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Good afternoon everyone. Sorry to be away yesterday. I logged in and never posted due to interruption and then started feeling sick. Just sick sick , not Benzo sick. Still dragging today. Welcome, Blossom. Free, you have been through so much. Is the burning feeling new? Stephen, I am glad your family is being more supportive. It takes a while for people to realize just how serious this is. Stut, Mary, miss you a lot. Trishy, sounds like the taper is ok so far. What % do you reduce? Gilly, hope you are ok. You, too, Can’t. Hugs to all, Esperanza
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  Hi Espy, no the burning has been ongoing and getting worse.  Just stuck and don’t really know what to do.  Hope you feel better soon. I miss everyone also, just not the same here.  :smitten:
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Hey everyone hope you're all doing ok..


Stut my twin glad you're enjoying the beach, I'm jealous, would do love to see the dolphins! Love you lady..


English, I could use those hugs now.. Didn't sleep well last night and put in another tough day at work🤪.. Other than that haven't noticed any terrible sxs so I guess that's good.. Day 5 and holding🤞.. Love ya, black pool Betty😂


E, hey lady good to see you were here, wish I hadn't missed ya but my timing has been awful for catching you guys on here.. As for my percentage reduction I believe it's 4% ish like 4.16 something like that, nice lady Gingermint did the math for me one time as well as Can't. Love ya Kentucky Derby♥️


Free, I'm so sorry to hear that you're burning isn't getting better, I understand how fearful you must be. Did you do any research online to see if it's related to wd or any meds you're taking? I don't usually recommend that bc Dr Google can scare the hell out of people like us, however maybe you might want to take a peek just this once.. Love ya free♥️



Hey spy, glad you're seeing some positive changes, good news!! Let the good times roll..L word spy


Hello to Stephen and blossom, Hope you like hanging out here.. There are some weirdos but trust me I'm not one of them..pssst don't tell them I told you that... Ok truth be told I'm the biggest freak here😂😂 welcome to the LHSG crazy🚂 all welcome aboard lol!


Hope I didn't miss anyone.. Love you guys!


Peace, love and happiness is my wish for you all tonight..


Over and out,




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Stephen, I'm glad that you now have the support of your Dad and brothers. I know you wouldn't wish this on anyone, but it is such a relief when those close to us understand. I think my daughter understands. My boyfriend is quite laid back and just lets me do what I want, so that's good. My Mum tries to understand but then it I have a wave, she immediately wants to get medical help. I can't remember how many times I've told her that there is nothing they can do. Changing my tablets or increasing them are both options I do not wish to consider. And talking therapy just doesn't work for a physically injured brain. Only acceptance and a very slow taper will help.


Well, that's good to know that you've got family near you for when your wife goes away to Kilimanjaro.


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Hi Esp. I'm okay, thanks. Just lying on the bed watching dvds. Hope your sickness has gone.

Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟

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I haven't read much but I had to drop in and say hi.  I am so lonely and miss you guys so much.  My eye has healed but trying to focus out of eyes that don't match is pretty hard but it's coming along.  Second procedure 3/5, this is my strongest eye so things should go quicker.


I am going to post so much, every time you look 👀 there will be a new post from me :D


I love you all very much and am going to try to start posting a little everyday. 


free , my wonderful friend  :smitten: :smitten:

begood, I know you are well and tapering again :D

Cona, my 🎼🎶 lady

Joe, hope you are feeling better, I miss the banter..... ::)

Anu, hope you feel better soon, hold tight  :mybuddy: :mybuddy:

Can't, you are my hero, but you know that 🐉

Stut, my Queen, pet my babies and I hope your sister has improved

Trishy, gossip says you suck at train driving but I love you for the effort, the other D

Esperanza, my hillbilly cousin, you participated so much , hoping you are doing better

Estee, love for you and kitty 🐱

GillyBlossom, love you girlfriend, take care of Tilly 🐈

Intend, I hope the crossover has gone well, love to you Dan and Pepper 🐈


I am going to blow a 1000 kisses, so if I missed anyone, you get two  :D😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🌹🌹🙏🙏🙏🐕🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾📚📚☮️❤️💜🐕🦉🐢🐢



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MARY!!!  Welcome back! You wouldn't believe what this lot have been like. Pining for you! Trishy couldn't even eat any of her custard cream biscuits....  :D


Great to see you here! And when you have the next eye done, you will know what's happening so you won't be as anxious. Good news!


Could you wear some sunglasses 😎 when on here? Feel free to laugh if that's a silly idea...


Love, Hugs and thoughts of Healthy Eyes  ::).  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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MARY!!!  Welcome back! You wouldn't believe what this lot have been like. Pining for you! Trishy couldn't even eat any of her custard cream biscuits....  :D


Great to see you here! And when you have the next eye done, you will know what's happening so you won't be as anxious. Good news!


Could you wear some sunglasses 😎 when on here? Feel free to laugh if that's a silly idea...


Love, Hugs and thoughts of Healthy Eyes  ::).  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟


Hey you, it's so good to hear from you  :D. I have got the iPad brightness on low, its getting better every day, thank goodness.  Sly will be so glad I have something to do besides love on him ;D. Are you doing okay?  I held for 18 days altogether and did really well with w/d symptoms, so that was one blessing.  I have been so lonely and missed you all so much, can't wait for this to all be over.  Love you English ❤️💜🐱🐾🐾🐾🐾

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I'm okay, thanks. I'm holding now. Maybe for a long time.


So, can you see better colours of anything or is it too early yet?


Love and Hugs. Gilly xxx 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 colours for you!!!  ;D

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Going to bed now. Everybody will be so chuffed to have you back, Mary. Night, night. 🌷🌸🌹🌼🌻🌺



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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

  Lady Mary you are back where you belong my love.We have all missed you more than you will ever know.Be careful with your eyes please l don't want you to get a migraine.Give my boys a big hug from me and remember not to stay on the computer too long.Love you my lady Mary.

Esperanza l am so sorry you have been sick it can take a while to recover when in withdrawal so please don't push yourself and rest.love you my lovely friend.

  Free you have suffered so much and you are always helping others you are my hero.l do wish to God l could help you more l just know that it will end please stay strong my lovely friend.love you my free.

Gilly you do sound so much better.A good long hold will perhaps help with the remainder of your taper so do it and give yourself a break.love you and sending you a hug.

Trish my twiny l hate to hear you are not feeling good remember this will pass and just hold on your dose until you feel better.l know you have been feeling down recently but it will lift just keep doing what you are doing.love you my lST.

Stephen sadly all the changes will definitely help a bit however the only thing that really helps is time and acceptance.l know we all look for things that will improve our situation however the only thing I have found that helps is patience and knowing that it will pass.

  Can't drop in mate and let us know how you are.l always love to see you here you are like my comfort blanket.l bet not a lot of women have said that to you 😀. love to you my lovely friend.

Another beach day my loves withdrawal symptoms forefront at the moment but it is what it is and it will pass.

  Love and hugs Stut X


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I haven't read much but I had to drop in and say hi.  I am so lonely and miss you guys so much.  My eye has healed but trying to focus out of eyes that don't match is pretty hard but it's coming along.  Second procedure 3/5, this is my strongest eye so things should go quicker.


I am going to post so much, every time you look 👀 there will be a new post from me :D


I love you all very much and am going to try to start posting a little everyday. 


free , my wonderful friend  :smitten: :smitten:

begood, I know you are well and tapering again :D

Cona, my 🎼🎶 lady

Joe, hope you are feeling better, I miss the banter..... ::)

Anu, hope you feel better soon, hold tight  :mybuddy: :mybuddy:

Can't, you are my hero, but you know that 🐉

Stut, my Queen, pet my babies and I hope your sister has improved

Trishy, gossip says you suck at train driving but I love you for the effort, the other D

Esperanza, my hillbilly cousin, you participated so much , hoping you are doing better

Estee, love for you and kitty 🐱

GillyBlossom, love you girlfriend, take care of Tilly 🐈

Intend, I hope the crossover has gone well, love to you Dan and Pepper 🐈


I am going to blow a 1000 kisses, so if I missed anyone, you get two  :D😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🌹🌹🙏🙏🙏🐕🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾📚📚☮️❤️💜🐕🦉🐢🐢


D!!!  :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:.. Is it really you.. Let me look twice👀👀.. Yup it's you dumber!! So happy to see you post, it's made my day!! Glad to see you are on the mend.. And you can have the damn train back, I tried to turn it into more of a party bus but these peeps are train riders unfortunately, no one wanted to party, they're not into beer and chips just tea and biscuits😂😂.. Besides I'm only good at driving my SUV back and forth to work unfortunately😝..


Well from one dumb ass to another WELCOME BACK!! YOUR KEYS TO THE CHOO CHOO 🚂 MY DEAR🔑..

Love you,

Your other half of D♥️

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  Trishy, Mary Stut, Gilly, and all, I’m sure my symptoms are from meds but which one, who knows.  I have done dr google and nothing mentions burning except Valium maybe so who knows.  I’m too bad right now to investigate further.  Love to you all and so good to see everyone posting.    :smitten: :smitten:
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Hey Stut my twin! Have a grand day at the beach, I am doing better this morning, got some much needed sleep last night! Yay.. The depression thing is a winter issue so counting the days to spring🙏🙏.. Hope you enjoy your day, and better wear one of your designer by Trish tin foil hats bc pssst the other dumb is back and she'll be spying👀 on you at the beach with her drones..  :laugh:

Love you,


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My friend's I have to go to work but English, Free, E, Can't and all others, sorry if I missed your name I'm in a rush.. Wishing you all a good day, will be back later tonight hopefully to chat with you all if you're on.



Love you all,


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I'm okay, thanks. I'm holding now. Maybe for a long time.


So, can you see better colours of anything or is it too early yet?


Love and Hugs. Gilly xxx 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 colours for you!!!  ;D


I can see colors great, it's just my left eye is now 20/30, which is pretty good but my right eye is I don't know  what, but with this next procedure, it will have almost perfect vision, will just need reading glasses.  I will just be glad it's over..  But I am so glad to see well enough to post.  I stayed on too long last nite just because I was so happy to be on ;D. Love you English, you sound good  ;) ;)

Love and pets for Tilly 💜❤️ 🐈🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾  Mary

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I have to hold for long periods after drops. I held 5 months after last drop. Finally was having some “window” days and figured I would do a microtaper drop. Have held for 3 weeks and it’s rough going.
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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

  Lady Mary you are back where you belong my love.We have all missed you more than you will ever know.Be careful with your eyes please l don't want you to get a migraine.Give my boys a big hug from me and remember not to stay on the computer too long.Love you my lady Mary.

Esperanza l am so sorry you have been sick it can take a while to recover when in withdrawal so please don't push yourself and rest.love you my lovely friend.

  Free you have suffered so much and you are always helping others you are my hero.l do wish to God l could help you more l just know that it will end please stay strong my lovely friend.love you my free.

Gilly you do sound so much better.A good long hold will perhaps help with the remainder of your taper so do it and give yourself a break.love you and sending you a hug.

Trish my twiny l hate to hear you are not feeling good remember this will pass and just hold on your dose until you feel better.l know you have been feeling down recently but it will lift just keep doing what you are doing.love you my lST.

Stephen sadly all the changes will definitely help a bit however the only thing that really helps is time and acceptance.l know we all look for things that will improve our situation however the only thing I have found that helps is patience and knowing that it will pass.

  Can't drop in mate and let us know how you are.l always love to see you here you are like my comfort blanket.l bet not a lot of women have said that to you 😀. love to you my lovely friend.

Another beach day my loves withdrawal symptoms forefront at the moment but it is what it is and it will pass.

  Love and hugs Stut X


It's Me, It's Me  :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:  I am so glad to be on, it's like a huge sigh of relief.  Got to take it easy so I can visit often but short times for a while.  Love and miss you, I am sorry your wd sxs are acting up  :(. Did you taper again?  Pets for The Muffin (has she had a good time at the beach?) and sweet Daisy.  Your Lady Mary ☮️💜🙏☮️💜🙏.      🐶🐕🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾.    💜❤️😘😘😘😘😘

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  Trishy, Mary Stut, Gilly, and all, I’m sure my symptoms are from meds but which one, who knows.  I have done dr google and nothing mentions burning except Valium maybe so who knows.  I’m too bad right now to investigate further.  Love to you all and so good to see everyone posting.    :smitten: :smitten:


Oh, free, I wish we could help you more.  I missed your constant support and knew you were there.  Love you very much my sweet friend  :smitten: :smitten:  I hate Valium, I truly believe there are a lot of people that it just isn't good for  :(.    Mary ☮️💜🙏☮️💜🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Hey Stut my twin! Have a grand day at the beach, I am doing better this morning, got some much needed sleep last night! Yay.. The depression thing is a winter issue so counting the days to spring🙏🙏.. Hope you enjoy your day, and better wear one of your designer by Trish tin foil hats bc pssst the other dumb is back and she'll be spying👀 on you at the beach with her drones..  :laugh:

Love you,



Too late, drones went out a couple days ago.  I was shocked at what our Stut was up too >:D:D. But I will save that info in case I need to blackmail her anytime in the future  ;)

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I have to hold for long periods after drops. I held 5 months after last drop. Finally was having some “window” days and figured I would do a microtaper drop. Have held for 3 weeks and it’s rough going.

Hi welcome yes holding isn't easy however pushing through definitely makes everything a million times worse.We all have to find our own path however l do believe that holding between cut's for as long as is necessary is the best way to successfully get off benzos.

Love and hugs Stut X

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Hey Stut my twin! Have a grand day at the beach, I am doing better this morning, got some much needed sleep last night! Yay.. The depression thing is a winter issue so counting the days to spring🙏🙏.. Hope you enjoy your day, and better wear one of your designer by Trish tin foil hats bc pssst the other dumb is back and she'll be spying👀 on you at the beach with her drones..  :laugh:

Love you,



Too late, drones went out a couple days ago.  I was shocked at what our Stut was up too >:D:D. But I will save that info in case I need to blackmail her anytime in the future  ;)

  Lady Mary is back l knew you would make it on.l think there will be a partay l know l missed you my love.Be careful with your eyes now my love and break yourself in gently.

  I see those bloody drones back l will be doing a bit of target practice later.How is my lovely Tim and my nephew Sly are they well?

  I am down to 1.15 mgs the lag time for acute is 3 weeks so l am on my third week l think.Will hold for a couple more weeks then slide down to 1 mgs.

Love you my lady Mary.

.. love and hugs Stut X

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