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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.

  Can't it's great to see you back where you belong mate.How are you?l saw you had the withdrawal symptom of the overheating it's a leveller welcome to the menopause 😀.Glad to see you got your nuts greased that always helps.Keep pushing through mate and please hold off on the final taper.

  Trish another cut well done sweetheart I firmly believe you will be ok.Try to not overthink and know you can hold as long as you need to.Slow and steady.You are doing a great job here twiny proud of you.love you my lST.

  Gilly what can l say well done my lovely.Great to see you are up and about.Now hold on to those good days and remember when you go through the bad you will go back up again.Sending you my special hug.

  Esperanza sometimes we all feel like children and just want someone to look after us l for one always want my mum when l am ill and she has been dead for a very long time.l still believe you will improve so please hold tight and never give up you are stronger than you know.Love to you my lovely friend.

Stephen my blood sugar has been on the high side since l began my taper l have discussed this with my doctor and both agree it is taper related so l believe it will settle down once l get off the benzo.l wish l was going with your wife that sounds amazing.l wish her the best on her challenge.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Lady Mary where art thou?lf you come on know l am thinking of you my love and l hope to see you back where you belong very soon.love you my lady Mary.

  SS l miss you l wish you would drop in and let us know how you are doing.love you my dear friend.

Miyu don't forget to update us too this group needs you.love to you our warrior.

Last but not least Nova let us know how you are after your cut please.Miss you my AS.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Hello Stut. Great to hear from you. Hope you're okay. Are you still at the beach?


Thank you for your encouragement. I am up and about again today. More anxiety, but not as bad as it has been. Dave is at Anfield tonight. Liverpool v Watford.


News is thin on the ground right now so I will just send my love and Big Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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Hi Everyone. Hope you're all coping as well as possible.


Trishy, the exhaustion is probably caused by the cutting. I know you have a demanding job, so rest as much as you can and don't cut again until you feel less tired. But you know that anyway....


Cant, yes, shopping is a big deal. I will know that I'm doing well when I can do the shopping. Until then I've got a grocery delivery tonight.


Mary, come on, Sweetie, we are really missing you.... 😞


Esp, thinking of you.


Love and Hugs to All. Hugs are on special offer again - two for the price of one, while stocks last.


Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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Morning Blossom well done for getting so low on your dose.l have never tried the dlmt so l can't really say if it works or not.l know some swear by it l personally don't see how it works with the lag time between cut's etc so l won't be doing it.l think you have really been doing your taper very sensibly so just follow your gut and stick with what works for you.Keep your percentage low and hold as long as you need to.

  Love and hugs Stut X

Good morning Stut! thanks for the welcome :), I have been thinking too much. With some of the buddies harsh opinions and my mind always talking I am starting to stress a bit, or maybe that's just me, ha.

OK, so like you, I am not going on the daily reduction path at all, thank you for helping me getting my decision made on that one, definitely don't either know how it works and I am not be experimenting, my main concern is the "receptor time healing"

My psychiatric told me one day that the receptors take "about 4 weeks to recover".

She will always tell me to reduce and then hold for like a month (4 weeks recovery). So my question is..if I start reducing every week (5% or 10%, I'll do the numbers later) instead of 1/8 of .125 and hold for a month, will my symptoms be less?

one of the buddies told me that it's better to reduce weekly...

so I am a bit confused....

will accept any opinions

much love everyone

Blossom4 :smitten:

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Morning Blossom well done for getting so low on your dose.l have never tried the dlmt so l can't really say if it works or not.l know some swear by it l personally don't see how it works with the lag time between cut's etc so l won't be doing it.l think you have really been doing your taper very sensibly so just follow your gut and stick with what works for you.Keep your percentage low and hold as long as you need to.

  Love and hugs Stut X

Good morning Stut! thanks for the welcome :), I have been thinking too much. With some of the buddies harsh opinions and my mind always talking I am starting to stress a bit, or maybe that's just me, ha.

OK, so like you, I am not going on the daily reduction path at all, thank you for helping me getting my decision made on that one, definitely don't either know how it works and I am not be experimenting, my main concern is the "receptor time healing"

My psychiatric told me one day that the receptors take "about 4 weeks to recover".

She will always tell me to reduce and then hold for like a month (4 weeks recovery). So my question is..if I start reducing every week (5% or 10%, I'll do the numbers later) instead of 1/8 of .125 and hold for a month, will my symptoms be less?

one of the buddies told me that it's better to reduce weekly...

so I am a bit confused....

will accept any opinions

much love everyone

Blossom4 :smitten:

  Hi blossom yes hold for a month and if you feel the need hold for longer listen to what your body needs.l know people on this forum are always banging on about cutting every one or two weeks well some can do that a lot can't.l am more interested in getting off these drugs and staying off l don't want to be slammed with acute withdrawal when l do shuffle off.l do think the more you cut the worse you feel so keep your percentage around 5% and hold for as long as you need.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Hello Stut. Great to hear from you. Hope you're okay. Are you still at the beach?


Thank you for your encouragement. I am up and about again today. More anxiety, but not as bad as it has been. Dave is at Anfield tonight. Liverpool v Watford.


News is thin on the ground right now so I will just send my love and Big Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

  Yes Gilly still at the beach and thoroughly enjoying the break.Glad to hear you are still feeling better.

  Ladies have heard from lady Mary she is doing well just doesn't want to strain her eyes as her second procedure is next week on the 5th so she will probably be back in a couple of weeks.She misses you all and wants you to know she loves you and can't wait to get back.

  Now that is a relief l thought l would let you all know asap.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Blossom well done for getting so low on your dose.l have never tried the dlmt so l can't really say if it works or not.l know some swear by it l personally don't see how it works with the lag time between cut's etc so l won't be doing it.l think you have really been doing your taper very sensibly so just follow your gut and stick with what works for you.Keep your percentage low and hold as long as you need to.

  Love and hugs Stut X

Good morning Stut! thanks for the welcome :), I have been thinking too much. With some of the buddies harsh opinions and my mind always talking I am starting to stress a bit, or maybe that's just me, ha.

OK, so like you, I am not going on the daily reduction path at all, thank you for helping me getting my decision made on that one, definitely don't either know how it works and I am not be experimenting, my main concern is the "receptor time healing"

My psychiatric told me one day that the receptors take "about 4 weeks to recover".

She will always tell me to reduce and then hold for like a month (4 weeks recovery). So my question is..if I start reducing every week (5% or 10%, I'll do the numbers later) instead of 1/8 of .125 and hold for a month, will my symptoms be less?

one of the buddies told me that it's better to reduce weekly...

so I am a bit confused....

will accept any opinions

much love everyone

Blossom4 :smitten:

  Hi blossom yes hold for a month and if you feel the need hold for longer listen to what your body needs.l know people on this forum are always banging on about cutting every one or two weeks well some can do that a lot can't.l am more interested in getting off these drugs and staying off l don't want to be slammed with acute withdrawal when l do shuffle off.l do think the more you cut the worse you feel so keep your percentage around 5% and hold for as long as you need.

  Love and hugs Stut X

thank you so much Stut, I'll keep you guys posted. And again thank you for the welcome!! <3

much love

Blossom4 :smitten:

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Stut, my twin! I missed you again :(.. I'm so glad you were here for awhile though, the room just isn't the same without you and our Mary, missing you terribly..


I'm glad you're enjoying the beach but if you don't return soon I'm sending the drones after you :laugh: :laugh:


Hope you are feeling well lovely lady :smitten: :smitten:


Love you woman,

Your LST  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi Everyone. Hope you're all coping as well as possible.


Trishy, the exhaustion is probably caused by the cutting. I know you have a demanding job, so rest as much as you can and don't cut again until you feel less tired. But you know that anyway....


Cant, yes, shopping is a big deal. I will know that I'm doing well when I can do the shopping. Until then I've got a grocery delivery tonight.


Mary, come on, Sweetie, we are really missing you.... 😞


Esp, thinking of you.


Love and Hugs to All. Hugs are on special offer again - two for the price of one, while stocks last.


Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

Hey English,

How goes it in Manchester? I'm doing ok .. Had a little insomnia last night but nothing horrible. I feel otherwise good overall so I am not gonna complain lol!


I'll take a couple of those hugs and put a few on lay away for me for a later date :laugh:

Love ya,

Black pool betty :D:smitten: :smitten:

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Hey spy,


You have an awesome memory.. So remind me why I took the job :laugh: :laugh:.. I must have been severely benzo brained at the time lol!! Just  kiddin work is good for me ;)


Hope you had a good day.. Don't be going on any missions too soon we like having you around 8)


L word spy,


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Well goodnight my friend's hope you all had a good day/night.. We're expecting snow tonight where I am so work might be delayed, if so I may pop in and see if any of you good people are on ;D


How are we ever going to make another couple more weeks without our conductor (Mary)? :'(


Love you all,

Trish :smitten: :smitten:

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Trishy, We will manage without Mary because we know that it is for her good that she is away awhile. It's not like she doesn't want to be with us. We know how much this forum and little group of friends mean to her. She will have all the time in the world to be back here once her eyes are better. For now her priorities are right.


But for now, should we plan an online Welcome Home party? Perhaps we could all wear party hats instead of tin foil ones...  :D :D

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Oh, Trishy, I hope that school is cancelled tomorrow, or at least that it opens late. You are doing so well with your taper.


Take as many huge as you need. Love, English xxx 💟💟💟

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Good morning LHSG hoping everyone has a better day.l know lady Mary is very missed however she is doing what is right for her and l must say l agree wholeheartedly with her decision so keep going ladies she will be back soon bigger and better than ever and she knows we all love her and miss her.Trish and Gilly keep up the good work this little group must keep going regardless of who is or isn't here.We stand alone as this forum is all about getting off these drugs as quickly as possible so our voice has to be heard.Now l will get off my soap box.

  Keep on keeping on my lovely friends and know you are doing a good thing here.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Blossom you are very welcome here and you will get to know everyone given time.l know it is hard to come into a group but know we are all going through the same thing and we will support you as much as we can.l know sometimes posts are missed however l don't believe that is intentional so hang out here and we look forward to getting to know you.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Well my loves l am still at the beach so will drop in when and if l can.lf l miss a few days don't be worrying l am out living life which is important so stay strong my friends and get that train Choo 🚂 chooing.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Hey Guys... :)


Blossom, good to see you found your way over here.. Quiet as it is..


Stut, na, not just the normal burning and flush, this felt like I was coming to the boil on the inside..  A human kettle..!

You just keep having fun at da beach... 


Hey Trish, Gilly, Everyone...

Im still resting up.. Seem to be some positive changes still...




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Good to see you mate.Positive changes do tell?I hope they continue and multiply.l am enjoying the break my daughter is doing a bit of work on her computer today so getting a bit of time on my own.Saw the dolphins yesterday again hoping to see them later.

  Rest up and keep on keeping on.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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  Can’t that’s how I feel, boiling inside body, it’s awful.  Drs don’t know what to do, I’m so scared. 😢.  I’m so glad you are improving.  So wonderful for you.  :smitten:
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Stephen, Hope you are feeling better tonight. Hugs backatcha! 😊


Thanks. Yesterday was a bit rough. I had a couple better days so I thought maybe my diet changes (cutting out most processed sugar) and "input changes" (blocking news and podcasts from my phone) had helped. But then last night I had trouble going to sleep.


I may have done that to myself. I was feeling tired around 11 and decided to try a melatonin to see what it did. Next thing you know it's 3am and I'm still up. I eventually got to sleep for a few hours and I feel okay this morning, but this period of time is more trying than I'd like.


On the upside I spent some time with my brother the day before yesterday. My mom passed away in 2017 and as a result we had to move our dad up near where we live. So all of us are within 5 miles of each other now. Obviously I miss my mom a lot and that's part of why I'm still holding now. But I finally turned a corner on seeing my dad (who I previously had a rocky relationship with) and my brother as a refuge in all this.


In 2014 when I first started my taper it was basically my wife and I. My parents lived in another state and my brothers were kind of difficult and not helpful.


Now my dad is here. My brothers have since both dealt with anxiety themselves. I would never wish that on anyone, of course, but suddenly they understand me and get why I've been the way I've been my whole adult life. That's helped a lot for me to feel more at home and safer. As hard as this all is, I'll take it.


Anyway, send up prayers or thoughts for me for the coming days. I'd like to get more stable.

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