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Only have but a minute.. glad to hear you're feeling a bit better English... Good advice from the peeps here. I would add in with how about some tea and a custard cream.. That'll do me dear , a hot bubble bath and maybe a little chocolate. Those are my go to things lately lol!!


Miss you guys, and where's our sweet D?! ☹️


E, please take the wheel I'm rubbish at driving trains😂.. I'm really liking the word rubbish, it's how I feel today🗑️.. There's the rubbish bin, toss me in..uhggg..

Love you guys,

Be back later..I hope♥️♥️

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Well, Trishy, I was reading your message whilst sitting in bed eating chocolate! So maybe it is this week's 'go to'. I remember you saying you'd got some choccy and bubble bath at the mall. Nice one!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Just been downstairs watching Masterchef with Dave. Do you have Masterchef?


I'm glad you are letting someone else drive the train. You have been scaring the passengers by "peep peeping" on your whistle and sounding the horn all the freaking time! Please come back, Mary!


I've started watching Downton Abbey. It seems like everyone in the world has watched it except me. Did you watch it? I bet Mary did. It's just her cup of PG tips. By the way, have you got a favourite brand of tea? Do you have milk in it? Sugar? Or just as it is? I just have milk. Semi-skimmed.....


Love and Hugs.  English xxx 🌺🌷🌸🌹🌻

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Well, Trishy, I was reading your message whilst sitting in bed eating chocolate! So maybe it is this week's 'go to'. I remember you saying you'd got some choccy and bubble bath at the mall. Nice one!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Just been downstairs watching Masterchef with Dave. Do you have Masterchef?


I'm glad you are letting someone else drive the train. You have been scaring the passengers by "peep peeping" on your whistle and sounding the horn all the freaking time! Please come back, Mary!


I've started watching Downton Abbey. It seems like everyone in the world has watched it except me. Did you watch it? I bet Mary did. It's just her cup of PG tips. By the way, have you got a favourite brand of tea? Do you have milk in it? Sugar? Or just as it is? I just have milk. Semi-skimmed.....


Love and Hugs.  English xxx 🌺🌷🌸🌹🌻

hey English!,

I don't know if we have master chef, is that a cooking show?  I didn't watch downton Abbey but almost everyone I know has, heard it's very good. I like my tea sweet , I like cream and I use stevia sweetener in it, I used to drink salada tea until PG TIPS came into my life :D.. Also like the typhoo tea it's got a nice rich color to it ;D my favorite beverage is still diet coke I'm addicted to it, drink it all day and bring one up to bed with me , I switch in the afternoon to decaf diet coke so I'm not all hopped up on caffeine :D:laugh:


Love and all those flowers that my phone has but my tablet doesn't, but I just gave you a lovely invisible bouquet, aren't they gorgeous?!  :laugh: :laugh:

Blackpool betty, :smitten: :smitten:

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Omg English!! I am watching a show called the last tango in Halifax, it takes place in Halifax a town in west Yorkshire. Are you near there?  I love the show but me and my husband sometimes don't understand what they say bc of the accent, which I happen to love! Lol!! Could listen to it all day long :D
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Well calling it a night.. Love to all the skeleton crew here :laugh: :laugh: ...


Maaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyy!!!!! Come home!!!!  :(


Love, peace, healing

Trish :smitten: :smitten:

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Yes, Trishy, the Yorkshire accent is very similar to the Lancashire one. I live in Wigan and Halifax is 45 miles away. So that could be the nearest thing you could get to my accent.


You might struggle at first, but you would get used to it after a while. I'm surprised you can understand Aggie on How Clean Is Your House?


Traditionally, cream is never served in tea. Cream is served in coffee. However, if you like it, then that's the important thing.


Dave is mad on diet Coke. Since I gave up caffeine (I rarely drink tea and I dislike coffee) and started drinking water, I cannot touch diet Coke any more. I have sipped Dave's Coke and I no longer like it. Weird, isn't it?


Unfortunately, I don't think I could ever dislike chocolate 🍫🍫🍫.


Thank you for my beautiful invisible bouquet....


Love and Hugs.  English xxx 💟💟💟

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Ok, E is driving. You have been warned. Hold on and make peace with your God. Hope everyone is ok today, especially since I am filling in. Mary, hope it is getting better. Just remember not to bend over yet. I guess that is still part of the recovery. We miss you. Gilly, thinking of you. Love to all, Esperanza
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Morning to what's left of us! Lol!! We're sure missing a lot of people. I hope everyone has a decent day today , I'll be in and out of our ghost town through out the day ;D


Sweet D, we're all thinking of you and wishing you well.. Leave us a short post if you're able.


Love to all,

Trish :smitten:

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Yes, Trishy, the Yorkshire accent is very similar to the Lancashire one. I live in Wigan and Halifax is 45 miles away. So that could be the nearest thing you could get to my accent.


You might struggle at first, but you would get used to it after a while. I'm surprised you can understand Aggie on How Clean Is Your House?


Traditionally, cream is never served in tea. Cream is served in coffee. However, if you like it, then that's the important thing.


Dave is mad on diet Coke. Since I gave up caffeine (I rarely drink tea and I dislike coffee) and started drinking water, I cannot touch diet Coke any more. I have sipped Dave's Coke and I no longer like it. Weird, isn't it?


Unfortunately, I don't think I could ever dislike chocolate 🍫🍫🍫.


Thank you for my beautiful invisible bouquet....


Love and Hugs.  English xxx 💟💟💟


Hey there English,

So you're not too far from where the show takes place, now I have an idea of what you sound like! Lol! Rich and I understand them unless they talk too fast and then we're like what did they just say?? :laugh: :laugh: But we love the show..


I'm also a big coffee lover, can't start the day without it, then it's diet coke the rest of the day :D.. Hate water, yuk I'll force myself to drink it if I have too, like when I'm sick and when I was in the thick of wd I drank a lot of it, but really don't like to drink it if I can help it  :sick:


Here's another invisible bouquet and a piece of chocolate for you! Enjoy ;)


Love and hugs,

Trish :smitten:



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This is going to be my last post on BB for at least a while, if ever. I just wanted to thank you all for your support and love through the years.


My life stress is raging out of control, and I am leaning heavily on Klonopin to make it through. My son's physical and now mental health are quickly deteriorating. The only plus from this is that I think a Crohn's diagnosis is probably going to be made more quickly than it otherwise would be, which hopefully means more effective treatment although the diagnosis of a lifelong chronic illness involving medication with very scary side effects is overwhelming. My mom fell and broke her hip last week, she was literally lying on the floor of her apartment in her own urine for days before we discovered this. I call her regularly; my sisters don't. I called Tuesday she was fine, I called Thursday didn't get through, so preoccupied with everything did not think too much about it, called again Friday, realized something was wrong so had my sister who lives in the same town 5 minutes away (I am 2 hours away) to go and check on her and that is the scene my sister found. Another day and my mom would have died from dehydration. I also have a major work event in less than two weeks and I can barely focus and am missing work due to all these other things.


I wish all of you luck on your tapering journey. I hope to be back someday but don't know when that will be. Again, many thanks for your love and support.

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NJ, I really feel for you. I truly hope that your son is diagnosed very soon. Then treatment can be given. He has been without a diagnosis for far too long.


I'm so sorry about your Mum. I can't pray because I'm not sure what I believe, but I'm sending my thoughts and my love.


Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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Hi NJ,

We're a bit of a ghost town at the moment, but I think I speak for everyone in saying that we wish you all the best and that if ever you need to be listened to or just need to vent all the frustration and pain you are feeling, you've got us..


So sorry about your mom, how terrifying,that must have been, can't even imagine.. You poor dear after all you've been through with your son.. Life can seem so cruel and unfair and sometimes we feel as if we won't make it out of the nightmare situations life can sometimes throw us, but I want you to know that even though your heart is broken and you're overcome with anxiety and worry, I promise that someday this will all be ok.. Your son thank God is finally getting a diagnosis, not a great one but thankfully there is treatment for it.


Please take care of you and so what if you need the Klonopin right now.. the right time will come for you to taper and when it's time you'll know and you'll do it.


Sending you lots of love, prayers and healing thoughts from the LHSG..


Trish♥️ :hug:




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NJ, I really feel for you. I truly hope that your son is diagnosed very soon. Then treatment can be given. He has been without a diagnosis for far too long.


I'm so sorry about your Mum. I can't pray because I'm not sure what I belive, but I'm sending my thoughts and my love.


Gilly xxx 💟💟💟


Hey English,

I think we posted at the same time, thought I was in the room alone.. How you're doing ok..

Love to you,


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Thanks ladies. I am just trying to put one foot in front of the other to get through the days. I know at some point better days will come; it's just hard to know when that will be.
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Thanks ladies. I am just trying to put one foot in front of the other to get through the days. I know at some point better days will come; it's just hard to know when that will be.


That's all you can do NJ, one foot in front of the other and one day at a time. In the mean time do whatever you can to distract and give yourself some mini mental health breaks. Your family needs you healthy, so whatever helps to get you through and whatever gives you a little bit of stress relief do it for yourself. Even if it's just a soak in a hot bath, that can give you some muscle tension relief which I've no doubt you have with all that's been going on.. but you get the idea. You won't be any good to anyone else if you become ill so take some mini time outs.


Love and hugs,


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Helllllloooo, anybody here? 👀...

Well I made a little leap my people.. I took away another quarter piece of a pill this afternoon, about 31/2 hours ago,  in math I believe it's .0625 reduction. I hope it wasn't too soon🤪..I might be imagining this funny headache I have🙄


A little scared 😨



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Dear NJ, I can’t imagine the stress you are dealing with now. I hope you mother will be ok and your son recovers. You will always be in my heart. As for the k, for what it is worth, I would do what you are doing. You should not add the nightmare of withdrawal to the burdens you are carrying. All my love, Esperanza
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  I miss everyone.  Hope you will be ok with the cut Trish.  Worried about Mary.  :smitten:


Thanks free.. I'm worried about Mary too.. Very worried☹️

I'm so sad that we're missing all our people. Stut, Mary, SS and on it goes..

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Hiya Trishy. I do think that Mary will be back with us as soon as she can. She loves this forum. She must still be recovering from her operation. Get Well soon, Mary. 🌺🌸🌼🌹🌷🌻🍇🍇🍇


Of course you are scared about tapering! You wouldn't be human if you weren't concerned after what happened before. But you are taking it slowly and that is the way to go. Perhaps writing a journal of when you cut and any symptoms might inform your progress.


We are all here for you. Love and Hugs. Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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