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Right, Trishy, I feel up to answering you now!


My plates of meat are killing me.    Very good. Plates of meat is CRS (Cockney Rhyming Slang) and "my feet are killing me" is not just Southern. In fact, that saying sounds Northern to me. Perhaps it is used everywhere. Do you say it?


Loaf of bread.  Yes, that is most definitely CRS. But they wouldn't say bread. They would just say

"Use your loaf!"


Porkie/pork. Yes, exactly right.


House is in a bit of a tip.  Yes, that's right, but more likely to just say my house is a tip. But I'm being a bit picky there...


Incidentally, my house is a tip is used everywhere. Not CRS. Very common round here.


Altogether, good job. I would say 8 out of 10. Some room for improvement but definitely on the right track. Well done, Blackpool Betty!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :smitten:

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That's interesting, Cant. I was wondering about your Aussie words. I know some. Please forgive spelling.


Ute. A van.


Galah. A bird but it must be stupid because calling someone a galah means they are daft.


Arvo. Afternoon.


Sheila. A woman.


Any more?  Gilly x

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I think our Can't is pulling your chain as we say here sometimes in America😂


All I could find on convict as slang is "flash language".. Google it😂😂


Although I could be completely wrong..bci am working with only my 1% brain.. Where's my smart twin when I need her?! :D😂


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Also I might add here in the states " CRS" means can't remember sh*t lol!! Just a fun fact😁


Can't have you ever seen a kangaroo? I imagine you've seen many.. I've only ever seen them in pictures..


Black pool Betty :D:laugh:

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English, I'm still watching how clean is your house.. They say they are"God smacked" when they are shocked or surprised or blown away as I would say by the transformation of their homes, is that expression still used??


Black pool Betty😁

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No, Trishy, they are gobsmacked. Gob as in mouth. So they are as surprised as if someone had smacked them in the mouth.


I don't think Cant is having me on. I think what he is saying is that a lot of the sayings in Australia may have originated from here and made it over there because of the convicts that were sent over there from the UK instead of being given a prison sentence.

Gilly xxx 💟

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No, Trishy, they are gobsmacked. Gob as in mouth. So they are as surprised as if someone had smacked them in the mouth.


I don't think Cant is having me on. I think what he is saying is that a lot of the sayings in Australia may have originated from here and made it over there because of the convicts that were sent over there from the UK instead of being given a prison sentence.

Gilly xxx 💟


Ohhhhh..gob smacked! Ok that is not used over here, at least not where I'm from.  ;D


I definitely don't have to give up my D anytime soon :D:laugh:


Black pool (dumby)😂

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Oh Gilly don't let that woman over to England everyone will be looking at her as if she isn't near wise.You need to get her a bit more fluent before she goes looking around Blackpool.

  Now Trish my twin if you are coming over to northern Ireland for my wedding you better start brushing up on our slang.l will give you a start do you want a dig in the bake? Something that will get you far here.

  Can't if you have any room left we have plenty of convicts we could ship over anytime.l saw a pod of dolphins today so l am over the moon.I know small beans compared to what you have in Australia but l will take what l can get.

  Where is my lady Mary miss you my lovely.l hope you feel better soon.love you my lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Oh Gilly don't let that woman over to England everyone will be looking at her as if she isn't near wise.You need to get her a bit more fluent before she goes looking around Blackpool.

  Now Trish my twin if you are coming over to northern Ireland for my wedding you better start brushing up on our slang.l will give you a start do you want a dig in the bake? Something that will get you far here.

  Can't if you have any room left we have plenty of convicts we could ship over anytime.l saw a pod of dolphins today so l am over the moon.I know small beans compared to what you have in Australia but l will take what l can get.

  Where is my lady Mary miss you my lovely.l hope you feel better soon.love you my lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X

Ah there you are! It's like magic, twin radar! I needed you for your smart brain and here you are!😂


Ok so dig in the bake..hmmm, sure I'll dig in the bake if there's biscuits and brownies I'm digging into while baking😂


I'll have my slang down twin by the time of the wedding, I'll hit the books as they say here😂 .. Such good craic going on here :D:laugh: :laugh:

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Hi guys, won't be on but a minute, just checking in.  He said my eye looks good, still very blurry and I am starting to feel better from the f--king opiod.  They are complete poison to me.  Dr promised he could control the nausea, why did I believe him.  Am feeling some better.  May be on later


Love and Miss you All :smitten: :smitten:

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🐈🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.          👀.          👀.        👀


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Dig in the bake! A punch in the mouth😂.. Here we just say I'll kick your ass.. We do a lot of cussing here, we're crude little buggers :laugh: :laugh:
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Hi guys, won't be on but a minute, just checking in.  He said my eye looks good, still very blurry and I am starting to feel better from the f--king opiod.  They are complete poison to me.  Dr promised he could control the nausea, why did I believe him.  Am feeling some better.  May be on later


Love and Miss you All :smitten: :smitten:

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🐈🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.          👀.          👀.        👀

D, it's you :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: so glad you could pop in for a minute.. I've been thinking about you all day!

Rest up girlfriend, we miss you!!


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Bout ye twiny you get learning hen you can't be my twin if you can't speak the lingo.Now listen closely to laim Neeson and practice his accent then you will be one of us.

  Eat away at the bickies and never mind the stone or so you will be putting on.lf you are ordering more Oreo biscuits are tasty.

  Love you my less sexy twin.

  Love and hugs Stut X.

Ps have you no zoo's near you?Most have kangaroos.


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Hi guys, won't be on but a minute, just checking in.  He said my eye looks good, still very blurry and I am starting to feel better from the f--king opiod.  They are complete poison to me.  Dr promised he could control the nausea, why did I believe him.  Am feeling some better.  May be on later


Love and Miss you All :smitten: :smitten:

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🐈🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.          👀.          👀.        👀

  And the dead arose and appeared to many.l knew you would be on my lady Mary.That is good news l hope you continue to feel better my love.Now l am giving you one more day then back to the train driving Trish has a lot of learning of slang to do so you need to get back to your job.

  Love you my lady Mary.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Oh twiny you haven't heard bad language until you live here every other word is the f word.l have been known to be a little foul mouthed myself when l lose my temper lol.

Love you LST.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Right my lovelies l am off for a long bath then out for my tea.love you all and enjoy what's left of your day.

Love and hugs Stut X


Have a wonderful bath and your cuppa ;) so glad you were here for awhile :yippee: :yippee:


I guess I'll be off as well.. I've got a lot of (homework) slang to learn 🙄


Love you twin,


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Bout ye twiny you get learning hen you can't be my twin if you can't speak the lingo.Now listen closely to laim Neeson and practice his accent then you will be one of us.

  Eat away at the bickies and never mind the stone or so you will be putting on.lf you are ordering more Oreo biscuits are tasty.

  Love you my less sexy twin.

  Love and hugs Stut X.

Ps have you no zoo's near you?Most have kangaroos.

What???? Holy shit I do have a lot to learn😂😂😂

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Bout ye twiny you get learning hen you can't be my twin if you can't speak the lingo.Now listen closely to laim Neeson and practice his accent then you will be one of us.

  Eat away at the bickies and never mind the stone or so you will be putting on.lf you are ordering more Oreo biscuits are tasty.

  Love you my less sexy twin.

  Love and hugs Stut X.

Ps have you no zoo's near you?Most have kangaroos.

What???? Holy shit I do have a lot to learn😂😂😂


I do understand Oreos! 😂😂


No kangaroos in our zoo's, I don't think,??..awe sh*t now I have to check out the zoo's near me..


I say governor.. ok I'm a work in progress but I'm trying😂😂

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Ay, back to work tomorrow with the wee little willick pickers.

Hope none of the wee lads have a wobbler, I dare say I'm afeared when that happens. I swear some of them are away wi the fairies..


I'm afeared our sweet Mary is feelin dry broke poor dear.. sad Shame the wee little wethead..😂😂😂


Btw I'm fine but bout ye my lovely twin?


How am I doing twin? 😂😂


Love you,


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Afternoon to all, Stut, I would not be able to get through life without the f-word. I sure as hell would never make it through Benzo withdrawal. So, all you potty mouth buddies, fire away! Hang in Cousin Mary, the worst is over. Of course, the doctor couldn’t be trusted on the pain meds. That is because he probably thinks he knows it all. Feel like I know him. Yay, Gilly! You did more today than I have done in months. Cut Feb 20 out of your calendar and put it where you can see it on the next bad day you have. That is what I would do(if I get a good day). When a bad day comes, it always feels like that is the way it has always been. At least for me. And putting it into perspective is really important because we need hope. Love to all, Esperanza
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Thanks,Esp for your encouragement. Yes, I did do quite a bit and then things fell apart in my head. Obsessive thoughts. You are right, once the bad stuff starts it seems like it's been like that forever and will be like that forever. Hope you have a good day tomorrow. Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟
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Morning everyone,


Hope you all have a decent day today! It's back to work for me.. work is delayed due to weather so it's a late start , yay!!


Sweet D, hoping that you are feeling better and that you can return here soon, thinking of you..


Love to all,


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That's interesting, Cant. I was wondering about your Aussie words. I know some. Please forgive spelling.


Ute. A van.


Galah. A bird but it must be stupid because calling someone a galah means they are daft.


Arvo. Afternoon.


Sheila. A woman.


Any more?  Gilly x

Lol, close..

a ute, has a cab n tray, like to carry stuff... ie dirtbikes... :)

a galah is a type of cockatoo thingie... or a big parrot...


IdK, I had English parents, and most books were very Enid Blyton..!! Lol


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