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And speaking of emotionally unstable, Esperanza is here. Hoping all the side effects settle for those tapering. Stay strong, Trishy, Gilly, Stut, Can’t, Stephen, and my cousin, Mary. Love, E
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And speaking of emotionally unstable, Esperanza is here. Hoping all the side effects settle for those tapering. Stay strong, Trishy, Gilly, Stut, Can’t, Stephen, and my cousin, Mary. Love, E


:thumbsup: :thumbsup:, love you E

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:laugh: :laugh: Sweet Esp, You will get through if your wonderful, dry sense of humour stays with you! I love that "Speaking of emotionally unstable, Esperanza is here.." Brilliant!


I've been away from the forum for most of the day and it's 1.30am here now. So I just wanted to say thank you to Stut. You are so supportive and so solid in what you believe. You help many people, and I don't think I'm one for exaggeration.


It must be the millionth time I've said that... :D


Trishy, thanks for your support. Do you normally sleep well? If so, then it is probably the taper that is causing the insomnia. Don't despair. Maybe wait for it to settle and then wait a couple of weeks and then try cutting again. Well, that's what I think. I'm sure people will chime in. Love and Hugs. xxx


Mary, great to see you back here. Just feels more right with you around. I am just about to start series 3 of Downton Abbey. I'm enjoying it very much. Easy to watch. Is that why you are Lady Mary? I've often wondered but that makes sense. Please tell Sly that he can have a bit of me-time now you are back here. Woof, woof to him. He knows what I mean...


Stephen, is there any way you could have some time off work? Or might work help while your wife is away? Some people find that the structure of going to work helps. I couldn't work. But I'm lucky. We don't live like the family on Downton! So Dave's job keeps us going. I think you might be struggling with the anticipation of her leaving for three weeks. That's always the killer with Christmas. Three months of building up to the damn thing. Bah, humbug!


Cant, so I read somewhere that pals call themselves cobbers. In which case, g'day cobber from the whinging pom. Which possibly makes no sense to some on here.... By the way, I hope you're not feeling like a boiling kettle today. Don't like the sound of that...


Free, thinking of you. I wish I could tell you how to get rid of the burning hands. It makes me sad that I can't help...


Now it's 2am. It takes me so long to write these things.


If I have missed anyone, I'm so sorry. Love and Hugs to All.  Gilly xxx 💖🐶

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:laugh: :laugh: Sweet Esp, You will get through if your wonderful, dry sense of humour stays with you! I love that "Speaking of emotionally unstable, Esperanza is here.." Brilliant!


I've been away from the forum for most of the day and it's 1.30am here now. So I just wanted to say thank you to Stut. You are so supportive and so solid in what you believe. You help many people, and I don't think I'm one for exaggeration.


It must be the millionth time I've said that... :D


Trishy, thanks for your support. Do you normally sleep well? If so, then it is probably the taper that is causing the insomnia. Don't despair. Maybe wait for it to settle and then wait a couple of weeks and then try cutting again. Well, that's what I think. I'm sure people will chime in. Love and Hugs. xxx


Mary, great to see you back here. Just feels more right with you around. I am just about to start series 3 of Downton Abbey. I'm enjoying it very much. Easy to watch. Is that why you are Lady Mary? I've often wondered but that makes sense. Please tell Sly that he can have a bit of me-time now you are back here. Woof, woof to him. He knows what I mean...


Stephen, is there any way you could have some time off work? Or might work help while your wife is away? Some people find that the structure of going to work helps. I couldn't work. But I'm lucky. We don't live like the family on Downton! So Dave's job keeps us going. I think you might be struggling with the anticipation of her leaving for three weeks. That's always the killer with Christmas. Three months of building up to the damn thing. Bah, humbug!


Cant, so I read somewhere that pals call themselves cobbers. In which case, g'day cobber from the whinging pom. Which possibly makes no sense to some on here.... By the way, I hope you're not feeling like a boiling kettle today. Don't like the sound of that...


Free, thinking of you. I wish I could tell you how to get rid of the burning hands. It makes me sad that I can't help...


Now it's 2am. It takes me so long to write these things.


If I have missed anyone, I'm so sorry. Love and Hugs to All.  Gilly xxx 💖🐶


Oh English, what a beautiful post to us all.  Sly says woof woof  ;)back.  Is Trishy not sleeping well?  I missed that somewhere trying to read the posts enough I at least knew some of the things going on.  Hope you sleep well cobber :laugh:  love you, and Tilly 🐈🐾💜❤️. 😘😘

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Good night all my friends that read this, hope you sleep well :sleepy: :sleepy:  💝💘💖💗💔❣️💕💙💚💛


Love you all, Mary 🐕🦉☮️💜🙏

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Glad you're doing well today. Today is the only day we have.


I am doing okay too. I'm holding on 4.8mg V for as long as it takes.


It's good that you are on here encouraging people. Hope to see you on here again.


Gilly :smitten:

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Hugs to you too, Trishy.


Gilly, my company is being understanding and giving me next week off. I do think I’m possibly someone who does better with distractions, but then work has been really stressful lately, so even a short break from it is probably a good idea. I just have to make sure to keep some structure in my life during the week.


If I don’t think I can I might fly to be me with my in-laws. They took me in in 2016 while my wife was overseas working. They’re familiar with the rhythms of having me around, but also helping keep me busy. We’ll see.

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Hugs to you too, Trishy.


Gilly, my company is being understanding and giving me next week off. I do think I’m possibly someone who does better with distractions, but then work has been really stressful lately, so even a short break from it is probably a good idea. I just have to make sure to keep some structure in my life during the week.


If I don’t think I can I might fly to be me with my in-laws. They took me in in 2016 while my wife was overseas working. They’re familiar with the rhythms of having me around, but also helping keep me busy. We’ll see.

  That would be a good idea if you can manage it.Structure is important so work on that you also need to rest and get your strength back.You will be fine Stephen you are having a blip and it will pass.Work on ways to reduce the anxiety and try to accept how you feel.Watch your thinking make sure you are not using the what if scenario.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

  Trish the insomnia will settle down one of the joys of tapering sadly so just know it will pass like all the other symptoms.l hope you have a good weekend twiny.love you my lST.

  Lady Mary be careful of those peepers and rest them.l will be sending out a lifer contract for you to sign.No leaving BB so send it back asap.love you my lady Mary.

Gilly thank you my lovely that was a beautiful post.l am amazed to see the difference in you it makes me happy.Enjoy your weekend and l hope everything continues to improve.

  Esperanza glad to see you here my dear friend.l hope to see a heartening post from you one day.love to you my lovely friend.

Love to all here.

Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning LHSG, rise and do whatever shinning you can manage  ;). Love you all and hope you see some improvement.  Stephan, your in laws sound like fabulous people, you are lucky.  Gilly your post was so nice, you sounded like a new woman.  Trishy, how long have you been having insomnia?  Was it from you last taper? 

Stut, Stut ?? Oh where is the damn drone.  You get around more than anyone having w/d's I have ever seen :tickedoff:  I'm just jealous.  You let begood run wild while I was gone, not to mention free, no supervision whatsoever.  You did read what they wrote to Joe to try to make him feel better?

Esperanza, you are the sanest woman on the planet, and we all love your humor when it sneaks out even though you are sad, I want to hold you :). You are my cousin from another cousin :D

Anu, you are in my heart and I am hoping every day for you to have some relief.  Please hold tight.

🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂. 👩🏻‍✈️. 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳🌳.    Hurry guys, train pulling out soon!!

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Lol lady Mary l saw the posts l was completely shocked l think it scared poor Joe off.l posted on the matter you probably missed it.l want to give those drones something to do so l will continue to work them hard.lf l can't shoot them down l will work them until they burn out lol.

  Love you my lady Mary

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Lol lady Mary l saw the posts l was completely shocked l think it scared poor Joe off.l posted on the matter you probably missed it.l want to give those drones something to do so l will continue to work them hard.lf l can't shoot them down l will work them until they burn out lol.

  Love you my lady Mary

  Love and hugs Stut X


I think I see one with dimmer lights so your plan is working  :tickedoff:

Love you Queen Stut, have a good day, your Lady Mary.  English wondered if I got the name Lady Mary from Downton Abbey, I forgot to tell her you made me a Lady so if I ever come to Northern Ireland, I have to wait on you ;D ;D. 🐕🐶🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾    💛💙😘😘😘😘😘. I love to think of The Muffin swimming, I know that fills both yours and your daughter's heart ❤️.



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Yes every Queen needs her lady in waiting lol.We are having a ball my lovely a few very busy days planned so you stay calm and try not to worry about the surgery you will be grand.Enjoy your day my love and look after my boys.

  Love you my lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Thank you Stut and Mary.  I just have to write in the mood I'm in. It just shows what these drugs do.


Stephen, that's great if you can have some time off work. Maybe work for a week, take a week off and visit family and then work for the last week. It would really break the time up. Just an idea...


Love to All. I've run out of Hugs but I'm expecting a delivery on Monday.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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Thank you Stut and Mary.  I just have to write in the mood I'm in. It just shows what these drugs do.


Stephen, that's great if you can have some time off work. Maybe work for a week, take a week off and visit family and then work for the last week. It would really break the time up. Just an idea...


Love to All. I've run out of Hugs but I'm expecting a delivery on Monday.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟


English!!  You will never run out of hugs if we need one ;). Hope you are having a decent morning.  Hey, I haven't asked about Dave's mom since I have been back, how is she, do they know anything now?  💜❤️💙💛🐈🐾🐾

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Hiya Mary. Good news! I found a box of Hugs when I was tidying out a cupboard in the kitchen. So I'm good to go if any are needed.  😀


Ah, news on Dave's Mum. She is having the operation to remove her aneurysm on Monday. After that, she will be in Intensive Care for a couple of days and then moved to a ward. If everything goes okay.


Thanks for asking. Hope you're okay. I've had one of those "tired all day" things today. I like to think I'm tired because my brain is healing.


Love and dusted-down Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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Hiya Mary. Good news! I found a box of Hugs when I was tidying out a cupboard in the kitchen. So I'm good to go if any are needed.  😀


Ah, news on Dave's Mum. She is having the operation to remove her aneurysm on Monday. After that, she will be in Intensive Care for a couple of days and then moved to a ward. If everything goes okay.


Thanks for asking. Hope you're okay. I've had one of those "tired all day" things today. I like to think I'm tired because my brain is healing.


Love and dusted-down Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟


I will take a dusted off hug any day.  Is Dave holding it together, I hope he is  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hello my people!

Well had a busy day today, spring time decorating my house. I am farmhouse country when it comes to decor. So I was out shopping for stuff.. Found a lot! :D;D

We're going to be painting the kitchen and putting a border up finally the kitchen will be finished after a long overhaul phew.. So that's my news of the day :)


Sweet D and my twin.. I think the insomnia is from the taper but I guess it's more like a lot of broken sleep.. Can't stay asleep but a couple of hrs and then wake up and then drift off and on and on it goes all night but I'm doing ok with it still have some energy so I won't complain too much. Hope all is well with you ladies. ♥️♥️



You sound good girlfriend! Cleaning again huh? Way to go girl :thumbsup:♥️


E, I'm here for you anytime..♥️


Free, I hope that burning is letting up, I know it scares you but I've got a feeling it's a wd thing , have you checked around here on BB for others who might be suffering with this, maybe you can get some advice on it.. Really wish we all could help you with that :(.. ♥️


Hmmm.. Who have I missed besides the Ninja spy🕵️♂️.. Spy I hope you're feeling fine and enjoying life in Aussie ville! ;D

L word..


Love you all,


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Well peeps.. I'm going to take a hot bath and then cuddle with the hubby and watch TV for awhile.

Will check in tomorrow after church or before, it's all a mystery with me :laugh:


Before I go I want to propose something.. I think we should all vote on keeping the LHSG🚂 or get what I want a PARTY BUS!! 🚎.. Whose in with me?!  :D:laugh: :laugh:


Peace, healing and lots of love my people,


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Hello my people!

Well had a busy day today, spring time decorating my house. I am farmhouse country when it comes to decor. So I was out shopping for stuff.. Found a lot! :D;D

We're going to be painting the kitchen and putting a border up finally the kitchen will be finished after a long overhaul phew.. So that's my news of the day :)


Sweet D and my twin.. I think the insomnia is from the taper but I guess it's more like a lot of broken sleep.. Can't stay asleep but a couple of hrs and then wake up and then drift off and on and on it goes all night but I'm doing ok with it still have some energy so I won't complain too much. Hope all is well with you ladies. ♥️♥️



You sound good girlfriend! Cleaning again huh? Way to go girl :thumbsup:♥️


E, I'm here for you anytime..♥️


Free, I hope that burning is letting up, I know it scares you but I've got a feeling it's a wd thing , have you checked around here on BB for others who might be suffering with this, maybe you can get some advice on it.. Really wish we all could help you with that :(.. ♥️


Hmmm.. Who have I missed besides the Ninja spy🕵️♂️.. Spy I hope you're feeling fine and enjoying life in Aussie ville! ;D

L word..


Love you all,



Glad you were out having a good day girlfriend!!  You know once or twice a week I wake up and take a 1.5 piece of melatonin and usually sleep the rest of the night if you find you need more sleep

  Might help.  Luv ya Mary 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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Well peeps.. I'm going to take a hot bath and then cuddle with the hubby and watch TV for awhile.

Will check in tomorrow after church or before, it's all a mystery with me :laugh:


Before I go I want to propose something.. I think we should all vote on keeping the LHSG🚂 or get what I want a PARTY BUS!! 🚎.. Whose in with me?!  :D:laugh: :laugh:


Peace, healing and lots of love my people,



How about the Partay Bus 🚌 on the weekends with a designated driver  :laugh: :laugh: 👗👡👠👛

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