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Hope everyone has a peaceful Sunday today..English, E, Free, Can't and of course our Queen my twin Stut, wherever she is I hope it's fun! And to all others whether regulars or visitors, wishing all the best day possible.


D, has the 🚂 warmed for everyone so come out and ride along with her 😁


Love to all,

Trish ♥️


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Okay LHSG, up and Adam, have no idea what that means but heard it most of my life :D Perseverance Train on the way for a beautiful Sunday .  Hope you are all feeling okay.  Love you all  Mary  🐕 woof woof.    🦉Hooohooo


All critters welcome

Chuga chuga chuga, whooooohoooooo🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂. 👩🏻‍✈️

Morning sweet D! Oh how I do love the way your brain works.. It's up and at ' em I believe is what you mean 😂😂.. this is why I'm your other half of D.. together we make one brain 😂😂..Stut once called me a buckejit and I have a sneaky suspicion you might be one too!! Not sure what it means but I think I can guess 😂😂

Love you D, have a grand day and please leave " Adam" alone it's a Sunday for goodness sake! 😂😂


OMG, I do deserve my D, I am a D :laugh: :laugh:  I can not be blamed , some one else must be at fault :laugh: :laugh:  I have a migraine, my first one in 26 days :(.  damn they suck......l

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Good morning group, I feel so overwhelmed at all the support everyone has offered. I wish I could have you all over for a slumber party while my guy is gone. We could braid each other’s hair and play telephone jokes. Maybe freeze somebody’s bra. Remember those days? I will be ok. And I will be available to offer my support to anyone who needs it because that is one of the things that keeps me going. Gilly, I don’t know if England has another word for an overnight girl party, but I am sure the concept is cross cultural. Slumber party is the American word for it. Your offer to make sure you were around for me touched my heart. So glad things are easing up for you. Don’t anyone worry about me being quick to cut again. I am waiting until I know I am ready. Love, E
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No problem, Espy. You've been there for me and it cuts both ways. When is your husband going?


Hello Everyone. Hope you are having a good Sunday. Dave has been to watch Liverpool (soccer) and they won 4-2 so he's in a good mood.


Feeling a bit sniffly. How do you pick up a cold when you don't go out and your partner doesn't get one? Perhaps someone has stroked Tilly and then I've stroked her when she's come back in. It's no big deal but I sometimes wonder how a cold/flu starts. Who is the first to get one and where did he get it from? Answers on a postcard.....


Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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Trishy, yes, Benzos made us both anxious and depressed. And we both got the old “menopause” and “chemical imbalance” diagnosis. I think, years ago, women were just called”hysterical”. I was put on these meds as a normal woman who had hormonal changes and worried too much about her teenage kids. Worry is not an anxiety disorder. Feeling down when hormones change is not depression. I know that now because the Benzo showed me what real anxiety and depression really look like. And it isn’t even close to anything I ever felt before. One thing that has changed since I dropped my dose. I can see the time I was on these meds so very clearly now. And I see the pattern of a woman becoming less of herself with every year that past. And I thought it was something that was broken about me. Am I mad, hell yes, I am. And every time I have to dose, I know I am continuing to damage myself. But with every tiny cut, no matter how long it takes, I am going to get rid of it someday. No choice. As for getting my husband to write scripts, it is illegal to write a controlled substance for a family member. He could lose his license. And they do keep records. I ran out years ago and my doctor was out of town, so he wrote it. The pharmacist assistant said he was going to call the state. Fortunately, the head pharmacist knew my husband and told him to back off. I was talked to like a criminal by that self-important little shit. I also went to DC a few years ago and forgot it. We tried for hours to reach the ER covering doctor at home, but could not get a call back. He almost had to chance it again, but the local Walgreens said I was due a refill. That is the world we have to live in when we are prescribed these drugs. End of my sermon. Pass the offering plate. Love, E
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Espy, Dave's just told me that he is going to see his parents in Wales on Tuesday. So we will be the same! My Rebecca is coming over from Thursday to Friday, so that will be good. I think Dave will be back on Saturday so I think I will cope. But it's amazing how much of a comfort our menfolk are, isn't it?  Love to you. 💟💟💟
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Espy, Dave's just told me that he is going to see his parents in Wales on Tuesday. So we will be the same! My Rebecca is coming over from Thursday to Friday, so that will be good. I think Dave will be back on Saturday so I think I will cope. But it's amazing how much of a comfort our menfolk are, isn't it?  Love to you. 💟💟💟


I do believe you wrote the other day, Dave had been home sick and you sure wished he'd get better, andgo back to work  :laugh:  :laugh:

I think somebody said, he was annoying them :D


Knock wood guys, I think my migraine is gone, I can never be sure for a few hours it's not lurking, the nasty  >:D 's

Yes Esperanza, we will be here anytime, my roots are in desperate need of doing and my toe nails.  I will play the music while you girls work on me as we party.  :D

I am still totally impressed with your husband, what he does amazing 🏆Luv you both girlfriends, Mary😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘



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Trishy, yes, Benzos made us both anxious and depressed. And we both got the old “menopause” and “chemical imbalance” diagnosis. I think, years ago, women were just called”hysterical”. I was put on these meds as a normal woman who had hormonal changes and worried too much about her teenage kids. Worry is not an anxiety disorder. Feeling down when hormones change is not depression. I know that now because the Benzo showed me what real anxiety and depression really look like. And it isn’t even close to anything I ever felt before. One thing that has changed since I dropped my dose. I can see the time I was on these meds so very clearly now. And I see the pattern of a woman becoming less of herself with every year that past. And I thought it was something that was broken about me. Am I mad, hell yes, I am. And every time I have to dose, I know I am continuing to damage myself. But with every tiny cut, no matter how long it takes, I am going to get rid of it someday. No choice. As for getting my husband to write scripts, it is illegal to write a controlled substance for a family member. He could lose his license. And they do keep records. I ran out years ago and my doctor was out of town, so he wrote it. The pharmacist assistant said he was going to call the state. Fortunately, the head pharmacist knew my husband and told him to back off. I was talked to like a criminal by that self-important little shit. I also went to DC a few years ago and forgot it. We tried for hours to reach the ER covering doctor at home, but could not get a call back. He almost had to chance it again, but the local Walgreens said I was due a refill. That is the world we have to live in when we are prescribed these drugs. End of my sermon. Pass the offering plate. Love, E


Hey E,

I was put on xanax at 30 yrs old in 1993  when  my heart went into an irregular rythm for one straight week after drinking 5 cups of coffee on a Sunday morning, I'd become very anxious over my heart and have been ever since , also have had numerous heart episodes since but I can't give up all caffeine, anyway that was almost 26 yrs ago. I am going to be 56 next Sunday. I used to just take them when I had panic attacks and then when my niece died in 2008 I went on them as prescribed and was encouraged to do so by my then Dr. .. That is where I can trace my life getting worse and worse and then by mid 40's I had become a basket case and couldn't figure out why, I chalked it up to being perimenopausal, I've been menopausal almost 3 yrs this November. So I blamed my increasingly worse anxiety and depression on hormones.. How stupid I was for believing that. I can see clearly now that it was the benzo making like that. The anxiety was crippling at times.. Geez life can be so damn hard.. Even though I have faith I sometimes struggle with what is this all about, life?? So much suffering and for what? I don't get it.. But I suppose there's a bigger plan.. Sorry for the ramble but my thoughts were chasing eachother all over the page 😂


Love ya,



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Hey D, I see I missed the party.. You ladies were chatting and I was doing laundry and grocery shopping.. Then I was watching Rich paint my kitchen Lol! It was a dark cloudy depressing day here. We had snow and sleet this morning and then plain rain for the rest of the day 😝.. Was a shit day.

How was your day girlfriend?

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Hey D, I see I missed the party.. You ladies were chatting and I was doing laundry and grocery shopping.. Then I was watching Rich paint my kitchen Lol! It was a dark cloudy depressing day here. We had snow and sleet this morning and then plain rain for the rest of the day 😝.. Was a shit day.

How was your day girlfriend?


I had my first migraine in 26 days, but it didn't last too long, so I always feel blessed when that happens.  I can not believe it was up and at'em Trishy  :laugh: :laugh:  what a dumb a$$ I am.  How much more sense that made :laugh: :laugh:  Boy I hope Stut doesn't read that :laugh: :laugh:  Weather was ok here, but going downhill tomorrow.  Tim and I redid our kitchen about 3 years ago, looked great.  Got one of those counter top tables, new appliances, great cute kitchen curtains and we painted it .  It really looks good, oh and new tile that looks like wood, really cool.  Lot of work though  ;). Love ya , I can't even bring myself to call you a d after this morning  :laugh: :laugh: 🍀🍀🍀😘😘😘😘🍀🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Hey D, I see I missed the party.. You ladies were chatting and I was doing laundry and grocery shopping.. Then I was watching Rich paint my kitchen Lol! It was a dark cloudy depressing day here. We had snow and sleet this morning and then plain rain for the rest of the day 😝.. Was a shit day.

How was your day girlfriend?


I had my first migraine in 26 days, but it didn't last too long, so I always feel blessed when that happens.  I can not believe it was up and at'em Trishy  :laugh: :laugh:  what a dumb a$$ I am.  How much more sense that made :laugh: :laugh:  Boy I hope Stut doesn't read that :laugh: :laugh:  Weather was ok here, but going downhill tomorrow.  Tim and I redid our kitchen about 3 years ago, looked great.  Got one of those counter top tables, new appliances, great cute kitchen curtains and we painted it .  It really looks good, oh and new tile that looks like wood, really cool.  Lot of work though  ;). Love ya , I can't even bring myself to call you a d after this morning  :laugh: :laugh: 🍀🍀🍀😘😘😘😘🍀🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Too funny D! But don't feel too much like a dumbass.. If you only knew some of the stuff that's come out of this mouth you wouldn't feel so dumb, one time Stut called me out when I said  " I could care less" and Stut saw that post of mine and she and English corrected me, it's " I couldn't care less" 🤦

😂😂.. Yup I'm a dumbass and proud to be one 😂.. Be ready though she'll probably see it! Lol!!


I'm glad your migraine didn't hang around, I don't know how you deal with those, headaches are the worst nevermind a migraine type one.


We started this kitchen make over back in October, like you we got all new appliances and counter tops and cabinets, new pergo floor, now it's just the painting and a border I picked out in place of a chair rail. It's almost finished and I can't wait to be done with it..


Your kitchen sounds cute, do you love it? I love mine so far..


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OMG D! So funny, Rich and I just started watching the crown and Alexa just said " sorry I'm not sure"!!😂😂😂 Rich and I looked at eachother like wtf?? We figured out Alexa heard the name Alexandra and she answered to it! 😂😂😂..
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Hey D, I see I missed the party.. You ladies were chatting and I was doing laundry and grocery shopping.. Then I was watching Rich paint my kitchen Lol! It was a dark cloudy depressing day here. We had snow and sleet this morning and then plain rain for the rest of the day 😝.. Was a shit day.

How was your day girlfriend?


I had my first migraine in 26 days, but it didn't last too long, so I always feel blessed when that happens.  I can not believe it was up and at'em Trishy  :laugh: :laugh:  what a dumb a$$ I am.  How much more sense that made :laugh: :laugh:  Boy I hope Stut doesn't read that :laugh: :laugh:  Weather was ok here, but going downhill tomorrow.  Tim and I redid our kitchen about 3 years ago, looked great.  Got one of those counter top tables, new appliances, great cute kitchen curtains and we painted it .  It really looks good, oh and new tile that looks like wood, really cool.  Lot of work though  ;). Love ya , I can't even bring myself to call you a d after this morning  :laugh: :laugh: 🍀🍀🍀😘😘😘😘🍀🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Too funny D! But don't feel too much like a dumbass.. If you only knew some of the stuff that's come out of this mouth you wouldn't feel so dumb, one time Stut called me out when I said  " I could care less" and Stut saw that post of mine and she and English corrected me, it's " I couldn't care less" 🤦

😂😂.. Yup I'm a dumbass and proud to be one 😂.. Be ready though she'll probably see it! Lol!!


I'm glad your migraine didn't hang around, I don't know how you deal with those, headaches are the worst nevermind a migraine type one.


We started this kitchen make over back in October, like you we got all new appliances and counter tops and cabinets, new pergo floor, now it's just the painting and a border I picked out in place of a chair rail. It's almost finished and I can't wait to be done with it..


Your kitchen sounds cute, do you love it? I love mine so far..


Yes I really did and I made sure to use colors that can be swapped out with different seasons.  I do my house by seasons, just changing a few things.  I haven't made Spring yet because of the eyes, will be so glad when they have healed, gotten new reading glasses and can move on from this, it's starting to annoy me. >:(.

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OMG D! So funny, Rich and I just started watching the crown and Alexa just said " sorry I'm not sure"!!😂😂😂 Rich and I looked at eachother like wtf?? We figured out Alexa heard the name Alexandra and she answered to it! 😂😂😂..


I gotta tell Tim, he will love that. I bought another one just for exercising.  Its in the dining room with my treadmill.  I love being able to tell it what to play, I know I will stay on a lot longer.  Used my reward points.  Love reward points :laugh: :laugh:

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Me too D, I decorate by seasons.. I have white cabinets with black etching, stainless steel appliances, I have a quarter counter top with black and gray marbling.  I used a very light gray paint and my border is a country print. I have a black farmhouse kitchen table with an oak table top and chairs are black with oak seats. Cute country valances on the sliders and windows. I can use country reds, Navy and right now I'm really loving lavender. I've put lavender flowers mixed with greens all throughout the kitchen for spring, not a color I usually go for but it looks really nice so far. 😁
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OMG D! So funny, Rich and I just started watching the crown and Alexa just said " sorry I'm not sure"!!😂😂😂 Rich and I looked at eachother like wtf?? We figured out Alexa heard the name Alexandra and she answered to it! 😂😂😂..


I gotta tell Tim, he will love that. I bought another one just for exercising.  Its in the dining room with my treadmill.  I love being able to tell it what to play, I know I will stay on a lot longer.  Used my reward points.  Love reward points :laugh: :laugh:


I like to tell her to tell me a joke 😂😂.. Her jokes are stupid Lol!

I'm an Amazon fanatic.. I'm on it almost everyday , I like but now with one click 😂

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Me too D, I decorate by seasons.. I have white cabinets with black etching, stainless steel appliances, I have a quarter counter top with black and gray marbling.  I used a very light gray paint and my border is a country print. I have a black farmhouse kitchen table with an oak table top and chairs are black with oak seats. Cute country valances on the sliders and windows. I can use country reds, Navy and right now I'm really loving lavender. I've put lavender flowers mixed with greens all throughout the kitchen for spring, not a color I usually go for but it looks really nice so far. 😁


Oh that sounds lovely, especially with the lavender, and the kitchen table.  Great choices  :D

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Me too D, I decorate by seasons.. I have white cabinets with black etching, stainless steel appliances, I have a quarter counter top with black and gray marbling.  I used a very light gray paint and my border is a country print. I have a black farmhouse kitchen table with an oak table top and chairs are black with oak seats. Cute country valances on the sliders and windows. I can use country reds, Navy and right now I'm really loving lavender. I've put lavender flowers mixed with greens all throughout the kitchen for spring, not a color I usually go for but it looks really nice so far. 😁


I meant quartz counter top not quarter.. dumbass , me➡️👱‍♀️ 😂😂

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OMG D! So funny, Rich and I just started watching the crown and Alexa just said " sorry I'm not sure"!!😂😂😂 Rich and I looked at eachother like wtf?? We figured out Alexa heard the name Alexandra and she answered to it! 😂😂😂..


I gotta tell Tim, he will love that. I bought another one just for exercising.  Its in the dining room with my treadmill.  I love being able to tell it what to play, I know I will stay on a lot longer.  Used my reward points.  Love reward points :laugh: :laugh:


I like to tell her to tell me a joke 😂😂.. Her jokes are stupid Lol!

I'm an Amazon fanatic.. I'm on it almost everyday , I like but now with one click 😂


OMG, will the hussy tell riddles, if so , I call dibs on her riddles  :laugh: :laugh:

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I just asked Alexa to tell me a riddle!! She did!! She said what can travel for miles without moving am inch?...A ROAD 😂😂.. you're in luck D! She tells them 😂😂😂
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Well D, it was lovely chatting with you, I think I'll watch a little TV before bed. Goodnight to you and Tim and also to your Alexa! Lol! See you in the room tomorrow.

Sweet dreams girlfriend..

Love ya,


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Well D, it was lovely chatting with you, I think I'll watch a little TV before bed. Goodnight to you and Tim and also to your Alexa! Lol! See you in the room tomorrow.

Sweet dreams girlfriend..

Love ya,



Love you girlfriend, sleep well 😘😘😘🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Good night LHSG, hope everyone has good healing sleep and wake up feeling some better, love you all.......😘😘😘😘😘😘😘




Love you Stut, hope things are going well with your sister.  Pets to the girls 🐕🐶🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 . Lady Mary 🍀🍀🍀

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Hey Mary, you did right to pull me about saying I wished Dave was at work and then saying I would miss him if he went away. However, this is the truth. On any given day I know that I will see Dave in a few hours. So I like having some Me Time. But I don't want to be at home for days without seeing anyone. Which is why I understand Espy and Stephen. It is fortunate that Rebecca is coming up on Thursday and going back on Friday. It is her birthday on Friday so I didn't arrange that on purpose. Dave's Mum being in hospital and him wanting to see her is coincidental.


Maybe you see the difference or maybe it's just me being weird! Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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Trishy, this sounds like how it played out with me. I wanted to use it prn, but the doctor told me it did not work that way. It needed to be always there to work(???). And I think I got by ok for about 4 years(more or less) just like you. And then the anxiety that felt like something I had never felt before and the depression. It was really slow at first, so I didn’t notice how much I was changing. I was told I was treatment resistant. I can’t explain the anxiety. It is irrational. And it makes me want to freeze and hide away. It has become a battle of will to make myself unload the dishwasher. I feel like I am going to lose my mind if this doesn’t let up. And it is absolutely what the k did to me while I was taking it. Only now there is no let up. Why do these things happen? Because there are some people who are so consumed by greed that nothing else matters. And they are wealthy. So they buy power and influence which makes certain that they don’t get caught. That is what the pharmaceutical industry has become. They would rather make good life -saving drugs when they can, but they can’t resist the enormous profits that come from drugs that they through out constantly that end up doing great harm. If the research doesn’t show effectiveness and safety, they know how to get around that. e
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