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Hiya Trishy. I do think that Mary will be back with us as soon as she can. She loves this forum. She must still be recovering from her operation. Get Well soon, Mary. ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡


Of course you are scared about tapering! You wouldn't be human if you weren't concerned after what happened before. But you are taking it slowly and that is the way to go. Perhaps writing a journal of when you cut and any symptoms might inform your progress.


We are all here for you. Love and Hugs. Gilly xxx ๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ


Hey English,

Thanks for the advice but honestly those God awful sxs are burned in my memory forever.. I'm just dealing with some winter blues and a little anxiety/depression. It's not unusual for me this time of year unfortunately. Also throw tapering into the mix and it just adds to the hot mess that I am. I have to go to work today and I really don't feel like itย  :( .. Maybe I'll catch you on here later..


I hope you have a good day today.


Invisible flowers for you.. Lol!!


Love and hugs,

Trish :smitten:

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Morning LHSG,

Wishing everyone a peaceful, healing day. Hopefully, our Mary will return we'll see, and our queen Stut. I know the few of us here are missing our people, but we must keep this going for them and for ourselves.


Day 2 of another small cut, we'll see how it goes :-\


I'm off to work today be back later, have a lovely day ladies and Can't.


Love to all,

Trish :smitten:

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Hi Guys..ย  :)


A bit quiet, but still so much going on..!


Esp, Sorry I missed your train driving.. Would have jumped on for sure.. Free usually saved me a seat in the early days, but they gave me a turn and I sunk the train in the ocean... True story..

Anyways point it in Marys direction and lets take her ๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ€๐ŸŒป...


Trish, I see you took the plunge... :) May all go well..!!

Its all part of it, so celebrate the progress.. You will contend with anyrhing you need to...


Hey Gilly, Hope you are holding up ok too, despite the struggle..


Stut..?? Thought I would bump in to you, but did I miss something? -or more, probably firget something..?? Hope all is well...??


NJ. Sorry, slow as a male here... :(

If you read this, I reflect the thoughts and well wishes that others here express so well...

May you both be well.. Hope to hear from you in your right time...




Still up n down... the bad is pretty crazy,ย  but the good is promising...

Still day by day.. -step by step...ย 


Sorry to those I missed.. my body just went on the boil.. must run... this is a new one..!!


My best guys..

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Hi Everyone.ย  Well, I was exhausted before I even got up. Got dressed for the first time in ages. Took a call for some work for Dave. Sorted out the bins and the recycling. That means taking it outside so I'm pleased I managed to do that. It's one less thing for Dzve. Sorted out the cat and her disgusting fur balls. Yuck. Made the beds. Had something to eat. Need to wash my hair and make the tea (evening meal). Doing those things looms like Everest in front of me. Might do hair later tonight.


Exhausted now. Feel guilty for how little I can do. It's pathetic really. Or maybe it's because my body is healing.


Love and Hugs. Gilly xxx ๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

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Hi Everyone.ย  Well, I was exhausted before I even got up. Got dressed for the first time in ages. Took a call for some work for Dave. Sorted out the bins and the recycling. That means taking it outside so I'm pleased I managed to do that. It's one less thing for Dzve. Sorted out the cat and her disgusting fur balls. Yuck. Made the beds. Had something to eat. Need to wash my hair and make the tea (evening meal). Doing those things looms like Everest in front of me. Might do hair later tonight.


Exhausted now. Feel guilty for how little I can do. It's pathetic really. Or maybe it's because my body is healing.


Love and Hugs. Gilly xxx ๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

Hey Gilly.. Just up for a 2am chat.. lol...


Looms like Everest..!! -perfect...

The last few days I have had the feeling my mind is starting to think on working on this SX we share, -for simplicity, -Lack of motivation etc... But no evidence of it yet... Will let you know...

These "little" things you are doing are great..!! -makes me want to pick my game up to match... But as I text this my head shrinks like a walnut, reminding me perhaps dont be too hard on myself just yet..ย  :) (-just sayin..)


My task moves beyond filling a water bottle today... I realy want to look at the car and check a few things...ย  The thought "looms", instant anxiety at the thought if getting started.. Not doing, just starting... One could never explain this to someone on the "outside"..!!




Anyways, good to read from you...




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Iโ€™m going through a pretty rough patch right now. Lots of muscle spasms, touches of insomnia, and an overall increase in anxiety. My job has gotten really stressful the last few months. But I think what really put this into hyperdrive was that my wife is leaving on a trip for three weeks soon.ย  Sheโ€™s been training for the past 14 months to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Iโ€™m exceedingly proud of her of course and I want her to succeed and do well. But she has been anxious about leaving me alone for three weeks given how I feel when things get really bad. So Iโ€™m coming on this message board again for the first time in a while to make sure I have support as she heads out on her adventure.


Itโ€™s a unique thing to feel so fragile at times and then to have a spouse who can do such amazing things. I donโ€™t know what else to do with that except to take it at face value. To be proud of her and to give myself the grace required to understand my fight is no less amazing. She has been very supportive of me through all this and deep down I am glad that in a time where I was stable she took the opportunity to focus on a part of her life that made her happy. So much over the last five years has revolved around me and my situation.ย 


Anyway, just reintrucing again. Hugs to all of you.

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Hello Stephen. We haven't talked before, mainly because you posted last week and I wasn't feeling too good then.


You have my sympathy regarding your wife going away for three weeks. My boyfriend is going away for a week soon and I have been trying not to worry about it.


It's not that you don't want your wife to be happy and to challenge herself. It's obvious that you are very proud of her. It's just that you're unsure how well you will cope. So is there anything you can do to prepare for her leaving? I have agoraphobia, so I will have to make sure that I have enough food, meds, etc.


Have you got any support from family or friends who could stay overnight maybe or even just pop in to see you? That could break up the three weeks.


There is usually someone here on the LHSG if you need to talk. Hope your wife reaches the top of Kilimanjaro and comes back refreshed and proud that you have coped so well. Gx

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Hiya Cant. Well, I did do the tea! Pasta. We haven't had that for a while. I've washed and dried my hair and now I'm just chilling. Bloody loads of washing up now I've started making meals again instead of just relying on Dave bringing something "instant" home. Usually a salad.


I think if you can feel your mind coming round to doing a few things then that's really encouraging. Don't feel that you need to do the car today. Maybe do easier things first. But equally, don't stop yourself doing it if you suddenly get "the urge"!


Hope you have more energy soon.ย  ย  Hugs. Gilly xย  :mybuddy:

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Right. I totally want her to thrive. Just a little scared and, worse, I donโ€™t want my being scared to impact her experience. Sheโ€™s awesome and will do great. And I know these things go in waves and pass or lessen. So I want her to enjoy her climb free and clear.
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Oh, and I am fairly prepared. All of my family understands it (as much as they can) and I have most of them here. The family on my wifeโ€™s side who also understands and has taken me in near my worst is prepared for me to fly there (Texas) if need be to stay with them.


My wife and I have enough savings that I could quit my job or take extended leave if possible. I regularly order groceries or house / pet supplies so Iโ€™m not worried about that. I have a routine along with things that keep me fairly distracted.


I think Iโ€™m as prepared as I can be.

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Right. I totally want her to thrive. Just a little scared and, worse, I donโ€™t want my being scared to impact her experience. Sheโ€™s awesome and will do great. And I know these things go in waves and pass or lessen. So I want her to enjoy her climb free and clear.


Hi Stephen,

Wow, your wife is going to climb Kilimanjaro?! That's amazing.. I feel like I'm climbing it too but metaphorically of course with all this tapering that seems never-ending, a huge challenge to keep plugging along..

Seriously though I admire what she's doing and it's great that you are supporting her given your current situation, also admirable.

4G is right, there's usually someone on here to talk to if you're struggling while she's gone.

Be well,


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Hiya Trishy. I do think that Mary will be back with us as soon as she can. She loves this forum. She must still be recovering from her operation. Get Well soon, Mary. ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿ‡


Of course you are scared about tapering! You wouldn't be human if you weren't concerned after what happened before. But you are taking it slowly and that is the way to go. Perhaps writing a journal of when you cut and any symptoms might inform your progress.


We are all here for you. Love and Hugs. Gilly xxx ๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

Hey girl,

Sounds like your day went pretty well, way to go English!ย  :thumbsup:

Visible flowers for you๐Ÿต๏ธ๐Ÿ’๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒธ

Love and hugs,

Black pool Betty๐Ÿ˜‚

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Hi Guys..ย  :)


A bit quiet, but still so much going on..!


Esp, Sorry I missed your train driving.. Would have jumped on for sure.. Free usually saved me a seat in the early days, but they gave me a turn and I sunk the train in the ocean... True story..

Anyways point it in Marys direction and lets take her ๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ€๐ŸŒป...


Trish, I see you took the plunge... :) May all go well..!!

Its all part of it, so celebrate the progress.. You will contend with anyrhing you need to...


Hey Gilly, Hope you are holding up ok too, despite the struggle..


Stut..?? Thought I would bump in to you, but did I miss something? -or more, probably firget something..?? Hope all is well...??


NJ. Sorry, slow as a male here... :(

If you read this, I reflect the thoughts and well wishes that others here express so well...

May you both be well.. Hope to hear from you in your right time...




Still up n down... the bad is pretty crazy,ย  but the good is promising...

Still day by day.. -step by step...ย 


Sorry to those I missed.. my body just went on the boil.. must run... this is a new one..!!


My best guys..


Thanks for the words of encouragement spy 8).. Hope your day went well and your sxs were easy on you..I sure hope your head didn't shrink into a walnut, I've taken a liking to the turtle one๐Ÿ˜‚

Be well my friend..

L word spy,


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Bravo, Gilly! You did a lot! Stephen, wanted to say that I understand. My wonderful, supportive husband is leaving for India for a 10 day medical mission in two weeks. He does three trips a year to India and Ecuador and has for 20 years. Usually I am just fine, but this year will be tough. I am trying not to show my fear. He needs this. I am not used to being afraid alone. I feel so childlike now. What a shock this past year has been. I hope your side effects lessen soon. Work anxiety does not help at anytime, certainly not during a taper. Trishy, you are not going down the bad road again. I believe that. Both of us just tapered too fast in the beginning. Mary, sending love and missing you. Miss Stut, as well. Hope she has fun at the beach. Love, Esperanza
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Made through Monday at work and so glad it's over my friend's.. Hope to be back on later..

Love and hugs to all here and to all who are at the moment missingโ˜น๏ธ


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Right. I totally want her to thrive. Just a little scared and, worse, I donโ€™t want my being scared to impact her experience. Sheโ€™s awesome and will do great. And I know these things go in waves and pass or lessen. So I want her to enjoy her climb free and clear.


Hi Stephen,

Wow, your wife is going to climb Kilimanjaro?! That's amazing.. I feel like I'm climbing it too but metaphorically of course with all this tapering that seems never-ending, a huge challenge to keep plugging along..

Seriously though I admire what she's doing and it's great that you are supporting her given your current situation, also admirable.

4G is right, there's usually someone on here to talk to if you're struggling while she's gone.

Be well,






Funny. I literally had this thought today, "I'm also climbing a mountain, but no one notices".ย  :'(

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Bravo, Gilly! You did a lot! Stephen, wanted to say that I understand. My wonderful, supportive husband is leaving for India for a 10 day medical mission in two weeks. He does three trips a year to India and Ecuador and has for 20 years. Usually I am just fine, but this year will be tough. I am trying not to show my fear. He needs this. I am not used to being afraid alone. I feel so childlike now. What a shock this past year has been. I hope your side effects lessen soon. Work anxiety does not help at anytime, certainly not during a taper.


Oh, that sounds just as tough. Hugs to you.

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Aw, thanks,Trishy and Esp! I've done even more stuff since then! A good day! I've even made an evening meal for tomorrow!


Trishy, well done today. It's all over now till tomorrow. Time to chill with a cup of PG and a custard cream. Or two. Or three.... Love and Hugs. Gillyย  ๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

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Bravo, Gilly! You did a lot! Stephen, wanted to say that I understand. My wonderful, supportive husband is leaving for India for a 10 day medical mission in two weeks. He does three trips a year to India and Ecuador and has for 20 years. Usually I am just fine, but this year will be tough. I am trying not to show my fear. He needs this. I am not used to being afraid alone. I feel so childlike now. What a shock this past year has been. I hope your side effects lessen soon. Work anxiety does not help at anytime, certainly not during a taper. Trishy, you are not going down the bad road again. I believe that. Both of us just tapered too fast in the beginning. Mary, sending love and missing you. Miss Stut, as well. Hope she has fun at the beach. Love, Esperanza


Hey E,

We did taper too fast in the beginning, the trauma of that I think will be with me forever. We are definitely not going down that bad road again, rather jump off a bridge than do that E and I'm sure you feel the same. What a nightmare that was when you and I came stumbling in this group at about the same time.. And we survived it, a true miracle my friend..


So your husband is going to India? Well don't worry you have us to help keep you company.


๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ’๐Ÿต๏ธ For you..


Love and hugs,


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Aw, thanks,Trishy and Esp! I've done even more stuff since then! A good day! I've even made an evening meal for tomorrow!


Trishy, well done today. It's all over now till tomorrow. Time to chill with a cup of PG and a custard cream. Or two. Or three.... Love and Hugs. Gillyย  ๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ


Well done English as you say over there, maybe you're turning a corner..I hope so you deserve to be happy and functional..


I had a nice hot bath, one piece of dark chocolate and now I've got my feet up and am soon going to be watching last tango in Halifax.. But since you mentioned tea I think I'll have to go make a cup of PG๐Ÿ˜


Love and hugs,


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To sweet Mary, we miss you so very much, hope you come back to us soon..

A very lost D without her other half of D..โ˜น๏ธ


To my twin, should you read this I hope you will check in.. Things are never the same without you โ˜น๏ธ


I hope you are ok ladies..


Love to you both,


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A shout out to Free, hope you are doing ok my friend.. I've been praying for your burning hands..

Thinking of you..

Love to you,



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