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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Tapering From .5 Clonazepam

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So far everything is managable. A BIG THANK GOD for that.


Can you explain by what you mean by this:


I also think that being on the liquid C and lowering my dose a small amount every day I don't have that adjustment period that comes each time you make a cut.


Do you lower your dosage everyday for seven day or do you just cut to the next dosage. Meaning do you go from .45 straight to .40 after 7 days? Or do you lower toward the .40 in small increments ie: .45, .44, .43, ect., ect., til you reach the .40.


Thank you for your reply.

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I lower my dose every day.  Here is my 10 week, 70 day dose schedule.  I take half at noon and half at six. 























0.350 Today



















































Let's keep in touch.


Thanks - Kelly

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Hey Kelly


It makes sense as to why you would do it this way...since you are still gradually decreasing, until you reach your next cut. So basically the decreases should be fluid and should cause less of a shock. I like this method. It makes sense to me; but I am not so mathematically inclined, so I would never be able to do it this way. Looking at your list of cuts is making my brain ache. Nevertheless, even though it is fluid, does that give you enough time stabilize? 


So if you don't mind, and just because I am really challenged when it comes to numbers...let me ask this question...are you simply dropping a ml each day?  This is so it is clear in my mind...since I am just cutting directly and like I said...this method is gradual and should not be so shocking to the system or at least I would hope. The numbers mess me up, sorry if I come off sounding stupid. I have also just learned how to use a syringe and I can see me just screwing up with your method.


Thinking out loud here...but I guess I could countdown as I cut; say a line at a time each day...which is about 10 days...instead of the 7 to 14 days. I wonder if that could possibly work?

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Just checking in.  Down to .35 today.  Yesterday and today w/d symptoms kicked up a notch.  Not sure if I was having a couple good days and these are now bad days or whether the symptoms will increase as I get lower.  I'm hoping for the former ;).


One thing about tapering lower every day is that there is never a leveling out period.  Then again I don't have that adjustment period that comes after a weekly or bi-weekly cut.


All in all still fighting the good fight.


Take care.

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The withdrawal has an up and down quality to it . . . just to torture us that much more on its way out. Good you're staying strong.
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Here's how I came up with my numbers and how I am working it.  Since I know I want to try 10% reduction every week, thats 10 x 7 days for a seventy day schedule.  Then I divided .5 by 70 so that I could make 1/70th reductions every day.


I have a small syringe that holds up to 3 ml of fluid.  The syringe has ten markings between each ml.  So basically I can measure tenths of ml.  My dose today and tonight was .171.  1 ml of fluid equals .1 mg of clonazepam.  So today I filled the syringe up to the 1.7 marker and then just eased it up a tiny bit to get to 1.71.


It's pretty straightforward once I got rolling with it.  Hope this answers your question.  If I can ever do anything to help you please let me know





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Thanks Kelly


Like I said, me and math just don't mix. I see the numbers but then confusion sets in. I guess I will continue with the method of cutting every 7 to 14 days. As much as I want off quickly and as desperate as I am...last night I had a bit of a panic attack...so I don't want to do anything too rash.


I hope you are well though and that the w/d don't get any worse. I will definitely keep in touch. God speed in your quest to get out of benzo hell.

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I know you are doing the right thing.  Everyone wants to get off fast, but that is not the answer.  Getting off smart is much better.  Keep listening to your body.  If I feel like I can't handle this pace I will certainly adjust.  Thanks for your good wishes.  The same to you my friend.



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Today I reached my 40% dose reduction.  I am now at .30mg clonazepam per day.  It's a little depressing knowing that once I recover from this I have to tackle the Ambien and the anti-depressants.  I wish it could just be over.  Yet somehow every lousy morning turns into easier night and I wake up and do it all over again.  I am trying not to think about it.  I wish I could cry but I don't have the energy.



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Hey Kelly I am glad to see you got this far. Hope things are going well for you.


I feel the same...in that I wish this was all over, and I am still at the beginning of my taper. I wish I was as far along as you are but I am afraid to go any faster than this. Seems like this is going to go on forever. I feel frustrated that I can't speed this up. How are you holding up so far...symptoms and w/d wise?


One more thing...at what point are you planning to jump off. In ml's of course or I will just get overly confused.


Take care of yourself and thank you.

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I am holding up ok.  Mostly tinnitus, rapid heartbeat and depression, especially in the morning.


Strange thing happened today.  I was on a business call and we were discussing an aspect of a project that I know to be very important.  Things weren't progressing like I was expecting and I totally started to feel overwhelming stress.  I have never had that feeling before the C.  Heart started beating faster, started getting anxious.  Just lacking the ability right now to deal with stressful situations.  Sucks. 


I plan on taking this taper all the way to the end and jumping at .004 ml.  The last week will be:







.000  yeah!


Where are you to now? 


Please keep in touch.  Thanks.



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It's a little depressing knowing that once I recover from this I have to tackle the Ambien and the anti-depressants.


Not sure about the ambien but I have been on several AD's including the nasty zoloft and that was a walk in the park compared to benzo WD. What I experienced was basically the same as when I went ON the drug- night sweats, brain zaps, uncontrollable yawning....that sort of thing. It sucked but it was over in a few weeks and it wasn't anywhere near as painful as the benzo WD.

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Hi Ok,


I know what you mean about having to taper off ambien and the AD.  I am in the same boat since I have to taper off Remeron which I have been on since 9/10 and Zoloft since 1998 after the K.  It's scary, but we have to remember to take this one day at a time and one taper at a time.


Take care,



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Thanks for the encouraging words.  I am hoping that everything is easier than the benzo withdrawal.  I appreciate your support.




You speak words of wisdom.  Thank you for responding.  Congratulations on almost getting off your pm dose.  You and I are on the same track.  What time of day do you take your morning dose?  I have been doing noon and 6pm.  Keep up the good work!


Warmest regards,



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I am holding up ok.  Mostly tinnitus, rapid heartbeat and depression, especially in the morning.


Strange thing happened today.  I was on a business call and we were discussing an aspect of a project that I know to be very important.  Things weren't progressing like I was expecting and I totally started to feel overwhelming stress.  I have never had that feeling before the C.  Heart started beating faster, started getting anxious.  Just lacking the ability right now to deal with stressful situations.  Sucks. 


I plan on taking this taper all the way to the end and jumping at .004 ml.  The last week will be:







.000  yeah!


Where are you to now? 


Please keep in touch.  Thanks.




Thank you for replying


I am still at .45ml. I am going the 14 days as I am afraid of going to fast. I think with the next drop...I will rethink my strategy. If it looks like I am stable in the 7 days then I might make quicker drops. Maybe go as long as 10days. Still I don't want to rock the boat. 


Unfortunately 2 days ago I started getting g/i problems and that put me through me for a loop. Mostly burning and gas...but it messes up my breathing. I hope it has more to do with this anger, that I can't seem to suppress and not an actual w/d symptom. You are doing great though...I know you will get through this quickly.


I don't know anything about Lexapro, Ambien CR or Wellbutrin but I can say this much...the A/D was a walk in the park compared to Clonazepam. I got off 60mg of Paxil c/t...with a list of side effects...but they were nothing compared to what I am experiencing with this benzo. I have faith in you...keep up the good work and keep posting.

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Hope your taper is going well.  Im tapering right now as well - Im at 36 ML today.  Its getting tougher but heres to being healthy again.

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Thanks for your response.  Being afraid to go too fast is good.  You sound like you are listening to your body and following it's instructions well.  As long as you are not going up you are winning the battle.  The Ambien CR scares me because it's for sleep and getting off it will cause sleep problems until my body re-learns how to go to sleep without any help.  I have been on the Ambien for 10 years but only on the Clonazepam for a couple months.  I had a few buddies who recommended getting off the Ambien first but my Doctor's advice was to kick the C first.  Why not have the benefit of being able to sleep while I am going through this withdrawal.  I have to say I agree with him. 


Keep your spirits up and just know that this will someday be just a distant memory.




So good to hear from you.  Congratulations on your taper success.  I am down to .286 ml today and can't wait to reach the halfway point at the end of the week.  Today has been pretty symptom free.  Just some low-grade tinnitus (which never bothers me much) and the usual general malaise.  No rapid heartbeat today so far....yeah.


I have a theory that I invite you to adopt.  One buddy who was on a similar dose of benzos and got off a little faster than I am told me that he began to feel better as he lowered his doses.  So whenever I have a good day it's because I have a lower amount in my system and I should expect that to continue ;D


One day when I wasn't feeling so well another buddy told me that the taper and withdrawal process always has it's ups and downs.  So when I have a bad day I just blame it on the ups and downs and expect to feel better the next day.  So far it's been working.


Please keep in touch.


Warmest regards - Kelly

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:yippee: It's been a good day.


I have had a couple good days in a row now and today was the best.  I actually smelled the night blooming jasmine growing on the side of my house.  When I got out of the shower I enjoyed the warm breeze on my wet skin.  These are things I haven't noticed for months.


Come Monday I will reach .25mg and will be at the half way point of my taper.  Just wanted to share this all with you.


Warmest regards,



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Thank you Kelly, it was so good to read your post just now.  There is so much misery here today, I needed your words more than you know.  You reminded me that I need to go outside and smell my honeysuckle.  :mybuddy:
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Hey Kelly


Great to see that you are holding up well. Whereas I am not doing so great...had a bit of low level depression yesterday, some burning around my legs and some stomach issues have been popping up. If it stays at this intensity...I can take it. Hope it does not get any worse than this.


I wish I could have my sense of smell, as these past few weeks I am not sure what I am smelling. Had a bit of a window where I was able to pick up the scent of honeysuckle on my bike path...nothing now. I actually did a few experiments at home to confirm this...we have many herbs growing in our garden, and did find that my sense of smell is muted. It sucks because I just realized this is one more thing Clonazepam has taken away. Now I know why my mums food doesn't taste as good or when I come home and she is cooking...I don't really get that scent of home made tomato sauce wafting on by in the summer breeze like I used to.


Question...have you had any issues with your digestion? I know you haven't taken Clonazepam as long as I have...but keep getting this little burning inside my gut and not quite sure how to relieve it.


Continued success with your taper.

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Sorry to hear you are suffering from those w/d symptoms.  I have been pretty fortunate with the stomach issues.  Other than I really don't have any appetite (at least not until around midnight), I have done alright.  I am on a fairly simple diet.  I go to bed around 3am, wake up around 11am and then force myself to eat a bowl of cereal and fruit after about an hour or so.  I then usually eat dinner around 7pm and then snacks after midnight, which I often regret in the morning.  Since I am not working right now and the mornings seem to be the worst time of the day, I try to avoid them by staying up so late and sleeping in.


I must say you are lucky to come home to your mum's cooking.  Do you live in the UK?  The fact that you have a garden and the you refer to your "mum" just made me wonder.


Wish I could offer more suggestions for your stomach issues.  I drink a lot of sparking water and caffeine free sodas, maybe that helps?


Thank god that summer is here at least.  This was more difficult to go through back in the dreary early spring.


Have a good weekend and keep up the good fight!


Warmest regards,



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I to stay up until 3 am and wake up at around 11 am for the same reason you have stated. I have nothing to do nor can I find the motivation to do anything. All my passions have dissipated and where I once wrote or painted...now I stare at my equipment and find every reason not to. The mornings are exactly that...the worst part and with no friends in my life...since I have alienated them all due to Paxil rage...I keep wondering if this is even worth it sometimes. I am not sure that the other side will be any better after this.


I was born in Canada but am of Italian heritage. We have a huge garden which keeps us well fed during the summer, and come fall...the remainder is canned for the winters. I am lucky I guess but mum and dad are getting on in age and now that I am going through this...I wonder if I will ever get back into the work force or if I even have a future. Paxil ruined me financially. Spent all my savings on nothing and once I woke up from that drug enhanced sleep...I lost my mind for the first time...when I realized that not only did I lose 7 years of my life to that drug...everything else was gone with it as well. Savings, friends...future. All my "mistakes" slappped me in my face. C/t from Clonazepam was PTSD time...I was so lost...I just did not know what to do. I was literally like a chicken without a head. I hope and pray that there is a light at the end of this living hell.


I am trying to keep it light food wise. Funny thing is that a few months ago I could hardly eat, and yet nothing bothered my stomach. Now I feel hungry throughout the day but everything I eat will cause some sort of discomfort. I hope it subsides but I am worried it will get worse.


Summer is good because I can get on a bike and getaway from home for a while. To many reminders and so many people I can't stand being around. So biking is a great way to leave my troubles behind...even if it is for a short time. Knowing fall and winter is coming is making me a bit antsy. Not quite sure where I will be in my taper or how I will be and if I will be able to find things to keep me distracted from this hellish life. Best not to think about that or else I will continue to lose the rest of my mind.


Take care of yourself. Have a great weekend and I hope you remain well and strong.


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Hi ok/Kelly,


Just want to say hello and that I'm wishing you a really lovely day. I just finished reading your posts about what's been going on with your life since the K (aka Clonazepam) taper began. I think you're doing great.


I so appreciated what you said to me yesterday -- it was very encouraging -- and I thought it was perhaps time I started giving back to those here who are giving to me. 


So, I want you to know I'm in your corner and am cheering you on.


Your Buddie,



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