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I think our Can't is pulling your chain as we say here sometimes in America😂


All I could find on convict as slang is "flash language".. Google it😂😂


Although I could be completely wrong..bci am working with only my 1% brain.. Where's my smart twin when I need her?! :D😂

Dont worry, We are very Americanised now..!! :)


But yeah Gilly is right, the convict ties ran deep.. Also the "1 Pound Passage" -non return.. lol


Plenty of kangaroos... But Koalas are rare now..  -Cattle too, after recent floods... :(


We have a cyclone a few days away, so probs more rain too...


Hope you guys are all doing ok today, I best read and catch up... -or sleep...


Kinda doing ok... Just holding everything steady, and it seems to be working.. :) Defanantly not worse... yay.. (well thats this weeks story)..





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I'm in what feels like another bad wave. I was feeling pretty good. I was getting ready to start tapering again. I had just got a promotion at work. And the project manager on my team quit. I took over his work, suddenly my work load doubled and my anxiety shot through the roof. Intermittent insomnia returned.


I don't know what this means. How long do I hold before I give up on trying to having a normal life?

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I'm in what feels like another bad wave. I was feeling pretty good. I was getting ready to start tapering again. I had just got a promotion at work. And the project manager on my team quit. I took over his work, suddenly my work load doubled and my anxiety shot through the roof. Intermittent insomnia returned.


I don't know what this means. How long do I hold before I give up on trying to having a normal life?


If I were you I wouldn't taper now, seems a few things in your life are unsettled. You need the stress to calm down a bit, let the dust settle. If there's one thing I've learned is that you have to be in a good place or rather the right frame of mind to taper for success.

We will always have to deal with stress of all kinds in our lives and find other ways to cope with anxiety but now it seems is not the best time for you to move forward.

Everyone is different and a time can't be put on how long it takes to taper. My advice is to just be patient with the process and again let everything settle down some before moving forward.

Best of luck,


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Good to hear from you, Cant.


May not be here much today. Feeling rough.


Love, Gilly xxx 💟


Hope you're feeling better English.. I'm not doing all that great myself, struggling with a little depression.. Possibly winter blues.


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So sorry to hear that, Blackpool Betty.


The advice you gave Stephen was excellent.  :thumbsup:


Love and Hugs. Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

P.S. Super-quiet on here today.....

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I'm in what feels like another bad wave. I was feeling pretty good. I was getting ready to start tapering again. I had just got a promotion at work. And the project manager on my team quit. I took over his work, suddenly my work load doubled and my anxiety shot through the roof. Intermittent insomnia returned.


I don't know what this means. How long do I hold before I give up on trying to having a normal life?

  Morning Stephen sorry you are suffering however l would have to say perhaps what you are going through at the moment is a normal reaction to your stress levels being increased through work.l think anyone in your position would feel exactly the same.l know we want to put everything down to withdrawal however sometimes we are just stressed and need to find ways to cope with the situation we are in.

  I know you want to start tapering again however Trish is right wait until things settle down a bit.l don't think there is a perfect time to taper but if even the stress gets to a manageable level that would be the best time to resume your taper.

. love Stut X

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Trish l hope you feel a bit less down today my love l know the long winter affects a lot of people mood wise however winter is nearly over and spring is round the corner thank God.

  Your Northern Irish post oh dear God you are a buck eejit but your my mucker so l will let you off this time twiny.l hope the wanes don't throw a wobbly today.

  Love you LST.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Gilly l really don't know how to help you my love however l will say this if you have had windows before l don't see any reason you won't have them again.l think time is the only thing that will help you so be patient and find ways to cope with your thoughts.

. Sending you a hug.love you.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Can't l am resting 😂.l don't want my Aussie mate shouting at me.l am down to 1.15 mgs and this is my third week so a bit of heightened withdrawal but I expected that so no big deal.

  I know l have a way to go but l will get there in the end.l hope you are starting to feel a little less battered and bruised and please don't be rushing into your final taper.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Hey Guys..

Ill join the "bit rough gang" tonight.. Gilly, im hearing you on the length of time thing... and im the lucky one... :(


Hi Steve, long time no see.. -Sounds like you have been busy...  Never underestimate the value of good work.. Trust me on that one... So if it costs extra hold time to keep it all happening, dont look at it like too much of a sacrafice.. -Perhaps more of a trade...

If it all gets too long for you, and you feel ready,  its easy enough to nip a bit off, and test the waters..




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Lady Mary where art thou dearest.l know you posted on Begood's blog yesterday and you sent your love to all here.l hope you get on today my love we are all hoping you feel better soon.

  Love you my lady Mary Xo

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Can't l am resting 😂.l don't want my Aussie mate shouting at me.l am down to 1.15 mgs and this is my third week so a bit of heightened withdrawal but I expected that so no big deal.

  I know l have a way to go but l will get there in the end.l hope you are starting to feel a little less battered and bruised and please don't be rushing into your final taper.

  Love and hugs Stut X

Well how did you guess..!!??  If I just CT the opiates I will have to feel better..!! Cant heal like this..!! Holding wont help.. -and all that rot.. :(

Pls note the sarcasm... But yes there is a conflict in my head about holding in tolerance on one med, and post jump healing on two others...  That last bout of SX was pretty brutal -a tripple whammy..!! So it is quite possible im in for better days, going by my sx history..??


Your getting there.. -A bit over 1V isnt so bad...!! :) -where did we start again..?? :)

Im quite excited to follow you turtles through low dose slow tapering.. I think you will all see some interesting things, that are far from bad.. But I wont speculate and spoil the suprises... :)






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Trish l hope you feel a bit less down today my love l know the long winter affects a lot of people mood wise however winter is nearly over and spring is round the corner thank God.

  Your Northern Irish post oh dear God you are a buck eejit but your my mucker so l will let you off this time twiny.l hope the wanes don't throw a wobbly today.

  Love you LST.

  Love and hugs Stut X

Hi twin!

I feel like a buckejit mucker whatever the hell that means..


Off to spend the day with the willick, wobbling ,waners..

As English would say I'm complete rubbish today☹️..


Wow, twin under 1mg.. Wish I was but so happy for you!👋😁


Hope you have a lovely day.. Miss you and your lady Mary, my other half of dumb.. It's not easy being dumb myself☹️


Love you,



Morning everyone,

Hope you all have a decent day.. Can't, I want to hear about those surprises for the low dose tapererer's.. Is that even a word🙄.. Anyway, I need something to hold onto before I go bat sh*t crazy..

L word spy,





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Thanks everyone. I’ll still hold. I was just getting discouraged. I need to look up some information on fundamentals of foods to avoid, foods to eat or things I could be doing to cope better in situations like this, clearly. Is there a list like this somewhere here? For times like these when things are foggy enough that you feel like you’re missing something fundamental.
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Thanks everyone. I’ll still hold. I was just getting discouraged. I need to look up some information on fundamentals of foods to avoid, foods to eat or things I could be doing to cope better in situations like this, clearly. Is there a list like this somewhere here? For times like these when things are foggy enough that you feel like you’re missing something fundamental.

I think there is a bit of a list... Perhaps ask on some of the closer related support groups..??

-I remember them arguing about salmon somewhere..!! :)


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Good morning, all. I’m on the train with you Trishy. As I said before, everyone should be wearing their seatbelts cause “I’m an excellent driver.”. Welcome, Stephen. I agree with all the good advice you have been given. I know, myself, that any normal stress, much less something big, really turns my anxiety level even higher. Can’t, so sorry you are going through such a hard time. Mary, keep resting up. The first week is the hardest. My mom had to have both eyes done when she was forty. Very unusual. The state of the art now is so much better, but even then, recovery was pretty fast. Hope you are back before Trishy drives us off the tracks. I am the brakeman, but I also have ADD so... Stut, eejit is a word we use in the Appalachians. We pronounce it idjit, but I think it is leftover from our Scotch Irish ancestors. Gilly, Intend, Buddy, Hope, and everyone else on the train, hope today goes well. Love, Esperanza
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Stut, Thank you so much for your advice. I will wait if I can. Feeling bad and desperate. Don't know what to do. Trying deep breathing. Don't want to go into hospital. Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx
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Thank you, Esp and Sober. I'm coping now. I panic and the thoughts have been so bad for some months. I am doing better now. Thank you SO MUCH. Love and Hugs. Gilly xxx 💟💟💟
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