trishy, you will get through. If there is anything at all good about Valium, it is that the maths for reduction is very much easier than Xanax. But there is always somebody on here who knows how to advise you.


Stut, you really are a Star. Thank you so much for your encouragement. Bad times right now. I guess they will go eventually.


Cant, I'm like you at the moment. I'm either in bed or on the settee. When I'm in bed I am actually sleeping. Think my body is working to get back to that long word they use. Homeostasis, I think it is.


Mary, you sound better. Are your eyes recovered now or are they still healing? Tilly has just jumped on my knee and so I've given her a hug and said "That's from Mary". I honestly do these things! I'm a mad woman.


Esperanza, hope things are improving, even slightly. You WILL get there.


Free, hope you are feeling at least a little bit better.


Intend, for what it's worth, I think you are doing the right thing with Cathy. Let her come to you. She knows you are always there for you. Hope Mary is okay after her car accident. It's bound to have shocked her, even if she hasn't been hurt.


That's it for now. Love to All. Hugs half price today (while stocks last).


Gilly xxxxx 🐢...


Hey English, I am sorry your struggling.  I love it when we can hear the sound of you feeling better in your posts.  Is Dave there?  You pick that kiltty up and give her more kisses from me.  Can't let her forget me , love you E, Mary.....🐱🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾💚❤️💜💙.        🐢......... :D

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Not a big deal Ginger.


Just had to say something about what I was reading.


Kind of surprises me that no one noticed this, but all little green lights are off, so no one really on.


And maybe I’ve never discussed the way I do this either.


Mostly what I’ve had to do is deal with 6 generic brand changes that have taken so much time that I’ve spent more time adjusting to a different generic brand than I have tapering.


I am highly sensitized. I am one of those who have had to deal with that. If you have never had to change your benzo brand over and over again, you are fortunate.


You have been through way too much, that is just plain too much.  And it is awful.  I have thought about that a lot and even discussed it with Tim.  Plus the fear it has caused you, always wondering if your benzo will be at the pharmacy.  You are right, we have been lucky in that regard.  Love you Intend, always.  🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌼🌻💐

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Hi Mary. Yes, Dave is here. He is trying to get a film to play on the tv. It's not working and he is getting frustrated.


Yes, it's better when I feel good, but I need the group more when I'm not.


Tilly is on my knee again. I will hug her for you later. She just said "Just don't mention my name to Sly. We go back a long way and it's not good". How mysterious.....


Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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Hi Mary. Yes, Dave is here. He is trying to get a film to play on the tv. It's not working and he is getting frustrated.


Yes, it's better when I feel good, but I need the group more when I'm not.


Tilly is on my knee again. I will hug her for you later. She just said "Just don't mention my name to Sly. We go back a long way and it's not good". How mysterious.....


Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟


Hmm, wonder what happened between them  :laugh: :laugh:

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