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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

It's official, it's not withdrawal, it's a brain injury.


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People with ptsd have abnormal “functional MRIs”, so maybe benzo people will to. I’m pretty sure regular mri will be normal unless there is major structural change, a mass, or cut in blood supply aka stroke, all of which Benzos don’t cause.


I had a horrible PTSD after a trauma, with the most horrible symptoms, hardly made it.. I had some MRIs done but all turned out "normal" although I was NOT NORMAL. I healed fully from this trauma and the ptsd, so I think a real brain damage is irreversible.. and thats why they did not see anything. But who the hell knows... it was very easy for them to diagnose me with the ptsd because of the clear symptoms, with withdrawal this is a different story. Also I feel that withdrawal feels different in the brain, hard to explain. its all sh.... :(

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Well if that's the case, my brain MRI would be completely out of whack. I have PTSD and severe symptoms from benzo withdrawal AKA temporary brain injury. It doesn't matter if it's permanent or not I wouldn't think, it would still show regardless. And I was watching a YouTube video yesterday from a pharmacologist saying that benzo withdrawal effects every organ of your body. And by doing that, it affects the blood flow. Which means an MRI would show it most likely. My PTSD is actually completely unrelated to the benzo withdrawal, but it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the benzos most likely. Either way it all sucks. Nothing good about any of it.
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Well if that's the case, my brain MRI would be completely out of whack. I have PTSD and severe symptoms from benzo withdrawal AKA temporary brain injury. It doesn't matter if it's permanent or not I wouldn't think, it would still show regardless. And I was watching a YouTube video yesterday from a pharmacologist saying that benzo withdrawal effects every organ of your body. And by doing that, it affects the blood flow. Which means an MRI would show it most likely. My PTSD is actually completely unrelated to the benzo withdrawal, but it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the benzos most likely. Either way it all sucks. Nothing good about any of it.


Its not correct that anything in the blood flow can be shown in an MRI.. but who cares. In the end, even if you have the pictures, they still only have the "solution" to put you on a new medication and no one knows what will happen then. I can feel that I am in recovery, life is good now, and I hope the rest of my symptoms will leave some day too. My thoughts about pills is ... different today.. in comparison to 15 years ago. :-X

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I don't mean an MRI is going to show blood pressure. But if every organ in your body is being affected, and your blood flows different because of it, it's going to show parts of your brain lighting up on an MRI. I'm not exactly sure how the human body divides certain sections of the brain and controls blood flow and all that kind of stuff at the same time, I'm not a scientist, but I'm positive it would show different readings on an MRI if say for example your heart quit beating. Or let's say your liver stopped functioning, the blood flow would be different and then your MRI would probably show something different, possibly the MRI would show that you're dead. The reason I think this is because your blood carries vitamins and nutrients and energy and sugars and salt and stuff like that, which goes to your brain as well. It's all a big cycle. It's like a big machine. So I'm pretty positive whenever your organs act differently, so does your brain. And if your brain is acting differently, it's probably going to show on an MRI. Or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about and I'm completely wrong about all of it. Because honestly, I'm just trying to think how it would work and I don't have any science to back anything up. But I'm pretty sure that nutrients go into your bloodstream and get carried all around your brain and organs at the same time. It's like oil or gasoline only we are human and we take blood instead. Maybe one day they will start doing MRIs on benzo withdrawal patients for research. Like you said, it's not like it really matters because there's nothing they can do. Maybe in the future they can though.
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I'm glad to hear that. How many months off of your benzos were you when you had your MRI? And did you cold turkey or taper? I have a feeling if I had had an MRI during my cold turkey symptoms from Klonopin, it would have shown something. It still might.
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I'm glad to hear that. How many months off of your benzos were you when you had your MRI? And did you cold turkey or taper? I have a feeling if I had had an MRI during my cold turkey symptoms from Klonopin, it would have shown something. It still might.


At the time it was done was 11 months into WD (14 now).


Had a very very fast taper (a mistake in retrospective, but could had been A LOT worse) over 2 months.


Was and still am taking other meds (had them replace with the taper).


I had the MRI due to the fact I'm really scared I may have suffered from irreversible brain damage regarding cognitive skills and particularly executive function.


Memory (both short and long term), reasoning and ability to focus and have a fluid speech (was already an issue) were the main culprits.

I would say I went from being quite sharp and resourceful (modesty aside) to becoming a borderline vegetable...

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I'm glad to hear that. How many months off of your benzos were you when you had your MRI? And did you cold turkey or taper? I have a feeling if I had had an MRI during my cold turkey symptoms from Klonopin, it would have shown something. It still might.


At the time it was done was 11 months into WD (14 now).


Had a very very fast taper (a mistake in retrospective, but could had been A LOT worse) over 2 months.


Was and still am taking other meds (had them replace with the taper).


I had the MRI due to the fact I'm really scared I may have suffered from irreversible brain damage regarding cognitive skills and particularly executive function.


Memory (both short and long term), reasoning and ability to focus and have a fluid speech (was already an issue) were the main culprits.

I would say I went from being quite sharp and resourceful (modesty aside) to becoming a borderline vegetable...


I fear the same thing

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I've got all those problems now.  Can't talk without stuttering, confusion, memory problems, focusing and reasoning problems.  Even talking hurts, so I'm quiet all the time.  I used to have a good mind and now it's been blown to pieces. 
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Sorry to hear you went through that. My withdrawal was so horrible I thought I was going to die, like I was positive of it. Not just being dramatic either, my symptoms were so severe that I was completely paranoid fearing for my life and thought that my ears were going to explode because of the pressure in my head. I had severe pain all over my body I've had broken bones and stuff and it was just as bad. I wasn't able to think at all like trying to think made me confused, that happened for about 6 months straight. I wasn't able to think logically or have conversations without getting extremely angry at people, even the people trying to help. There's no question about it it was a brain injury, but now I'm starting to get much better at 9 months out. I'm starting to remember everything and think more clearly. Even my family has told me just recently that I'm doing much better. I'm actually starting to think just like everybody else. I'm still having tons of symptoms and I still have anxiety but it has improved tremendously Within the last few weeks. As far as you, I wouldn't worry about it so much, I think it will come back. Just give it some more time, even though you have gone through this longer than me, I really think you will be fine. I'm pretty sure everybody that has gone through this has experienced similar. You did say that you had problems even before stopping, but you have to remember you were on benzos and benzos make you kind of dumb, I realized that after I started feeling better. They slow down your thinking and confuse you. I don't know if that's the scientific explanation, but it's true. I had a conversation with one of my friends the day before yesterday, and he is still taking Klonopin. It was almost as if I was talking to somebody on multiple drugs or something, he was really confused with life. I was the same way. Anyways, all I'm saying is I'm glad your MRI was okay and I'm not surprised that you are confused right now because you're going through withdrawal. And before that, you were taking really strong pills. Just give it time. I wish you the best.
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Yes it is a brain injury.  Your central nervous system has changed.  But like a stroke patient or someone who has had mild concussions, your brain can heal.  My doctor who is a specialist said in almost all cases, people will heal.  On average, MRI'S show healing within 2 years from Benzodiazepine injuries, some people take longer than that based on their genetics and brain chemistry. But, unlike stroke patients or  severe concussion patients, ours has the ability to heal to a point where the outcomes would be better than those who are left with permanent damage due to the way these injuries (stroke/concussion) occur.  I hang on to this to help me when I feel like my brain will never be the same.  Yes, I may not function how I used to for some time, but I still have use of my body, unlike stroke patients who can be permanently injured. Food for thought.
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Yeah thank God it's not a stroke. I actually called my doctor a few months ago because I thought I had one at the time. They said give it another couple months and if it doesn't go away I would get an MRI. Well luckily I started getting better. Where did you get the info about people having MRIs and then getting better after about 2 years? I would be interested in seeing that. That could help us with a class action suit or something. I'm sure I could get one if I ask for it again. It's only been nine months, so maybe it would show.
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My doc thinks I had a stroke and so do I.  I'm convinced it's from the damage from these drugs.  I have high anxiety now and can never calm down.  It's severe stress on my body 24/7.  My CNS is damaged and it's literally killing me.  I can feel it.
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This is definitely a brain injury, and MRI may not be able to show the death of neurons. Maybe an autopsy would have seen the damage. I suffer every day! I can't get back to my old self, but I'll wait and see how much I can improve.
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I feel bad that everybody is having all these symptoms. But it does get better, I just don't know how long. Supposedly at about 2 years or 3 years you will be healed. I feel like I have central nervous system depression and damage also. All of my nerves were on such high alert from the cold turkey over and over, I wouldn't be surprised if it did some damage with that. They say that constant Stress and Anxiety can change your brain, so I'm sure it does. Or maybe doctors are full of crap also. I don't know anymore, I just wish I had never taken anything.
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Yeah that's also something to keep in mind.


We do tend to blame everything on Benzos but if we are also taking other meds or have been suffering from GAD or Major Depressive Disorder, there is NO way the constant stress isn't "burning" us...



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I feel bad that everybody is having all these symptoms. But it does get better, I just don't know how long. Supposedly at about 2 years or 3 years you will be healed. I feel like I have central nervous system depression and damage also. All of my nerves were on such high alert from the cold turkey over and over, I wouldn't be surprised if it did some damage with that. They say that constant Stress and Anxiety can change your brain, so I'm sure it does. Or maybe doctors are full of crap also. I don't know anymore, I just wish I had never taken anything.


At 27 months out I am 85% healed. I’m sure I’ll be much better off a year from now. I had an MRI at 12 months out and it showed nothing. I would assume this damage is on a neuron level that can’t be seen in a MRI.

I have internal tremors today because I bent my neck down too far or ate too much sugar. Unsure which.

Like you, I thought I’d die. I suffer from PTSD due to the awful symptoms I once had. Now they’re lighter and less scary.



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Yeah we all have to deal with some serious stress. I'm hoping I don't have gray hair early or health problems because of it. I mean technically this is a huge health problem. But I just mean permanent stuff. And yeah, PTSD and generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder suck. I've got a combination of all of that along with Klonopin cold turkey. Oh well, I Will Survive.
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Maybe we can call that commercial Bosley and use hair dye or something if we have to. Right now I just shave my head with a number 2 and that's all there is to it. But that doesn't get rid of benzo withdrawal. What if in a couple years after we already heal, they say they found a solution to withdrawal kind of like methadone or Suboxone is for opiates. I think that would probably irritate me.
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Maybe we can call that commercial Bosley and use hair dye or something if we have to. Right now I just shave my head with a number 2 and that's all there is to it. But that doesn't get rid of benzo withdrawal. What if in a couple years after we already heal, they say they found a solution to withdrawal kind of like methadone or Suboxone is for opiates. I think that would probably irritate me.


Given how many people are hooked on Benzos and don't even see how big of a problem it can be, I wouldn't mind seeing a "cure' even if not already usefull for me..


I do have myself to blame because partly I knew Benzos could be the Pandora Box Meds wise...but didn't seem so bad back then and it did sort (hide) the biggest problem: anxiety..

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They are definitely useful meds if used for a very very short time, like they helped me out for a little while. And then my life was ruined. And now that I'm off of them for 9 months, I'm starting to see more and more how much my life was ruined by them. I probably would have done really good things in life and worked a really good job and had lots of money and a nice house if it wasn't for benzos. Instead I have lost everything I own multiple times. And I had extreme anxiety almost the entire time I took them. They made anxiety unbearable which is why I got off of them on my own will. And now I'm going through this. So maybe they should just take them off the market altogether. I mean yeah it would be great if they came up with a cure for withdrawal, that way other people don't have to suffer, but that means we would have gone through this for nothing when we didn't have to. And then you would have lots of people taking them and thinking there's nothing to worry about because there's a solution for withdrawal. Just like with opiates. And nobody would ever treat the actual problem, like with pain or anxiety. That's what doctors have been telling us all along and we just didn't listen. Like if your leg hurts, you don't need pain meds, you need to fix what hurts. Or if your back hurts, you need to get it back surgery or adjustment or exercise or something, not take pain pills. It's one thing if you have a surgery, whether it's pain pills or benzos before the surgery, that's where they are effective. But if you're just taking them endlessly, that's a problem. I just didn't see it until now. So I don't think they helped at all. I think they ruined my life. And just like with opiates, big Pharma got sued. The Sackler family. So just imagine what would happen with benzos here shortly. Much bigger problem. People are not buying from them necessarily, although they do contribute to overdoses as well. But they are causing worse problems than dying. And it feels like I'm dying anyways so I think they need to compensate us.
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Yes these drugs are horrible, but OP’s whole argument reeks of gold digging.

Where is OP’s locus of control??????


Given the history of alcohol abuse etc, no lawyer in their right mind will take this on.

Furthermore the docs opinion is just that; an opinion.


Just being real.


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I hear you, you have to be real. So consider this, whenever you sue somebody, it's absolutely for money nothing else, unless you took them for yourself and have a Vengeance on top of it. Which would be my case, I hate that company and I also want money, for good reasons. I have over $100,000 in medical bills I have to pay off from getting off of those meds. Yes there is patient assistance with the hospitals, but it might not cover everything. So whatever it doesn't cover, and what we are going through right now and unable to pay, they should be paying. I don't know if it's called gold digging, I think it's just being reimbursed for what we owe. As far as alcohol so-called abuse, that's a whole different story. Alcohol has nothing to do with benzos. You can take benzos and not drink or you can take benzos and drink lots, either way the benzos do the thing benzos Were Meant to do and affect you the exact same way. However, they intensify alcohol. But we are not going through alcohol withdrawal, we are going through benzo withdrawal. Years later. That's not due to alcohol. Besides, I don't have alcohol abuse on my record. And I wouldn't be suing due to alcohol, I would be suing because of the amount of money it took to get me off of the pills in the hospital. That's what would be reimbursed. Luckily I have doctors that would help me with that part. Like my doctor right now, she's actually helping me with every step. I just haven't found any lawyers that want to help because they are like most people, worried about nothing. It's just a civil suit, nothing more. It doesn't matter how good an attorney is, it's just a case that goes to a judge and you ask for money and either he approves it or denies it. I don't know what the big deal is but I guess if you don't know how everything in court works, you have to get a lawyer in order to win. That's about all I know right now. That and I want benzo withdrawal to be over. It's getting much closer though.
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Right, often it's righteous anger and not gold-digging when people sue. But right or not, you won't win, unfortunately. Big pharma has too much money and power.



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