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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

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Hey guys, well unfortunately I had a bad reaction to the opoiod the Dr convinced us wouldn't make me sick cause I told him I am allergic to opioids.  He said he could control it with meds for nausea, he couldn't, so I have been sick all day.  I'm still not well, going to have to go lay back down.  All I can do is hope the procedure went okay, my eyes always dilate huge.  Love you all.  Don't worry, opioids always do this to me :(




Thinking about you Mary  :smitten:

Saddened about the setback with the med  :(

But this too shall pass🙏

Sending you lots of loving hugs  :hug: :hug:



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So sorry D, but so glad it's over.. Rest and maybe try some crackers for the nausea. Hopefully you'll be much better by tomorrow.

You are missed here today, love you♥️


And don't worry about anyone here or the train..I know a guy who knows a guy who knows someone who knows how to put🚂 's back on the rails🤪😂😘


Flowers for the sweet patient🌸🌼💐🥀🏵️🌹

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Oh, Mary, I am so glad it is over. Doctors never listen when we tell them about meds, do they? So typical. Rest and get better, my dear cuz. Hugs, Esperanza
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I've written to you, Mary, and it's disappeared! Benzo Brain I think....


I'm just so chuffed that you've done it! Go, girl! Hope your nausea passes soon.


Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx 🌺🌷🌸🌹🌻

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I've written to you, Mary, and it's disappeared! Benzo Brain I think....


I'm just so chuffed that you've done it! Go, girl! Hope your nausea passes soon.


Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx 🌺🌷🌸🌹🌻


Hey English I got my PG Tips tea a few days ago, haven't tried it yet but would you care for a cuppa? Or are you knackered bc I'm feeling collywobbles I'm sure I'm fine and it's just tosh.. Did you notice anything in that paragraph?? 😂😂

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Sweet D, hope you're resting comfortably. Will check on you tomorrow, hope to see you here but if you're not up to it no worries, we'll all be here when you're ready.

Love ya girlfriend♥️🙏

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Ha ha, Trishy! So were you inspired by me saying "chuffed"? I don't think you say that do you? Now then, would I like a cup of Rosie Lee? I wouldn't say no.....🍪🍪🍪


How can you dunk those biscuits when they are three times bigger than the cups?


Incidentally, Rosie Lee is Cockney rhyming slang and we Northerners would very rarely use London talk.


Let me see what else you put.....


Let me know which brew you prefer.... Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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Knackered is a very popular everyday word round here.  :thumbsup:


Collywobbles is what you might get if you saw a ghost or if you had to go and see the head teacher because you'd been naughty. HOWEVER in Liverpool it seems they use it differently. Dave, who is from Liverpool, (a Scouser) uses Collywobbles for the feeling you get when you have the shakes because you haven't eaten for a long time. Scousers are weird... :D


Tosh? What do you mean by tosh? Where did you get that from? In my home town we use it to refer to sweets (candy) but I think that is local to Blackburn. I'd be interested to know where you picked that one up....


I'm glad you want to learn to speak English.... Ha ha,  :2funny:


Love and Hugs.  Gilly 💟💟💟

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Hello everyone  :smitten:


I have not posted here, since Valley and Heath were active.

So kindly give me an opportunity to join and meet everyone, even though there are some kind,

and beloved friends I have already met, on begood's blog.


I have been tapering Lorazepam for a long time, using a daily liquid microtaper.

A bit over 3 months ago, I started to experience an uptick in my constant symptoms.

I was advised to hold, by caring people here.

I am going on my 4th month of holding, with no relief as of yet.


My suffering with intense symptoms is immense, and have been losing heart  :(

Most are concentrated in my head as has been the pattern, with back of the head pressure,

along with heart palpitations,

huge anxiety, nausea, dizzy, and the worst of the worst, being unsteady with each step or turn,

that I fear of falling :'(


I am having second thoughts about this long hold, and wonder how you feel about my situation.

Some say that long holds do not work, while others say that it gets worse, before it gets better.


Another complication to my suffering may be that the manufacturer I have been using, Sandoz,

has stopped making the benzo.

I was forced to use another, by the name of Leading.


I slowly trade the old with the new when making my solution, every 8 days,

by substituting 2 tablets of the old with the new.  But am running out of the old,

and I am fearful, if this will get worse :'(

I wonder if this could be a cause for all this intense suffering.


Any response will be greatly appreciated  :smitten:

I wish well being and healing, to each of you here.

Have a blessed day.


Anu  :hug: :hug:

Hi Anu, :)


Sorry, Im still not keeping up with the faster threads etc. so well..


It was good to read Marys reply too.. :)


Anu, You have been doing a fantastic job of it... Staying steady and committed to the hold you are doing, and in the face of uncertanty....  One thing is for sure, you are taking a lot of doubt out of the mix by not chopping and changing all over the place... Any decisions you do make will have a sound base from which to work...

The generics are a bugger, but its good that you can be getting that done while holding too...

My thoughts would be to see where you settle after that... -and hope that there are some more indications on how to best proceed from there..


As to indications, -Were it me, for my situation, I would be looking for signs of change... Not just the obvious feeling better, but even fluctuating, evolving and deminishing SX... But others can be far more steady in their SX profile anyway, which makes it hard...

I wonder how others here felt after a long hold and as they got ready to taper again..??

For me it was worsening waves, finally followed by an OMG -thats better..!! -tricky to know which one was "the" one.. 

My understanding is that your SX are pretty consistant and slowly worsening at this point...?? -Enough to try anyone to their limit... :(


I know 4months isnt a huge amount of time for a long hold to take effect.. But it would be nice to have some indication that one was on the right track...

The alternative can be a serious change in tapering style, and reducing despite intense SX... Perhaps when the time comes there may be a way to make some changes that shed more light on things..??

-if anyone has any Ideas..??


For some people its a bit easier to say, oh well, a hold isnt working, back to tapering we go...  For others its an impossibility.. There is no room to be feeling worse.. I guess the whole tapering idea works on the ability to actually be able to reduce..!!


Anu, I hope you see good change real soon, and the generic C/O goes well...

Keep up the good but hard work...




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Hey Mary, :)


Im so glad you made it through..!! -I wasnt going to say what my thoughts were on that type of procedure (eyes in general) before you had it..!! -But then, -Im a big sook...

Well done..!!


I do think your Dr that didnt listen on the opiates owes you and hubby a damn nice dinner out..!! 

-Its one of the most common SX, and can be so brutal...

Hope you feel much better after a sleep...




A Big HI to Everyone..

Free, Gilly, Esp, Stut, Trish, to name a few...

Welcome to any new faces too..  :)


One day I will be "over" my BB travels, and hope to be able to do better than the odd "postcard"... :(

My brain probs resembles a bare foot backpacker...



Still a bit up n down with SX from everything, but holding up ok... :)

Just noticing a slight shift for the better in my deepest SX, -The enthusiasm to "do"...

Will take what I can get...



Be well guys...





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Good morning Can't great to see you mate you are always missed.l wish you were back with us my love.Glad to hear there is a slight move in the right direction that's a bonus.Fingers crossed that is beginning of improvement on the rest of your withdrawal symptoms.

  This group isn't the same without you in it so don't be a stranger please.Thinking of you and hoping that you feel better soon.

  Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Lady Mary great to hear you are through the procedure sadly the opioid should not have been given l hope you feel better today my love.Thinking of you.Love you my lady Mary.

Trish you are doing a great job well done sweetheart. I taught you well lol.Tosh means it's a load of crap and collywobbles would be used here the same way Dave would use it.Not used at all very much l would imagine my daughter doesn't even know what it means.Have a good day my love.love you my lST.

  Gilly l hope you feel better soon my love.Dave is from Liverpool how do you stand the accent lol.Sending you a hug.

Esperanza lovely to see you posting l hope you find relief soon.love to you my lovely friend.

Love and hugs Stut X

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Morning Lady Mary great to hear you are through the procedure sadly the opioid should not have been given l hope you feel better today my love.Thinking of you.Love you my lady Mary.

Trish you are doing a great job well done sweetheart. I taught you well lol.Tosh means it's a load of crap and collywobbles would be used here the same way Dave would use it.Not used at all very much l would imagine my daughter doesn't even know what it means.Have a good day my love.love you my lST.

  Gilly l hope you feel better soon my love.Dave is from Liverpool how do you stand the accent lol.Sending you a hug.

Esperanza lovely to see you posting l hope you find relief soon.love to you my lovely friend.

Love and hugs Stut X


Hi twin!! It's always good to wake up and see you've posted! It's like Christmas morning all over again😁.. Hope you're having a great time with your daughter.. Always thinking of you and your sis, hope all is well with her.


I see you've noticed that I'm learning some new words😂😂

Love you,

Your LST♥️

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Hey Mary, :)


Im so glad you made it through..!! -I wasnt going to say what my thoughts were on that type of procedure (eyes in general) before you had it..!! -But then, -Im a big sook...

Well done..!!


I do think your Dr that didnt listen on the opiates owes you and hubby a damn nice dinner out..!! 

-Its one of the most common SX, and can be so brutal...

Hope you feel much better after a sleep...




A Big HI to Everyone..

Free, Gilly, Esp, Stut, Trish, to name a few...

Welcome to any new faces too..  :)


One day I will be "over" my BB travels, and hope to be able to do better than the odd "postcard"... :(

My brain probs resembles a bare foot backpacker...



Still a bit up n down with SX from everything, but holding up ok... :)

Just noticing a slight shift for the better in my deepest SX, -The enthusiasm to "do"...

Will take what I can get...



Be well guys...


Hey super fly Ninja spy!

So good to see you here!! I love the brain analogy..a barefoot backpacker, what an extraordinary mind you have.. but I imagine all spies think like this ::) I would liken my brain to being like a jig saw puzzle.. Sometimes put together, sometimes scattered and sometimes missing a few pieces 😂😂


Fingers crossed that you are on the upside of things, be well my friend.


The L word to you spy.. ;)



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Ha ha, Trishy! So were you inspired by me saying "chuffed"? I don't think you say that do you? Now then, would I like a cup of Rosie Lee? I wouldn't say no.....🍪🍪🍪


How can you dunk those biscuits when they are three times bigger than the cups?


Incidentally, Rosie Lee is Cockney rhyming slang and we Northerners would very rarely use London talk.


Let me see what else you put.....


Let me know which brew you prefer.... Gilly xxx 💟💟💟


I would break those big ol biscuits up into fourths and dip away darling😂😂


Not going to do much walking today bc my plates of meat are killing me ;):D


I think my daughter told me a porkie  ;)


I must use my loaf of bread more wisely ;)


My house is in a bit of a tip ;)


Lol!! This Cockney rhyming is better than riddle Tuesday!!!😂😂


Love you English,


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Hello All. I've just been out of bed and done more housework than I've done in weeks. Vacuumed and dusted living room, tidied kitchen, sorted the recycling, boiled some eggs for salad and done some laundry. Now I am exhausted and I've had to come back to bed. I read about others who aren't very functional and I accept that. So why can't I accept it in myself?


Stut, Dave's family moved to Wigan when he was a few months old. His parents have an accent but not too bad. Dave doesn't have a Scouse accent. Big Liverpool fan though.


Love to All.  Gilly xxx 💟

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Hey Mary, :)


Im so glad you made it through..!! -I wasnt going to say what my thoughts were on that type of procedure (eyes in general) before you had it..!! -But then, -Im a big sook...

Well done..!!


I do think your Dr that didnt listen on the opiates owes you and hubby a damn nice dinner out..!! 

-Its one of the most common SX, and can be so brutal...

Hope you feel much better after a sleep...




A Big HI to Everyone..

Free, Gilly, Esp, Stut, Trish, to name a few...

Welcome to any new faces too..  :)


One day I will be "over" my BB travels, and hope to be able to do better than the odd "postcard"... :(

My brain probs resembles a bare foot backpacker...



Still a bit up n down with SX from everything, but holding up ok... :)

Just noticing a slight shift for the better in my deepest SX, -The enthusiasm to "do"...

Will take what I can get...



Be well guys...


Hey super fly Ninja spy!

So good to see you here!! I love the brain analogy..a barefoot backpacker, what an extraordinary mind you have.. but I imagine all spies think like this ::) I would liken my brain to being like a jig saw puzzle.. Sometimes put together, sometimes scattered and sometimes missing a few pieces 😂😂


Fingers crossed that you are on the upside of things, be well my friend.


The L word to you spy.. ;)



Hey there Stut... :)

Hope your getting through ok...?? -Im a bit out of touch.. :(


You know there is hope... But its pretty ghastly what these meds do to us...

So why I quoted Trish and her missing jigsaw bits here was... I just read the news...

"Kid with no brain is doing well"...

So this child was born with 2% of their brain, and is doing well..!! (-Jealous..!!)


Sorry, just a quick blurt...




Hey Gilly.. Big day indeed..!! Good stuff...



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Trish, I will get back to you if I get some energy later. Love, English xxx


Hey English,

That's fantastic! You must and should be proud of yourself👍👏..Guess what I've been watching all morning on you tube? How clean is your house! Lol!! I love those ladies, they make me laugh! .. And they make me want to clean🙄.. Don't worry about getting back to me, you rest as much as you need too..

I'll be hanging around popping in and out.

I am very worried about Mary though..I thought she might drop in today, I hope she's ok☹️🙏

Love you,


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Good to see you SFNS ( that's spy code for super fly Ninja spy) 🕵️♀️still hanging out in the room as I call it occasionally..


Wow, only 2% brain and doing well..Amazing! I think I was born with maybe 1% and I'm being generous to myself🙄


Sending you healing hugs.. here's some of my super powers to help you a bit :pokey:


I'll be back.. Au revoir.. 👋

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Thank you Trishy and Cant. I suppose I should be pleased that I've done all that stuff. Now I'm resting. I'm not as depressed today. Just feeling down because the more things I do the more I can see how ill I have been and still am. Holding at 4.8mg Valium for as long as it takes.


Don't know what I would have done without this forum. So many lovely friends on the LHSG.


I would say that Mary is probably absolutely exhausted from yesterday. I'm sure she will be back with us when she can. She loves all her friends on here.


Love and Hugs.  Gilly xxx 💟💟💟

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