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Hey Gypsygal, sorry I had to look bromelain up.  It's made from pineapple and is for inflammatory issues?  What were you taking it for if you don't mind me asking, I had never heard of it before.  I

Am looking at you signature, what are you taking now, just a small dose of Valium?  Sorry, I am having cataract surgery in the morning and have trouble seeing when I first get up.


Hey Mary

The bromelain was in a digestive enzyme that I got from my naturopath he gave it to me to help with the toxic combination that I received when I went to the Emergency room with a migraine that was brought on by MSG the migraine lasted for 3 days and nothing was getting rid of even 100 mg of tramadol so after the wonderful cocktails OxyContin  I had he gave me the enzymes to help rid my body of them, but I forgot to tell him that bromelain even if I eat pineapple it absorbs the Valium out of my system. I didn't click on that all my sx were from bromelain until I read the ingredients. I just don't know how long it will take for the v to get back in my system, so not sure whether to tough it out or updose. I am only on 3.5 mg but at my highest was equivalent to 30 mg.

Sorry to hear about your cataracts once they do surgery you will love it, my mum and mum in law have both have theirs done so now they don't wear glasses and I do lol which they love.


Thanks for listening to my prattle.


Luv n hugs

Gypsy :smitten:


It gets in my system fast and I burn through it quicker than most.  I do have a lot of muscle issues from it.  I would definitely give it a few more days before I up dosed. I wonder how long the bromelain stays in your system?  You don't want to add any Valium if the pineapple enzyme is just going to eat it up.  Wow, I had no idea it did that.  Truly I am stumped.  In one way, I want to say, take a double dose for a few days to try to cover what is being taken by the enzyme but the other part says, why if it just eats it.  What does your gut say to you?

Gypsy girl  :hug: I know you thought you were being helpful, and only meant well  :thumbsup: but the Above statement about Bromalain taking Diazepam/Valium out of you system is WRONG!!! It potentiates it, which means  To make potent or powerful. To enhance or increase the effect of (a drug).  So it makes the Drug a LOT stronger, Grapefruit is also known to do the same so avoid eating or drinking Grapefruit juice too. I'm sorry I wasn't going to post but wrong information causes panic and we're ALL paranoid to hell and fearful enough as it is by having wrong information distributed on the forum way too often :( So YES, you SHOULD avoid it but because makes the drug more powerful not eats it up, and Caffeine is scientifically known  known to reduce the effects of Diazepam by 22% is taken in ''CO-Administration'' ( At the same time as the drug)  So those of you drinking Tea or Coffee on Diazepam and can't go without it,  I would be prudent and give it 2 hours BEFORE or  AFTER taking your dose or anything else with caffeine in it chocolate is another one to watch sorry Choc fans as that also contains Caffeine. It also states on the leaflet with my Diazepam that'' Caffeine may stop it working ''




Fresh pineapple should not be combined with Amoxicillin or tetracycline antibiotics. When fresh pineapple is combined with these types of medications, it can increase the amount of medication absorbed by the body. In this case, it might increase the side effects of the medications. Bromelain also affects the body’s blood clotting abilities. When combined with medications that slow or prevent blood clotting -- such as an anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs -- it can significantly increase your risk of bruising or bleeding. The University of Maryland Medical Center also explains that the bromelain enzyme can increase the effects of sedative drugs, such as anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines and alcohol. https://www.livestrong.com/article/497353-are-there-drugs-that-interact-with-eating-fresh-pineapple/






Drugs.com reports that diazepam and caffeine interact, and that caffeine can cause a 22 percent reduction in diazepam drug levels. Diazepam can make you dizzy or drowsy, especially if you take other medications that have similar effects. Some prescription and over-the-counter medications contain caffeine, so coffee is not the only concern when you take diazepam. https://www.livestrong.com/article/555180-is-drinking-coffee-and-taking-diazepam-harmful/



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Hey Nova

Thanks for the clarification But according to my research and what my dr has told me I have an adverse reaction, meaning my body works in reverse to lots of things and that is just me. However in this article it clearly states that it can increase the absorption of medication in the body.



Drug Interactions

Fresh pineapple should not be combined with Amoxicillin or tetracycline antibiotics. When fresh pineapple is combined with these types of medications, it can increase the amount of medication absorbed by the body. In this case, it might increase the side effects of the medications. Bromelain also affects the body’s blood clotting abilities. When combined with medications that slow or prevent blood clotting -- such as an anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs -- it can significantly increase your risk of bruising or bleeding. The University of Maryland Medical Center also explains that the bromelain enzyme can increase the effects of sedative drugs, such as anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines and alcohol.


Thanks for your input, but what I said is still FACTUAL.




Ps This is the reason why I left BB,I don't mind being corrected if I am in the wrong and giving information that is not based on FACT or is misleading, but my reaction to this may help someone else, and my statement along with yours are both correct, which I can easily admit.

I haven't used bold lettering because I don't feel I need to. But I find your post a little on the attacking side especially with the word WRONG,which clearly I am not.

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Sweet D, I like your optimism about tomorrow, you have a great benzo warrior soul, if you can taper this poison then there isn't anything you can't do.. We'll all be with you in spirit , can you post after the surgery when you get home or is that a no no? I hope we get to hear something from you.. Whose driving this damn train, don't look at me I've never taken train driving lessons.. But I can serve coffee and biscuits and I sure know how to eat them too! :D:laugh:


English, I hope the updose helps, you're stronger than you think and through all your suffering you manage to support and lift others up, I think you're pretty amazing :)


E, love and miss you, hope you're feeling ok. You need to pop in as much as you can, your cousin Mary needs her hillbilly kin around her ;D.. Y'all come back nah here :laugh:


Love to all,



Hey you crazy woman, you drive that damn train 🚂 👩🏻‍✈️, it's not far from LHSG to The Village, to Looking forward.  You get to blow the whistle  :laugh: :laugh:  check in when you can please in case someone needs some help, I don't expect you to be on a lot, but some.  I know both GB and E will also if they can.


Tim will post if I can't, if it's TIM, it will be a short post.  Sly is getting ready to dive into my dinner.  Love ya, Mary🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂😘😘😘😘😘😘


Oh well then,  if I get to blow the whistle then hell yeah I'll give it a go! Full steam ahead chugga chugga  friggin  choo choo ..uh should you hear though about any train derailing tomorrow it's not ours and be glad that your sight is temporarily impaired, but also don't forget that you handed me the keys.. :laugh: :laugh:

:smitten: :smitten:



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Good night/day ladies and Can't, gotta go to bed I have a train to drive in the morning >:D:D


Sweet D, you're going to be great tomorrow :thumbsup:... Will be thinking of you and before I forget here's some of my super powers to get you through, use them carefully they're very powerful  ;D:pokey::smitten: :smitten


Lots of love,

Trish  :smitten: :smitten:




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Sweet D, I like your optimism about tomorrow, you have a great benzo warrior soul, if you can taper this poison then there isn't anything you can't do.. We'll all be with you in spirit , can you post after the surgery when you get home or is that a no no? I hope we get to hear something from you.. Whose driving this damn train, don't look at me I've never taken train driving lessons.. But I can serve coffee and biscuits and I sure know how to eat them too! :D:laugh:


English, I hope the updose helps, you're stronger than you think and through all your suffering you manage to support and lift others up, I think you're pretty amazing :)


E, love and miss you, hope you're feeling ok. You need to pop in as much as you can, your cousin Mary needs her hillbilly kin around her ;D.. Y'all come back nah here :laugh:


Love to all,



Hey you crazy woman, you drive that damn train 🚂 👩🏻‍✈️, it's not far from LHSG to The Village, to Looking forward.  You get to blow the whistle  :laugh: :laugh:  check in when you can please in case someone needs some help, I don't expect you to be on a lot, but some.  I know both GB and E will also if they can.


Tim will post if I can't, if it's TIM, it will be a short post.  Sly is getting ready to dive into my dinner.  Love ya, Mary🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂😘😘😘😘😘😘


Oh well then,  if I get to blow the whistle then hell yeah I'll give it a go! Full steam ahead chugga chugga  friggin  choo choo ..uh should you hear though about any train derailing tomorrow it's not ours and be glad that your sight is temporarily impaired, but also don't forget that you handed me the keys.. :laugh: :laugh:

:smitten: :smitten:


Now I am very grateful this is virtual  :laugh: :laugh:  love ya d'r.  Tell Stut, if she checks in, love her and the babies.  👩🏻‍✈️🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂

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Good night/day ladies and Can't, gotta go to bed I have a train to drive in the morning >:D:D


Sweet D, you're going to be great tomorrow :thumbsup:... Will be thinking of you and before I forget here's some of my super powers to get you through, use them carefully they're very powerful  ;D:pokey::smitten: :smitten


Lots of love,

Trish  :smitten: :smitten:



Thank you d'r, you're the best :D:):smitten:

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Ok guys, will miss you , hope I can see quickly.  Everyone send me healing thoughts and blow kisses.

Thank you all for the posts today, it was very special


I love you all.  LHSG, The Village and Looking Forward, B3 and Can't, you are the best 💜👩🏻‍✈️


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Hey Gypsygal, sorry I had to look bromelain up.  It's made from pineapple and is for inflammatory issues?  What were you taking it for if you don't mind me asking, I had never heard of it before.  I

Am looking at you signature, what are you taking now, just a small dose of Valium?  Sorry, I am having cataract surgery in the morning and have trouble seeing when I first get up.


Hey Mary

The bromelain was in a digestive enzyme that I got from my naturopath he gave it to me to help with the toxic combination that I received when I went to the Emergency room with a migraine that was brought on by MSG the migraine lasted for 3 days and nothing was getting rid of even 100 mg of tramadol so after the wonderful cocktails OxyContin  I had he gave me the enzymes to help rid my body of them, but I forgot to tell him that bromelain even if I eat pineapple it absorbs the Valium out of my system. I didn't click on that all my sx were from bromelain until I read the ingredients. I just don't know how long it will take for the v to get back in my system, so not sure whether to tough it out or updose. I am only on 3.5 mg but at my highest was equivalent to 30 mg.

Sorry to hear about your cataracts once they do surgery you will love it, my mum and mum in law have both have theirs done so now they don't wear glasses and I do lol which they love.


Thanks for listening to my prattle.


Luv n hugs

Gypsy :smitten:


It gets in my system fast and I burn through it quicker than most.  I do have a lot of muscle issues from it.  I would definitely give it a few more days before I up dosed. I wonder how long the bromelain stays in your system?  You don't want to add any Valium if the pineapple enzyme is just going to eat it up.  Wow, I had no idea it did that.  Truly I am stumped.  In one way, I want to say, take a double dose for a few days to try to cover what is being taken by the enzyme but the other part says, why if it just eats it.  What does your gut say to you?

Gypsy girl  :hug: I know you thought you were being helpful, and only meant well  :thumbsup: but the Above statement about Bromalain taking Diazepam/Valium out of you system is WRONG!!! It potentiates it, which means  To make potent or powerful. To enhance or increase the effect of (a drug).  So it makes the Drug a LOT stronger, Grapefruit is also known to do the same so avoid eating or drinking Grapefruit juice too. I'm sorry I wasn't going to post but wrong information causes panic and we're ALL paranoid to hell and fearful enough as it is by having wrong information distributed on the forum way too often :( So YES, you SHOULD avoid it but because makes the drug more powerful not eats it up, and Caffeine is scientifically known  known to reduce the effects of Diazepam by 22% is taken in ''CO-Administration'' ( At the same time as the drug)  So those of you drinking Tea or Coffee on Diazepam and can't go without it,  I would be prudent and give it 2 hours BEFORE or  AFTER taking your dose or anything else with caffeine in it chocolate is another one to watch sorry Choc fans as that also contains Caffeine. It also states on the leaflet with my Diazepam that'' Caffeine may stop it working ''




Fresh pineapple should not be combined with Amoxicillin or tetracycline antibiotics. When fresh pineapple is combined with these types of medications, it can increase the amount of medication absorbed by the body. In this case, it might increase the side effects of the medications. Bromelain also affects the body’s blood clotting abilities. When combined with medications that slow or prevent blood clotting -- such as an anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs -- it can significantly increase your risk of bruising or bleeding. The University of Maryland Medical Center also explains that the bromelain enzyme can increase the effects of sedative drugs, such as anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines and alcohol. https://www.livestrong.com/article/497353-are-there-drugs-that-interact-with-eating-fresh-pineapple/






Drugs.com reports that diazepam and caffeine interact, and that caffeine can cause a 22 percent reduction in diazepam drug levels. Diazepam can make you dizzy or drowsy, especially if you take other medications that have similar effects. Some prescription and over-the-counter medications contain caffeine, so coffee is not the only concern when you take diazepam. https://www.livestrong.com/article/555180-is-drinking-coffee-and-taking-diazepam-harmful/



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


Hey Nova

Thanks for the clarification But according to my research and what my dr has told me I have an adverse reaction, meaning my body works in reverse to lots of things and that is just me. However in this article it clearly states that it can increase the absorption of medication in the body.



Drug Interactions

Fresh pineapple should not be combined with Amoxicillin or tetracycline antibiotics. When fresh pineapple is combined with these types of medications, it can increase the amount of medication absorbed by the body. In this case, it might increase the side effects of the medications. Bromelain also affects the body’s blood clotting abilities. When combined with medications that slow or prevent blood clotting -- such as an anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs -- it can significantly increase your risk of bruising or bleeding. The University of Maryland Medical Center also explains that the bromelain enzyme can increase the effects of sedative drugs, such as anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines and alcohol.


Thanks for your input, but what I said is still FACTUAL.




Ps This is the reason why I left BB,I don't mind being corrected if I am in the wrong and giving information that is not based on FACT or is misleading, but my reaction to this may help someone else, and my statement along with yours are both correct, which I can easily admit.

I haven't used bold lettering because I don't feel I need to. But I find your post a little on the attacking side especially with the word WRONG,which clearly I am not.


Hi Gypsy gal  :hug: I'm sorry if it came across as an attack, but it most certainly was not I was concerned that you were given the wrong information and were worried about Bromelain taking the Benzo OUT of your system so I wanted to make  it very clear for your sake its the opposite it makes the drug absorption a lot stronger as if you increased your dose  and in some people the effect can cause an increase of 50% in the strength a Diazepam dose possibly more that's why I enlarged the word wrong. Also that the way I tend to post very often as well its just the way I am and not done to get at anyone  :)


my Dr is also a qualified pharmacist with an honours degree which was a job he did for many years  and I asked him about a few things and that was one of them and he said Bromelain and  Grapefruit increase the drugs strength not remove them from the body and Caffeine stops the Benzo working to avoid them and also gave a detailed description about why and what it clings to , what else it does in the body and brain but the science bit went over my head eventually because I can't take it all in or remember most of it anyway but I do make notes about what to avoid and why when he tells me :)



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Ok guys, will miss you , hope I can see quickly.  Everyone send me healing thoughts and blow kisses.

Thank you all for the posts today, it was very special


I love you all.  LHSG, The Village and Looking Forward, B3 and Can't, you are the best 💜👩🏻‍✈️


Right by your side in spirit, holding your hand D..

Love you girlfriend, you're going to get through this like a boss!

Trish your other half of D,



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OMG, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :laugh: :laugh:Love you guys.  Really, I'm in pretty good shape, slept good, leave house in 45 minutes.  I will be one coffee needing, food eating woman when I walk out of there :D. 🐕🦉😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
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Ok guys, will miss you , hope I can see quickly.  Everyone send me healing thoughts and blow kisses.

Thank you all for the posts today, it was very special


I love you all.  LHSG, The Village and Looking Forward, B3 and Can't, you are the best 💜👩🏻‍✈️


Right by your side in spirit, holding your hand D..

Love you girlfriend, you're going to get through this like a boss!

Trish your other half of D,



I got your hand too ;). Love ya!!

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  Good luck Mary, you will be fine.  Love ❤️ you . ❤️💕💋💕❤️

love you to my free ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Morning LHSG,

Hope everyone has a decent day today, our thoughts will be with our sweet Mary. No one drives the train quite like she does..I have the keys but will toss them to anyone who wants to drive it >:D.. When the cats away the mice will play! :D

Whose bringing the keg and the funny cigarettes??😂😂 Jk sweet D! We'll all behave and keep the train on the tracks😂😂 🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂.. all aboard.. Where's the damn whistle she promised me :tickedoff: :tickedoff:

Love to all,

Party animal Trish >:D😂



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Oh and sweet D, it's your favorite day! :D.. That's right it's two for Tuesday riddle day!!👏


Dear sweet Mary's Tim, could you please read her the riddles later if she is unable, I do this for her because she LOVES them... :laugh: :laugh: >:D


Love you Mary,

Hope you got a few laughs this morning to take with you..♥️♥️♥️.. Be thinking of you .

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👀👀👀.. looking around the 🚂 sweet D.. No passengers as of yet, the party train is a bust today.


Hubby is getting out early, we're going out to lunch and where ever . I'll pop in and out though and look for the crew and new riders😉😘


Hope you're almost done D, thinking of you ♥️🙏





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Good morning, I am on the train now and waiting to hear that my cousin Mary is back home and all is well. Gilly, I am here for you. Hope today brings you some relief. Trishy, if you drive, I will ride the caboose. My pappa was a brakeman on the L N line. I’ll give it my best shot. Love, Esperanza
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Good morning, I am on the train now and waiting to hear that my cousin Mary is back home and all is well. Gilly, I am here for you. Hope today brings you some relief. Trishy, if you drive, I will ride the caboose. My pappa was a brakeman on the L N line. I’ll give it my best shot. Love, Esperanza


All aboard Kentucky Derby E😂.. I'm out with the hubby so you can drive lady! I'll pop back in a little later to see if there's anything on Mary..

Love to you,


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Hold on. It’s going to be a bumpy ride(Betti Davis voice) Esperanza

Ahhhh!! You know Betty Davis scares me E 👻


Hey Free.. Think twice before riding I believe it's turned into the haunted by Betty Davis crazy train🤪 😂😂


Thinking of you Mary..🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️


Love to you lovely,


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She scares everybody! Remember Baby Jane? Esperanza


Yes! I remember and hush, hush sweet Charlotte.. she gave me nightmares! 😱


Back to shopping.. so in the words of the Terminator " I'll be back" .. BOO! 😁



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Hey guys, well unfortunately I had a bad reaction to the opoiod the Dr convinced us wouldn't make me sick cause I told him I am allergic to opioids.  He said he could control it with meds for nausea, he couldn't, so I have been sick all day.  I'm still not well, going to have to go lay back down.  All I can do is hope the procedure went okay, my eyes always dilate huge.  Love you all.  Don't worry, opioids always do this to me :(



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