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Stut, Good to see you. As ever, thanks for the encouragement. Sorry you're having withdrawal symptoms. Fecking drugs. Hope you still managed a good day at the beach with the dogs and your lovely daughter. Lots of Love,  Gilly  xxx 💟💟💟
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Trishy, Thanks for your best wishes. Hope today goes better than you think. Unfortunately, if you are having seasonal depression you may not be able to taper as quickly. But just take a day at a time and have plenty of rest. Hope it goes well. Lots of Love. Gilly xxx 💟💟💟
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Stut, Good to see you. As ever, thanks for the encouragement. Sorry you're having withdrawal symptoms. Fecking drugs. Hope you still managed a good day at the beach with the dogs and your lovely daughter. Lots of Love,  Gilly  xxx 💟💟💟

  Hi Gilly thanks my lovely your up and about earlier today l hope this is a good sign?I am having a good time just having a short break catching up on how everyone is.l would love to stay at the beach for ever but sadly reality has to show up at some stage.

  I hope you are well my love?

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Sunflower, Hi, love your name! Sunflowers are just so cheerful and bright.


Sorry you are having a tough time right now. Stick around on here and we will try to help.


Love and Hugs. Gilly xxx 💟

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Hi Stut. Yes, I am okay, thanks. I'm holding for a while now. Fed up of feeling ill.


Glad you're enjoying the beach. Yes, it is a shame that it has to end. 😟


I bet the pooches have been loving it. I know what a wrench it is to leave your daughter. I miss mine, but we are in touch almost every day, even if just playing Scrabble online.


Lots of Love, Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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Great news Gilly l am glad you are going to hold l think you deserve a break.l am dreading my daughter going again it takes time to get used to her not being here however all my attention will be on my sister for the foreseeable so l won't have much time for trips away.

I am glad you are starting to feel better my love and long may it continue.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Whooooowhooooooo, chuga chuga 🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂👩🏻‍✈️Yes, it's me.  Get your a$$'s on board, we are going everywhere today.......first the Village for coffee and cake, on to Looking Forward to see all the Critters and Auntie's and of course, Mommy, so they can board too, then off around the country side.  I am kissing everyone as they board, even the porcupine (forgot his name :().  :laugh:;D.  Love everyone ( I'm sober, unlike your last driver :laugh: :laugh:). So don't worry 👩🏻‍✈️💜❤️💜❤️
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Hey everyone hope you're all doing ok..


Stut my twin glad you're enjoying the beach, I'm jealous, would do love to see the dolphins! Love you lady..


English, I could use those hugs now.. Didn't sleep well last night and put in another tough day at work🤪.. Other than that haven't noticed any terrible sxs so I guess that's good.. Day 5 and holding🤞.. Love ya, black pool Betty😂


E, hey lady good to see you were here, wish I hadn't missed ya but my timing has been awful for catching you guys on here.. As for my percentage reduction I believe it's 4% ish like 4.16 something like that, nice lady Gingermint did the math for me one time as well as Can't. Love ya Kentucky Derby♥️


Free, I'm so sorry to hear that you're burning isn't getting better, I understand how fearful you must be. Did you do any research online to see if it's related to wd or any meds you're taking? I don't usually recommend that bc Dr Google can scare the hell out of people like us, however maybe you might want to take a peek just this once.. Love ya free♥️



Hey spy, glad you're seeing some positive changes, good news!! Let the good times roll..L word spy


Hello to Stephen and blossom, Hope you like hanging out here.. There are some weirdos but trust me I'm not one of them..pssst don't tell them I told you that... Ok truth be told I'm the biggest freak here😂😂 welcome to the LHSG crazy🚂 all welcome aboard lol!


Hope I didn't miss anyone.. Love you guys!


Peace, love and happiness is my wish for you all tonight..


Over and out,



Your last cut was 4.54% and I'm so pleased you are doing well.  I'm sorry for those who are suffering.  It's disheartening, I know.  My tolerable taper rate is so absurdly small right now, I will need to taper the rest of my life unless something changes.

Mary is back and recovering.  Once you are healed you'll find the eye surgery is life changing. 


My worst sx now is burning foot and leg pain, sometimes all over.  I always had the tingling nerve pain, but this burning is new. 

Love to all. G.



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Just a quick Hi.. :)


Fatigue is making reading and posting hard atm, But under it I feel much more "me"..  Well, after a rest, before the fog sets in... :)


Sunflower, -Hi.. :)


Mary, great to see you... -as it is to see everyone posting here..



Stut, is that like a weighted blanket...?? -kinda heading into millstone and neck territory..!! Lol

Ooops, -I mean, thanks Stut, you are too kind... :)


Free, I only had it once, and short.. (I ran and lay down in the aircond real quick..  I dont envy you..

I have had a few odd things pop up like that, but I dont mind so much, For me it shows im healing, that wave before better thing I always get...

For you I know its a whole other story.. One that takes great strength to endure.. I do hope you find answers and your path through all this...


Till then...

Take care everyone... -All of you... :)





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Just a quick Hi.. :)


Fatigue is making reading and posting hard atm, But under it I feel much more "me"..  Well, after a rest, before the fog sets in... :)


Sunflower, -Hi.. :)


Mary, great to see you... -as it is to see everyone posting here..



Stut, is that like a weighted blanket...?? -kinda heading into millstone and neck territory..!! Lol

Ooops, -I mean, thanks Stut, you are too kind... :)


Free, I only had it once, and short.. (I ran and lay down in the aircond real quick..  I dont envy you..

I have had a few odd things pop up like that, but I dont mind so much, For me it shows im healing, that wave before better thing I always get...

For you I know its a whole other story.. One that takes great strength to endure.. I do hope you find answers and your path through all this...


Till then...

Take care everyone... -All of you... :)

  Lol l will go with whatever suits you mate remember comfort blanket whatever floats your boat.Glad to see you mate l hope you feel better?

Love and hugs Stut X

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Hi Cant. Just popping in to say I hope you feel less tired soon. I'm okay-ish at the moment. I can manage as long as I don't have the SI.  Hugs. Gilly  :mybuddy:
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Hey everyone hope you're all doing ok..


Stut my twin glad you're enjoying the beach, I'm jealous, would do love to see the dolphins! Love you lady..


English, I could use those hugs now.. Didn't sleep well last night and put in another tough day at work🤪.. Other than that haven't noticed any terrible sxs so I guess that's good.. Day 5 and holding🤞.. Love ya, black pool Betty😂


E, hey lady good to see you were here, wish I hadn't missed ya but my timing has been awful for catching you guys on here.. As for my percentage reduction I believe it's 4% ish like 4.16 something like that, nice lady Gingermint did the math for me one time as well as Can't. Love ya Kentucky Derby♥️


Free, I'm so sorry to hear that you're burning isn't getting better, I understand how fearful you must be. Did you do any research online to see if it's related to wd or any meds you're taking? I don't usually recommend that bc Dr Google can scare the hell out of people like us, however maybe you might want to take a peek just this once.. Love ya free♥️



Hey spy, glad you're seeing some positive changes, good news!! Let the good times roll..L word spy


Hello to Stephen and blossom, Hope you like hanging out here.. There are some weirdos but trust me I'm not one of them..pssst don't tell them I told you that... Ok truth be told I'm the biggest freak here😂😂 welcome to the LHSG crazy🚂 all welcome aboard lol!


Hope I didn't miss anyone.. Love you guys!


Peace, love and happiness is my wish for you all tonight..


Over and out,



Your last cut was 4.54% and I'm so pleased you are doing well.  I'm sorry for those who are suffering.  It's disheartening, I know.  My tolerable taper rate is so absurdly small right now, I will need to taper the rest of my life unless something changes.

Mary is back and recovering.  Once you are healed you'll find the eye surgery is life changing. 


My worst sx now is burning foot and leg pain, sometimes all over.  I always had the tingling nerve pain, but this burning is new. 

Love to all. G.


Hey GM, one more eye to go, think by end of next week things will be lots better.  I'm sorry you are having bad sxs, that sucks, hope you feel better soon :smitten: :smitten:  Mary 🙏💜☮️🙏💜☮️

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Hi Cant. Just popping in to say I hope you feel less tired soon. I'm okay-ish at the moment. I can manage as long as I don't have the SI.  Hugs. Gilly  :mybuddy:


Hey English, glad to hear you are doing okay  ;). Have you started Downton Abbey?  Don't tell Trishy anymore English treats, we don't want her having to diet ;D. Sly has been so good, would not have made it without him, ,he has been my bestest  buddy 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi Cant. Just popping in to say I hope you feel less tired soon. I'm okay-ish at the moment. I can manage as long as I don't have the SI.  Hugs. Gilly  :mybuddy:


Hey English, glad to hear you are doing okay  ;). Have you started Downton Abbey?  Don't tell Trishy anymore English treats, we don't want her having to diet ;D. Sly has been so good, would not have made it without him, ,he has been my bestest  buddy 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 :smitten: :smitten:


Love that show so much. Period pieces are medicine for me. Downton Abbey, The Crown. So many good ones.

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Hi Cant. Just popping in to say I hope you feel less tired soon. I'm okay-ish at the moment. I can manage as long as I don't have the SI.  Hugs. Gilly  :mybuddy:


Hey English, glad to hear you are doing okay  ;). Have you started Downton Abbey?  Don't tell Trishy anymore English treats, we don't want her having to diet ;D. Sly has been so good, would not have made it without him, ,he has been my bestest  buddy 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾 :smitten: :smitten:


Love that show so much. Period pieces are medicine for me. Downton Abbey, The Crown. So many good ones.


Me too, and period piece books, love both.  :D

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Trishy, my d'r..some are asking I get your train driving license back ;D:laugh:::)🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂 what did you do :laugh:  😘
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Things aren't really getting better for me.


Because of all the work stress my system is still feeling overloaded and I'm in a mini-wave now. Insomnia, muscle pain, heightened anxiety, etc.  :'(



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Trishy, my d'r..some are asking I get your train driving license back ;D:laugh:::)🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂 what did you do :laugh:  😘

What did I do?? Well I partied like a rock star and smoked funny cigarettes..I was the perfect driver😂😂.. I hear others are requesting that I drive for their thread😂😂


Hey I missed you D, I'm beyond thrilled to see you here😁.. Take care of those peepers👀.. Unless of course you want me to drive again🚂👿🍺🚬💃🎉🎊.. All aboard Trishy's train anyone?? 😂😂😂

Love ya,

Your other half♥️

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Trishy, Thanks for your best wishes. Hope today goes better than you think. Unfortunately, if you are having seasonal depression you may not be able to taper as quickly. But just take a day at a time and have plenty of rest. Hope it goes well. Lots of Love. Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

Hey English,

Hope you're doing ok girlfriend.. Keep watching those shows and distracting, you did awesome with cooking and cleaning the other day, real progress! I'm sure you'll have many more days like that.. You're a tough biscuit my friend..

Love ya,

Black pool Betty♥️

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Hey everyone hope you're all doing ok..


Stut my twin glad you're enjoying the beach, I'm jealous, would do love to see the dolphins! Love you lady..


English, I could use those hugs now.. Didn't sleep well last night and put in another tough day at work🤪.. Other than that haven't noticed any terrible sxs so I guess that's good.. Day 5 and holding🤞.. Love ya, black pool Betty😂


E, hey lady good to see you were here, wish I hadn't missed ya but my timing has been awful for catching you guys on here.. As for my percentage reduction I believe it's 4% ish like 4.16 something like that, nice lady Gingermint did the math for me one time as well as Can't. Love ya Kentucky Derby♥️


Free, I'm so sorry to hear that you're burning isn't getting better, I understand how fearful you must be. Did you do any research online to see if it's related to wd or any meds you're taking? I don't usually recommend that bc Dr Google can scare the hell out of people like us, however maybe you might want to take a peek just this once.. Love ya free♥️



Hey spy, glad you're seeing some positive changes, good news!! Let the good times roll..L word spy


Hello to Stephen and blossom, Hope you like hanging out here.. There are some weirdos but trust me I'm not one of them..pssst don't tell them I told you that... Ok truth be told I'm the biggest freak here😂😂 welcome to the LHSG crazy🚂 all welcome aboard lol!


Hope I didn't miss anyone.. Love you guys!


Peace, love and happiness is my wish for you all tonight..


Over and out,



Your last cut was 4.54% and I'm so pleased you are doing well.  I'm sorry for those who are suffering.  It's disheartening, I know.  My tolerable taper rate is so absurdly small right now, I will need to taper the rest of my life unless something changes.

Mary is back and recovering.  Once you are healed you'll find the eye surgery is life changing. 


My worst sx now is burning foot and leg pain, sometimes all over.  I always had the tingling nerve pain, but this burning is new. 

Love to all. G.

Thank you G, you wonderful math wizard.. I will take note of that bc that's what I'm going to stick with.

I'm sorry to hear about your burning.. Free has that also and I think Can't... Very strange but then again it's all weird and strange with wd☹️.. Hope you feel better♥️♥️

Love to you,


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Things aren't really getting better for me.


Because of all the work stress my system is still feeling overloaded and I'm in a mini-wave now. Insomnia, muscle pain, heightened anxiety, etc.  :'(

It all sucks doesn't it? I just had a couple nights of insomnia and I don't have any idea if it had to do with my recent cut.. Really feel for you on that as well as the muscle pain and anxiety.. Have had it all. Right now I'm experiencing restless leg and want to jump out of my own body.. It's the worst feeling uhggg..

Feel better Stephen..



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Well ladies and gentlemen.. Nice to have gentlemen in the room isn't it ladies?😉.. You'll get used to my humor Stephen lol!! Must run, have some things to do but hopefully I'll get some time later to return..

Love and hugs to all,


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Trishy, my d'r..some are asking I get your train driving license back ;D:laugh:::)🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂 what did you do :laugh:  😘

What did I do?? Well I partied like a rock star and smoked funny cigarettes..I was the perfect driver😂😂.. I hear others are requesting that I drive for their thread😂😂


Hey I missed you D, I'm beyond thrilled to see you here😁.. Take care of those peepers👀.. Unless of course you want me to drive again🚂👿🍺🚬💃🎉🎊.. All aboard Trishy's train anyone?? 😂😂😂

Love ya,

Your other half♥️


You are so funny, what thread is requesting you, I haven't run across the emotionally unstable thread on here.  I missed you girl, you have no idea how lonely it was without all of you.  D

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