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Esperanza my sweet! I can't believe you're 68 and have to go through this, I'm going to be 56 and I thought I was going to die at the beginning of all this. All I can say is you're one tough biscuit and you'll probably live to be 100! You go girl!! :thumbsup:

Love you sweet lady,


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Well goodnight ladies I'm calling it a day, hope you all have a nice, peaceful evening..


Sweet D good luck tomorrow, we're going to miss you again and for that I'm very sad but I want you better!! With two perfect working  peepers👀..


I have to go to work but will check in on the PARTY TRAIN!! CHOO CHOO FRIGGIN WHOO HOO!! 🎉🎊💃🚬🍺😂😂

When the cats away the mice will play 😂😂😂


Love to all,


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E, had to pop back in, your birthday was last week and I didn't know! :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

Happy belated birthday my dear friend..

🎂🎉🎊🎁 💐 for you and Cheers to you 🍾🥂 :happybday:

Lots of love dear E,


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E, had to pop back in, your birthday was last week and I didn't know! :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

Happy belated birthday my dear friend..

🎂🎉🎊🎁 💐 for you and Cheers to you 🍾🥂 :happybday:

Lots of love dear E,



Oh me too esperanza  :happybday: :happybday: :happybday::balloon: :balloon:  to you.  I didn't know either.  Love you my cousin from another cousin 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

Lady Mary good luck for today try to stay calm my love you will be grand.l know you will be so much happier when this is done and you can concentrate on getting on with your taper.Tell Tim to let us know you are ok please.Love you my lady Mary.

  Esperanza Happy belated birthday you kept that quiet.l hope you haven't cut too much and all goes well.love you my hillbilly friend.

Trish l think again your cut has gone well.Just hold now my love and don't get too impatient and take your time.love you lst.

Thinking of all here and sending everyone healing thoughts.

Love and hugs Stut X


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Awww, you guys just about made me cry...admittedly, not that hard to do, but anyway....THANK YOU.  Obviously, I am skittish.  I have been really almost mercilessly ridiculed for the slowness of my almost non-exisitent taper on other forums.  I have been so afraid to do anything because of this whole kindling idea and also the "you must taper from a place of stability" idea.  I haven't been stable in over 30 years!  The extent I go to each day just to stay alive is something I would not want anyone to even get a snapshot of.  This air hunger (waking up feeling like I am suffocating) and heart stuff is trying to tell me something, but then I read "you need to get stable before tapering" I feel immobilized by fear.


On my mind right now...I wanted to do a DLMT five years back and had (brand-name) valium compounded into a liquid.  Knowing how over-sensitized i am to change, I took my whole dose for about 3 days, I think, in liquid form.  I felt like I was in acute withdrawal immediately.  Thank you, Mary, for telling me how to update my profile.


So I have two options...each with an advantage.  We are getting ready to spend the big bucks for a high precision scale that would allow dry cuts to .0001 but that actually might be faster than I can go.  (I am trying to be realistic here and that is over 2 mg./year dosage if I cut daily)  I know I could take 10 mg. in a pill and liquid taper the 2.86 even slower if I have to, but I do not want to set myself back with changing the way my body absorbs the drugs.  I am on brand name drugs because I am soooooo sensitized.  My brain just knows when something changes and gives me loud signals not to.  BTW, we are not wealthy but we will do ANYTHING to help me right now because we both fear I will die sooner rather than later if I don't.  I am no spring chicken at almost 65.


Anyway, thank all of you for being so kind.  Any thoughts on dry cutting on the ridiculously expensive scale versus trying to stabilize using  a combination of dry pills and liquid would be appreciated...


I am very grateful for the encouragement.  I have no one who understands but a husband who will do anything to help.

Welcome Snowflake you will not get any ridicule here nor should you on any part of this forum as there is no one size fits all we are all doing the best we can to get off these drugs.l have not nor ever have been stable so it isn't really going to make much difference to a taper.l believe most people aren't stable or they probably wouldn't be tapering.

  Try not to take too much notice of all the terms regarding kindling etc l think we all have kindled to a degree or we wouldn't be here.l must also say there is no scientific evidence that kindling exists l put that in just incase someone jumps in to point that out.

You can only do the best you can and if l were you l would take 10 mgs in tablet form and the remainder in liquid if that is possible.

.. Allow time to acclimatize to this combination then very slowly creep down.l am glad you have your husband's support it helps a lot.Accept that you are going to feel crap and find ways to deal with it.l know that is easier said than done however we can't change the situation so we must get through the best we can.

.. love and hugs Stut X

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  Love to you Stut, always thinking of you and miss you when you are gone, as we all do. Have fun with your girls.  💕💗
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:yippee: :yippee: :yippee:  I am home!! Went so much better, I had a Starbucks and Egg McMuffin on the way home.  Tim stopped at my girlfriends and I got to almost see her for a few minutes  :laugh: :laugh: and dropped off some gifts for her daughter.  Wow, what  a difference from last time.  Back to get the patch off tomorrow .


Love you all, begood, please add this to LHSG and looking forward for me, you sweet woman ;)


😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕.    👽👽👽.    😇  Mary  :angel:

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:yippee: :yippee: :yippee:  I am home!! Went so much better, I had a Starbucks and Egg McMuffin on the way home.  Tim stopped at my girlfriends and I got to almost see her for a few minutes  :laugh: :laugh: and dropped off some gifts for her daughter.  Wow, what  a difference from last time.  Back to get the patch off tomorrow .


Love you all, begood, please add this to LHSG and looking forward for me, you sweet woman ;)


😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕.    👽👽👽.    😇  Mary  :angel:

So happy for you sweet D, glad you had a better experience this time around!  :) I'm sure you're very relieved that it's all over girl, you can put this behind you ,yay!!  :yippee:

Love ya,


💐 For the patient😃

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Hey English,

Where have you been?? I haven't seen you in a couple days.. Hope you're ok..

Sending you love,


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Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I feel 10 years older than on my last birthday. What a difference. Last spring I was hiking up the Appalachian Trail (well, the first mile of it) just to please the family. I think now, who was that person? Trishy, I may need to live to 100 just to get off this poison. Gilly, where are you? Hope Mary is doing ok. I cut 5% because that was the schedule I had worked out when the 10% failed. It was planned to be every week, but it won’t. I will wait and see for a while, but I doubt it can be that frequent. In fact, I am sure it won’t be. Since I feel crappy anyway, it will be hard to tell how I am doing unless something dramatic happens. I am hoping I won’t get hit hard. Love, Esperanza
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Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I feel 10 years older than on my last birthday. What a difference. Last spring I was hiking up the Appalachian Trail (well, the first mile of it) just to please the family. I think now, who was that person? Trishy, I may need to live to 100 just to get off this poison. Gilly, where are you? Hope Mary is doing ok. I cut 5% because that was the schedule I had worked out when the 10% failed. It was planned to be every week, but it won’t. I will wait and see for a while, but I doubt it can be that frequent. In fact, I am sure it won’t be. Since I feel crappy anyway, it will be hard to tell how I am doing unless something dramatic happens. I am hoping I won’t get hit hard. Love, Esperanza

Hey E, just go slow and listen to your body, if the sxs ramp up worse than you're feeling now then you know to slow it down.. Good luck my friend, here for you always.


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Does anyone know what Ashton recommends as far as how much to reduce% wise and how often.. can't remember??


10 to 14 % every 2 weeks I think.  For the EASY taper people D'R  !!

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Does anyone know what Ashton recommends as far as how much to reduce% wise and how often.. can't remember??


10 to 14 % every 2 weeks I think.  For the EASY taper people D'R  !!

I wish I was one of the easy taper people☹️

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Does anyone know what Ashton recommends as far as how much to reduce% wise and how often.. can't remember??


10 to 14 % every 2 weeks I think.  For the EASY taper people D'R  !!

I wish I was one of the easy taper people☹️


All of up do Trishy  :)

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Does anyone know what Ashton recommends as far as how much to reduce% wise and how often.. can't remember??


10 to 14 % every 2 weeks I think.  For the EASY taper people D'R  !!

I wish I was one of the easy taper people☹️


All of up do Trishy  :)

How's it going? You're not staining those peepers👀 are you?

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How are you feeling dumb? I hope you're seeing unicorns and rainbows 😂

Love ya,

The other D


I have a patch on right eye, reading glasses sitting kaywampus on my nose to see out of the bottom of my left eye to read just a little  :laugh: :laugh:  but I am getting patch off tomorrow and just reading glasses will help a lot.  Mercy , I will glad when both eyes are healed and this crap is over... :D

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Ok back by popular demand RIDDLE TUESDAY! :D





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